Juj said:More servere???
You mean you think they plan on terminating them irl?
Read the bold part of my qoute from the EULA: in our sole discretionBunnytwo said:On the agreement part quoted it also says they may terminate your account when you are in breach of the agreement, not whenever they feel like it.
Juj said:I stiil dont see how it's cheating when you are situated at your computer.
As for reseting my Trading skills hmmm seems also unfair when i think of the time I have spent away from my family to gain those skills the hard way...
Thank god some one else has actually read what GOA have said.Comos said:still think it's strange though, they have now clearly stated that you can macro craft as long as you aren't afk. Now for checking if you use a macro or not... if they only use that sad little server log that says when a person clicks his mouse... not realy any proof to me but still. And secondly, to make sure if you afk or not, what can they do? PM you ingame? Imo you have every right to ignore any PM, even when they state and proof they are a goa representative, the eula doesn't say that the person has to be looking at his screen. He could have easily missed the msg imo.
Juj said:I even explaind to GOA that the only reason I used this macro was becuase my GF insisted that i put my son in some clothes and got him ready for a daytrip, which ofcoarse i did while sitting at my computer table.
old.Whoodoo said:Server log:
1200:01 UserX presses key 1
1200:30 Item is made
1200:31 UserX presses key 1
1201:00 Item is made
1201:01 UserX presses key 1
1201:30 Item is made
1201:31 UserX presses key 1
1202:00 Item is made
1202:01 UserX presses key 1
1202:30 Item is made
Well.. They should treat radar-users the same way they treat macro users (who're not breaching the EULA unless they're afk) and at least not be nicer to them...dapprman said:Personally I think |GOA have gone for a soft option, ratehr than trying to stop the real cheats. I wonder how many radar users actually get their accounts cancelled when 1.70 comes out, compared to getting their knuckles rapped.
Really? He even in an earlier post admitted that he was using a 3rd party program, and that IS against the EULA.dapprman said:This guy has done nothing wrong as far as the EULA is concerned. You might not like the thoguht of keyboard macros, and may feel they are against the spirit of the game, but they are not agaisnt the EULA and thus not cheating.
You're right... And I'll say this now before you say anything about my post too..Teh FnoRd said:Really? He even in an earlier post admitted that he was using a 3rd party program, and that IS against the EULA.
they'll get 1, 3 and 7 day bans ofc.Personally I think |GOA have gone for a soft option, ratehr than trying to stop the real cheats. I wonder how many radar users actually get their accounts cancelled when 1.70 comes out, compared to getting their knuckles rapped.
Teh FnoRd said:Read the bold part of my qoute from the EULA: in our sole discretion
Not saying it's right that it's their sole discretion, but we've all accepted it and thus have no right to whine about it...
Damn... I really don't have anything better to do at work...![]()
Appendix said:The way Mythic has implemented crafting is really the cause for all the problems with people using third-party programs. Spending countless hours pressing the same button over and over to improve a skill is just complete and total bullshit. I'm surprised that people put up with such an idiotic game design. Why didn't they make crafting skills level up by doing quests or hunting for rare drops required to craft or something similar to master levels instead? That would have removed the whole issue of people macroing completely. And so what if people macrocraft? What does Mythic win by making people sit and stare at their screens instead of playing the game and at the same time having fun? Isn't that what the game is supposed to be about? You play the game to have fun not to be bored to hell. Just because something is in the EULA doesn't mean its sensible or even right. Why GOA choses to enforce these rules is beyond me and surely a warning rather than permban should be enough.
NetNifty said:Thats teh cat from Shrek 2, not Garfield![]()
what would happend ?NetNifty said:I think its illegal to do that as you did subscribe... and putting a fake address in is stupid as if something happens to your account GOA can't contact you via post to send new passes.