Lame and selfish behaviour of Naveh on tonite's Caer sidi raid.



Originally posted by old.Morchaoron
I only have 2 screenies of the thing:


blurred some names to prevent off topic whining at people that have nothing to do with it...
What you said, what does that mean ....
Does it mean if i didn't lotto for ssa i could of lotto'ed for bane.. ?


I have readed the entire thread, however each time I come to the same conclusion:

Originally posted by Talen
If you roll for a slasher and a thruster with the same char on the same lotto then you try to manipulate the system.

Before EVERYONES eyes you wanted to roll for TWO different type of items, if you wouldnt have done this then perhaps people MIGHT have thought differently about it

like you said before:
Later on 2 ssa's dropped so i thought to myself i'll lotto for them, even tho im slasher scout I thought wat the hell and it would be a nice presant for my minstrel,

and this is from the TLW sidi rules:
You may roll for alts, IF 1) your alt is also level 50 and 2) you notify the raid leader prior to entering Sidi that you intend to roll for this character

Did you notify you were rolling for your minstrel? NO, you were trying to get bane for your scout..
A nice present you say? what about the people who really needed that sword and who brought their REAL characther for it? isnt that a bit selfish of you to just try to take it away from them with in mind: "it might have been a nice present for my alt im not rolling for"

whatever naveh might have done, you made yourself look completely untrustworthy in our eyes by trying to bend the rules just because you didnt take the time to get a thrust weapon..



That was a bit selfish i admit but...
ULTIMATELY I TOLD NAVEH that i was a THRUST spec ... but he LET me roll for an SLash weap .... hmmmmmm ????
But he wouldnt let me roll for thrust weap, didnt seam to bother him he got what he wanted .. :rolleyes:


There isn't anything within this thread which is distantly relevant to what you are saying and I have read the fucking thread so please stop with that silly arguement already ~~


Seriously, just shut up before you make a greater fool of yourself.


Originally posted by vivacelilp
That was a bit selfish i admit but...
ULTIMATELY I TOLD NAVEH that i was a THRUST spec ... but he LET me roll for an SLash weap .... hmmmmmm ????
But he wouldnt let me roll for thrust weap, didnt seam to bother him he got what he wanted .. :rolleyes:

So if you roll on a slash weapon and the roll didn't suit you then you think that you got a right that all the others on the raid doesn't have and you should get to roll on a thruster as well because you are so special?

Welcome to reality gimp! You aren't special in any form of way. Why should you get perks other doesn't? :p


I give up .... this is pathetic ..
Do you know why i rolled for a slasher ? Do you know i 100% wanted to roll for bane more but was told beforehand i couldnt ... so your saying STFU u rolled for slash ur fault ... pff ur just biased


I disagree.
I think he's very special, but not in a good way.~~


Originally posted by vivacelilp
I give up .... this is pathetic ..
Do you know why i rolled for a slasher ? Do you know i 100% wanted to roll for bane more but was told beforehand i couldnt ... so your saying STFU u rolled for slash ur fault ... pff ur just biased

Well... Yes I do say that. You aren't special still so why should you get to roll on 2 different damage types? You cant both have the cake and eat it. As you wielded a slash weapon during the raid you shouldn't get to roll on thrusters quite simple. And as you weren't slash specced you were only a mere leecher nothing else which tbh makes you even worse for whining about it. :p

(Refers to earlier post about OMG UNSTYLED ATTACKS ROCK)


Originally posted by vivacelilp
That was a bit selfish i admit but...

before we go any further then this, if you DIDNT roll for the slash weapon this story would have been ALOT more believable...

the only problem then would have been that you were not allowed to roll for a thrust weapon because you were using a slasher with your thrust spec...

1. You wanted to roll for thrust AND slash
2. You tried to get a SSA for your minstrel, which the rules dont allow because you were rolling for a scout

Apart from what ULTIMATELY would have happend you tried to manipulate the rules, if you just wouldnt have done this perhaps people might have thought differently about it...

also, if you would have won the ssa lotto, would you still have posted this?


Sorry to say vivace but i did read the entire thread, all your posts and u keep on changing your story.

Let me tell you what i would have done in your case. If Naveh had told me not to roll for whatever drop i wanted to (and could use according to the rules) and i disagreed with him i would have asked another raidleader (or anyone else that has some knowlegde on sidi raids) if this was fair or not. If i wanted the weap so badly i would have sent a screenie with my spec to prove i was entitled to have this weap and discussed it until i could get a fair roll.

However... no matter what u say... u rolled for two drops, both different styles (error part one) AND even for two chars when u are supposed to say b4 the raid starts what char u are rolling for (error part two). Even if u didn't roll for the Bane because Naveh told u u couldn't roll for it, you should have either insisted on rolling for Bane or withdraw from Bane and only roll for SSA. By doing this u basically screwed up for yourself.

And let me ask you the following: do u like going into melee with a bow? Is it something u can advice other people to do aswell? Or does a mob never come that close to you for u to switch to melee?

Sorry... i don't know either of u so im not prejudiced but i do know that your story has some things that simply don't make sense at all. Therefore it makes it very hard to believe u are telling the whole truth.

Anyway.. good luck on getting this Bane weap and please use a thrust weap next time when u go on Sidi. I'm sure some mobs don't care about bow damage and styles kinda give a much better dmg output u know :D


Point stated Naveh gets away scott free since my errors of lottoing for ssa so makes it less believable so no-one believes me, naveh did not intentionally put ssa first knowning (or maybe not) that my misntrel wants it for his temp .... no no , then he knew he could do what he pls..

Thank you Ziva only one actually helping rather than putting 100% blame on me and promoting naveh did fuck all, prob story be totally differ if i didnt roll for ssa ...
I aint posting no more i'll leave this... Congratulations on ur weap naveh ... see no hard fealing ..

Lol flesh you are a retard...


Originally posted by vivacelilp
Point stated Naveh gets away scott free since my errors of lottoing for ssa so makes it less believable so no-one believes me, naveh did not intentionally put ssa first knowning (or maybe not) that my misntrel wants it for his temp .... no no , then he knew he could do what he pls..

Thank you Ziva only one actually helping rather than putting 100% blame on me and promoting naveh did fuck all, prob story be totally differ if i didnt roll for ssa ...
I aint posting no more i'll leave this... Congratulations on ur weap naveh ... see no hard fealing ..

Lol flesh you are a retard...


You are at it again. It's time for a reality check yet again, the raid lotto didn't circulate around your petty arguement with Naveh. The sidi raid as a whole sure as hell didnt circulate around you either. Do you really seriously think he took a item earlier in the lotto just to tempt you to roll at it? Please less bullshit. :I

Some people really need to learn to find out that they aren't *that* fucking important ^^


Erm what you said is utter bullshit... I dont think im any higher than anyone nor did anything circulate around me and lol nor did Naveh temp me , i wanted it before i knew he wanted it and before it dropped so wtf are you on.
I aint gonna waste my breathe on you , determinated to be biased.


Shut the thread now in my opinion, just turning into a big flame fest.


Of course I'm determined to be biased as you broke the fucking rules on the raid. Exactly how hard is that for you to understand?
Every person that distantly knows about the tlw sidi raid rules should be biased against what you are saying because of the previous bullshit you posted.

And I repeat what I said earlier, stfu before you make a even greater fool out of yourself. :p


My previous post ?
Erm your a wanker flame flame cant be arsed , im sure anyone can tell by what u saying u dont give a fuck naveh says/done obviously u pinpointed i broke rules dont care WHY just oo he broke fuck him his fault .. Erm .. .. and wtf is shanks on about


Originally posted by Talen
Some people really need to learn to find out that they aren't *that* fucking important ^^
stfu and go get my red carpet.

oh and btw Vivace/Booerx all your posts contradict each other, you blatantly were trying to cheat the system, and it turns out you weren't clever enough to do, so stop whining you tart.


I belive you, if I were you I would have told the raidleaders to FOAD then pull all mobs in whole dungeon while doing /point /laugh,


You wouldn't be able to fit through the first arch in sidi anyway you fat tart.


Flesh .. contradict..
Thats the longest word i've seen you say, so long infact its still have shoved down ur throat :eek:


get some fucking fresh air and stop taking this game so seriously, really you wont regret it :rolleyes: 7 pages of shit and no doubt it will still keep going on tomorrow.


does it matter if someone uses one fuckin computerised weapon but wants another one for the sake of it? why do you care so much that you make these stupid systems and then if u dont get your away you cry like a little girl cos she cant have her barbie dolls. its not like these things are going to run out is it? the way the game is, everyone can have 1 of everything if they cared so much, so why does it matter who has what? its as bad as the sad bot users who must be better than everyone else and then judge their achievments in life by how many RPs they have. i think you need to get your life into order if you will take a game so seriously.


Originally posted by n3wbie
does it matter if someone uses one fuckin computerised weapon but wants another one for the sake of it? why do you care so much that you make these stupid systems and then if u dont get your away you cry like a little girl cos she cant have her barbie dolls. its not like these things are going to run out is it? the way the game is, everyone can have 1 of everything if they cared so much, so why does it matter who has what? its as bad as the sad bot users who must be better than everyone else and then judge their achievments in life by how many RPs they have. i think you need to get your life into order if you will take a game so seriously.

You kinda got offtrack quite badly there mate ;)

Rules are rules, rules are there to be followed, if there are no rules nobody would ever lead a raid tbh so it is kinda important after all imho if you ever wanna go to a raid again, why should anyone stand above preset rules? I get your point but tbh , try lead a raid with no rules or having people stand above the rules and then come and simplify it to the degree that you actually do. This threadstarter have snared himself in quite nicely and there is no way out anymore. Why? He didnt follow easy rules. Simple.

One cannot defeat a lie with another lie and another lie upon that in the longrun. It wont work out in the end.


Doesn't matter if it was everything or just one thing, as soon as you start lying and trying to manipulate the system your credibility is gone.

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