How to Even the stealth Wars


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 21, 2004
As you all know Infiltraitors and Minstrels are a comon duo.
Mid duos consist mostly of 2 sbs. Most of the times it end up with one of us sb:s mezzed and the Albteam get us one after another.
To even the odds ive figured out the following tactics :
Infiltraitors being the better class (more specpts dexbased dmg
vs str/condebuff) = add 1 extra SB in the duo to keep it even
Minstrels Having the Ability to c/c = add 1 extra SB in the trio to keep it even
Minstrels Having chain and ablative chant = add 1 extra SB in the Quarter to keep it even
Considering to toss in another SB cuz of the spec AF, but most guys know a friendly Alch that makes charges i guess.
If we sum all up a 5v2 fight would be considerd fair
(albteam always have the possibility to SoS away if things turn bad)
I wont guarantee anything else but a fair fight in this tactics, high RR albs would be favourites in the fight though.


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 20, 2004
givf wardens stealth and 2.5 points/lvl to make hib stealtherduo balanced :flame:


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
Bard most common add to hib stealth zergs

KOOKen is either funny or an idiot :flame:


Part of the furniture
Dec 24, 2003
Shadowblades also have the ability to PBAE mezz when they reach ML9 (?) Spylord; so remove a shadowblade from that list.

Shadowblades also got the ability to wield a twohander and I tell you such PA would whack off the head of every saracen and luwi in 1 shot; so remove another shadowblade.

Then I also heard how shadowblades always swing their offhand; man thats like twice as often as their counterparts so hey remove another SB.

Last but not least a shadowblades often enters the arena Emain with a 24% heat-resist buff; so there ya go; another SB must leave.

Less zerging; you got a class who can solo and pick his fights. Start doing that instead of building a retarded stealth-zerg ruining it for everyone who tries to keep in the spirit of the stealther-class and actually does solo!

That you dont stand a good chance 1 vs 1 might be true; but is often also the result of running around in sub-par gear with a sub-par spec and being 5 realmranks lower then your enemy also dont help out xD


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
<puts Zarff between mmg gates>

There, roadblock, no more stealthers. ;o


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
why not just make stealth into stealth rather than invisibility? or is that too radical? :p


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 22, 2003
I don't really agreee with the original poster as I'm a solo sb. But....

>Shadowblades also have the ability to PBAE mezz when they reach ML9 (?) Spylord; so remove a shadowblade from that list.

Spymaster ml9? Not many have that. Sure maybe they should but that much pve turns my stomach :/

>Shadowblades also got the ability to wield a twohander and I tell you such PA would whack off the head of every saracen and luwi in 1 shot; so remove another shadowblade.

Performing a pa on a fellow assassin is fairly hard, also if you bear in mind most infs don't need to pa. (Arraudry 4 hit me last night with no opener for example, I got capped resists) Sure a 2hand pa will hurt if decently specced in cs but most sbs don't spec that high as they have to put points in LA to hit for half decent damage.

>Then I also heard how shadowblades always swing their offhand; man thats like twice as often as their counterparts so hey remove another SB.
Swings <> hits. Infs/Ns seem to swing a hell of a lot still also even with low dual wield + 10+rr.

>Last but not least a shadowblades often enters the arena Emain with a 24% heat-resist buff; so there ya go; another SB must leave.
NS get this too? I personally have 26% heat + 9% from AOM and a further 24% or whatever from my bb (for 10mins). So I get 60% for 10mins and then 35% for the rest of the time. Not bad you would think. Now take off 15% for my heat vulnerable leather. Oh you just debuffed me, take off what 25-30% more. Oh look I'm weak to heat now. Also bear in mind our counterparts hit harder than us anyway.

>Less zerging; you got a class who can solo and pick his fights. Start doing that instead of building a retarded stealth-zerg ruining it for everyone who tries to keep in the spirit of the stealther-class and actually does solo!

Yes less zerging I agree. However only soloing inf I know if Araudry and as I said he 4 hit me last night. Averaging hits of 300 (main) and 100 (off) per round.

>That you dont stand a good chance 1 vs 1 might be true; but is often also the result of running around in sub-par gear with a sub-par spec and being 5 realmranks lower then your enemy also dont help out xD

I have capped important stats, all skills, and important resists. RR6l5 and I don't stand a chance still against the average inf.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
Puppet said:
Shadowblades also have the ability to PBAE mezz when they reach ML9 (?) Spylord; so remove a shadowblade from that list.

Shadowblades also got the ability to wield a twohander and I tell you such PA would whack off the head of every saracen and luwi in 1 shot; so remove another shadowblade.

Then I also heard how shadowblades always swing their offhand; man thats like twice as often as their counterparts so hey remove another SB.

Last but not least a shadowblades often enters the arena Emain with a 24% heat-resist buff; so there ya go; another SB must leave.

Less zerging; you got a class who can solo and pick his fights. Start doing that instead of building a retarded stealth-zerg ruining it for everyone who tries to keep in the spirit of the stealther-class and actually does solo!

That you dont stand a good chance 1 vs 1 might be true; but is often also the result of running around in sub-par gear with a sub-par spec and being 5 realmranks lower then your enemy also dont help out xD


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 10, 2004
KOOKen said:
As you all know Infiltraitors and Minstrels are a comon duo.
Mid duos consist mostly of 2 sbs. Most of the times it end up with one of us sb:s mezzed and the Albteam get us one after another.
To even the odds ive figured out the following tactics :
Infiltraitors being the better class (more specpts dexbased dmg
vs str/condebuff) = add 1 extra SB in the duo to keep it even
Minstrels Having the Ability to c/c = add 1 extra SB in the trio to keep it even
Minstrels Having chain and ablative chant = add 1 extra SB in the Quarter to keep it even
Considering to toss in another SB cuz of the spec AF, but most guys know a friendly Alch that makes charges i guess.
If we sum all up a 5v2 fight would be considerd fair
(albteam always have the possibility to SoS away if things turn bad)
I wont guarantee anything else but a fair fight in this tactics, high RR albs would be favourites in the fight though.

Theres this class you missed out, its called a nigtshade, btw I think your fulla shit :)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 25, 2004
Derric said:
<puts Zarff between mmg gates>

There, roadblock, no more stealthers. ;o

LOL :worthy:

or... poor Zarff :(


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 21, 2004
old.windforce said:
Bard most common add to hib stealth zergs

KOOKen is either funny or an idiot :flame:

Trying to be both ;)


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 4, 2004
Although the initial math done by the author of this thread is stupid, i agree on some points. Yes, infil is superior to SB in many ways, actually to the point where I sometimes feel sorry for sbs when I kill them. I never did mind stealth duos and solo of course, but above duos is nutless, silly and game wrecking for all, infil/sb/ns alike. Think of a NS working his merry way across the long frontierzones before Emain, only to find (flame is intended here) Aldoran and his mindsless gnomes of sackless sb wanna-bes camping the amg/mmg like flies on a turt and be send directly back to PK far in the lands of Hibernia.
Me as an infil, I laugh when I get gang banged by sbs stealthzerglings, buy a new necklace avoid where they were.
Admittedly infils zerg nearly the same though, but how lovely it would be if people grew up and started to play for fun and not solely for rps, which by the way you won't find lots of in a zerg....


Part of the furniture
Dec 24, 2003
Platina said:

Platina could you stop your sarcastic 'funny' comments regarding every post I make; even when my post is obviously a joke ?

I mean the 'Puppet zerg' gets old and contrary to you (or your friends/guildies) I dont make screenshots whenever I see 1 person more on the enemy-side; nor do I see the need to endlessy whine about it on every forum where I see a posting from an 'ingame-enemy'.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
Puppet said:
Platina could you stop your sarcastic 'funny' comments regarding every post I make; even when my post is obviously a joke ?

I mean the 'Puppet zerg' gets old and contrary to you (or your friends/guildies) I dont make screenshots whenever I see 1 person more on the enemy-side; nor do I see the need to endlessy whine about it on every forum where I see a posting from an 'ingame-enemy'.
think this was the 3 post from me xD not shure thought ;> dont take it all to serius puppet :> i just got a thing for you :p


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
inqy said:
Performing a pa on a fellow assassin is fairly hard, also if you bear in mind most infs don't need to pa. (Arraudry 4 hit me last night with no opener for example, I got capped resists)
a) Performing a PA on an assassin is not hard. It requires decent reactions and the ability to line yourself up quickly. Other people can make this hard by just popping stealth (also known as the Aldoran Maneouver) or by twisting to avoid it. Despite this I can land a PA more often then I dont. People that whine about not landing PA's really should practice a bit more.

b) 'most infs' ... then go on to give an example of Arraudry. Thats the only ToA'd rr10 (nearly rr11) infil on the server. A slash inf too, using battler/malice with high aug str and +str cap for higher WS. Also has 2 relics.

Arraudry is nothing like the average infil, the average infil is like rr3-4, thrust spec and can usually be found hanging around some retard scouts (Tip/Aim/Thefeared etc etc). Thats like me whining that Szakal hits me hard ... well duh, hes the highest rr active SB on the server.

Was also amusing that Ara has the 'solo' tag when hes nearly always with at least one other (Kklas/Sixth/Carpp recently) but thats going off topic :p


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 14, 2004
Since I don't have a buffbot can't see why I shouldn't run in whatever numbers I feel like.

Don't feel open to any criticism for doing so, cos hey day everyone losses the bots is the day I might feel even vaguely open to criticism about lack of skills even if I had 200 infils and minis covering my butt.

As for archers being attacked for running in groups, yeh right suppose we should just be rp fodder. Dream on. . . .

BTW from what I've seen of Tip etc playing they show more skill than most buffed up the arse TOA'd to feck assassins I've seen.

P.S I do run solo 99% of the time and though I might be attacked by one NS/SB at a time there is usually at least one more of them hanging around to pounce if the fight doesn't go right for his m8.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Puppet said:
Shadowblades also have the ability to PBAE mezz when they reach ML9 (?) Spylord; so remove a shadowblade from that list.

Shadowblades also got the ability to wield a twohander and I tell you such PA would whack off the head of every saracen and luwi in 1 shot; so remove another shadowblade.

Then I also heard how shadowblades always swing their offhand; man thats like twice as often as their counterparts so hey remove another SB.

Last but not least a shadowblades often enters the arena Emain with a 24% heat-resist buff; so there ya go; another SB must leave.

Less zerging; you got a class who can solo and pick his fights. Start doing that instead of building a retarded stealth-zerg ruining it for everyone who tries to keep in the spirit of the stealther-class and actually does solo!

That you dont stand a good chance 1 vs 1 might be true; but is often also the result of running around in sub-par gear with a sub-par spec and being 5 realmranks lower then your enemy also dont help out xD

you not knowing shit about SB's , it get's quit obvious when peopel say that our 2H'er and the way LA works is a BONUS to us. So add another 5 SB's for that . And then add another for the " sub-par spec " well give us 2,5 spec points and we will stop it :m00:


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 26, 2004
To even things up?

Just give everybody some pie and it's settled...

or some popcorn for the occasional mincer.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
Dommelsch said:
To even things up?

Just give everybody some pie and it's settled...

or some popcorn for the occasional mincer.

im on a diet :mad:

a seefood diet, i see food, and i eat it! :cheers:


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Bunnytwo said:
BTW from what I've seen of Tip etc playing they show more skill than most buffed up the arse TOA'd to feck assassins I've seen.
You mean the 'stand on a mg wall with 3 friends, if anything comes up thats of less numbers than them spam grapple and shoot said people' ? :rolleyes:


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 19, 2004
bigchief said:
You mean the 'stand on a mg wall with 3 friends, if anything comes up thats of less numbers than them spam grapple and shoot said people' ? :rolleyes:

yeah them! they cool! :eek7:


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
bigchief said:
You mean the 'stand on a mg wall with 3 friends, if anything comes up thats of less numbers than them spam grapple and shoot said people' ? :rolleyes:

Heh,what retards :p


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 14, 2004
bigchief said:
You mean the 'stand on a mg wall with 3 friends, if anything comes up thats of less numbers than them spam grapple and shoot said people' ? :rolleyes:

As opposed to hitting the infil <win> button? :touch:

They're playing to the strengths of the class. Funnily enough most people don't just play their archers to provide assassins with RPs.

For most of DAOC archers have had to take it up the bum from assassins, would be funny if it weren't so sad that when have something that gives a bit of payback some people scream like a bitch :puke:

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