Mezzing and Thanes



I sooo agree with healers here. One fo the big reasons to me not wanting to zerg as much has been the unexperienced AE DD casters... there is really one simple rule..


When you are close to other midgardians with a healer (it isnt hard to find out if there is a healer nearby).. DO NEVER cast ae dd..

I know most thanes are learning or have learnt this and i now more commonly zerg, but still i see those goddamn hammers and those fecking spears.

This is what i think you should do.. /send to the thane, rm and give them a piece of your mind.. (i do that) And if you get one of those /sends thanes and rm.. dont start flaming back ffs.. there is absolutely NO reason to trow of a mjolnir or other ae spells other than mezz when a healer is about.. NOT EVEN when there is 3 enemies left.. I see it as selfish rp farming that only get us killed again again and again..

When you read this thread you find out that alb love thanes and rms.. its time you make them fear you..

And it isnt like if there is one persons single misstake. I commonly see a big cloud of mjolnirs and spear comming down from the sky on mezzed target.. and it makes me sad.

Originally posted by Glyph_mid

I do agree that the out radius of the AE spell gives hilarious damage, but its still god for disturbing casters. Which reminds me that i love those AE wizards or sorcerers, or for that sake clerics with the AE's, its just as lovely as thanes, and it happends just as often :)

I hope you aint emaning when zerg here... or that i am actuallymissenderstanding you now.. But are you actually saying AE DD spells is more efficient than mezz in spellbreaking?

At last.. There are alot of thanes and rms who should take no notice of what ive written, most of you have or are learning now that zerging becomes more and more popular... there is nothing that i respect more than a well-playing Thane.. without you we would certainly loose.. To the others, dont scare the few healers that still play.. without them we would be LOST.

Furthermore why not just arrange a zerg with xperiensed people??.. /send the right ppl and say a day and own in emain.. it would be great fun!!!


its really quite simple, you go to emain enough and you get to know which idoiots repeatedly lose us battles with their AE.

refuse them buffs, heals and rez citing their inclination to spam AE without thought as the reason and they will soon sober up to the reality of not using AE.

In the meantime group with us sensible thanes who know how to turn battles by using our insta DD's to interupt casters/mezzers and keep us happily buffed and healed, and we will try keep u alive :) sound a fair deal? :D


Re: no..

Originally posted by old.Immortal

firstly, this is not talk about aoe _stun_, its _mezz_ so forget about it.
OK My bad...I meant Mezz

secondly, the cast-timers are:

mjollnir - 4 sec.
odins lagg - 4 sec.
healer AE stun - 2.5 sec.
healer AE mezz - 3 sec.
I did say in my post that they might not be correct

and at last, this is nearly impossible to achieve due to lagg and other factors.. forget about it
Not with Voice comms its not :)
dont reply to this :p


I wish i could kill a few of my fellow albs
mainly ones that yell RUN


Too bad most thanes are gimps.

Gifv respecc. and then all thanes get slam and its l bye with the enemies. Mebbe they can remove mjollnir from quickbar then :)

(pardon the warder-language ;>~~)

Minstrel still sucks :twak:

old.Gombur Glodson

aaawww no we dont, we're loveable

old.Max Payne

Originally posted by Ottar
Only problem here being alb smiters who will mez anything around them the very moment anything gets close to them.

Damn I HATE that.


ah i get it... thanes think they actually hurt us...

tough to break this to you lads, but not even a lvl 15 caster is gonna die from anything you hit em with :)

you cant do that while mesmerised!
you cant do that while mesmerised!
you cant do that while mesmerised!
you cant do that while mesmerised!
you cant do that while mesmerised!
you cant do that while mesmerised!
you have been hit for 20(-5) damage!!
you prepare to quickcast your next spell
you cast DD with some fire effect of doom (tm)
you hit random middie thane for 400 damage!

repeat etc.. ;)


Mushy I know, some thanes fail to look beyond the 237 damage they do the the actual target and fail to see the abysmal damage on the rest of the targets, goes something liek this:

You target Annoying Cleric #1
You begin Casting Command Mjolnirs
You cast Command Mjolnirs
You hit Annoying Cleirc #1 for 237 (-XX) damage
You hit Annoying Cleirc #2 for 192 (-XX) damage
You hit Annoying Cleirc #3 for 115 (-XX) damage
You hit Annoying Cleirc #4 for 91 (-XX) damage
You hit Annoying Cleirc #5 for 22 (-XX) damage
You hit Annoying Cleirc #6 for 15 (-XX) damage
You hit Annoying Cleirc #7 for 0 (-XX) damage
You hit Annoying Cleirc #8 for 0 (-XX) damage
You hit Annoying Cleirc #9 for 0 (-XX) damage
You hit Annoying Cleirc #9 for 0 (-XX) damage
You get your shiny new hammer shoved up your arse by Frustrated Healer #1
You get your lovely new Shield embedded into you thick skull by Frustrated Healer #2
Your whole fellow Midd army is killed by 5 million Annoying Clerics all casting Stun and AoE Smite
You all Die
You all release
You do it all over again


Originally posted by kr0n
Moer Mjollinrs pl<zplzz
I will clarify to you the reason behind the major typos. Currently kr0n is very drunk and high. Thank you for your attention.


geez its so easy to win battles on the boards. I'm not disagreeing again but you guys are so one level minded. They have mezzers too. If they have more numbers and more mezzers they should win unless you come up with some better tactics. I rarely see their casters mezzed. Lets send in our 2 healers with skalds! Two Dead healers. Least we can die quicker.

The way I see battles going is whoever has the most normally wins. Not all cases but most. If you can get them to charge through a small gap fine, we have a good chance of mezzing and winning against larger numbers.

1. I rarely see there casters mezzed!
2. I rarely see healers much further forward than the runies.

I would like to see someone take control and do something different. Casters normally line up at the back quite close you start getting to them quick they run around looking for help.

To often our fighting is done like battle lines and we do not have teams to be called upon when the situation arises. I'm sick of monkeys shouting out standard orders "dont do this, do that" when I feel they have no idea about the classes available. Those who like to shout orders please "Shut Up" unless you are going to do something original like set up different units controlled by chat. Anyone who thinks that these battles are won by better skilled brains at the moment are dreaming. Its zerg, spam keys and hope for the best. You CAN train monkeys to do this.

If someone wants to step up to the plate who thinks they can please do. Its time to raise the standards.

It wont be me who does it but it would be nice to see someone who gets a team to charge the casters while the healers mezz the middleground. You can argue this already happens but its always follow the guy at the front time. Sometimes we all go sometimes a few go.

One last think if you look at one person AEing on his own then the figures look sad. You stick 8 together and you've wiped out a bunch of casters. When we have so few mezzers on the battlefield at times what are you gonna do? Tenner says some twit shouts no AE when we have no healers :rolleyes:

Again I'm not disagreeing with the mezz thing but heaven forbid the albs fully utilise there mezz capabilities. (AE mezz for minstrel upcoming patch?) based on what you guys have said. We might as well pack up and go home as I cannot see when we will have more mezzers than either Alb or Hib.


Interesting to read this considering that the first thing you learn in a group is, do not break mezzes or the group dies. There seems to be players that do forget everything they have learned in pve when entering rvr area.

And it is amazing that a few players even above lvl 40 still dont grasp their own class' strenghts and weaknesses, not to mention the cooperation with other classes. To them the rvr will never be about anyting but their own rps. Combined arms? What is that? Everyone knows that 1+2=2 and can never be 1+1=3, or? Solid your post about mjollnir effects is illustrative here :) But then, this game is different things for different people. Some players think of the overall war to find ways to win the battles, others are rp whores that dont care about the war at all as long as the rp total increases steadily even if they die often.

So how come someone can lvl up to mid 40s and still be a noob? Someone in their guild has not made their job in my opinion. Seems about time to teach them how to play efficently at this level.... However, noobs are resources that can be trained to further the strenght of Midgård if we give them the proper training.

But healers please dont leave! *down on my knees, pleading*

Just curious, who many lvl 50 characters take time to teach the younger ones the ins and outs of the game within the guild, especially about rvr tactics and combined arms methods? Or do you just focus on getting the player up above lvl 40 as soon as possible to get them out in the rvr arena for self learning? You carry a lot of experience from your play that the realm would benefit from if you transferred the knowledge to the younger ones.


RvR is quite simple on paper and holds true if u can do the following

Tanks dont be stupid enuff to attack otehr tanks. Leave them be, if they are mezzed, great, if they are not, nm, leave em still. Go for their caster classes and mezzers.

Simply gettign into melee range and drawing your weapon has the chance of interupting their cast. Kill the casters, esp against Hibs, and you WILL survive to live anotehr day.

Number of idiots I see breaking mez on a Tank only to see him scuttle off unharmed is a joke. Dont break mez, let healers stun and then whack away.

Hunters should work together shoting the same low hp targets to kill em faster.

I HAVE seen this work on many an occasion, usualyl in small scale Skirmishes, 15 vs 20 and the 15 won cos of mez and sensible tactics.

Zergs are different, usually in emain Albs come to amg, mids charge and mow down 90% of em as they run back to their PK, it quite funny


people should use MA in RvR... they do it when fighting mobs that baf in malmo, DF and raum... why not RvR?


Hibs are a very good example. If they have equal numbers to us and were both expecting the fight. I find we lose. There tactic seems to go

Wait long .......... time
Start running
Stun.. Nuke.Nuke..Nuke

Now they have more casters than anyone and I have seen 20 vs 20 battles and we only manage to kill a few of them. Now thats an example I think will just get repeated unless we can do something different. I remember seeing 25+ DM's to a suprise attack on 30+ hibs. There was our chance to beat a force of bigger numbers. What was the plan ? NONE.

Why has No-One taken a relic recently????
Same reason - Very little in-depth planning, Mythic have made it tougher so you cant just turn up and take it. Unless we get lucky Albs will always get back just in time. Heaven forbid they had decent scouts like us.

Talleyrand ---- :sleeping: Heard it all before. Not very challenging to anyone. Oh the righteousness of it. --- Those rp whores, how can anyone stand them and there small minds---- Well you have just gone and insulted the top 100 rpers in Midgard,

And as Solid says "quite funny really" 50 mids chasing 14 albs is something more glorious? . Nope its got to get RR5. RvR in these conditions is purely for levelling if you took away the rp's you wouldnt see many people bothering with the zerg. BTW I'm often
running in that Zerg :)


albs are taking on the dragon soon.... when everything is quiet, the giant strikes? no?

Just turn up with 100 peeps, get 5 rams on first door, 5 rams on 2nd door, 5 rams on the 3rd door

Problem sorted

It's getting the rams thats the problem


Hmmm u can try u can try........



>Well you have just gone and insulted the top 100 rpers in Midgard

Sorry Enigma, didnt know the "top" 100 rps in our realm only cared about their own rps...that was a _big_ surprise to me. Considering all the call to arms to defend our realm that goes on in the alliance chat. Interesting to know though....though I think you do them grave injustice by thinking they are that shortminded. Some are probably as you say rather focused on their own good and care not a bit about the realm, but all 100, isnt that too cynical?


Originally posted by talleyrand
>Well you have just gone and insulted the top 100 rpers in Midgard

Sorry Enigma, didnt know the "top" 100 rps in our realm only cared about their own rps...that was a _big_ surprise to me. Considering all the call to arms to defend our realm that goes on in the alliance chat. Interesting to know though....though I think you do them grave injustice by thinking they are that shortminded. Some are probably as you say rather focused on their own good and care not a bit about the realm, but all 100, isnt that too cynical?

I never said that. Well least you clarified you were talking a load of bull. If you cant add to the conversation dont bother adding.


Anyway back to the point in Question. With RA purge AE mezz is not and can't be the only way. Having purge I can confirm that you can run to the casters get mezzed. Purge then for the next x seconds you wont be remezzed. In that time your on top of them. This means AE mezz/Stun/Root has to be used in the right order. I would advovate one person lead the battle and have macro's set up saying what can be used when. If you stun first best let hammers and spears fly to take maximise damage. Shout stop and mezz when they purge. It may be totally unworkable but all I'm sure of is in shouting AE mezz only now in battle will not make us winners. Anyone else find it really easy to charge through the mezz tonight?


*makes sure his trigger finger is really itchy when Laga is around*

Hey who wants to start a healer bashing thread? I have a subject already: God damn you llama healers you are all 100% bullcrap because you spec more into pac and not mend. You never heal in RvR and and and...

OK you got the point.


Considering that there seems to be a few solutions to the tactical challenge, how are you going to teach that to the +40 lvl people out in the realm that havent figured out the game yet? Or just talk here and see the healers leave in disgust?

And Enigma, did I hit a sore spot on your shining armour? Your rude manners seems a bit strange to me.

<Talleyrand, curiously awaiting Enigmas next outburst of insults> :)


Sarnat? I didnt quite understand. Noone is having a go at the healers. Still want to know about people using purge.

I'd like to hear from runies on the RoD saw Melgar and some others charging into the middle of casters and dropping bombs. I heard Melgar also wanted to use this as a tactic against zergs.

In fact I would like to hear about any Realm Abilities that will have a significant effect on RvR.

There are some situations you cannot win due to numbers. This is where I enjoy seeing people do different things.

Remember if the other side have more people and more mezzers. Unless you think they are stupid we will lose without variety and people being asked to think about playstyles.


I recently ascended to my final level as a thane and have reflected on what I needed to know. I have searched for guides to how to be a better thane and found the following. It seems to have been written in total seriousness (perhaps by an albion or hibernian, I'll admit) and though this discussion is old, it perhaps helps us understand the true meaning of thanedom. ... (from

[Start quote] H. Realm Combat
Offensive Thanes are demons in Realm vs. Realm. The combination of powerful
area effect damage, instant shouts n' bolts and big whopping two handers
makes them something to be feared. While their damage spells don't do
quite as much as a fully Runecarving specialized Runemaster, you get to
wear chainmail and use large powerful weapons too. Your Mjollnir spell,
while not quite powerful as the Runemaster area effect damage spell, will
eventually have a greater area of effect than theirs.

I won't go into detailed RvR strategy as I have not done enough of it to
be experienced in this area, but just remember to cast Mjollnir as much
as possible on large clusters of foes. Try to target your spell so it hits
someone in the center of an attacking force to hit as many people as
possible. This is your most valuable asset in Realm vs. Realm. Also, don't
be afraid to dodge enemy attackers if they forget to hit /stick. Try to
run around them and make them confused so they pay more attention to
finding you than hitting you. Then smack their head in with your big
weapon. By the same token, remember to use the /stick command, especially
against someone physically weaker than you are. [End quote]


think that quote was definately from an alb or hib :D esp the first paragraph, jst the description of the Stormcalling spells had me in stiches. This line especially :

"The combination of powerful
area effect damage, instant shouts n' bolts... "


"Your Mjollnir spell,
while not quite powerful as the Runemaster area effect damage spell, will
eventually have a greater area of effect than theirs.

Lol a spell that has a smaller area, less damage and takes longer to cast, someone care to explain how it does more damage over time?

"This is your most valuable asset in Realm vs. Realm"

also got me to the point of weeping :D

Krill where DO you find this stuff? lol

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