

Can't get enough of FH
Mar 8, 2010

just tweeted...

Seems the glorious leader of LulzSec got arrested, it's all over now... wait... we're all still here! Which poor bastard did they take down?


Can't get enough of FH
Mar 8, 2010
yeh saw this too - quite a relief actually,

although the first thing I'd do if one of my comrades were taken captive by the police would be to post on twitter saying "oh look wrong person mates"

they've already established this is a group of people so the 19 year old more than likely is one of the minions


Can't get enough of FH
Mar 8, 2010
According to leaks @ #Antisec - Ryan Cleary 19 year old - ex-anonymous hacker is the dude that was arrested, a guy that left anonymous cuz he didn't like the direction in which Anonymous was heading (PR Crazy)

doubt very much he has anything to do with lulzsec tbh

Anonymous already released all of his details name / address etc months ago so I assume the police are using this easy lead to make an example...


I am a massive cock who isn't firing atm!
Dec 22, 2003
They only need one person though to get itchy feet, and the world will come crashing down around them.

Frankly someone should put a bounty on their heads. Turn the whole world against them for cash!


Can't get enough of FH
Mar 8, 2010
They only need one person though to get itchy feet, and the world will come crashing down around them.

Frankly someone should put a bounty on their heads. Turn the whole world against them for cash!

haha that'd be quite amusing - there's also been another leak via twitter stating that there are 6 main members of lulzsec and that they're all safe.

got 3 twitter feeds open atm and the news auto refreshing whilst working, tis all quite entertaining - police have clearly jsut gone for a target served on a plate months ago tho - no doubt trying to get him to snitch tbh and make some of them sweat a bit


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
Oh so rounding up Lulz will solve all the probs then, kthx, reset all
passwords to 'admin' and open up the ports, sweet dreams.


I am a massive cock who isn't firing atm!
Dec 22, 2003
Oh so rounding up Lulz will solve all the probs then, kthx, reset all
passwords to 'admin' and open up the ports, sweet dreams.

No it won't solve all the problems, but I'm sure when faced with life in jail and getting t-boned of mandingo and his bitches. They'd cooperate :p


Can't get enough of FH
Mar 8, 2010
Ryan Cleary | Facebook

this is what anonymous did to the kid that got arrested in may this year after he hacked the forums they used after disagreeing - no doubt where the police got their info...


Aug 24, 2008
"Last month Anonymous - , another cyber protest group which shares an intense rivalry with LulzSec - published details of Mr Cleary online after claiming that he had fallen out with them. Anonymous claimed he tried to break into their encrypted chat rooms and they responded by posting a string of personal details online."

Posting anonymously self-proclaimed members of LulzSec were quick to play down speculation that Mr Cleary is one of their leaders. “Good news everybody,” wrote one. “Ryan has little to do with #LulzSec besides running [chat rooms]. All 6 members of @LulzSec are fine and safe.”

Seems they got some noob that runs chatrooms ... yes he is an idiot, how could they get his details? Unless he used poor proxys (people don't use tor???) they got his e-mail / IP and traced it from things such as facebook. If he had any sense, he would use fake e-mails for anything related to a nick, and full onion routing at all times. Before you try to decrypt a chat room run by a world famous hack group.

LulSec will be in for it anyway, ddosing CiA is retarded and the FBI / CIA nerds are no joke. Once they get one, he will flip on the rest.


I am a FH squatter
Jan 27, 2004
"Last month Anonymous - , another cyber protest group which shares an intense rivalry with LulzSec - published details of Mr Cleary online after claiming that he had fallen out with them. Anonymous claimed he tried to break into their encrypted chat rooms and they responded by posting a string of personal details online."

Posting anonymously self-proclaimed members of LulzSec were quick to play down speculation that Mr Cleary is one of their leaders. “Good news everybody,” wrote one. “Ryan has little to do with #LulzSec besides running [chat rooms]. All 6 members of @LulzSec are fine and safe.”

Seems they got some noob that runs chatrooms ... yes he is an idiot, how could they get his details? Unless he used poor proxys (people don't use tor???) they got his e-mail / IP and traced it from things such as facebook. If he had any sense, he would use fake e-mails for anything related to a nick, and full onion routing at all times. Before you try to decrypt a chat room run by a world famous hack group.

LulSec will be in for it anyway, ddosing CiA is retarded and the FBI / CIA nerds are no joke. Once they get one, he will flip on the rest.

Oh yes, the american justice system is no joke either, they'll be raped (literally) by the justice system, hope they're enjoying themselves because their world is about to get turned inside out.

Look at what the americans want to do to Gary McKinnon for making them look like fools, he faces upto 80 years in a federal prison for basically looking around some pc's (they did say he caused damage but we all know thats bullshit) now look at what these tools have done, not only have they pissed off the US GoV by attacks on agency websites but they've also cost certain gaming companies potentially millions if not billions in some cases.

All I can say is Gary McKinnon = 80 years
Lulzsec = xxxx

The LulZsec member that gets caught first will be the lucky one because he'll likely get the better deal for ratting the others out.


Can't get enough of FH
Mar 8, 2010
Oh yes, the american justice system is no joke either, they'll be raped (literally) by the justice system, hope they're enjoying themselves because their world is about to get turned inside out.

Look at what the americans want to do to Gary McKinnon for making them look like fools, he faces upto 80 years in a federal prison for basically looking around some pc's (they did say he caused damage but we all know thats bullshit) now look at what these tools have done, not only have they pissed off the US GoV by attacks on agency websites but they've also cost certain gaming companies potentially millions if not billions in some cases.

All I can say is Gary McKinnon = 80 years
Lulzsec = xxxx

exactly what i said a few pages ago :(

poor McKinnon tho - extradited for sure now!

and I <3 how gimmly just took all the info i posted in last 5-6 posts and put into 1 btw thanks meight !


I am a FH squatter
Jan 27, 2004
exactly what i said a few pages ago :(

poor McKinnon tho - extradited for sure now!

and I <3 how gimmly just took all the info i posted in last 5-6 posts and put into 1 btw thanks meight !

Aye McKinnon's extradition is bullshit, fair enough he should be punished but not by the USA and certainly not for 80 years. I remember watching something on TV about it awhile ago even people that worked on the pc's he hacked said he didnt do any damage at all yet the US gov just denies it and says he did.



Can't get enough of FH
Mar 8, 2010
scapegoat indeed, however he's still actually pedalling that he found pics of a fleet of spaceships and stuff so :|


Aug 24, 2008
exactly what i said a few pages ago :(

poor McKinnon tho - extradited for sure now!

and I <3 how gimmly just took all the info i posted in last 5-6 posts and put into 1 btw thanks meight !
Soz, I don't read threads, just click the links and work my way through tabs :p


Can't get enough of FH
Mar 8, 2010
Soz, I don't read threads, just click the links and work my way through tabs :p

:p I've pretty much read absolutely everything on this as its rather interesting - The Sun have been and interviewed the entire street the guy lived on haha,

apparently he's a well presented clever young lad haha, how well presented will he be in the orange federal prison clothes ;)


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
It may be a very tired cliche indeed, bu they need to get these people on their side, not throwing them in jail, most may be just script kiddies, but with the US building a cyber war games simulator, they need all the help they can get.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
I got an email off bioware saying that my account may have been compromised. The account I was forced to register to play Mass Effect 2. Fucking *****. Next game that forces me to have an account is getting torrented.

* May have been DA:O, can't remember ¬_¬


Aug 24, 2008
Jun 01 02:54:03 Topiary Jester's DoS tool = Apache 0day + slowloris + Tor
Jun 01 02:54:17 storm my dos tool is over ten years old and at least it spoofs
Jun 01 02:54:28 storm ;p
Jun 01 02:54:36 Topiary naturally you are a sexy beast
Jun 01 02:54:41 storm :D
Jun 01 02:55:55 Topiary tl;dr on awinee - he's insanely lonely/ugly so even treats our mockery as a sign of attention
Jun 01 02:56:09 storm hahaha
Jun 01 02:56:16 Topiary tl;dr on Jester - pompous elitism-fueling blogger with Tor
Jun 01 02:56:21 Topiary tl;dr on the rest of them - sheep
Jun 01 02:56:58 storm i use tor to ssh out ;d does theeze make me leet?
Jun 01 02:57:16 Topiary yes it does
Jun 01 02:57:37 lol no it makes you a ver patient person :O
Jun 01 02:57:46 lol SSH over TOR is looooooooooooooooooow xD
Jun 01 02:57:52 lol very*
Jun 01 02:58:00 storm rofl
Jun 01 02:58:00 storm dude
Jun 01 02:58:02 storm i agree
Jun 01 02:58:06 storm tor is slow as balls
Jun 01 02:58:10 storm btw

From the IRC logs, they use RFI bots to build botnets (new line of bots) and a zero day Apache exploit to get most web server. The leader is rumoured to be a 30 year old security consultant, leading a bunch of teens. Before long they will all be fucked, but at least they use Tor :p


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
Whatever comes to pass on this one, just the knowledge that all the dinosaurs in power and no fuckin clue whatsoever what is going on gives me hope for the human race.
Seeing highbrow papers reporting leet speak and names in a considered fashion
, trying to reference the proceedings to a framework they understand is pure joy.


FH is my second home
Dec 28, 2003
The fact that has been going on for weeks and the supposed "uber geek nerd anti hackers at the fuck yeah fbi/cia/mi5/whatever" havent got a clue makes me laugh hard.

Sure, they may be caught eventually, but the fact that the governments supposed "best" couldnt do it within a week is "lulz".


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
There are no super hackers at the CIA, they wouldn't trust them.
You can just imagine the scene.
'So what are you doing now?'
'Just switching on the PC'
'what's that?'
'It's the boot sequence'
'OK, now just back away from the PC real slow'


FH is my second home
Dec 28, 2003
I just assumed the government had the supposed best of the best working for them


Currently a stay at home dad
Jan 24, 2004
Quality costs Marc.. Governments always cheap out :D


Gold Star Holder!!
Jan 16, 2005
Jun 01 02:46:13 Topiary well Overlord Mighty Jester himself was tweeting at us
Jun 01 02:46:16 Topiary calling us failures :(
Jun 01 02:46:28 lol lol
Jun 01 02:47:10 storm lmfao
Jun 01 02:47:13 storm where
Jun 01 02:47:16 storm link a nig
Jun 01 02:48:00 lol!/th3j35t3r
Jun 01 02:48:04 Topiary ^
Jun 01 02:48:05 lol tht is t35t3r
Jun 01 02:48:18 lol tbh he needs owning :D
Jun 01 02:48:26 Topiary he's needed owning for a long time indeed
Jun 01 02:48:38 Topiary you gotta love it though
Jun 01 02:48:49 Topiary his little fortress with his minions, his DoS tool and his blog
Jun 01 02:48:54 Topiary his world must be so small

HIS world must be so small?!

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