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- #61
Originally posted by Nebel
FFS.... it DOES give u an advantage caus u get cash easier than others do... more cash --> can buy more uber stuff from peeps who auction Sidi-stuff for example....
what about i put a pet on agressive into a green/blue camp, macro a cleric that heals some every 20 secs... get drops and exp, then i macro the hinging from the drops....
where in your eyes is the borderline between an "okay"-cheat and a "bad" cheat" ????
Originally posted by Asha
I think it's pretty funny how rabid some people are for the name and shame til it is one of their own.
Originally posted by Eggy
Never tried it myself, but I guess there's 3 scenarios:
a) Stand in Diogel/Your house etc with 10,000 bars of arcanium, and repeatedly press "5", watching the pretty little bar increase to 100%, then pop with a little hinge of your very own. Repeat this, x thousand amount of times, gaining (I reckon), a better insight into the working of the game, and using your RL time productively. Get bored, get RSI, go to bed, cry because you just spent 6 hours pressing one key.
b) Stand in Diogel/Your house etc with 10,000 bars of arcanium. Start your macro thingy. Watch 2 pretty little bars increase to 100%, then pop witha little hinge of your very own. Repeat this, x thousand amount of times, while you get drunk, dance in cheesy clubs, watch DVDs, get laid (a foreign concept for most whiners, imo), run a recording session, write a poem, suck dick, whatever you're into. Come back, a bit richer, having had a pretty damn good time.
c) Watch someone do it, then come and whine on BW.
Originally posted by Asha
you don't exactly get cash easier, you still have to farm the seals or buy them which greatly reduces your profits
your char is still being used so it's not like you can go off and farm realm points or exp... just you can read a book or watch a movie or whatever.
Originally posted by Asha
no kir, cause leveling and rvr are playing the game
trinketing isn't
Pretty much hits the nail on the head. The whole process of skilling a crafter is never going to be laugh a minute, but the fact that it takes so much persistance is all part of the challenge. Just because people can't be bothered with the time it takes doesn't mean that firing up a macro program becomes ok just the same as because I find xp-ing dull macroing that becomes acceptable. Both aspects of the game are in the end just a series of pushing buttons, it's the time you put into them that makes them your characters.Originally posted by Gordonax
the challenge of skilling one up to LGM status, the sheer bloodymindedness it takes. Macroing devalues their achievement in having the persistence (some would say insanity) to push the same buttons over and over again for so long. Just as being able to macro levelling or farming RPs would devalue the achievement of hitting level 50 or RR10.
Originally posted by Asha
quinthar you look pretty stupid compairing macroing to being lvl 65. If you can't see the difference, then you need some help.
Macroing doesn't give you any advantage but TIME. It doesn't give you better weapons or higher AF. In fact, I doubt people use macros to do MP weapons etc because you want to stop when you get a MP.
I think it's pretty funny how rabid some people are for the name and shame til it is one of their own.
I doubt 90% of crafters macro, but 50% or so probably do. Many people craft soley for trinketing.
Is it any worse than buffbots? Using a bbot give you an advantage over others that isn't fair. It also renders 40-49 spec enhance clerics obsolete. Does that mean it's as evil as radar?
Originally posted by xevius
You need to get a fucking life imo tbh
funny fuck. Personal acusations and stupid comments you can shove up you know where.
Originally posted by Asha
Well no, because trinketing involves hitting one key over and over and over and over then hitting another key over and over and over and over. (No jokes about DF please ).
Leveling and RvR generally involve other people, making decisions, working together, or trying to overcome another person - in short - interaction.
Crafting is a very minor part of the game itself and like I said before, macroing only helps the average player because it lowers weapon/armor prices and increases the value of diamond seals.
Stuff Cropped -----------
Originally posted by Lomald Umilinn
I'd gladly choose option B without any doubt.
Originally posted by Simius
Pretty much hits the nail on the head. The whole process of skilling a crafter is never going to be laugh a minute, but the fact that it takes so much persistance is all part of the challenge. Just because people can't be bothered with the time it takes doesn't mean that firing up a macro program becomes ok just the same as because I find xp-ing dull macroing that becomes acceptable. Both aspects of the game are in the end just a series of pushing buttons, it's the time you put into them that makes them your characters.
Though this may not register with the majority of people, playing as a crafter is a whole game in itself. Funding them, skilling them and actually helping people with them is a challenge, and the fact that some people think its ok to get a macro to help them with this and then flood the market with cheap goods paid for by macroed hinges takes away from the people who actually try to play crafters properly.
I haven't used a macro in over 6000 skill points, I keep my guild stocked with equipment, I don't trinket for cash and I will accept any order if I have the time and a lot even if I don't. That's a crafter, not some hingebot macroing at the forge. If someone cheated their way to your level and realm rank you can't tell me that's acceptable, so why is macro crafting any different?
Originally posted by Lomald Umilinn
Actually quite funny post . It's rather funny how some people define cheating. Running a program pushing a key for you .. or building a LEGO machine to push a key for you? (yes i've seen a movie of someone doing that ,p) how could you tell the difference? Is it cheating to macro hingies, tradeskills and stuffs?
Originally posted by Asha
Well no, because trinketing involves hitting one key over and over and over and over then hitting another key over and over and over and over. (No jokes about DF please ).
Leveling and RvR generally involve other people, making decisions, working together, or trying to overcome another person - in short - interaction.
Crafting is a very minor part of the game itself and like I said before, macroing only helps the average player because it lowers weapon/armor prices and increases the value of diamond seals.
Originally posted by Flimgoblin
point - hardware and software macroing are both illegal
and technically the "pay little brother with chocolate to press button" is illegal in that its account sharing but I'd imagine it's less frowned upon
(and before anyone jumps to any conclusions, I have no little brothers or sisters and in fact my highest crafter is at 500 after 2 weeks of consignments in Camelot to raise cash for our guild emblem...)
Originally posted by quinthar
Funny, I thought you'd say that....
Originally posted by Simius
Though this may not register with the majority of people, playing as a crafter is a whole game in itself. Funding them, skilling them and actually helping people with them is a challenge, and the fact that some people think its ok to get a macro to help them with this and then flood the market with cheap goods paid for by macroed hinges takes away from the people who actually try to play crafters properly.
I haven't used a macro in over 6000 skill points, I keep my guild stocked with equipment, I don't trinket for cash and I will accept any order if I have the time and a lot even if I don't. That's a crafter, not some hingebot macroing at the forge. If someone cheated their way to your level and realm rank you can't tell me that's acceptable, so why is macro crafting any different?
Originally posted by quinthar
So where would you draw the line at cheating then? You saying that using a macro does nobody any harm...well, I worked hard to get my LGM, why should I sit back and look at some macroing fool take business away from my chars, why should I have to sit and watch some idiot that cant be arsed to do anything for him or herself become what used to be a valued commodity in the game?
Where exactly is that "not cheating"? just because you seem incapable of identifing it, for me the fact he/she blew 1.8 plat makes this funny the accusations that followed it are not.
However, if I found a hack to make all my chars lvl50 thats wouldn't be cheating in your eyes would it?
If I found a hack to give myself 500 plat every 2 days that wouldn't be cheating in your eyes would it?
After all I'm not hurting anybody am I??
The flaw with your point is that YES is does affect people, if I had a cash cheat, perhaps I could out bid a player in an auction, if I had a lvl50 hack perhaps I would take away a lotted item of somebody that had worked thier way to 50, is that fair?
Just because you cannot see the fine line between cheating and affecting other people doesn't mean its not an issue.
Sure I have taken this to extremes but perhaps now you will see that there is a cause and there is an effect for people using "Harmless Macros"
Crafting is a massive part of the game, the number of crafters is directly proportional to the cost of items, its called supply and demand rather basic economics. I wont explain how I think macro'ing effects this because I have done that in another post.
I consider my LGM a great acheivement, more so than my RR5 Chars that I have, frankly if I went down the macro'ing option I would leave the game in no time, whats the point in staying?
What makes daoc good is the fact you generally have to work at it to make a difference and get somewhere.
At least I can say I earnt my LGM.
Originally posted by quinthar
pot kettle black ???
Originally posted by xevius
Originally posted by Lomald Umilinn
Hardware and software macroing ain't illegal in anyway, it might break the CoC but it's in no way illegal . As in example my friend got a mouse for 100$ that can record events and playback it .. it has an in-built memory recorder for the mouse events. Is he cheating because he uses this to craft or is he just like all buffbot users, paying more money to get an easier life?
Macroing ain't cheating. End of story.
It's against CoC. End of story.
Originally posted by Asha
yeah it is cheating, but so is bbot