macro users are dumb too



Originally posted by Keogh
Would you have done that if the person possibly using a macro was from a guild who wasn't so high up the Albion guild ranks?
Exactly the same as I did in this case - laugh at the person dumb enough to macro their gold away as it dropped on the floor ;) And in this case theres no "possibly" about it - it wasnt just 1 or 2 hinges that dropped to the ground. You dont manage to do that and ignore the pop-up dialog informing you "backpack is full" if your paying any attention to the screen at all.

Wouldnt have mentioned it here at all if it wasnt for Belomar's post and my resulting failure to send a private message.

GOA have seemingly failed to act against those macroing since the beginning - whining about it here achieves nothing and just encourages more people to do it in the belief that "everyone does it" :rolleyes:


Originally posted by Draylor
Exactly the same as I did in this case - laugh at the person dumb enough to macro their gold away as it dropped on the floor ;) And in this case theres no "possibly" about it - it wasnt just 1 or 2 hinges that dropped to the ground. You dont manage to do that and ignore the pop-up dialog informing you "backpack is full" if your paying any attention to the screen at all.

Wouldnt have mentioned it here at all if it wasnt for Belomar's post and my resulting failure to send a private message.

GOA have seemingly failed to act against those macroing since the beginning - whining about it here achieves nothing and just encourages more people to do it in the belief that "everyone does it" :rolleyes:

Damn. it's no fun when someone doesn't give a hypocritical answer :(


Originally posted by xevius
ok I just have to make few things clear about my replies.

I dont meen that anyone should neither do I feel to decide who shouldnt do it.
Each player has his way to play, all I say is unless it has some direct impact on you I dont believe you should make such a huge fuzz out of it.

errr... and if i knew about a cheat that would give me as many plat as i want at any time... would u say its okay to use it?... i mean it doesnt hurt u if i get the cash, right?

sorry.... there is no such difference between a "okay"-cheat and a "bad" cheat....


this post was just my opinion on cheaters is all what guild he is in isnt a issue and should'nt be.

he has no advantage over me by using a macro only differance is i wont lose my account :) i dont make hinges anyway i have enough crafters all my salvage gets made into weaps armour :)

he lost approx 1.8 plat excellent :)

to be honest i dont care what people think of me for thinking/posting ALL cheaters are perma banned wether it be macro's hacks or radar, we also know that goa do very little to track down cheaters (not counting GM hack)

post from Zargar or Kemor on the subject would be nice but not likely :)


Acually, macro crafting DOES hurt other ppl ingame.. atleast the other crafters that skill up NOT using macros.... macro crafters gain their skills without acually doing anything for it.. IE sitting hour after hour pressing the same 3 or 4 buttons while the macro crafter just load up his hack proggy and go to sleep.. ok said dude in this thread wasent to damn bright making hinges but still.. i bet he gained quite a few crafter skill points that night...

and no. making asterite hingies with a macro dont give much.. but i mean.. he used it, thats all that counts..

and the first thing that pops in my mind when i see or hear someone using a cheat/bug abusing or whatever is, what else is the prick using???

i mean, the step from macro crafting to speed hack/radar isnt THAT big... IM NOT SAYING that said macro crafter uses those things... but it DOES makes u wonder...

oh and xevius, ur saying that 99% of the crafters are using macros to skill up..... that means theres a 99% chance that YOU are to right?? IMO cheating is cheating is cheating.. no matter what the cheat is, its still a cheat.. and saying but this cheat is worse then that is just making me sad. its STILL a damn cheat!!

In my oppinion offc....


You know I wrote a long reply again but personally I cba with this anymore.
All are entiteld to have there own opinion.

I have mine you have yours.................
my last reply.

have a good night. I am off to bed.


Originally posted by Flimgoblin
incorrect - not needed at all...
and I doubt 99% of people use macros.

if it's as much as 10% I'll be shocked, heck 1% would shock me.

How naive can u possibly get ?

I bet atleast 90%+ of all crafters macro ... i dont craft myself but im pretty sure thats the score ..


Originally posted by xevius

I dont see how the person who would macro hinge would ruin your time

so your saying cheating is ok ?

it doesnt matter if it "hurts/effects anybodys gameplay its the FACT that they are using 3rd party programs hence CHEATING ...

or are you MAYBE (no accusation) defending your actions because u use a macro program yourself ? (noticed u got lot of crafters in ya sig ) ...

i suposse if somebody was macro exp'ing (have heard of this in the past on here) do you think somebody macro exp'ing is ok and not cheating because he isnt harming anybody ?

if you think the two things are any different then u sir are a tit :) cos 3rd party prgrams are cheating NO EXCEPTION .


Originally posted by Aybabtu
I've chatted with both Zargar and Kemor on this server a few times, they mostly pop on after patch day.

And i doubt that many has been reported for useing macro's.
i was in hagall few days ago when zargar popped in and informed someone that he just got a 7days ban for scamming someone ^^


hello i wanna be It gestapo , tards lol do u guys lose any if he cheat craft or whatever....who cares


Originally posted by leorin
hello i wanna be It gestapo , tards lol do u guys lose any if he cheat craft or whatever....who cares

I care for one...

I have 3 LGM crafters, all raised manually, i hinge a lot, superboring, but all by hand.

I won't stand around seeing someone macroing like that.

If i see anyone cheating in any form, i name&shame them on BW, report them to Rightnow and have no regrets in doing that. What Feac did was :great:. Although he shoulda named the char too ;).


Originally posted by Thorgald

the step from macro crafting to speed hack/radar isnt THAT big... IM NOT SAYING that said macro crafter uses those things... but it DOES makes u wonder...

the step from not pay taxes to murderer men/rape women isn't THAT big... IM NOT SAYING who evade taxes also are murderers..but it DOES makes u wonder...


I kinda agree with most here, So what :) Must have been funny to see someone waste "1.8p", Wish I had been there :p I passed this post a few times yesterday. Knowing it would turn into your stanard whine thread that BW is oh so famous for.

Originally posted by Belomar
Name and shame, and then mail RightNow. At least if you want them banned.

When that came up ^^ I thaught "Ere we go. 18 pages of slaging someone off" But Draylor's reply kind of got me intrested.

Originally posted by Draylor
Well since it was a member of your guild Feac is referring to I tried to provide details via PM - which fails since your message box is full.

BW has enough whine-fests without providing names here :p

Shock it was a member of Belomar's guild. Just wondering how quick he'll be to start the standard "name and shame so we can whine" Posts in future.

Hardware macroing isn't banned you know. There are progamable pads out there that will do the job for you and there isn't anything GoA can do. This makes macroing hard to detect. Even more so on hinging, Pushing the same button every 7.8 secs for an infanite amount of time and then selling the product manualy when bags full. More ppl use this method even if there at K/B then would admit, Frankly i don't care. If they want to stop ppl doing it, Make salvage rates so low, the time spent isn't worth the gain.

Well we can all take 1 thing out of this, Don't be so quick to jump on the "name and shame" whine thread, it might be 1 of your own. ;)


Originally posted by bob007
Hardware macroing isn't banned you know. There are progamable pads out there that will do the job for you and there isn't anything GoA can do. This makes macroing hard to detect. Even more so on hinging, Pushing the same button every 7.8 secs for an infanite amount of time and then selling the product manualy when bags full.
Permitted by GOAs CoC - providing your at the screen at the time. I suspect its very easy to detect server side due to timing. But really most hinge-macroers are very easy to spot. Spend enough time at the forge and you can end up bored enough to pick up on even the most trivial things ;)

Unlike almost every other document produced by GOA the CoC is actually written in reasonable English and is very clear about most things.

If only they could manage that with the standard news updates on their website ...... :p


Ok and cause u made 3 LGM in honest way u lose if he becomes lgm too in non honest? its not like there is any greater deal of cash to make anyhow


Originally posted by leorin
Ok and cause u made 3 LGM in honest way u lose if he becomes lgm too in non honest? its not like there is any greater deal of cash to make anyhow

I think you are missing the point. Let me attempt an explanation.

I have just started Tailoring. I have gone up to 400 now, consisting of several hours of sitting at my PC, pressing a button, waiting 30 seconds, pressing the same button, waiting, etc. And it doesn't get any more exciting than this. Of course, you can watch a movie or read a book, but you have to stay at the PC no matter what.

Now, what if someone uses a macroing program that allows him to press a button, go afk and do all kinds of fun stuff to come back three hours later with 100 brand new pts in Tailoring he did not have to lift a finger for?

I hope you can see the issue. Three hours of boring button pushing vs. an evening at the pub. The result in DAoC is the same, but the effort put in to get to that result is far from equal.



Originally posted by xevius
Funny thread.
You all do it. 99% of albion crafters do it.
I can asure u some ppl replying to this thread do it.
Because they can and stupid goa / mythic / santa cant do a god
damn SHIT about it.

For them to be able to bann you for such things they need a
very important thing. They need access to your PC. And we
all know that them accessing your machine is kinda as illegal
as you breaking CoC.

So imo. Take your flames somewhere where it mathers.
BW Certainly aint the right place imo since it wont produce
much more than as it has been stated.............some flame and
thats it.

To make it clear, it wasnt me. But simply my point of view.

I dont use Macros, therefore, you provide me with 99 other people that you claim do and I'll let ya off.

Your statement (I hope) is a gross generalisation.

They do not need access to your machine at all, certain chat logs (Server side) are normally quite acceptable, dont forget they can control what goes to your PC in as far as item creation and successfull item quality etc, therefore I would say that they have great powers to determine what could possibly be use of a cheat to craft.

My crafter is an LGM Alchemist and with the exception of somebody else getting a few points when I was seriously bored and going to hang myself, I got em all through painstakingly tiresome keyboard presses.

Certainly leaving shed loadsa hindges on the floor is not smart, somebody skilling on cheap as chips parts happens a lot.


Originally posted by leorin
Ok and cause u made 3 LGM in honest way u lose if he becomes lgm too in non honest? its not like there is any greater deal of cash to make anyhow

You really that thick m8?

It's like someone cheating to get to RR10 in 1 night while others spend over a year to get it...

And YES there is a greater deal of cash to make!!!

1: Suddenly the cheaters can Hinge themselves instead of selling diamonds to crafters.

2: The cheaters can make their own gear instead of letting a crafter do it.

3: the cheaters can even make money from making gear for others, taking those orders away from honest crafters.

Next time think before writing.


Originally posted by Aybabtu
Afaik, when someone is reported for useing macro a Game Master logs on and tried to PM that guy and to check if he's doing the same things over and over again without displaying any human activity - as in replying.....

I dont consider that good enough, I know many crafters that stack up on shed loadsa material and go off and watch telly and hit the button occaisionally whent he box aint there, I eprsonally went from 900-970 odd playing Max Payne, I didnt read any of the rubbish onscreen so you woulda got jack from me unless I happened to notice it when reloading a lvl after getting owned in MP.


Originally posted by xevius
oh? we have game masters on europe servers?
Hmmmm must have missed it since last I checked there was
none and the rightnow response time aint really knows to
be fast tbh

This aint UO :)

You didnt miss it you simply didnt think..


Originally posted by xevius
I dont understand how I lower myself in your eyes here. While spending 4 hours on sc orders in diogel or doing other stuff in diogel I see loads to sit there. Loads with piles at there feets.
I know alot of ppl who have done, do or would do this.
I dont judge them. Cheat in games are when you ruin some others gaming time imo.
I dont see how the person who would macro hinge would ruin your time (not you as person elbeek, but you as in ppl general) rather than maybe he baught the dias you had in mind.

Just check diogel chat. How many aint yelling for dias?
Does that tell you anything?

As in the person would be in my guild, honestly I dont know, I dont care. As I dont see him doing anyone harm I dont care who it would had been I dont care about that.

I just point out few facts.
Now this thread contains Lots of "I would never do it" ppl. But then again, doubt you would see so many I DO it either so no a "fair" thread.

But then again nobody else came here and suggested that 99% of Albion crafters use macros did they?

people ask for diamonds because it is a way of getting more return on your investment, I must admit I did some trinketing on a friends account and didnt have a problem but I only did 200-300 asterite lanterns, however, having got a Alchemist to 1094 the hard way 200-300 was nothing.


Originally posted by Deletium
How naive can u possibly get ?

I bet atleast 90%+ of all crafters macro ... i dont craft myself but im pretty sure thats the score ..

Ah a gambling man...

I'll bet 1000 sterling that you are wrong, now since we mostly live in a democratic society the onus is on you to provide proof that "atleast 90%+ of all crafters macro" as innocent until proven guilty is still a big thing.

Shout me when yer done....

Or is this another sweeping generalisation made to look more dramatic by you saying "I bet" ??


Originally posted by leorin
hello i wanna be It gestapo , tards lol do u guys lose any if he cheat craft or whatever....who cares

Would you be a tad upset if I had a cheat that made me lvl65 and I squashed your ignorant ass everytime we met in RVR or perhaps followed you around in PVE and killed you?

I wouldnt care, my mates wouldnt care, my realm probably wouldnt care, its not like its hurting anybody in real life is it....well is it??

Before you even think about replying...THINK


quinthar you look pretty stupid compairing macroing to being lvl 65. If you can't see the difference, then you need some help.

Macroing doesn't give you any advantage but TIME. It doesn't give you better weapons or higher AF. In fact, I doubt people use macros to do MP weapons etc because you want to stop when you get a MP.

I think it's pretty funny how rabid some people are for the name and shame til it is one of their own.

I doubt 90% of crafters macro, but 50% or so probably do. Many people craft soley for trinketing.

Is it any worse than buffbots? Using a bbot give you an advantage over others that isn't fair. It also renders 40-49 spec enhance clerics obsolete. Does that mean it's as evil as radar?

Fjols Nisse

funny how people dont really seem to understand what xevius is saying, he didn't say he was cheating as someone implied, and i can't possibly see how you think yourselves better, he said his opinion on this, not that he does it. Whereas he used reasonable argumentation you start saying your a tit etc.

And on topic i agree with xevius (stop whine alrdy, more the fact that people start dissing when they can't even use reasonable argumentation themselves) I don't see why it's THAT big a deal, the only difference between using and not using macroing is that you dont have to be present, he doesnt actually gain money on it, he still has to use the same amount of materials...

Fjols Nisse

couldn't be arsed to read whole thread, I see some people already said some of what I said.. :)


Originally posted by Aybabtu
Afaik, when someone is reported for useing macro a Game Master logs on and tried to PM that guy and to check if he's doing the same things over and over again without displaying any human activity - as in replying.....

hee hee I do that myself... there's a spot in hagall in mid where people can get access to the forge and a merchant. went there last night to pick up some armour parts and do some crafting and there were 5 people there... pm'd 2 of them and had a chat to a guy who came up asking what they were doing there.. I told him they were macroing.. and still no response.....


Originally posted by quinthar
You didnt miss it you simply didnt think..

You need to get a fucking life imo tbh
funny fuck. Personal acusations and stupid comments you can shove up you know where.


Originally posted by Asha
quinthar you look pretty stupid compairing macroing to being lvl 65. If you can't see the difference, then you need some help.

Macroing doesn't give you any advantage but TIME. It doesn't give you better weapons or higher AF. In fact, I doubt people use macros to do MP weapons etc because you want to stop when you get a MP.


FFS.... it DOES give u an advantage caus u get cash easier than others do... more cash --> can buy more uber stuff from peeps who auction Sidi-stuff for example....

what about i put a pet on agressive into a green/blue camp, macro a cleric that heals some every 20 secs... get drops and exp, then i macro the hinging from the drops....

where in your eyes is the borderline between an "okay"-cheat and a "bad" cheat" ????


Originally posted by Asha
me and shame til it is one of their own.

I doubt 90% of crafters macro, but 50% or so probably do. Many people craft soley for trinketing.

I don't;everyone buying Diamonds,or doing trinketing to make money actually use macros,and when I say everyone I mean 90%+ of them yes.

And that isn't only Daoc case:it happens in every online game where a skill/craft (or whatever else) system is build under a so simple meccanic;honestly you gotta be stupid to spend 10 hours pressing the same button like a monkey when something else can do it at your place,since it's not fun,dosen't require any skill,it's just a secondary aspect of the game.

If Mithic really considered it a problem they would change the craft sistem instead to have made it even more easy to macro ,or atleast nerfed the seals/trincket bussness.

About ppl jelling at inge macroers in this board:some of them spent days and days doing inges and I beleave they are macroers themself.

note:I 'm not here to promote macroing,either to say use third part programs is good.
But I don't think it's fair to punish those ppl like you would punish some other worse CoC's violations,and I think we should focus on really more important issues like Radar,dupping,accounts security,cross realming.

And some hipocrits, always ready to shot against someone else whit their pedantic sentences, should remember Robespierre died on the guillotine himself.

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