I'd just like to say....

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Yeah thanks TTD, without you Barrysworld wouldn't be what it is. The place wont be the same.
Good luck in your new venture and don't forget where we live will you?

Cant type anymore....too choked.


Originally posted by TedTheDog
I am currently working my notice and will leave on the 13th of June as I've been made an offer I simply couldnt refuse somewhere else. It feels a bit odd leaving all this behind, but a mans gotta do what a mans gotta do.
Or something.

Anyway, overall its been huge fun. I've had a great time reading these forums over the years and I'm very proud that you feel its something worth fighting for. I hope to still be around, but as a participant rather than a moderator.

And now, back to the beer....

Well Good luck :(


Ted needs his own thread, fs. Not tucked away in here.


I', real llyh fukcin pissed and just got in but otp op work rted and good luck fo the futuure!

afuck in ell i best not post when psoi opiosiehd acutuallly lol

oh fuck sorry.

scya and goodnighth old friends m hahool lololol oh bloody hell im drunk


Originally posted by Xtro
I', real llyh fukcin pissed and just got in but otp op work rted and good luck fo the futuure!

afuck in ell i best not post when psoi opiosiehd acutuallly lol

oh fuck sorry.

scya and goodnighth old friends m hahool lololol oh bloody hell im drunk

isnt is amazing how drunk people slur when typing


Right. I strongly suspect this post will be gone by the morning, but in this country criminals (like I am being made to feel), no matter how bad the crime they are accused of, get a chance to defend themselves. Well folks, this is my defence.

When I first joined Barrysworld, what seems like an ice age ago, I was initially attracted by the diverse communtiy that populated the forums. The chat was enjoyable, the conversations generally stayed away from the normal dross you find on the internet, the people, in general, made me laugh (admittedly often at their expense, byt hey, we don't want everyone sucking each other off all the time now do we?) and on the whole, it was the greatest community on the internet. By a country mile. This community got BW through the good times and the bad and certainly got me through a few of my own not-so-good times (Yes, I do have these. They're normally hangovers, but occasionally real life stuff gets fucked up for me aswell). And now, 3 years and 4302 posts later, I have been banned. Banned for saying something which I (and a few others) have said countless times in the past, without the mods so much as batting an eyelid. I said it that often it became a catchphrase (altho I would love to see Mr Chips act it out). Now, it would appear that this acceptable in the days of the suits running BW. Which I can see why. They don't want the kids (who have probably heard worse at school) reading about people wishing terminal diseases on other people, which is fair enough. But wouldn't it have been slightly more intelligent to, if you are offended by the remark, to have pointed it out when it was used in the past, rather than have me believe that it was acceptable behaviour? I mean, if the boss of a message board tells you not to say something again, you tend not to say it again, unless you have the I.Q of a turnip.

In any case, I feel a banning was an extreme measure, which has caused the problem to linger longer (try saying that after 5 pints of Guiness) than it really deserved to. A simple post deletion and a PM saying "Find a new catchphrase" would have sufficed. And that would have been it. Life would go back to normal, and I wouldn't be tempted to use the phrase again. Instead, we have an annoyed potential customer, a bewildered community, and another sign that this ain't the same place it used to be.

I seriously doubt that this post will result in my account being reactivated. The suits appear to have made up their mind that I am a disgusting potty mouth, and no amount of reasoning could change that fact (don't you love uneducated stereotypes). However, I suggest they look at a text file containing the smack talk that gets chatted on the servers (you know, the things people are giving you money for), and watch comments like the one I made pale in comparison.

Anyway, I'd better start wrapping this up, as it has easily become my longest post evar, and if I don't abuse will start creeping in, which will do me no favours whatsoever.

To the regs - Thank you for 3 great years and thanks for the support. You guys have made me laugh, cry and hurl, all in equal measure. Barrysworld honestly wouldn't be the same without you. Keep up the *unf*-ing, PS2-bashing and general silliness for me eh lads?

To my critics - If you're going to be obtuse enough not to understand me, please try to refrain from cheap comments I can't reply to. It puts you kinda on the same level as pond scum and Justine from Big Brother. Neither of which are all that pleasant.

To TedTheDog - Good luck in the future, and I mean that. Without your years of toil the fantastic community here wouldn't exist. Fact. I hope that this place doesn't get sanitised into utter tedium in your absence.

To people with a sense of humour - watch out lads, you'll probably be next.

To the DAOC'ers - Shorten your fucking sigs pls thx.

Well folks that's it. I'll still continue reading these forums, even if I can't contribute, and I'll still idle in #wij and #quake2.uk. So don't be strangers eh lads?

John Kyle
aka Bodhi.


I've lurked here for a very long time, not really an active poster though.

I can understand GAME wanting to clean the forums up a bit, as from an outsiders point of view sometimes you lot can seem a little hostile. But when you look beyond that, this community is really unique and dare I say interesting.

It's sad that you have to get rid of the characters that colour this forum, I just hope this trend won't continue. :(


bodhi - I'm not going to delete your post but I have suspended the account.

I'm guessing Ted might re-instate you (or ask me to do it) before he leaves, perhaps, but the simple fact is if you look at the list of non-DAoC people banned at the moment it is short and pretty boring:

bodhi - See Ted's post in this thread.
Dimebag - for racism, persistant obscene picture posting, various bits of abuse to individuals.
Kippa - Was suspended for something he posted, I offered to re-activate his account but he didn't want it done.
old.E-Razor - For needless trolling.
Tom - For abuse relating to Dimebag's banning.
Exor - See Ted's post in this thread.
I_am_Glenn - For needless trolling.
.cage - See Ted's post further down the main page.

Now that is all the people who have been permanently banned for their behaviour (i.e. not for just spamming links / advertising etc) in probably the last year, perhaps a wee bit less than that but definitely going back into 2002.

To me that isn't a great deal and it is therefore hardly surprising we have people asking us to be even stricter (GAME folks, people in this forum, people on irc who read the forums but don't feel the need to post). Myself and Ted have both said that bodhi contributed to the forums, there is no doubt that is true, but that doesn't give him carte blanche to insult whoever he wants to, for example when Dimebag calls people "fat jigspick" he might think it is funny but to some people that's a racist insult and we simply cannot permit that kind of behaviour on the forums, whether he means it or not. I personally cannot see how the forums have suffered since Dimebag / .cage / E-Razor / Tom were kicked out and I doubt they will suffer to any significant level with bodhi / Exor / Glenn (and certain other #quake2.uk people) gone.


Gee.... that post was quite interesting there... even if i am reading it at 6am heh

/edit Notice i missed somethin off, heh, shame to see you go Ted... considering you're one of the people to have created Barrysworld, it must have been a hard decision


Chief Arsewipe
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 11, 1997
Originally posted by kameleon
Yeah thanks TTD, without you Barrysworld wouldn't be what it is. The place wont be the same.
Good luck in your new venture and don't forget where we live will you?

Cant type anymore....too choked.

You and me both. Ted was my partner in crime when we started BarrysWorld all those years ago.

I will miss him very much. To me it feels like it my twin (ugly one at that) is leaving the nest.

Anyway Ben, good luck and thanks for introducing me to QuakeWorld many many moons ago.

/me wonders if it is time to start a Clan Fluffy QW server as a mark of respect....

/sounds of digging around harddrive looking for his pink bunny skin


To my critics - If you're going to be obtuse enough not to understand me, please try to refrain from cheap comments I can't reply to. It puts you kinda on the same level as pond scum and Justine from Big Brother. Neither of which are all that pleasant

Gotta love that :)

Mr A Hitler: "look if you cant understand that I was joking when I killed all those millions then thats your problem and you are scum"

Could it be that we DID understand what you were trying to do but STILL found it childish and offensive ??

Oh and bef the obvious reply -- no Im not saying Bodhi is as bad as Hitler - just using an extreme to show the idea !

As for Ted leaving :( :( :(


Why not let him back. This has obviously been a big warning, and if something like this is done again, ban him properly?

What's the big deal about making the ban permanent, surely you could just have suspended his account, give him a pm and let him back a week later. I don't see the need for permanent bans, it seems like such a desperate attempt to make a point that doesnt necessarily need to be made like that.

Of course there are people who don't like Bodhi, who'll quite happily jump in hurl the abuse about him now that he's gone.. heck I thought he had shit taste in movies/music/games et al, but ... wait.. I've forgotten where I'm going with this. John, you're shit :D

Let him back though, give him a good smack, and I doubt it'll happen again. Look at that post up there, he obviously gives a toss about being banned, hence I very much doubt he'll do his very best to get banned again.

C'mon, you know it makes sense.


He's had his botty spanked now. Let him back. Pweeeeease :)



Good lord, I wake up to find Jolt are killing off Q2, Ted's leaving, bodhi wants to be unbanned and some strange girl have started a fanclub for me on another forum. Four things I never thought I'd see.

Ted - good luck with everything, you're like a father to all of us. We all know you won't be able to ever leave BW completely, none of us ever will.

Bodhi - You bastard, I actually got a lump in my throat reading that. You're one of the persons whose posts I enjoy reading most, and I realise we've probably never seen eye to eye but I for one will miss the entire BodhiPackage© and hopefully someone will see sense and unban you.

I'm all emotional, you cunts.


I just love the way everyone's responding to bannage for unappropriate language with completely unappropriate language!

Seriously though, a lot of people would see the "C" word and never return - please try to keep it down.


I said shit, that's it. I don't really consider that as inappropriate language.

Oh and when this whole warning about things changing round here was posted, we were told that swearing wasn't banned it was ok, just being overly abusive was. Are we all going to have to wash our mouths out now too? If you ask me, that would be taking things one step too far.

What about the barrysworld IRC servers. A few people could go on to them looking for some fun chat about quake2, so perhaps wander in to #quake2.uk. There they would be met with a torrent of horrendous abuse, the likes of which you've never seen here even on its worst days (warms the heart tbh). Are you responsible for what goes on there too? Because unfortunately there's not a whole lot you can do about #quake2.uk.


Be real dudeh, #quake2.uk is QuakeNETs problem, its not like BW == all QuakeNet servers & opers, etc is it? :p


I just tried to join #quake2.uk to have a look around, and my client lagged then disconnected, before the window could open.

You think it's trying to protect me?


I know. My point is that little Jimmy might stumble on to #quake2.uk by the game.net irc servers which I presume are advertised somewhere on the barrysworld/game site. Little Jimmy may be scarred for life, and his mum may want to kill some Game execs. The point is, there's a link so people may decide that Game are responsible. Of course, there's nothing they can do about it. But they're happy to ignore that but stop us swearing here?

I'm just thinking out loud here, kindly don't reply with "if you don't like it piss off" as that's not where I'm coming from.


Young man could you please go away and expire of an ailment, you bag of excrement;)


Sir you have offended me, and you have offended my family. For this I shall report you to the proper authorities. I shall see that your forum account is banned, and you yourself beaten with a slightly moistened sanitary towel.


Originally posted by Jonny_Darko
I just love the way everyone's responding to bannage for unappropriate language with completely unappropriate language!

Seriously though, a lot of people would see the "C" word and never return - please try to keep it down.

Does this mean you're starting to ban people for saying cunt now?


Vulva the intercourse off and expire ....doesnt quite have the same ring:(


Originally posted by nath
I know. My point is that little Jimmy might stumble on to #quake2.uk by the game.net irc servers which I presume are advertised somewhere on the barrysworld/game site. Little Jimmy may be scarred for life, and his mum may want to kill some Game execs. The point is, there's a link so people may decide that Game are responsible. Of course, there's nothing they can do about it. But they're happy to ignore that but stop us swearing here?

I'm just thinking out loud here, kindly don't reply with "if you don't like it piss off" as that's not where I'm coming from.

#quake2.uk used to be advertised on the Q2 section of BW but not so sure about GAME, I'll check.

The point about the abuse on here paleing in comparison to quake2.uk stands, for the few months I went in there I learnt plenty of insults I'd never heard before. It was most entertaining too.

edit: #quake2.uk isn't advertised on GAME anymore, it's #game.q2 now. Which is empty.
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