Regen- said:Where has jeff and tonder gone?![]()
old.Tohtori said:Tonder: Toto, we're not in motherf*cking kansas no more.
Billboard: Welcome citizen to New Albion, all hail glorious King Arthur the XX. New citizens should register to the nearest registering office for evaluation and chip entry.
old.Tohtori said:IT was a lte afternoon in the dusk filled caverns of dusk cavern. Albeit the name of the caverns could have been more intimidating to keep out the unwanted, but the inhabitant of the cavern cared not for either the name or who dared venture into his lair. So, there he sat, in the back of the dusk lair...cavern..the dusky cavern lair. I told you he wasn't much for the names. This guy was the narrator, known as and only as that. Many had ventured into the lair to find his wisdom on, things...but only few had returned with the aid of a narration. Don't worry, the rest of the adventurers are fine. I might have been a bit over exited when i said "who dared venture into his lair", since there wasn't anything dangerous in the lair/cavern.
The main point was, he was bored. He hadn't been invitedto the annual narrators ball, because he hadn't narrated on his classic Jeff and Tonder adventures for years now. He had a long beard, so long that it went around his nosehair, wrapped around his armpit hair and did unspeakable things to his unwanted hair.Well, he had been sitting there for many years to have a ridicilously large amount of hair.
Actually he had been sitting i that cavern for one day,but it was a long time for a narrator. They have some time shifting abilities of unknown origin. This narrators name was Nick. All narrators did have the same name, but this was The Nick of Jeff and Tonder. He had been cast aside, thrown away, set on a pi...
Nick: They get it allready!
*ahem* Yes. Well, now Nick was needed again, but little did he know for what or how...or that he was needed...since he didn't have a cellphone, and was in a cave...and nobody liked him, cause he smelled, and his butthair was somewhere in between his chesthair that was doing unspeakable horrors to his earwax smeared
Nick: *cough*
Anyway! Two adventurers were lost in time and only Nick Narrator could save them now....from the dusky shadows of the dusk cavern lair holes...a shadowy figure emerged...
Bahumat said:please oh please let it be David Hasselhoff
a very evil mongoose