You'll be happy to hear that I recieved a message today asking me to stop sending Ping Plots. They have got the message and are investigating - I will keep bugging them every day until it's fixed or at least until I'm told what's wrong and what's being done about it.
Please keep the ping plots coming, I want to build up a stockpile should I hear nothing from them
Erivoss - DAoC EU
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Boni said:
Why would they reply to this post as well as the 100000 other posts of the same nature? Try trawling the rest of the forums for the same answer they give daily.Hestethun said:too bad no from goa has replied to this post ;( just show the intresst from goa aint on top , to make it best for the daoc players. And yes it way more ppl then 10% of daoc community that will leave Daoc for WoW or EQ2.
But that Mythic and Goa allrdy know I guess, only reason I can see why they run this, they admitted they lost to wow and eq2.
Yes they dojokke said:do you guys think mystic knows about the europe situation ?
If you don't read the Friday News then please don't say we aren't communicating on the issue. Two posts in this thread complaining we haven't mentioned it two days after the news was published....Jarahl said:Well then Mr. E&E, could u maybe pass on a request to them, to at least inform us what is happening? One thing I've learned in my military career, always let your people know whats happening...
Jarahl said:Well then Mr. E&E, could u maybe pass on a request to them, to at least inform us what is happening? One thing I've learned in my military career, always let your people know whats happening...
Requiel said:If you don't read the Friday News then please don't say we aren't communicating on the issue. Two posts in this thread complaining we haven't mentioned it two days after the news was published....
feac said:Yes they do
its down to the Euro player base to send as many ping plots as possible to GoA so they can put more weight behind thier complaints to opentransit and get this problem fixed
one of the brainy types here can post why Mythic cant force GoA to do anything about it, to do with contracts and licences
Requiel said:If you don't read the Friday News then please don't say we aren't communicating on the issue. Two posts in this thread complaining we haven't mentioned it two days after the news was published....
Wert said:Unplayable today, albs still appear to have no lag, lding during keep raids, hopeless.
Gonna catch up with some college work, more interesting than watching myself lag all the time
Wert said:FYI, don't call me a dipstick,
concerning your last comment: the WHOLE of hib has been getting the lag, while im lagging out i get run over by alb zergs to find myself dead. Therefore, if i asked 1 individual on hib if they had lag they would respond with "yes". The fact that 1 individual on alb says "no" proves that the lag is NOT affected the whole of your realm.
And please eplain to me why you have to insult me, i stated a fact, i havent got round to read all the forums yet. There is no need to throw insults left right and centre just because your an alb.
Wert said:i havent got round to read all the forums yet.