Jeff and Tonder in DAoC


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
-Questing is fun- (bit longer then usual :p )

Tonder: Here, have some coins and buy new enamels.
Jeff: Gee thanks Tonder!
Tonder: I also bought a couple of dwarven ladies for your pleasure.
Jeff: And it's not even my birthday! Thanks!!
Tonder:Hey, you wanna go hunting for ara's? I'll keep you alive.
Jeff: Really??! By odin this is the bestest day ever!!
Tonder: Anything for you buddy.
Jeff: Can i....
Tonder: What?
Jeff: Nothing.
Tonder: Go ahead, ask away!
Jeff: Well can some newbies come too?
Tonder: Suuuuure! If you want them with you then it's ok by me!
Jeff: day..zzz...ever...

Tonder: Wake up you lazy excuse for a dwarf!!
Jeff: Huwh...??
Tonder: You've been sleeping since noon.


Jeff: Hey Ton.
Tonder:It's Tonder. Not Ton, not T-Man, not Tondie. Tonder.
Jeff: Ok ok! Hey Tonder.
Tonder: Yeah?
Jeff: Let's do a quest!
Tonder: Remember our last quest?
Jeff: Umm...remind me.
Tonder: You, running around the woods looking for a magical poking stick. Me, laughing my a** off.
Jeff: Ooh...that one. Where'd you get that quest by the way?
Tonder: Umm..*cough*...a Yeah.
Jeff: Ok. But, yes or no?
Tonder: Suuure. Go get a spiritmaster. You know all quests need one.
Jeff: Yeah i remember, i'm not stupid you know.
Tonder: I'll go get
Jeff: Allright! Meet you in mularn in an hour.
Tonder: Sure.


LowbieTank: So you need me to dress up as a vendo shaman and dance around the woods?
Tonder: Yup.
LowbieTank: Why?
Tonder: It's a new dancing quest. I have to watch and beware you seeing me and you have to try and look for me while dancing. Whoever "wins" , so to speak, we both get an instant level, three plat and free horserides all across the realm for a month.
LowbieTank: Hey cool! Ok, where do i get the outfit?
Tonder: Well, being the good samaritan i am, i allready hunted for it. I lost a plat doing so though...
LowbieTank: Here, i just managed to get one plat with a months hard work. But the quest will get me three!
Tonder: Why thank you. Ok, here's the outit. Go into myrkwood, put the costume on and dance away. I'll let you know when the quest is done and we can go get the price.
LowbieTank: Yei! Bye!
Tonder: Buh-bye *snickers*


Jeff: Hey! I found a spiritmaster!
Tonder: Great.
SpiritusDeux: Greetings mortal, i am Spiritus Deux, controller of the dead.
Tonder: Err...hi.
Jeff: So what's the quest?
SpiritusDeux: Yes. What fiends must we rid of this world?
Tonder: Before we get to that, Spirit, you got the plat needed for the quest?
SpiritusDeux: I have coins, but do tell, why would you need coins for a quest?
Tonder: It's a special quest, once you complete it, you get double the coins back what you invested.
SpiritusDeux: Marvellous! I shall invest 10 platinum coins to this fierce expedition!
Tonder: *cough cough*
Jeff: Tonder you ok?
Tonder: Ahem...yes, yes quite fine. Thanks. I'll put it into the
Jeff: Ok ok! What is the quest?!
Tonder: You must find a evil vendo shaman doing in the myrkwood forest. Destroy it and get the reward.
SpiritusDeux: Supendious! We shall be leaving shortly?
Tonder: Healers can't be in this quest, purity of the warrior and all.
SpiritusDeux: But good sir, i am not a warrior, i am a man of death and destruction with the mind!
Tonder: Yes yes. Purity f the warrior, with the aid of magic. Let me finish.
SpiritusDeux: Ah, apologies. You shall do what then?
Tonder: I'll go and give the questkeeper our coins for the reward. But, don't die ok? We can't have any reward if you die.
Jeff: Hah! When have you seen me die?
Tonder: I'm counting on that *cough* Nasty cold...
SpiritusDeux: Come berserker! We have work to do and fiends to destroy!
Jeff: See ya Tonder!
Tonder *snickers*


LowbieTank: Lalla laa! Roar...rrr...great vendo!
SpiritusDeux: The smell of death surrounds us....
Jeff: There it is, you cover and i'll attack in berserker mode.
SpiritusDeux: Excellendo plan dear berserker.
LowbieTank: Wha..huh...AAAAAAAA!!!
SpiritusDeux: Take this you evil fiend!!
LowbieTank: Oh my god i'm on fire!!!!
Jeff: Be still so i may relieve you of thy innerds!!
SpiritusDeux: I summon the powers of darkness and launch at thee evildoer!!
LowbieTank: AAAaaaaaaaaa!!!
Jeff: ROOOOOOOOAAARRR!! Vendo soup coming up!!
LowbieTank: Aaa! Stop biting my head!!!

Shadowy: So. I'm prety sure Lowbie is done for...
Tonder: Yup.
Shadowy: But how were you planning on killing Jeff and that spirit dude.
Tonder: Wait for it.

SpiritusDeux: Berserker!! There are evil spiderlike creatures approaching in mass!
Jeff: Aras!! Run!!
SpiritusDeux: There are too many! I fear i can not make this!!!
Jeff: There everywhere!! Abort! Abort!!!

Shadowy: Nice.
Tonder: The trick was putting a trail of dead aras from their lair to this spot.Worth it though.
Shadowy: Anyone ever tell you, you're worse then the mobs you hunt...
Tonder: I take that as a compliment....ooh..headbite...




FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004

Jeff: Hey Tonder, why we hanging around a cemetary?
Tonder: It's part of the story, shut up.
Jeff: Ooh, like a really cool opening scene with graves and skeletons and..
Tonder: Sigh...yeah...
Jeff: There are a lot of them around.
Tonder: What?
Jeff: Skeletons.
Tonder: Well it's a **** cemetary for ***** sake!! ****!!!
Jeff: rude...
Tonder: Grr...let's just do this.
Jeff: Who's that?
Tonder: Who?
Jeff: The guy between the skeleton and the skeleton.
Tonder: Must be a shadowblade, all black and sh*t.
Jeff: I'll just...
Tonder: No...please...
Jeff: Hey you! Black guy! Over here!
Tonder: *sigh*
Jeff: Quite tall for a stealther.
Tonder: Norse. Tall. People can't stay in character these days. Short dwarves as zerkers, tall norse as shadowblades...
Death: Who dares disturb death...?
Tonder: Oh come on...
Jeff: I'm Jeff and this here's Tonder.
Death: I shall take you to your afterlife...
Tonder: You and what army? Bloody overdramatic for a norse shadowblade this one...
Death: I am death...harvester of souls...grim reaper...
Tonder: More like Gimp Reaper.
Death: Foolish shall die...
Jeff: Cool scythe.
Tonder: Wait...scythe is a bloody valewalker weapon...
Death: You shall...
Tonder: Shut up. You're a damn hibbie. Jeff...
Jeff: Yeah?
Tonder: Fetch!
Jeff: Roooooooooooooooaaaarrr!!!
Death: You sha....aaaaaaaaa!! LEt go of my cloak! No! Put me down!!
Tonder: Hmpf. Death. More like..umm...well...nothing witty comes to mind...
Jeff: RRoooaorooroaoor!!!
Death: Aaaa! Let go of my leg!!
Tonder: Bleath...? No, geeth?...nah...damn...
Death: Bring back my skull!!



Fledgling Freddie
Sep 13, 2004

they rock :p usually i hate sitting, and reading.. but omg.. :p go u


FH is my second home
Jun 22, 2004
haha been reading these over past few days.

absolutely awesome please keep on writing.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
((Lazy days, hazy ways.))

Jeff: We could....
Tonder: ...sigh...
Jeff: Well the water is...
Tonder: Boring...
Jeff: Why you throwing rocks in the njessi lake by the way?
Tonder: I wanna kill it...
Jeff: But the quest was like ages ag...
Tonder: Bored remember?
Jeff: ?
Tonder: Bonk?
Jeff: Try again.
????: HEY!! Stop that!
Tonder: What on earth are YOU doing in the lake?!
????: I'm finding Tomtis.
Tonder: In this puddle?
????: I am informed by higly reliable sources that within this lake is a portal to the hidden tomte lair.
Tonder That's a myth and you know it.
Jeff: Who's this?
Tonder: Shut up.
????: Shut up.
Jeff: ...
????: Who's the halfpint?
Tonder: Jeff, handy to have around. So how have you been Suz?
Suz: Good, good. Was home a while back.
Tonder: Paps ok?
Suz: If by ok you mean, drunk, chasing norsewomen and telling stories of "that one time when on runiecamp"....then yeah.
Jeff: WHO ARE YOU!!!
Tonder: ...
Suz: ...
Jeff: If i may ask.
Tonder: This here's Suz, best damn hunter around. Oh, and my evil twin sister.
Jeff: You have a twin sistaaaaah?
Tonder: I told yo to stop that...
Jeff: ...aaaaaaah...who is your faaataaOW!!
Tonder: Thanks Suz.
Suz: So you wanna come find Tomtis?
Tonder: I still say it's a myth, but we're...err...i'm bored anyway so count us in.
Jeff: Noone gonna ask for my opinion?
Tonder: ...
Jeff: Right.

To be continued...


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 11, 2004
plz continue :( i have a extra long lunch break with nothing to do.
the anticipation will kill me


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
((Lazy days, Hazy ways, no way!))

Tonder: Ok, so there was a portal...
Suz: Told you.
Tonder: But you could have told about the size.
Suz: Why? You fit in well.
Tonder: Yeah, but now we got a dwarf stuck in a waterhole...
Jeff: mmhmm mm mmm mm!!!
Suz: For a halfpint, he sure got one yummy tail. I wonder if it's squishy.
Jeff: MMHMHMMH?!?!
Tonder: Suz stop squeezing Jeff's behind and help me pull him out.
Suz: Partypooper...
Jeff: Aaaaaaaa...air!!
Tonder: Get up, we got stuff to kill.
Suz: Halfblue halfpint, tehe. Looks like a kobbie.
Jeff: Huf...huf...i thought i was gonna die!!
Tonder: Still time for that. Suz, where to?
Suz: According to the guys in mularn, we need to find a way to open the door to the lair from this entry room.
Tonder: Suz...
Suz: Yeah?
Tonder: See a door?
Suz: Ummm...
Jeff: Maybe it's hidden?
Tonder: Shut up.
Suz: The halfpints got a point.
Jeff: I'm not a hal...
Tonder: Fine. Start looking.

*30 minutes later*

Jeff: Is that it?
Tonder: For the fif-f**king-teenth time...That's the f**king way we f**king came to this f**king place!!!!
Jeff: So....
Tonder: NO!! AAAARGH!!!
Suz: Hey guys, found something.
Tonder: Jeff. Sit.
Jeff: I'm not a do...
Tonder: I said sit!
Jeff: Ok.
Tonder: What you got?
Suz: Looks like a hole. Yup. Deep, black, not in same level as the rest of the wall. Hole.
Tonder: Cute. You think the opening system is in it?
Suz: Yeah. But i'm not sticking my hand into it. Traps you know. And i just got my nails done.
Tonder: Oh, right. Hmm....well i think i can handle it...
Suz: Really? That's mighty heroic of you.
Tonder: I amaze myself sometimes....Jeff!
Jeff: Hmm?
Tonder: Want a cookie? *grins*

(Continued later on....again....)


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
((Lazy days, Hazy ways, part wait...))

Jeff: Oww...
Tonder: Stop whining.
Suz: Yeah you got fingers left.
Jeff: What?! I LOST a finger!
Tonder: Suz never was good at math. Besides, like the holeguard said, you'd get your finger back if you bring the head of Tomtis to him before sundown.
Jeff: But how am i gonna wield my left axe?
Tonder: Like you always do, with poor aim and pitiful damage.
Jeff: Grr...
Suz: Allright guys, this tunnel leads to the main guardhall. According to the info i got, there should be only three guards there.
Tonder: Ok, let's get a rolling.
Jeff: I should take point so iaaaaaah!! OOf!! NGH!
Tonder: When i said rollling, i didn't mean literallly...
Jeff: OOF! ACK! *tumbling noises*
Suz: He sure does roll.
Tonder: Dwarves. Natural born rollers. It's the stomach you know.
Suz: Ah. Shouldn't we like, run after him before he wakes up all the guards?
Tonder: Hmm....let me think...
Suz: ...well...?
Tonder: I'm thinking.
Jeff: Inc!! Add! Another!!
Tonder: There. Now we can go.
*Tomte guard was just killed by Jeff*
Suz: We better hurry.
Tonder: Not really, you said there's only three of them right?
Suz: Right. Only seven.
Jeff: Guys...
Tonder: What?
Suz: One, two, seven. Three guards.
Tonder: Oh crap..
*Tomte guard was just killed by Jeff*
Jeff: GUYS!!!
Tonder: I'll take two on the right, Suz, give the ones on the left something to think about.
Suz: Gotcha!
*Tomte guard was just killed by Tonder*
*Tomte guard was just killed by Jeff*
Jeff: Hah! You're dead now!!
*Tomte guard was just killed by Jeff*
Tonder: I had that one...
Jeff: Thought you'd need some help.
Tonder: This from a guy with an axe in his stomach?
Jeff: Wha? Oh crap...
*Jeff just died*
Tonder: Sigh...hold on and i'll rez your amnesia infected behind...

Jeff: Thanks.
Tonder: Don't make it a habbit.
Jeff: Where's Suz?
Tonder: Told her to get the tomte.
Jeff: Oh there she is...umm....interesting realm ability...
Tonder: Suz!! Put your shirt down!!
Suz: But they got something to think about!!
Tonder: Just stop it and kill them allready!
Tomte1: Ooh...
Tomte2: yum...
*Tomte guard was just killed by Suz*
Tomte1: Huh?Where bouncy go?
*Tomte guard was just killed by Suz*
Suz: Thank for coming, come again.
Suz bows.
Jeff: Tonder..she's...
Tonder: Nuts, i know.

((More to be coming later on in be continued))


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
((Lazy da...part five))

Tonder: Where now?
Suz: Now we have to go through the Tunnel of Trials.
Tonder: You got to be kidding...
Suz: No. Sayes right here. After the guards, go through the tunnel of trials.
Tonder: Fine, fine. Let's go then.
Jeff: This it?
Tonder: ...Jeff....describe to me a a general way...
Jeff: Long...umm...connects rooms, sometimes...umm...round?
Tonder: And now describe what you're looking at.
Jeff: A box.
Tonder: So...
Jeff: It's a square tunnel?
Jeff: Oww...
Tonder: Let's go you halfwit.

Suz: Sure are a lot of signs in this tunnel...
Tonder: Yeah, classic way to keep unwanted people out. Or dumb people. Whichever comes first.
Jeff: Beware, danger ahead!
Tonder: Beware, the dwarf may be closer then it smells.
Jeff: Horrifying death awaits!
Suz: He gonna read all of them out loud?
Tonder: Probably...
Suz: Sigh...
Jeff: Pray to your gods for quick death.

Jeff: No seriously, we warned you.

Jeff: You still here? Run allready!

Jeff: Oh come on! It took ages to put these up!

Jeff: Point of no return.

Jeff: Point of still possible to return.So we lied.

Tonder: I wonder how long this tunnel is...
Suz: According to this info...*sigh*...too long.

Jeff: REAL point of no return!

Jeff: Ok, we're getting a bit annoyed at you.

Jeff: Seriously! Take one more step and we'll eat you as soup!

Jeff: You blind or something?!

Tonder: I think i see some light there...
Suz: Where?
Tonder: That tiny tiny spot in the horizon there.
Suz: Oh right...

Jeff: Last warning!

Jeff: Cease all momentum at once!

Jeff: That's it buddy! You're dead.

Jeff: Tunnel under construction.

Jeff: It's your funeral buddy.

Tonder: Finally!
Suz: Long tunnel to say the least.
Jeff: I wonder what all the warning were for...
Tonder: I told you, it's a scare tactic.
Jeff: But...
Tonder: Listen. Those signs are there only to scare away halfwits like you.
Jeff: Bu...
Tonder: No buts!! There's no danger! There's no unspeakable evil! There's no tomte army waiting!
Tomte general: Drop down your weapons and lay down on the floor, now!!
Jeff: ...
Suz: ...
Tonder: That's one helluva big army...

((LAter, more, you know the drill))


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 23, 2003
lol just sat and read entire thread - excellent!!

givf more! :worthy:


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
You deserve a rep point for these :p

too bad i gave you one for the porn thread instead :(


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
((Lazy days, Hazy ways, the end is nai...nei...well you know...))

Tomte general: Put down your weapons. Now!!
Tonder: Oh pooie...
Suz: Pooie?
Tonder: Well...considering that Jeff there has the look of a "brilliant plan hatching in my braincell" and the size of that army that should've crashed my puter of lag allready...
Suz: puter?
Tonder: No idea what i just said...anyway...i think the outlook of our situation could best be described with...pooie.
Suz: Gotcha.
Jeff: Umm...
Tonder: Crap. Here we go.
Jeff: Hey little guy!
Tomte general:
Jeff: Yeah. You. Small. Little.
Tomte general: How dare you!?!
Jeff: I'm good thank you. How are you?
Tomte general: ...wh...WHAT?!
Jeff: I'll talk slow.
Tomte general: Takhasis! Take care of this unrespectful pukesack!
Takhasis: With pleasure sir...
Tonder: Umm...i wouldn't....
Tomte general: Silence!!
Takhasis: I'm going to love beheading y
*takhasis was just eaten by Jeff*
Tomte general: ....
Jeff: *gulp* Ah...
Tonder: Suz...
Suz: Yeah..?
Tonder: Ouchtime.
Suz grins.
*tomte soldier 1 was just killed by Jeff*
*Tomte soldier 2 was just killed by Suz*
*Tomte soldier 3 was just beaten to a tiny pulp by Jeff*
Tonder: Showoff...
Tomte soldier 4: No no! EAt him! I'm skinny!!!
*Tomte soldier 4 was just killed by Jeff*
Tomte soldier 5: Aaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!
*Tomte soldier 5 ws jut killed by Suz*
Suz: No running by the poolside!

*a good while later*

*Tomte soldier 87 was just killed by Tonder*
Tonder: Come on guys! I had to hit that one!
Jeff: Roar?
Suz: Were out of tomte. Pooie.
Tomte general: ....
Tonder: Excuse me, oh most gloriously gutcovered
Tomte general: umm...bu...
Tonder: Are you tomtis?
Tomte general: bu...ab....back of lair...
Tonder: Much appreciated. Let's go guys.
Suz: Righto. Thanks for the target practise oh most respected..umm...sir sir.
Tomte general: a....wh....
Jeff: What they said.

Jeff: Oh almost forgot...
Tomte general: Bu?
*Tomte general was just killed by Jeff*
Jeff: Wait up guys!!

(( know it, not done yet.))


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 11, 2004
wayyyy to short.
took literally 30seconds to read that :(
sure... i SHOULD be working.. but i have nothing todo but troll FH.
so some1 gimme something long to read :D


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Well they are supposed to be comic strip like :p

But...since the peeps are unhappy...i give you....

The amazing adventures of...

JEFFRON and his trusty sidekick BUFFWONDER!!!

In a mansion near mularn, our hero Jeff, the mild mannered alias of JEFFRON!!!...*cough* spending some time with his friend Buffy..

Producer: HOLD IT HOLD IT!!
Narrator: What?
Producer: We can't call her buffy.
Narrator: Why not?!
Producer: 'cause there's allready a villain fighting girl named buffy.
Narrator: Bah...well what am i supposed to call her then?
Producer: You're the narrator, think of something!


At the Jeff Zerker mansion, Jeff and his friend...umm...Bluffy were soending some...

Producer: Hold it!!!
Narrator: Sigh...
Producer: No buffy, no bluffy, no bhuffy....we'll get in trouble for that!
Narrator: FINE!!!

At-the-Jeff-Zerker-mansion-jeff-and-his-friend.... Ms.Wonders we're having a quiet tea time.

Jeff: I do say, speaking like this does indeed bring forth a hint of culture and chauvinism.
Wonders: You do mean sophistication?
Jeff: That's what i said dear Wonders.
Wonders: Sigh...

The Jeffphone rings...

Jeff: Fire! Fire!!
Wonders:'s the jeffphone...
Jeff: Oh...right! To the jeffphone!!
Wonders: It's right there.
Jeff: HELLO!?
Mayor: don't have to shout everytime you answer Jeffron...
Jeff: Enough of idle chitchat Mayor Goombs, what is the predicament?
Mayor: The what?
Wonders: What the superbrain is trying to say is, what's the problem...
Jeff: Buffwonder! Get of the unsecure line!
Wonders: You got the speaker on...
Jeff: Ah right! Then why am i holding the phone?
Wonders: 'cause you're a...
Mayor: We have no time for this! The eleet squad is robbing the mularn bank!
Jeff: Have no fear Mayor Goombs, Jeffron is on the case!!
Jeff: Ms.Wonders....
Wonders: Yeah.
Jeff: To the Jeffcave!!
Wonders: Can i use the stairs? It's only like one flight...
Jeff: No! The Jeffpoles are there for a reason!
Wonders: I really don't want to slide down the jef...err...nevermind..
Jeff: To the Jeffcave!!

Our heroes slide down the jef....down to the jeffcave

Jeffron: Marvellous! The autosuiter works!
Buffwonder: ...really?
Jeffron: Why yes!
Buffwonder: My outfit is tighter then an elves behind!
Jeffron: Yes! It is perfect!
Buffwonder: oi...
Jeffron: To the Jeffmobile!!
Buffwonder: It's a freakin horse!!
Jeffron: Well te producer said i couldn't have an actual car 'cause it wouldn't be realistic...
Buffwonder: And this is?! For the sake of odins underpants i look like something out of a drooling teenagers animecomic!!
Jeffron: Let's just go...

Our heroes ride out of the Jeffcave and arrive at the scene of crime just in time

Jeffron: Halt evildoers! Lay down and surrender and you don't have to face the wrath of...JEFFRON and...
Buffwonder: ....
Jeffron: Psst...your turn...
Buffwonder: I don't want to...
Jeffron: Oh come on, you're making me look bad...
Buffwonder: Sigh...fine...
Jeffron: Lay down and surrender and you don't have to face the wrath of...JEFFRON and...
Buffwonder: ...buffwonder...wee...
Squadgoon1: lol....laik u got anything on us. Why u think u better then some ripoff batmanclone?
Jeffron: Because unlike other ripoffs, my partner and i can not be accused of having gay relations.
Squadgoon1: Hah!
Squadgoon2: he got a point...
Squadgoon1: stfu or i pwn u...
Squadgoon2: He's got a buffbot and all...
Buffwonder: Excuse me?! Buffbot!? I'm not a freakin lamea** bot and if you say that again i'll rip you two new ones the size of a trolls bicep!!!
Squadgoon1: ...
Squadgoon2: ...
Squadgoon3: What's the commosion? And who's the halfpint with a bot?


Jeffron: Let that be a lesson for you evildoers. This is my town and noone does evil deeds here while JEFFRON and...
Buffwonder: Oh f*ck off....
Jeffron: Right...well...hey Buffwonder wait up!



Can't get enough of FH
Dec 23, 2003
i'm famous at last \o/

can i update my sig to say

"Now appearing in the Jeff & Tonder show!"

plz? :)


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Bahumat i did a few of those back in barrysworld(oldskoolz!!), but without a net at home(grr...taking ages to hook up...), i don't have the time at work to befool a few unsspecting befools.

Takhasis, like i could stop you :p


Can't get enough of FH
Mar 12, 2004
Ronso likes ..

Ronso wants more ..

Ronso will stop third person references...

enjoyable m8 - the very first one was klass :p


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
((Lazy days, at thee!))

Jeff: As a tunnel of trials, that was a weak one.
Tonder: Well, not to mention that in real life we'd be beaten up by a fraction of that army...
Jeff: I don't think so.
Tonder: You're right, i correct myself. In real life YOU'D be beaten up.
Jeff: ...I'll beat you.
Tonder: Bring it on beerbag.
Jeff: Oh i'll bring it on b*tch!
Tonder: B*tch this b*tch!
Jeff: Who you calling a b*tch?!
Tonder: Calling you a b*tch...b*tch!
Jeff: I'll (bleep) b*tch you up b*tch!
Tonder: (bleep) this you (bleep)ing b*tch(bleep)!
Jeff: I'll show you (bleep)ing b*tch what you can (bleep)ing b*tch...
Suz: Guys!!
Tonder: Huh?
Jeff: What?
Suz: Shut your b*tcha**es up and take a look at this hole.
Jeff: A hole?
Tonder: Great, like Jeff wasn't enough.
Jeff: Oh haahaa...
Suz: Could you stay off eachothers throats for five seconds and look who's down there.
Tonder: Looks like Jeff. Fighting what appears to be a quite large axe.
Suz: The thing attached to the axe...
Tonder: Oh right, looks...bossy.
Suz: Tomtis maybe?
Tomte: Must be. But if Jeff's here, who's that?
Jeff: It's Kinny!!
Tonder: Kinny?
Jeff: Kinag, from my guild.
Tonder: You have a guild...?
Jeff: Kinag!!
Kinag: Huh....oh hi there boss! Join the fun!!
Jeff: Right down!
Suz: Maybe you shouldn't looks rath...right...don't listen...can you believe this?
Tonder: Boss? Jeff? Guild?
Suz:'s like playing with a bunch of shadowblades...
Jeff: How you been?
Kinag: Good, good. Crew just went to kill a few albs, i heard you were heading here.
Jeff: And decided to lend old boss a hand?
Kinag: Why not! I heard this Tomtis fella gives mean drops.
Tonder: Jeff...boss...crew...what the f...
Jeff: See you got a new axe. How's the twohand business anyway?
Kinag: Unapreciated still, but i don't mind.
Suz: Hmm...i wonder...
Tonder: ...really? Jeff? Leader?....i mean....REALLY?
Kinag: Who's the norse up there?
Jeff: That's tonder, good pally o mine.
Kinag: Paladin?
Jeff: A healer.
Kinag: Pally healer?
Jeff: No pally.
Kinag: But you said...
Jeff: I meant...
Kinag: Ooh with the...
Jeff: Yeah and...
Tomtis: EXCUSE ME!!
Kinag: Yes?
Jeff: Hmm?
Tomtis: Could we PLEASE get back to the fight? I'm supposed to be killing you afterall.
Kinag: Oooh! Sure thing!
Jeff: Why not! You sure you don't mind two on one?
Tomtis: ...i ate a crew of 20 albs this morning, washed it down with a bunch of norse adventurers then picked my teeth with the bones of so called "hibernian heroes" really think two dorfs are anything more then a little nuisance to me?
Jeff: ...
Kinag: ...
Tonder: Really?!!!
Suz: Nggggh....come on...moveyou piece of...
Jeff: AAAAAaahahahhahhhaaa!!!
Tomtis: Wha...
Tomtis: Grr...
Jeff: He doesnAAHAHHAHA!!
Kinag: And theAHAHHAHAHAA!!
*Kinag was just killed by Tomtis*
Jeff: Oh my god you killed Kinny!! You bastard!!
Tonder: Smish! Ahaha....
Tomtis: Pfft.
*Jeff was just killed by Tomtis*
Tomtis: Norse soup up.
Tonder: AAHahhaha...what?
Tomtis: You're next little healer...
Tonder: Oh keep your dorfsmelling fingers off me...
Tomtis: Or what...
Suz: Or this. FORE!!!
Tomtis: Wha...
*Tomtis was just killed by Suz*
Suz: She shoots, she scores!!
Suz dances.
Tonder: A boulder...? Really...?
Suz: I called it, plan b-oulder.
Tonder: Sigh...
Suz: Boulder dash!
Tonder: Oh for the love of...
Suz: Boulder and the beautiful?
Tonder: Let's just get those doopy dorfs and get the hell out of this place.


Suz: You could say Tomtis was...bouldazzeled.
Tonder: Shut up!!
Suz: Bouldozered?
Tonder: .....argh!!


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