Karoline: how sad can you be?



one thing that is sad about albion is that we got to many egoistic players, for example, i tryed to join a twee(tree) group to get some exp, they were only 7 so i asked to join....they told me to wait until they kill the curent pulled mobs and then they would invite me, so i backet off sat down and waited, when they finnished the pull they told me that they had another tank coming....... :( .
And what they couldnt tell me that sooner?
things like this have made me leave excal/alb more and more each day and started reroll on mid/prydwen.
even had a nice offer to change to hiberia for the hope that they arnt that selfish/stupid, only reason i dont do that becouse my guildmates ROXX!.
currently i stopet exping my armsman becouse its to hard to find groups.
but to thoose ppl that were in this party, to all of you in it:
and if a hib attacks you, i wont help you eather, and if you ask me why i didnt, you will get a nice answer.....sorry i didnt see you.
and no, im not rude eather am i a drop stealer, all i wanted was some exp.

and no i wont write down the names of them here, if you want to know if your on my ignore, send me a msg and you will see if you get a msg back....

btw....what are mids doing in here??!! we wont post relic raids, no need of looking for it :)

Moush :m00: mOO
pikeman at 47
<Dragon Knights>
R 3 L 1

old.mathus 2

I wonder why people behave so "badly" whilst playing this game, is it because they are getting bored (blame GOA/Mythic) or just plain sad?

My two coppers worth is as follows: I really enjoy RVR and was the reason I brought this game ( was getting spanked in half-life, lol), however my LVL 41 friar " lacks" certain kills to be a real RvR player, so I started a little Infiltrator. Whilst hunting in "leeching" mithra's tomb ( what is it with that place?) there was a lvl 32 paladin running around killing mobs and general being a "silly billy", u know who u are, so name calling isnt my style, maybe u had your reasons, such as poor up-bringing and lack of higher education opportunities....so I put it down to a one off..but no, another came and u worked in a team!! I started to laugh at this and left to hunt ants..

I understand that it is frustrating at higher levels and XPing takes an age and that RvR can be equally frustrating but come on gentelmen, running around mithra being an arse is not the answer

Mathus WitchHunter LVL 41 friar Black-Gryphons


People who lack any social confidence in their real lives can pretend to be hard and take out their frustrations in these virtual worlds where we can't hit them back. So when they're not beating one off over their Lara Croft poster, they take out their frustrations on us, the normal people.


Originally posted by mathus 2
I wonder why people behave so "badly" whilst playing this game, is it because they are getting bored (blame GOA/Mythic) or just plain sad?

My two coppers worth is as follows: I really enjoy RVR and was the reason I brought this game ( was getting spanked in half-life, lol), however my LVL 41 friar " lacks" certain kills to be a real RvR player, so I started a little Infiltrator. Whilst hunting in "leeching" mithra's tomb ( what is it with that place?) there was a lvl 32 paladin running around killing mobs and general being a "silly billy", u know who u are, so name calling isnt my style, maybe u had your reasons, such as poor up-bringing and lack of higher education opportunities....so I put it down to a one off..but no, another came and u worked in a team!! I started to laugh at this and left to hunt ants..

I understand that it is frustrating at higher levels and XPing takes an age and that RvR can be equally frustrating but come on gentelmen, running around mithra being an arse is not the answer

Mathus WitchHunter LVL 41 friar Black-Gryphons

While your on the subject about mithra... I frequently take my merc down there to help others out.

If I have some nice weps/equipment that I dont need I usually go there to hand it off to the ever greatfull lower levels.

Also while down there I look for groups in trouble or players that need a little helping hand in a tight situation.

However when Virilis shows... he gets payback for my scout :p

The kind of behaviour you describe is plain wrong though.



I've had an encounter with this idiot as well.

I was running through Camp. Forest and she passed me on horseback. I then got a group invite from her and I thought what the hell and joined. Immeditely she said

"ROFL level 29 LOL"

What a dumbass.


Will it help if i say that i killed her in rvr? ;)

one sucky minstrel if you ask me...


Being one of the unfortunates who grouped with Karoline (if you look up you can see a quote of mine posted by my good friend Paranoid) I just thought I'd add that Karoline has an alt - a scout currently in the Barrows.

I cannot remember the name of the scout but if anyone else knows . . .


If you wanna know... I know which name and she got my alt killed twice. The second time by pulling mobs while we still had ressurection sickness... You'll spot her easy. She wants to try mobs which are way too hard and she always is the one who wants to pull badly (even if we assigned someone else to do the pulling she will pull herself at some time).

(I'm not posting her name here because that wouldn't really show any decency from my side...)


Actually...I've grouped with Karoline at tanglers a few times and he/she has always been quite good.

Sometimes body pulls about 15 goblins at once, but it's fun and deaths have been minimal.

Has always said when going AFK. Usually fights if the group is small.

Having a bad experience with a player is no reason to go shooting your mouth off about it. Simply learn from your mistakes and let others learn from their own.



How long ago was that first post? :)

Is it possible Karoline has changed? improved? realised there are other people on the other side of hte computer...


Thank to all for the information about Karoline.

Originally posted by old.Zeikerd
About Collosus:
He also leeches your mob and when you say something about it he doesn't speak english all of a sudden (he is spanish).

He is not spanish, is portuguese and i have played with him in emain in some groups and i had no problem with him.


You can name countless examples of bad behaviour. Some days ago at my trainer a minstrel comes running in and just says "ROFL. A 2H crush Armsman!" Then is off again. Now excuse me for not being a lemming and choose something not obvious.

He's probably one of those spineless people that think every wizard is fire, every arms is pole and every pally is S/S.

No i dont post the name ;)


Well, didnt think this thread would resurface...

But yes, Karolina is back, and I think she hasnt changed a lot... We where doing tanglers in a 4 man team (2 level 47's), 3 out of 4 where guildies...

I personally had forgotten her... But she asked the level 47 guildie if she could join the guild... So (seeing I'm GM, he wasnt :p ) she PM's me, can I join the guild...

Ok, I ask in the guild, does anybody know Karoline, not a lot knew her... But a few 'oldies' did, and helped me remember this post... (and the fact that I had similar experiences, though not as many, and long forgotten)

So I PM'ed her asking if she was the same karoline from a few months ago... She said yes, so I told her that I'm sorry but due to the bad reputation I was not going to invite her (explained it a bit)... (the members that remembered her complained too)

Then she goes:
ha ha losers
I'm RR5 you'll never be
I was only going to join the guild to join your party, after that I was going to leave again
(and several of these types of PM's)

I dont know if she said all this because she was mad for not being invited, but be warned... That evening she also became the very first person to come on my Ignore list since rougly 6 months..


Wedge, don't forget she harrassed several members of The Brethren before being put on ignore :eek:

Luckely Ninjastyle remembered her rep :rolleyes:


Well, who knows, she might become a better person...

It wont be as a Brethren though...


Hrm well I just let her in on trial rank, heard these things about her thought she might of changed but if shes still that bad I think I should just boot her straight away.....


Originally posted by Insurrextion
lava forged has a lower speed than longswords/broadswords which makes it hit faster (good thing is that misses/fumbles arent so costly since u hit often/recover faster) ... you'll probably do the same damage over time as another 16.1 sword, maybe even more as u will probably proc more often :)

good thing about slower swords is that u get a bigger first hit which doesnt matter on spd of weapon ... and u also use less endurance in combat due to less use of styles (very nice in RvR :)) ellyll sword sucks - only 89% qua while caliondar has 91% ... QUALITY OWNZ JOO! :p

Endurance is based on speed too, a bigger weapon uses more endurance than a small weapon.

old.The McScrooges

Originally posted by old.Biohazard

Endurance is based on speed too, a bigger weapon uses more endurance than a small weapon.

I am SO going to have to quote that. Err not in game though. In a more err social environment.


Originally posted by old.Willis
Karoline = Wey (Guardians Of Light) and Weyder (Orden Hispanica (kicked)
Stupid lamer

a stupid and bad player, (13 years old)

Level 50

I had a grim moment with Wey months back in Barrows.

Was in a good group killing Echoes when Wey shouts "watch me" and jumps from Echoes to the lizards below, naturally drawing loads of adds and wiping group out. What made matters worse was the fact that he released and laughed at us. I did speak to Stt about him and he was subsequently booted from GoL.

Idiots like Wey/karoline need their accounts deleting IMHO, they seem to play the game merely to piss people off.


Oh yeah...delete all the "annoying" people! Especially those Spanish people who do nothing but babble in some foreign language.

"hola lfg tank me join pantalones"
"pulling me now hola polla grande"



Role on pvp server so thay all go away to do some serious grifeing :p


Originally posted by ApathyEndymion
Oh yeah...delete all the "annoying" people! Especially those Spanish people who do nothing but babble in some foreign language.

"hola lfg tank me join pantalones"
"pulling me now hola polla grande"


rofl that's so true :clap:

Oh and i met karoline on several ocasions form lvl 23 in keltoi till 42 at tanglers and she/he (lame noobshit kiddie) never changed.


Originally posted by ApathyEndymion
Oh yeah...delete all the "annoying" people! Especially those Spanish people who do nothing but babble in some foreign language.

ehm... what gives u the right to post that?

if i see a person from country xxx do stuff similar to this.. is it correct to blame ALL the ppl from country xxx? oh and ive also seen swedish and dutch ppl do the same, talk in their languages in main chat....

watch what u say,....

who the hell r u anyways?


Originally posted by Gunnerr

if i see a person from country xxx do stuff similar to this.. is it correct to blame ALL the ppl from country xxx? oh and ive also seen swedish and dutch ppl do the same, talk in their languages in main chat....

Of course it is correct. You show me a Dutch person who can actually use a semicolon and who doesn't think it's some kind of bong.

Norwegians are lovely, though. And Swedes. Aww. Bless them all.

watch what u say,....

Or what? Put me on "no rez lists" from here to Prydwen? Hohoho.

What are you? Foreign or something?



Noway im going to read all these posts, BUT Hienrich :) be a friend and take it up with her, it's not properly to take it up on a board, where she doens't have a clue there are being posted things about her, and therefore can't come with her point of view,



Originally posted by ApathyEndymion
Oh yeah...delete all the "annoying" people! Especially those Spanish people who do nothing but babble in some foreign language.

"hola lfg tank me join pantalones"
"pulling me now hola polla grande"

I find many many spanish ppl nice. If u got a problem with them talking spanish, then try not /yell STOP U MOFO SPANISH PPL TALK ENGLISH, try msg them, kkthxbye?

Grow up... :uhoh: .. and make up :wub:

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