HAHA! Success! I have both Part I and II! Will upload tomorrow guyz
Part 2 asap cokenose!
natural selection part 2
tristan 3 remastered
erm, cant remember rest
Search this thread a few pages back and thou shall find an FTP server for your use
Hello everyone,
I was going through my DAoC movie folder and noticed that it became rather big over the years (62 gig).
Now i'm gonna do rendering work next comming days so i wouldnt mind uploading some vids if there are ppl that really want one. Ive made a list with vids and sorted it by date (ye that took more work then i was hoping for )
But here it is. Let me know if there is interest in certain vids and i might upload them to FF next comming days
Vid list:
Bavarians.avi - cool and old OF alb tank grp with frair PoV
DH-high.avi - Legendary DH vid, think everyone knows this one
Faucheur.wmv - French OF bard / VW duo, bard PoV with Michael Jackson music !
pbaoe.avi - Bad qual but classic chanter bomb vid
Bloodandwine.avi - insane long fight by a alb tank grp
2legit.wmv - Arms PoV alb tank grp
ThidrankiTurnsOrange.avi - mid thid GG
Come_from_behind.wmv - Hib thid GG
Allexiel - Solo Reaver.wmv - Solo reaver in OF (duh)
freerps-3.avi - Hero PoV in OF
Silence of Steel.avi - my favorite oldtime vw movie (solo)
spaniard duo.wmv - Scout / infil duo
UnderTheRock.avi - Catacombs promotion trailer
Konrax2.wmv - SB on mordred
Ziz1.wmv - Ziz's 1st movie (nightshade) :>
no_easy_way_out.wmv - SB / Hunter solo
tyus.avi - ranger in NF
shadowsaga.wmv - SB on mordred
Fechina.wmv - 1 fight reaver vs old warlock
fins.wmv - vamp kills fins grp on pvp server
Dhaz-MerlinsSoloSavageVid2.wmv - solo kobbie stupid music ;p
ScoutHowToVideo.wmv - Very funny scout movie
SavageTheMovie.avi - savage 2h PoV with great editing
I have one called Vf-c.. Will upload it sometime soon
Anyone able to upload Vodkafairy's scout vid?
vee-c.avi I think it was
LOL, i see some ppl never change
The nerd who said he would break my legs at the DAOC meeting in UK.
I was there noobYou weren't.
Vindicator said:[21:28:58] @@[BattleGroup] Vindicator: "Hello to those joining and thank you for coming : )"
[21:29:08] @@[Guild] Borni: "ok Vindi start speech pls then Marchegiani then bugy"
[21:29:21] @@[BattleGroup] Vindicator: "Today is both a sad day and a day for rememberance. I have never felt so much pain as now, the second I heard the doctor tell me my brother had just died, my heart broke and I was shattered as I had just lost a big brother, a friend and"
[21:29:33] @@[BattleGroup] Vindicator: "a gentle caring soul had passed on. Im just going to come out and say it, my brother gamblor or James was a great guy. I always loved my brother but maybe I didnt express it. He was always there for me or my other brothers and sisters when"
[21:29:47] @@[BattleGroup] Vindicator: "he was needed or just u wanted to talk to him. He never seemed to get stressed about anything. He took one week, one day at a time and one beer , one sip at a time"
[21:29:58] @@[BattleGroup] Vindicator: "kids in my family. He was the first born and with that came alot of responsibility which James/Gamblor never had a problem looking after. He was also a fun guy, he was all about fun. This very game is evidence to that fact. he loved to"
[21:30:17] @@[BattleGroup] Vindicator: "to play and have fun. For hours on end me and my brothers would wrestle each other and play football in our back garden. He would take me and Sirex in to town for treats to buy us presents and food when we were younger and he still enjoyed"
[21:30:33] @@[BattleGroup] Vindicator: "going into town with us up until the sad sad day of his death. I would like to explain a little about what happened with my dear brother."
[21:30:45] @@[BattleGroup] Vindicator: "At around march 17th, St. patricks day, my brother Gamblor, was having chest pains. he said that he could not breath properly, so he took the day off work and went into hospital. The doctor looked him over and gave him some pain killers."
[21:31:21] @@[BattleGroup] Vindicator: "A few days later his breathin was so bad that he almost collapsed in his apartment in scotland. he called an ambulance and was taken to hopsital. They did an x-ray and they told him that it was pneumonia <SP?> A really bad chest infection"
[21:31:41] @@[BattleGroup] Vindicator: "They gave him some more painkillers and sent him home to rest. He didnt want to stay at his home in scotland so my brother < playing Gamb 2nite> flew to Glasgo to collect Gamb. he took him home and while he was at home, our family doctor"
[21:31:57] @@[BattleGroup] Vindicator: "looked over james and sent him in to hospital for a week of testing. On the 5th of april, a wednesday they told my brother that he had testicular cancer. We were all so shocked and upset but gamblor told us not to worry and he would fight"
[21:32:17] @@[BattleGroup] Vindicator: "it for us all and it was no problem. So he was set to go for an operation to remove one of his testicules on friday the 7th of April, we were slaggin him about being 1 ball b0i and a real wanker an all that, but on friday morning as he was"
[21:32:35] @@[BattleGroup] Vindicator: "showering for his operation he collapsed in the shower because of shortness of breathing. they told him they were going to do a scan on his lungs with a diff type of x-ray and that he was going to be put under general anasythic < the sleep"
[21:32:54] @@[BattleGroup] Vindicator: "drug> while they were doing the scan, Gamblors heart stopped because it was not getting enough oxygen from his lungs. They tried to revive him and fought valantly to save my brothers life but alas they could not. James Duffy / Gamblor"
[21:33:10] @@[BattleGroup] Vindicator: "Died there. They say after looking over things that his cancer was much worse than simply testicular cancer. He had it in alot of his body and they were amazed Gamblor was even standing as that much cancer should have knocked any man down."
[21:33:33] @@[BattleGroup] Vindicator: "my brother was never one for moaning and whining. That is why, yes it is ok to mourn our lost friend and my brother but he would not want us to dwell on the unhappy event of his passing but more remember the fun times you all shared with him."
[21:33:51] @@[BattleGroup] Vindicator: "I want to ask you all now to stop. Think of a memory you have of gamblor which makes you laugh or you enjoyed and remember him : ). I have 23 years of great memorys so you will excuse me if I take some time remember a great man and brillant"
[21:34:09] @@[BattleGroup] Vindicator: "Brother, Thank you all for your attention and Smell you later Skaters"