macro users are dumb too



Originally posted by Asha

And sorry, but crafting isn't on the same level as pve and rvr. If so, then why does it have such great animations? If so, then why is it so damn limited? If so, then why does it require 0 interaction with other people? If so, then why are there better dropped items (even more in TOA)? If so, then why does it give very small rewards - it doesn't make your character better. You still have to level up and etc to get use of the weapons you craft.

It's not me saying crafting is secondary (or lower), it's mythic.

Once again this is your opinion, I'm afraid that because it's what you believe, it doesn't make it the gospel truth.

Not entirely sure I see how animations come into this. Some people see RvR as being very limited, but then they are entitled to their opinion too.

Crafting doesn't require 0 interaction if you don't want it to, you can really jump into the roleplay aspect of being a seller of fines wares if you want to, and who's to say that's any less worthwhile to someone than PVEing is? In your eyes, it may well be... once again, that doesn't make it so.

There are better dropped items, but there aren't enough to go round everybody.
Why does it have to make your character better for it to be worthwhile, for some people the fact that they've helped someone out in the game by knocking them up a mid 30's staff is reward enough. Gratitude from a lowbie is in itself very rewarding.

The game caters for the players, the patches have reflected the direction that the players want it to take. We hear of a big RvR expansion in the future for those that like rvr. We got SI and TOA for those that like to involve themselves in the PvE side of things. There is a crafting system in place for those who wish to partake in that aspect. If crafting was irrelevent, we'd still have the same crafting system that we had in 1.30.

Different horses for different courses.


Sigh, I don't know why people can't understand this. I shall put it another way...

I craft because in doing so I can help other people enjoy the game more. I don't care about the animations, I don't care about the money. Just because I'm not running around emain all day doesn't make what I do any less part of the game. I don't just craft for guildmates, I craft for anyone and have done for a long time. Saying there is no interaction involved just shows an ignorance of the process, I'm not a consignment merchant sat in Diogel. For a large proportion of my customers I help them sort out what they want/need/can afford and guide them through the process of getting everything made to their exact specification. Tell me why this is such a bad way to play the game rather than clocking up rp's?

Comparing it to buffbots is idiotic, regardless of whether or not buffbots should be in the game they work within the game mechanics however flawed they may be, macroing does not. The simple fact of it is that it's against the CoC to macro craft for whatever reason, and so it's cheating. By using the macros you are gaining an unfair advantage over people who don't. In essence you set it going, leave, and come back to personal gain, circumventing the game mechanics. This is exactly the same as using a hack to increase level or whatever (regardless of whether they exist) because you get the benifit without the work. Just because the process in between is different doesn't give anyone the right to skip it.


Originally posted by Simius
Sigh, I don't know why people can't understand this. I shall put it another way...

I craft because in doing so I can help other people enjoy the game more. I don't care about the animations, I don't care about the money. Just because I'm not running around emain all day doesn't make what I do any less part of the game. I don't just craft for guildmates, I craft for anyone and have done for a long time. Saying there is no interaction involved just shows an ignorance of the process, I'm not a consignment merchant sat in Diogel. For a large proportion of my customers I help them sort out what they want/need/can afford and guide them through the process of getting everything made to their exact specification. Tell me why this is such a bad way to play the game rather than clocking up rp's?

Ok, I understand this, but how does someone trinketing interfer with your roleplaying? I never said it was a bad way to play. I said that Mythic has made it incredibly limited compaired to the other aspects of the game.

Comparing it to buffbots is idiotic, regardless of whether or not buffbots should be in the game they work within the game mechanics however flawed they may be, macroing does not. The simple fact of it is that it's against the CoC to macro craft for whatever reason, and so it's cheating. By using the macros you are gaining an unfair advantage over people who don't. In essence you set it going, leave, and come back to personal gain, circumventing the game mechanics. This is exactly the same as using a hack to increase level or whatever (regardless of whether they exist) because you get the benifit without the work. Just because the process in between is different doesn't give anyone the right to skip it.

My point is that there are alot of ways that people make this game unfair. Macroing is a minor one. Macroing has no where near the impact that bbots do. There are much worse things going on in the game than this. I think that Mythic's and GOA's policies reflect this.

We can argue til we're blue in the face, but this is how the game is. It's how Mythic designed it and you won't be able to even tell if people are doing it now because they will be in their house on anon and you won't be any the wiser.


Originally posted by Asha
We can argue til we're blue in the face, but this is how the game is. It's how Mythic designed it and you won't be able to even tell if people are doing it now because they will be in their house on anon and you won't be any the wiser.

But that's the point: Mythic didn't intend crafters to macro. The game is designed so that you can't macro crafting unattended without using a third party program, something that's specifically forbidden in the CoC.


Originally posted by Asha
mythic aren't so angelic. they made the buffs system specifically so that people would have bbots - more accounts - more money for mythic.

they have made macroing/trinketing just as easy, and in fact made it even easier now and harder to notice (housing anyone?), I guess in the hope that people will have craft bots too? I don't see the point to make it so damn easy. It would have been simple for them to make it harder.

And sorry, but crafting isn't on the same level as pve and rvr. If so, then why does it have such great animations? If so, then why is it so damn limited? If so, then why does it require 0 interaction with other people? If so, then why are there better dropped items (even more in TOA)? If so, then why does it give very small rewards - it doesn't make your character better. You still have to level up and etc to get use of the weapons you craft.

It's not me saying crafting is secondary (or lower), it's mythic.

Crafting isn't the primary goal of the game, correct. But it's not the petty part of the game your posts make it out to be.

Why do you think Mythic are in for stopping 3rd party program users? It's because IT'S THEIR INTENTION. They are broadening crafting, and it doesn't look like they are stopping with it considering they have a grudge against macroers?


Originally posted by Asha
Ok, I understand this, but how does someone trinketing interfer with your roleplaying?

I think the main point here is that macroing is against the CoC, whether it interferes with someone else's roleplaying is irrelevent.

But since you asked, why should someone else get money in game while down the pub/having dinner/grabbing a shower, while you have to sit at your computer pushing a button every 10 seconds?


Where did I say I was roleplaying? Just because I want to be helpful doesn't make me a roleplayer. That part of what I wrote was trying to explain why I craft seeing as you thought it was such a waste of time.

Just because you have a stick up your ass about buffbots not being against the CoC doesn't mean that things that are, suddenly become perfectly acceptable. An exaggerated non-daoc example, wars are 'technically' legal and involve killing a lot of people, a lot of people agree/disagree with them for perfectly valid reasons. That doesn't mean that walking up to someone in the street and smacking them in the mouth suddenly becomes fine just because its not as bad.

Macros give people an unfair advantage and so using them is cheating, simple as that. Buffbots are a whole other matter, if they annoy you so much start a thread on them but they are irrelevant to crafting.


And those who say daoc aint going to hell....

it have been doing that for a long time.

well... off to enjoy some more final fantasy :D


I know it wouldn't get rid of macroing for crafting all together, but I wish Mythic would allow a crafter to stack 5 or 10 makings of an item at once.

This, at higher level, would allow a crafter to do something else away from the computer which can only be a good thing.


if i ever crafted, i'd use macros .. crafting has got to be THE most boring dullest ball-breakingly annoying thing ever

spellcrafting should never have come into the game .. i hope it dies.. neither should alchemy.. i hope everyone blows up whenever they try make anything.

and take out assist and stick ...

/disgruntled signing off


Originally posted by Lomald Umilinn
Indd and I'm proud of it as it's not cheating, it's just breaking CoC (what everyone is doing more or less everyday) which have seious issues that needs to be updated. And I'm proud of it because I know crafting is all about how much money you will loose per skill point.

But if for example you were the first to be Crafter in Blah type of crafting you would then have a captive market in order to over charge (In the cost sense) to recoup your loses.

Erm since you agree to the CoC everytime you play you are breaking rules, unless youve found a way to hack that too, it is illegal in this environment. If you consider illegal things that only happen irl then youre sorely mistaken.

Just remember you may think this isnt real life when you play DAOC, it in actual fact is, you are solely responsible for your actions and if you choose to abuse things or mechanisms that effect the balance of the game or do something against the CoC you will be judged by real life people in a real life method.


Originally posted by Asha
yeah it is cheating, but so is bbot, so was daox, and several other things that go on :)

I think that there are a few lgm crafters who have a little right to be pissed cause they can't charge 500% mark-ups or make crazy demands à la Kiarra, but I think the people it benefits far outweighs them sorry :)

I really cant be arsed to reply to you diatribe post although I did read it unfortunatly, you make little sense at all simply repeating the rubbish you have previously spouted, the only thing I will take you to task over is that you seem to suggest that I am upset that I cant charge inflated prices for my MP's..

Unfortunatly I'm an Alchemist (As I previously stated) Quality makes no difference to me.

Sorry if that doesnt fuel your laboured arguments.


Originally posted by Asha
mythic aren't so angelic. they made the buffs system specifically so that people would have bbots - more accounts - more money for mythic.

they have made macroing/trinketing just as easy, and in fact made it even easier now and harder to notice (housing anyone?), I guess in the hope that people will have craft bots too? I don't see the point to make it so damn easy. It would have been simple for them to make it harder.

And sorry, but crafting isn't on the same level as pve and rvr. If so, then why does it have such great animations? If so, then why is it so damn limited? If so, then why does it require 0 interaction with other people? If so, then why are there better dropped items (even more in TOA)? If so, then why does it give very small rewards - it doesn't make your character better. You still have to level up and etc to get use of the weapons you craft.

It's not me saying crafting is secondary (or lower), it's mythic.

Crafting is a differant and equally as important (To some people) as pve and rvr, I use it to equip my friends/guild members with alchemy potions and reactives etc, things that arnt by and large collectable by the majority.

I remember reading the stuff about crafting killing PVE some time ago, who the heck needs a Doom sword when you can craft better, who needs a shield with +6 to shield when you can craft better.

TOA drops (I suspect) are there to try to put the PVE aspect of the game back into it as far as I can see, not to mention some variety in daoc.

You seem to have too many conspiracy theories, you are clearly worried by a great many things.

Its not Mythic saying crafting is secondary its you.

As for the really need to get out more, there are some exceptionally rich crafters even in Alchemy (the first few Alchemists could pretty much name their own prices as they had a captive audience, there are others that craft for themselves and not the community.


Originally posted by quinthar
Limited vacabulary?

Nah just all I have to say to a no life 24/7 spam a board where
you think you can force your opinion on ppl like you.

Go get a life and stop trolling a at this point pointless thread ffs.


I dont think anyone here is forcing anythingon anyone, except you for using language like that. No one else has had a go at others in this thread as far as I can see.

We're all GIVING our opinions, as thats what a forum is for.

Macroing using 3rd party apps IS against COC. But ppl are atill gonna use em. Unless Mythic wants to , we wont see it stop anytime soon.

Which is a shame in MY opinion.


i did that once by accident :(

still made a gain just not that big a gain :(


Originally posted by tripitaka
I dont think anyone here is forcing anythingon anyone, except you for using language like that. No one else has had a go at others in this thread as far as I can see.

We're all GIVING our opinions, as thats what a forum is for.

Macroing using 3rd party apps IS against COC. But ppl are atill gonna use em. Unless Mythic wants to , we wont see it stop anytime soon.

Which is a shame in MY opinion.

ok lol.
take your time and read the posts before replying plz


Originally posted by xevius
Nah just all I have to say to a no life 24/7 spam a board where
you think you can force your opinion on ppl like you.

Go get a life and stop trolling a at this point pointless thread ffs.

I dont understand your first line, does it mean "where you can force your opinion on people " or "I (meaning me) can force my opinion"??

Oh, what a charmed life you must lead, you troll like buggery then get all upset when people add value to a thread you consider insignificant.


Originally posted by xevius
ok lol.
take your time and read the posts before replying plz

Lol, this coming from the master...

Originally posted by xevius
Funny thread.
You all do it. 99% of albion crafters do it.
I can asure u some ppl replying to this thread do it.

Mr sweeping statements

Originally posted by xevius
I guss your word is worth gold here. btw I saw your mom sleep with santa last night and I am gonna tell your dad just so you know. And the co-boss of your dad too for that mather cause I am a biatch who can claim and flame

Nice, astute and appropriate reply as ever.

Originally posted by xevius
You know I wrote a long reply again but personally I cba with this anymore.
All are entiteld to have there own opinion.

I have mine you have yours.................
my last reply.

If only..

Originally posted by xevius
"Originally posted by quinthar
You didnt miss it you simply didnt think.. "

You need to get a fucking life imo tbh
funny fuck. Personal acusations and stupid comments you can shove up you know where.

Quality retort to the fact you havn't engaged your brain.


Originally posted by quinthar
As for the really need to get out more, there are some exceptionally rich crafters even in Alchemy (the first few Alchemists could pretty much name their own prices as they had a captive audience, there are others that craft for themselves and not the community.

yes, I need to get out more cause I don't think making plats is the point of the game. Crafting isn't equal to RvR and PvE, but I am not gonna post about it anymore.

FYI the first few alchemist were all macroers (go report them quick!)

No one really complained about that cause they most people wanted LGM Alchemists asap.

maybe I have too many conspiracy theories, but mythic have made it incredably easy to macro with housing. You can argue about it all you like, but you can't do a damn thing about it now :)

awww too bad


Originally posted by Asha
yes, I need to get out more cause I don't think making plats is the point of the game. Crafting isn't equal to RvR and PvE, but I am not gonna post about it anymore.

FYI the first few alchemist were all macroers (go report them quick!)

No one really complained about that cause they most people wanted LGM Alchemists asap.

maybe I have too many conspiracy theories, but mythic have made it incredably easy to macro with housing. You can argue about it all you like, but you can't do a damn thing about it now :)

awww too bad

I'll repeat what I say for the very last time, Crafting to some people IS daoc, the fact you dont think it is simply confirms the fact the game means differant things to differant people.

Well, I rarely make sweeping statements about things I have no knowledge of, that fact you knew about it (Assuming you really do know this for a fact) concerns me even more.

I'll concede that Mythic perhaps have not closed avenues to cheats the way they could have, but I wont agree that housing has made it easier or harder, I honestly thought that the first LGM crafters we had did it the hard way (the exception to this is Lomald who I beleive has confirmed he uses the cheats).

And sadly your right, I cant do anything about it personally but I feel a lot better within myself that I did it the way it was meant to be done, I honestly do feel that if people are prepared to cheat on something like crafting then other cheats will not be a problem for these people, if people dont think they are cheating then they are a lost cause because clearly they have a problems with the most basic principles of right and wrong.


Here is another FU for you quinthar to write a book about ;)


Feac lvl 50 friar LGM Tailor
Iwanna lvl 36 Thuer LGM Spellcrafter
Trailer LGM Armourer
Blimey LGM weaponsmith
Yousire LGM fletcher
Ceaf LGM Alchemist

o_O .. and u did this without Macroing ? suuuuuuuuuure (Get a Life plz) !11onetwotreeews


Originally posted by excs
Feac lvl 50 friar LGM Tailor
Iwanna lvl 36 Thuer LGM Spellcrafter
Trailer LGM Armourer
Blimey LGM weaponsmith
Yousire LGM fletcher
Ceaf LGM Alchemist

o_O .. and u did this without Macroing ? suuuuuuuuuure (Get a Life plz) !11onetwotreeews
I have 5 LGMs and one almost there, does that mean I use macros as well?


Originally posted by excs
Feac lvl 50 friar LGM Tailor
Iwanna lvl 36 Thuer LGM Spellcrafter
Trailer LGM Armourer
Blimey LGM weaponsmith
Yousire LGM fletcher
Ceaf LGM Alchemist

o_O .. and u did this without Macroing ? suuuuuuuuuure (Get a Life plz) !11onetwotreeews

lmao Twat :great:


Originally posted by Simius
I have 5 LGMs and one almost there, does that mean I use macros as well?

yes you do Simius you use the same one as i do

/macro 100 /mbuy 100


o_O .. and u did this without Macroing ? suuuuuuuuuure (Get a Life plz) !11onetwotreeews

"Look! this guys has achieved something I haven´t! He must be a nerd!"

Dude, grow up and get a portion of the life and experience Feac has, then come back here and spread your clever advices.

Oh.. and !!11oneonetwotheetc.etc.etc.


Originally posted by Asha

FYI the first few alchemist were all macroers (go report them quick!)

Sorry just had to point this out, But hinanthethird was definately not a macro crafter, despite being 2nd or 3rd to 1000+

And as for using 3rd party apps to craft, yes it's cheating and yes people should be banned if they use it because it spoils the fun for others. No it isn't because I want to overcharge, it's for the exact same reason I think going afk for 2 days and coming back to be a lvl 50 or a RR10 is wrong. Because those who work hard for it should get the reward, not the people who can't be bothered and so cheat to acheive the same reward.

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