Mass Effect


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 22, 2004
my dad got me this for xmas, started playing it today as im bored and couldnt wait till tommorrow- seems like an awesome game, its a tad too sci-fi for my liking though, well way too sci fi, but i dont mind too much, good combat and story so far.. will probably take it back once ive finished it though, too much dialogue to play through again


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
too much dialog? somat like broken sword and longest jorney would prolly have fried yer brain


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
hmm, 38 hours doesn't sound that good for a single player rpg to be honest.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
hmm, 38 hours doesn't sound that good for a single player rpg to be honest.

Well, you can also play the game as male or female, and paragon or renegade, which gives it a different feeling. So for entertainment value you could double that time.


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
hmm, 38 hours doesn't sound that good for a single player rpg to be honest.

done around 10hours and just finished noveria and freed a rachni. i thouight i didn quite fast but i know peeps have done everything on citadel and noveria in 6 hours:eek7: .


Part of the furniture
Mar 12, 2004
done around 10hours and just finished noveria and freed a rachni. i thouight i didn quite fast but i know peeps have done everything on citadel and noveria in 6 hours:eek7: .

If you blaze through the chat scenes sure..................


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Whats the replay value like? i know it has different classes etc but is there different story arcs?


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 22, 2004
don't think there's diff story arcs. i'm on around 14 hours and i now have to go to the mu-relay or something, done some side quests and havnt skipped any chat, fair bit of exploring, though im only doing side quests that dont feel pointless/too much effort or distraction from the plot. was there a difficulty level at the start? can't remember, but its a bit easy


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 23, 2003
Completing the game unlocks the tougher difficulty settings - also you can restart with the same character so you keep all your skills, guns etc.

Or if you start a new character you can get bonus skills from whatever achievements you unlocked the first time through (Barrier mastery means any class can use the barrier power etc)

The replayability is pretty good at least for 2 runs through, as you have the seperate good or evil choices


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 22, 2004
finished mass effect today, really enjoyed the game, twas verry short though: (


I am a FH squatter
Jan 7, 2004
finished mass effect today, really enjoyed the game, twas verry short though: (

Then you didn't listen to my warnings and skipped alot of side quests and dialogue options that open up some other quests. The straight main quest can be done in 15 hours or so but you miss more than half the game if you play it that way.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
I just can't make up my mind on this game. I love almost everything about it, and then theirs the combat. Half the time it can be a great tactical shooter, and the other half it's just this total bag of shit. Every time I think *hey, this is quite fun" I get in to a fight where some fucker kills me in one shot. I've no problem with a challenge, but that's just fucking dull. Plus it means I now have to save all the bloody time (compounded by the fact that so far I've had two dirty disc errors).

Anyway, I'm sticking with it cos the good parts far outweigh the bad, but that combat system can get very bloody irritating.

Oh, I seem to be missing a character? Who's the one third from the left in the squad screen, I'm level 28ish but still haven't found him/her.


Part of the furniture
Mar 12, 2004
I just can't make up my mind on this game. I love almost everything about it, and then theirs the combat. Half the time it can be a great tactical shooter, and the other half it's just this total bag of shit. Every time I think *hey, this is quite fun" I get in to a fight where some fucker kills me in one shot. I've no problem with a challenge, but that's just fucking dull. Plus it means I now have to save all the bloody time (compounded by the fact that so far I've had two dirty disc errors).

Anyway, I'm sticking with it cos the good parts far outweigh the bad, but that combat system can get very bloody irritating.

Oh, I seem to be missing a character? Who's the one third from the left in the squad screen, I'm level 28ish but still haven't found him/her.

It's never a good idea to run around like a muppet when a sniper is around they kill you in 1 hit.

I learned pretty fast to see what enemy types are on screen before moving or popping my head out for shots.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Yeah but it's not even that - it's situations where you open a door with a room full of enemies and before you even have a chance to get cover, someone kills you. This is where it's irritating - I'll redo a combat situation several times, and there's no discernible difference between the situations where I win and where I get killed in a few seconds. I'm quite happy to admit I'm shit at a game when I am, but in this case I think it's just that the combat system hasn't been very well thought out.


Part of the furniture
Mar 12, 2004
Yeah but it's not even that - it's situations where you open a door with a room full of enemies and before you even have a chance to get cover, someone kills you. This is where it's irritating - I'll redo a combat situation several times, and there's no discernible difference between the situations where I win and where I get killed in a few seconds. I'm quite happy to admit I'm shit at a game when I am, but in this case I think it's just that the combat system hasn't been very well thought out.

The combat system is fine its the tight spaces/small rooms which can cause problems.

What i used to do was equip the best combat scanners so usually you can see whats beyond the door on the radar.

Or my fav is open the door and apply shields right away and get to cover.

What class are you?

I was an adept and it was pretty hard at times to be fair.


I aer teh win!!
Dec 22, 2003
Yeah but it's not even that - it's situations where you open a door with a room full of enemies and before you even have a chance to get cover, someone kills you. This is where it's irritating - I'll redo a combat situation several times, and there's no discernible difference between the situations where I win and where I get killed in a few seconds. I'm quite happy to admit I'm shit at a game when I am, but in this case I think it's just that the combat system hasn't been very well thought out.

Hate to say it nath, but it does sound like you are just a bit shit :p

It sounds like your armour/shields aren't up to scratch, and you are playing as a class that doesn't do to well in direct combat.

I find it easier to bait the enemy into following you and keeping your squad members behind you to ambush them.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
The enemy are just dumb but its still a fun game as I think of the combat as part of the storyline instead.

All they do is walk up in front of you...
The missile guys are the hardest, full shields and 1 direct hit and you die. Even with radar and knowing they are round the corner you can still die easily cos you can jump out the way in time.


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
Finally got around to putting in a good 6 hours on this. A lovely game with a genuinely intriguing storyline that I can actually follow. I found the combat a little strange at first, but I think I've got the hand of that and good use of the Biotics. The only thing so far that is awful is the handling of the Maco thingy. They should have just mimicked the way the warthogs drive in Halo.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Like I said chet, I'm happy to admit when I'm shit, but in this case I'm pretty sure it's flaws in the game. I'm vanguard class, so not necessarily the best head on class - but it's just that there are situations where it's so incredibly easy to die - the missiles for example.

Oh yeah, and the Mako is absolutely shit :)


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 23, 2003
I hated the mako at first, especially those missions attacking the Geth bases where you go over a slight bump on the ground while dodge the umpteen rockets and suddenly you cant aim low enough to hit anything.

I ended up taking enemies hp down in the mako then jumping out and finishing them on foot - more xp that way


I am a FH squatter
Jan 7, 2004
I love the Mako, I mastered that bastard in next to no time. I should be a tank driver irl imo! ;) :D :p


I aer teh win!!
Dec 22, 2003
I think it's a love or hate it thing with the mako, I found it really instinctive to control.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
I just use the Mako to drive hard for the mission objectives, cant hit the broad side of a barn with its weapons so i just run down anything in the way and never stop. If i have to take out a base i prefer to dismount and do it on foot.


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
jut driving agout without exploring would mean missing out on armour and gunz if yer tight on cash, as for combat. i love it when the human guy lifts peeps up specially when im sniping makes it just so much fun. ferious was the hardest tho even saving the civvies instead of killing em is hard
wot are your teams? i almost always go for all human team and only took the aliens for thier side story type missions.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
By the way - where the hell do you get Quarian armour for Tali? I've yet to find any while on a mission and none of the non-human armour vendors ever have any. Everyone is on tier 5 or 6 gear now and she's still on 1 :\

Also, where the heck does the last remaining character come from (or at least should I have him yet?). I'm level 27, only done the first noverina mission and a whole host of other assignments but I've no idea who it's supposed to be. If it's someone who's yet to come along as part of another mission that's all I need to know, but if it's someone I've missed and can pick up now could someone let me know?

I've got Ashley, Kaiden(sp?), Wrex, Tali and Garrus.


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
its benazias duagter Liara T'Soni

@ Artemis Tau system --> Knossos system __> Therum

regular exploration, till you find her down a mine, you could do it in 10 mins if your good with mako

i whent to after killing benezzia, and finishing feros. she is also one of 3 love intrests, ashley and kaden are others

just finished playing for today, 20hours and im like 10% thru the side quests which i wana finish before continuing with the story


I aer teh win!!
Dec 22, 2003
its benazias duagter Liara T'Soni

@ Artemis Tau system --> Knossos system __> Therum

regular exploration, till you find her down a mine, you could do it in 10 mins if your good with mako

i whent to after killing benezzia, and finishing feros. she is also one of 3 love intrests, ashley and kaden are others

just finished playing for today, 20hours and im like 10% thru the side quests which i wana finish before continuing with the story

Guys, I really think we should use spoilers for some of this.


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
nkot a spoiler as vid for that mission has been on youtube before it was released

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