Ballard said:If you want the situation to improve please cancel your accounts maybe when they start losing (even more) customers it will trigger them into doing something.
So you have no excuse. You are just plain old ignorant and a crybaby.andree said:Talkin out of your own experiences, eh?
And what does my rl has to do with Goa not providing the information that the one I qouted said?
And for me living with my parents, nah... moved out quite some time ago...
Anything more u want to know about my private life before u propose to me?
Guess ur post was just another caser of "I have no clue about what they r talkin about but if i post something kewl about the dudes rl i will look really kewl in the eyes of all my leet friends that occupies fh"
He is right you know?Tio McShire said:rofl
Well he was just replying to another post that compared the situation with the military (And shot down the argument really good).Thorwyn[B&Q] said:This is not the Military, dude. This is a customer/service-provider relation. And the customers not only "need" to know what´s going, it´s their goddamn RIGHT to get informations.
Kathal said:Well he was just replying to another post that compared the situation with the military (And shot down the argument really good).
Castus said:I understand that the gms here and to a lesser extent the E&E have to be seen to support everything that goa do or tell them but can i ask some questions and get your honest opinion?
If OT comeback to GOA and say yes there is a problem but it will take say 1month or more to fix ,and theres no guarantee it will be fixed,will GOA or yourselves then tell us we have to play on with the admittedly bad lag?
Do you/they agree with these people on this thread and more that those who think the lags bad should just plain leave the game?And that we should`nt complain at all wether on a forum or by email?
Does the American side of DAOC and its servers suffer the same lag issues that we experiance? And if not what is the differance between their version of OT and ours?
How long do you/they expect to give OT to fix the problems?Is the situation that OT have a binding contract for say a year and GOA can`t change supplier due to that contract not being fulfilled?
What suddenly caused all this lag and lds? I played fine for over 2 years and never ever went ld unless it was char not in use timer.
Do Everquest and other MMORPGs have the same problems that u know of?
Maybe some have alrdy been answered and apologies if they have, i don`t want to whine i just honestly wanna play a game i`ve enjoyed for a very long time now without becoming dejected and frustrated like the majority of players it seems.
4: I can't make promises or speak on behalf of OT. All I cansay is that we are pressuring them as much as possible to fix the problem. It's not the case that OT have a contract with us to provide service. OT own the French internet equipment. Any commercial traffic passing through France will be routed via OT hubs and routers. No matter who our ISP was, people would still use OT hubs to reach the game servers. OT is one of several companies who are, in effect, 'the internet'. They maintain all the nodes and hubs that internet traffic is routed through. Here in France Opentransit maintains this equipment.
Requiel said:Ok then, from the top:
1: If OT come back to us and say they have found the problem but can't fix it for a month we will shout at them. Seriously, I can't imagine that once they identify the problem that they can't fix it within a reasonable amount of time. The issue so far has been convincing them they have an issue to resolve at all.
2: If things are going badly then you have every right to complain. I don't blame a single person who comes here or to RightNow or whenever after suffering sever lag to complain. What I would like to see is people listening to the answers they get and being realistic in their assumptions. There are too many people who don't understand the technical arguments weighing in with wrong assumptions and misinformed opinions. There are also some who seem to honestly believe that we have somehow engineered this situation purely to irritate them. The issue is being taken seriously at the highest levels in the company and we are doing everything we can to resolve it as fast as possible. To do otherwise would be stupid as it's clearly significantly affecting mot people's enjoyment of the game. As has been said however we are somewhat limited in what we can do directly.
4: I can't make promises or speak on behalf of OT. All I cansay is that we are pressuring them as much as possible to fix the problem. It's not the case that OT have a contract with us to provide service. OT own the French internet equipment. Any commercial traffic passing through France will be routed via OT hubs and routers. No matter who our ISP was, people would still use OT hubs to reach the game servers. OT is one of several companies who are, in effect, 'the internet'. They maintain all the nodes and hubs that internet traffic is routed through. Here in France Opentransit maintains this equipment. In the US it's mainly companies like UUnet and Sprintlink although Opentransit does operate there as well. Mythic's servers are reached through Sprintlink and MCI mainly.
5: If I knew what suddenly caused the lag, I'd be working as a network analyst for a lot more money than Goa pays me. It all started about two days before the NF beta when OT did some network maintenance. From that point on people were noticing unusually high amounts of lag. It was a little confusing at first as it wasn't clear whether it was just due to the beta test itself (which increased the traffic to our network) and the fact that Gorre, our test server was much lower spec than the main live servers. It wasn't until the beta test was almost over that it became clear there was an underlying problem with the main hubs that people were using to connect to our network with. Early pingplots suggested that it was an issue with a few of Opentransit's international routers. These are the big, powerful hubs that people who connect to servers in France from other countries will be routed through. People who connect to our servers from France (including us obviously) don't go through these routers and thus don't have a problem. We raised it with Opentransit who said they needed more proof to look into the issue. We asked the community for pingplots and a few weeks later actually started getting them.
I quoted the military thing in response to the quote in my post, learnt ot read before flaming idiot. GOA have told you all there is to know, simple, again as I said before if they quoted the full technical details of the problem, 99% of people on here would be scratching their heads.Thorwyn[B&Q] said:This is not the Military, dude. This is a customer/service-provider relation. And the customers not only "need" to know what´s going, it´s their goddamn RIGHT to get informations.
I quoted the military thing in response to the quote in my post, learnt ot read before flaming idiot. GOA have told you all there is to know, simple, again as I said before if they quoted the full technical details of the problem, 99% of people on here would be scratching their heads.
<insert random insults here to wind him up more>Thorwyn[B&Q] said:ROFL!
Yeah, dude, you´re the man! You really are.
First of, I didn´t "flame" you. Show me one, only ONE word in my entire post that could be even remotely considered a flame. I can only see one person here who´s flaming and using insults and that´s you, muppet.
And before you´re asking people "ot learnt" to read it might be a good idea "ot learnt" how to spell. Spelling is a requirement for reading you know.
Now go back to your GoA fanboy hq.
Requiel said:4: I can't make promises or speak on behalf of OT. All I can say is that we are pressuring them as much as possible to fix the problem. It's not the case that OT have a contract with us to provide service. OT own the French internet equipment. Any commercial traffic passing through France will be routed via OT hubs and routers. No matter who our ISP was, people would still use OT hubs to reach the game servers. OT is one of several companies who are, in effect, 'the internet'. They maintain all the nodes and hubs that internet traffic is routed through. Here in France Opentransit maintains this equipment. In the US it's mainly companies like UUnet and Sprintlink although Opentransit does operate there as well. Mythic's servers are reached through Sprintlink and MCI mainly.
It is up to GOA to sort it out with OT if you believe OT is responsible for causing some/all of the lag, or with the servers if you think it is those causing the problem, it is hurting your business.Requiel said:Yes we have 'admitted' there is a problem. We have also raised the issue with OT however without evidence of where and when people are getting problems they cannot do anything.
There is nothing wrong with our servers or network, it all runs fine. The problems are in the routing you use to reach our network. Routing that is entirely out of our control as it is owned and maintained by another company.
Thorwyn[B&Q] said:Spelling is a requirement for reading you know.
kirennia said:Arinocdcg to rencet rseaerch, the hmuan brian is plrectfey albe to raed colmpex pasasges of txet caiinontng wdors in whcih the lrettes hvae been jmblued, pvioedrd the frsit and lsat leetrts rmeian in teihr crcerot piiotsons.
The fcat taht you are ridenag tihs now wtih reaitvle esae is poorf of the thoery.
So spelling is less of a requirement then most think!![]()
Jace said:Is this EVER going to be sorted or will GOA continue to hide behind it's network provider?
OMG!!!kirennia said:Arinocdcg to rencet rseaerch, the hmuan brian is plrectfey albe to raed colmpex pasasges of txet caiinontng wdors in whcih the lrettes hvae been jmblued, pvioedrd the frsit and lsat leetrts rmeian in teihr crcerot piiotsons.
The fcat taht you are ridenag tihs now wtih reaitvle esae is poorf of the thoery.
So spelling is less of a requirement then most think!![]()
And you STILL don't get itJusticator said:Funny that US servers work a lot better than euro servers. Pretty much a miracle if I don't go ld atleast once a day on euro. Been playing 2 months on US now and not even one ld and no lag spikes.![]()
kirennia said:Arinocdcg to rencet rseaerch, the hmuan brian is plrectfey albe to raed colmpex pasasges of txet caiinontng wdors in whcih the lrettes hvae been jmblued, pvioedrd the frsit and lsat leetrts rmeian in teihr crcerot piiotsons.
The fcat taht you are ridenag tihs now wtih reaitvle esae is poorf of the thoery.
So spelling is less of a requirement then most think!![]()