it wouldve spelt FC K and you'd have loved it
Ofcourse, USA chains are appearing all over and the end result is we'll all be driving around on mobility scooters like fat americans.
It's weird.. Americans (imo) are far more health conscious then us. What kills America is that the food has shit regulations and some diabolical stuff in it, but as for eating mass amounts of fast foods (subway aside), i'd say the UK is far far ahead. Every drink is buggered to shit with high sugar contents and crap for example.
Ofcourse, USA chains are appearing all over and the end result is we'll all be driving around on mobility scooters like fat americans.
Sounds wrong to me. The recently introduced Mountain Dew tastes like shit here meaning I still have to import it from USA. Is this because of shitty UK law not allowing corn syrup in soft drinks?
It's weird.. Americans (imo) are far more health conscious then us. What kills America is that the food has shit regulations and some diabolical stuff in it, but as for eating mass amounts of fast foods (subway aside), i'd say the UK is far far ahead. Every drink is buggered to shit with high sugar contents and crap for example.
Isn't it cause of the size of the american meals? Isn't a large coke in the US something like 1.5liters?
Drinks and chips might be bigger but the burgers apparently aren't. Mate went to Vegas a few months back and reported that the Big Macs are the same size as they are here.
As for the topic. Well, I eat pretty much nothing but what you would call junk food. I also go through 2 litres of Coca Cola a day and smoke like a chimney. I'm 6' 2" with a medium build. I weigh 11 stone 7 pounds. This according the the scales is pretty much my ideal weight. The reason? I'm physically active. I work in a supermarket and it's a active role, always on the move, lifting and carrying etc.
It is a simple case of exercise, unless there is an existing medical condition that causes you to gain or at least not lose weight.
Aye my lungs are clogged with tar and I've no doubt got fatty deposits around my heart. However I enjoy my life and eating fuck all but "healthy" foods, not drinking, not smoking? Sounds terribly dull and if I have a heart attack or get cancer so be it. I'll not be bored and boring to avoid such possibilties. I'm physically active and my weight is good, that's enough for me.
Aye my lungs are clogged with tar and I've no doubt got fatty deposits around my heart. However I enjoy my life and eating fuck all but "healthy" foods, not drinking, not smoking? Sounds terribly dull and if I have a heart attack or get cancer so be it. I'll not be bored and boring to avoid such possibilties. I'm physically active and my weight is good, that's enough for me.
Same in Spain if you take the plus menu you end up with a huge coke and fries. Their large fries in Rhonda was about twice the size of Swedish one, the coke was 1l+Yeah, but the fries and coke are enormous. Or they were at least
Rember watching Supersize Me and was baffled at the supersize portion, must have been 2-3 times as big fries as we have in Sweden and the same with the Coke. Think they have withdrawn the Supersize choise tho
Yeah, but the fries and coke are enormous. Or they were at least
Rember watching Supersize Me and was baffled at the supersize portion, must have been 2-3 times as big fries as we have in Sweden and the same with the Coke. Think they have withdrawn the Supersize choise tho
Aye my lungs are clogged with tar and I've no doubt got fatty deposits around my heart. However I enjoy my life and eating fuck all but "healthy" foods, not drinking, not smoking? Sounds terribly dull and if I have a heart attack or get cancer so be it. I'll not be bored and boring to avoid such possibilties. I'm physically active and my weight is good, that's enough for me.
Smoking like a chimney means you can't really taste much any more, hence no attraction to healthy foods (which are much tastier than the alternatives).
Wait until you hit 40, when your metabolism has slowed to a point where you're not burning off enough calories. You'll have a huge gut, be coughing every morning, and won't be able to walk even half a mile without getting out of breath.
Sounds great, doesn't it?
I know a lot of "unhealthy" dishes that are way tastier than any healthy alternatives cause they contain plety of cream and butter etc..healthy foods (which are much tastier than the alternatives).
I know a lot of "unhealthy" dishes that are way tastier than any healthy alternatives cause they contain plety of cream and butter etc..
I know a lot of "unhealthy" dishes that are way tastier than any healthy alternatives cause they contain plety of cream and butter etc..
Yes, and since they keep you full longer than light stuff you dont eat as much.Myth nr 1: Cream and butter are unhealthy
Real flavour comes from fresh herbs, spices, good cuts of meat and good fresh veg...bashing the living ignorance out of people.