zRRR said:swords, your mum
zRRR said:this is your mum --> :kissit:
Loxleyhood said:Can everyone stop posting in this thread? I find it really really boring and it is a huge disapointment when I see there's a new post in eOT and it's this bloody thing.
They do come from one camera, they use black and white cameras and take consecutive shots with Red,Green,Blue and IR filtersWildfire said:So much idiocy, in such a small space.
1. Colour Correction - This would be plausible IF the images came from a single camera source. As it is though, the images come from three different cameras - one red, one green, and one blue. Each of these cameras therefore operates at differing performance levels, may work better or worse in different light conditions, or may just straight-up be badly configured.
If I was spamming I would have posted in this thread. I only post when I have something to say and the topic is interesting.Shagrat said:ah poor loxley's spamfest has been halted
Also I am keeping in mind Tesla's experiment of sending radio transmissions to Mars. He claims he received return signals from the red planet. JP Morgan, one of Tesla's benefactors was reportedly very excited about the transmissions from Mars when he first heard the news. But somebody got to him because after he had a chance to discuss this development with some of his elite (illuminati?) friends he withdrew his support from Tesla and cut off all further funding. (The cover-up begins?)
Nuked said:sorry but am i the only 1 here that is sorta sleepy after reading through this?
tris- said:did Beagle really fuck up, or did NASA tamper with the radio signals? maybe NASA wants to control all photos that come from Mars because they dont want any photos to be released that show signs of civilization.