How many people are leaving after 1.62?



10% cold debuff is, nothing more than a joke

that'll STILL leave ~35% cold resist on a resist buffed character, against BAoD you're looking at pathetic amounts.

you have to remember, the 50% value is base, it lands for 1.25 that value, so say, 65-70%+. against a resist buffed character a 50% heat or cold debuff from manachanter or runie would take them 15-20% into negative resist.... how you can compare ice wizard to that is beyond me.

the actual resist debuff nuker in albion is the spirit cabalist:

they get:

140 DD body lifetap in baseline body

spirit spec:
46 50% body resist debuff
48 Shackle Spirit. AOE 40% Snare

with MoC these are quite an effective nuker, but they offer nothing else to the group apart from that AoE snare, and the 50% spirit debuff for air theurgs.

mana chanters offer: pbae, stun (lol), interupting and snare pet - quote a lot more

RC/dark runies offer: gtae - very little really too..

for the 3rd time though, i wasnt really itending to compare hib-mid-alb with the issue regarding the runemaster changes, but to state:

- midgard got nerfed in one or two areas
- midgard got buffed in another area


Originally posted by kaine_1
The fact that Midgard has Darkness Falls open to them 90% of the time speaks for itself.

Yes it speaks for itself, we're not a lazy realm.


Originally posted by razorboy
give midgard some counter-damage ra and a counter-cc ra, then give hib/alb aoe stun/insta stun too.....

The grass is always greener on the other side....

Or how about just removing both


Originally posted by pudzy
Yes it speaks for itself, we're not a lazy realm.

Agreed, Albion is far and away the laziest realm when it comes to taking keeps when you consider the population size, people spend an obscene amout of time gate camping in emain or loot farming at 50. Also far to many Albs get to 50 RR3 and then give up or start another class, which they will never get beyond level 50 RR3 because they expect to be uber and don't understand that Albion doesn't have any uber classes. That will always hurt our numbers when it comes to organising keep raids.To be a success in Albion you need to be a good team player or an an infiltrator with/without bot. Those people don't realise that and instead the waste month after month trying to make a 'one-shot killer' class, idiots :)


Originally posted by kaine_1
The fact that Midgard has Darkness Falls open to them 90% of the time speaks for itself.

As for you SB's who are whining that Infi's/Nightshades might actually be able to compete against you, try listening to yourselves.

Zerkers? nuff said.......

As for RA's, Insta-aoe stun almost guarantees you the initiative in any conflict.

In my opinion Hibs are the most overpowered (rvr) - but considering the % Hib server population, they damn well need to be.

Im sick of hearing you mid crying its not fair that you have to do the same damage as other realms, and personally I think whining is only turning others against you.

To all the other mids who have made legitemate posts in this apologies, most of you are pretty decent Im sure.

Hmmm your sick of hearing us whine.. personaly I just think your sick..btw I'm quit sure I saw a aoe stun whine in you post :rolleyes:


Insta AE crow control is a match winner any way you dice it, Albion is the only realm without and it shows when you face a group that doesn't have SoS active. I keep hearing people saying that Sorcs get a bolt-range mezz but if you are in a group with mach5 and sprint then your insta will hit before the Sorcs mezz practically everytime, that isn't a whine but something I have seen happen night after night.

Frankly insta's have ruined this game, they have made it RvR-for-dummies by introducing so many overpowered insta's in ALL the realms. No matter how good you are if you don't have those insta's you are dead and that equals skillless gameplay in my opinion. Insta AE CC is the worst offender and should either be removed completly or given to all realms to even the balance but then you need to give the other 2 realms some of the goodies that Albion has which keeps the whole clusterfuck snowballing downhill to oblivion.


Hehehe hib's and alb's just keeep whining about the insta's mezz/stun's..but when we say " hey you can have em too if we get sos , bof , baod , GP or something just as good " they got no answer..except more whining, its kinda getting old me thinks


Originally posted by Damon Doombring
Hehehe hib's and alb's just keeep whining about the insta's mezz/stun's..but when we say " hey you can have em too if we get sos , bof , baod , GP or something just as good " they got no answer..except more whining, its kinda getting old me thinks

Where did I say that? All I said was it is a vicious circle because every realm wants the best RA's/CC and the only way to truly fix it would be give all realms the same stuff or remove all instas full stop.


Did it say anywhere it was directed at you and you alone ???
Just saying that moaning about the few sec's of cc we still have is getting old..maybe we have slightly better cc..but the other two realms group RA's make up for it.. and more

could we whine about something ell's...the weather maybe ???


People won't stop whining about it because it needs to be addressed, sadly Mythic's track record on that is less that great. I would agree that Midgard NEEDS some decent RA's to match the other realms but Insta AE CC has to go from the game entirely regardless.


Originally posted by kaine_1
The fact that Midgard has Darkness Falls open to them 90% of the time speaks for itself.

That's like the best arguement ever.


Originally posted by Aarweenie
I've looked abit on what albion has and found out things that will do the realms equal on the spec and baseline lines (not RAs)

Albion got:

Heal Reactive
-Anti Mez Chant
-Mana Tap
-Mana Transfer
-Spec AF
-2 climb classes(as well as an assassin with over 400 more spec points than other realm assassins)
-4 classes who commonly spec shield
-ablative chant
-heal chant

haven't looked over what exactly Hibernia gets that Midgard and Albion doesn't...

Mid and/or Hibs Gets that Albion doesn't

Instent ranged AOE Mezz
AOE Stun
Instent AOE stun
Instent AOE Disease
Instent Root
AOE Disease on Baseline
4sec instent DD/lifedrain
Pet Caster that can summon 4 pets
Main Nukers that can also Debuff there nukes
Snare (AOE, Focus)
Self buffing archers
Self melee resist buffs and Perry/evand buff fighters

I'm sure the Albs and/or Mids have things that hibs don't get, The extra range aoe mezz still doesn't give any real advantage over instent CC because at top speed the gap can be closed before spell is cast.


Originally posted by hrodelbert
imo, 1 class one realm one race no points to spend on stats at the start, no skills and RA's , no equipment, just naked mud wrestling :eek7:

Thats the spirit! ;)


im getting the feeling that until all realms are identical someone will whine
oh wait.. then when eveyrone has the same stuff there will be whine at lack of variation..

and btw which mid class gets instant aoe disease?


ROFL and Big-G- has a cave shammy too :D Made me chuckle :p


Originally posted by Spinky
Aarweenie, If its debuff casting you're on about instead of pbae, Albions main debuffer of own baseline damage etc, is the Cabalist, not the wizard, with a 50% body debuff and 140 delve lifedrain (body), far cry from the 179 dd of Mid and Hib, but being a Lifedrain spell, it can't be expected to be any higher I guess, especially as a baseline spell.

well... I concidered this once too... but I thought after a while that since the other debuff nukers all use debuff+DD and the cabbie use debuff+lifedrain... then I thought this wasn't really compareable...

I'll do a calculation here...

I'll take it as both casters hit cap on every nuke to make it easier to count... NOTE: this is not an calculation to show overpowerness... only to compare 2 classes of same realm to each other...

the cap is calculated by (delve*3)

our target is a Middie with 50% resist... not more not less...
our middie got 2000 hp...


(dd140)*3 = 420

Debuff (-50%) (2 sec) (Middie at 2000hp (50%res) 2sec total cast time)

420 dmg (2,5 sec) (Middie at 1580 hp (0%res) 4,5sec total cast time)

420 dmg (2,5 sec) (Middie at 1160 hp (0%res) 7sec total cast time)

420 dmg (2,5 sec) (Middie at 740 hp (0% res) 9,5 sec total cast time)

420 dmg (2,5 sec) (Middie at 320 hp (0% res) 12 sec total cast time)

420 dmg (2,5 sec) (Middie at -100hp (0%res) 14,5 sec total cast time) (death nuke)

Ice Wizard:

single target:

debuff nuke: (dd171)*3 = 513
snare nuke: (dd179)*3= 537

debuff nuke 256 (-10%) (3 sec) (Middie at 1744 hp (40% res) 3 sec total cast time)

snare nuke 323 (3 sec) (Middie at 1421hp (40% res) 6 sec total cast time)

323 dmg (3 sec) (Middie at 1098 hp (40% res) 9 sec total cast time)

323 dmg (3 sec) (Middie at 775 hp (40% res) 12 sec total cast time)

323 dmg (3 sec) (Middie at 452 hp (40% res) 15 sec total cast time)

323 dmg (3 sec) (Middie at 129 hp (40% res) 18 sec total cast time)

268 dmg (3 sec) (Middie at -139 hp (50% res) 21 sec total cast time) (death strike)


debuff nuke: (130dd)*3= 390
pbaoe: (325dd)*3= 975

debuff nuke 195 (-10%) (4 sec) (Middie at 1805hp (40% res) 4 sec total cast time)

pbaoe 585 (2,5 sec) (Middie at 1220 hp (40% res) 6,5 total cast time)

pbaoe 585 (2,5 sec) (Middie at 635 hp (40% res) 9 sec total cast time)

pbaoe 585 (2,5 sec) (Middie at 50 hp (40% res) 10,5 total cast time)

pbaoe 585 (2,5 sec) (Middue at -535hp (40% res) 13 sec total cast time)

as we see here the cabalist both takes lesser spells and lesser time too... but then we shouldn't forget that there is a snare effect on the wizard one.. and in real situations the target won't stand still... my guesses on that it will be chasing annother caster or healer or it will be comming running towards you... then the snare effect will come handy something the other debuff nukers doesn't have if you the enchanter doesn't have the right pet up or if the pet is nukeing something else or has been killed... also don't forget the Wizards pbaoe that can take down a lot of enemies at the same time... and it's the one that is fastest to cast on both numbers of spells and total cast time... so I still concider the Wizard as a debuff nuker of albion... even tho the Spirit Cabbalist might been seen as one too...

Originally posted by Cybwyn
No they can't AE debuff their own PBAoE. The AE debuff does cold damage but debuffs heat resistance.

think you have to look again ;)

QUOTE]Originally posted by kaine_1
The fact that Midgard has Darkness Falls open to them 90% of the time speaks for itself.

As for you SB's who are whining that Infi's/Nightshades might actually be able to compete against you, try listening to yourselves.

Zerkers? nuff said.......

As for RA's, Insta-aoe stun almost guarantees you the initiative in any conflict.

In my opinion Hibs are the most overpowered (rvr) - but considering the % Hib server population, they damn well need to be.

Im sick of hearing you mid crying its not fair that you have to do the same damage as other realms, and personally I think whining is only turning others against you.

To all the other mids who have made legitemate posts in this apologies, most of you are pretty decent Im sure.

I strongly doubt on that Midgard got DF 90% of the time depends on that we have an overpowerd dualwield line or a debuff nuker or something like that...

and if it's sick that mid is crying it's not fair to do the same dmg as others... then I'll take this one more time

someone once told me:

Hibernia = caster's realm
Midgard = melee realm
Albion = a mix of both

I'm I wrong this far?

then I get to the question, what are the 3 diffrent types of melee dmg?

as far as I know it's Slash Crush Thrust

then... as the "melee realm" I think it's quite "sick" that we can't spec in any spec line for thrust weapons... except from the Hunter and Savage... but as the melee realm we got 2 classes that can use thrust weapons...







all the realms all melee classes can spec in Slash...
and crush are quite simmular between the classes of the diffrent realms...

should we be able to do more dmg because of this? yes, I think so... since we can't chose between all dmg types... this esp for the assasin way... no matter how much LA might have hit for... it's going to be nerfed in 1.62... they can't spec in thrust that NS/Infils can...

these arguments for this post aren't that over thought... so I'm sure you'll find some errors in them... but then again... the arguments of the post I answered isn't the best either...

Originally posted by Jenkz
10% cold debuff is, nothing more than a joke

that'll STILL leave ~35% cold resist on a resist buffed character, against BAoD you're looking at pathetic amounts.

you have to remember, the 50% value is base, it lands for 1.25 that value, so say, 65-70%+. against a resist buffed character a 50% heat or cold debuff from manachanter or runie would take them 15-20% into negative resist.... how you can compare ice wizard to that is beyond me.

the actual resist debuff nuker in albion is the spirit cabalist:

they get:

140 DD body lifetap in baseline body

spirit spec:
46 50% body resist debuff
48 Shackle Spirit. AOE 40% Snare

with MoC these are quite an effective nuker, but they offer nothing else to the group apart from that AoE snare, and the 50% spirit debuff for air theurgs.

mana chanters offer: pbae, stun (lol), interupting and snare pet - quote a lot more

RC/dark runies offer: gtae - very little really too..

for the 3rd time though, i wasnt really itending to compare hib-mid-alb with the issue regarding the runemaster changes, but to state:

- midgard got nerfed in one or two areas
- midgard got buffed in another area

10% might not be that great single target... but haveing it on the same line as the nuke you will be useing and that the nuke then have a snare effect pays up for it quite well... besides you get pbaoe and a AE cold debuff on the same line... the AE debuff might be 10% aswell... but no other pbaoe can AE debuff it's own pbaoe...

you might "laugh" at the single target dmg... but I don't think you should "laugh" at the fact as the debuff:

1: deals dmg
2: comes in both single line and AE
3: in the same line as pbaoe and a snare nuke

but as you say... the Enchanters is the over all best debuff nuker... due to it's pet and stun... I'm not crying for a Enchanter nerf.. since all I know is that it's Enchanter is good... not if it's too good... after all they're belonging to the "caster realm"


Originally posted by old.cHodAX
Insta AE crow control is a match winner any way you dice it, Albion is the only realm without and it shows when you face a group that doesn't have SoS active. I keep hearing people saying that Sorcs get a bolt-range mezz but if you are in a group with mach5 and sprint then your insta will hit before the Sorcs mezz practically everytime, that isn't a whine but something I have seen happen night after night.

Frankly insta's have ruined this game, they have made it RvR-for-dummies by introducing so many overpowered insta's in ALL the realms. No matter how good you are if you don't have those insta's you are dead and that equals skillless gameplay in my opinion. Insta AE CC is the worst offender and should either be removed completly or given to all realms to even the balance but then you need to give the other 2 realms some of the goodies that Albion has which keeps the whole clusterfuck snowballing downhill to oblivion.

well... Instant CC is really hard to compare to Albion... since the main CC of Albion is on a caster, not a healing class... Sorceres have Quickcast that Healers and Bards don't have... so we have to have something to even that out... if Instants are the right solution I don't know... I could think of a change that would give sorcs a 150 radius instant at 37 Mind Twisting spec and a 300 at 47 Mind Twisting...
IF the range on the ordenary CC was reduced from 400 radius to 350, 1850 range to 1500, and the duration reduced to either 1min 10 sec as the Bards or 1min 5 sec as the Healers from 1min 12 sec...

Don't forget that the sorc have some things the Healer and Bard doens't have...

tho I don't want to say that instants instants destroyed the game... some have... like the lifedrain instant on supp BDs... I admit it's too much that a caster can take a tank down in melee... on the BD part I don't want to nerf it... I rather would like a solution to the problem... I don't belive the game will be funnier to play if we just reduced the dmg... rather give them a single line or dual line respec and go some changes so that they might want to spec Darkness or Bone Army...

Originally posted by Balbor
Mid and/or Hibs Gets that Albion doesn't

Instent ranged AOE Mezz
AOE Stun
Instent AOE stun
Instent AOE Disease
Instent Root
AOE Disease on Baseline
4sec instent DD/lifedrain
Pet Caster that can summon 4 pets
Main Nukers that can also Debuff there nukes
Snare (AOE, Focus)
Self buffing archers
Self melee resist buffs and Perry/evand buff fighters

I'm sure the Albs and/or Mids have things that hibs don't get, The extra range aoe mezz still doesn't give any real advantage over instent CC because at top speed the gap can be closed before spell is cast.

I can make the list longer if you like...

heal reactive
anti mess chant
mana tap
mana transfer
spec AF
2 climbclasses
4 shield spec classes
ablative chant
heal chant
instant lifedrain
pulsing pbaoe
pulsing absorbdebuff pbaoe
pulsing dps debuff pbaoe
instant single target dot
pbaoe dmg on pet
main pbaoe that can debuff their pbaoe
archer with slam

then we can look at the RAs too...

Group Instant Heal
AE bolt
Move Around when messed (still not as good as GP... but it's better then nothing)
50% abs extra

well... I haven't looked at self buffs now... since I belive they might be casual for the class to work at all... I don't know... but Thane would be quite bad with out the self buffs...

btw... I don't like the 10 000 character cap of a message ;p


Jesus mate, your fingers must be bleeding after those last few posts :) My advice is hire a nice looking female personal assistant to type all this up while you sit there looking at her breas..... ;)


I have already left this game of 'Love the albs, hate the rest'.
This due to 1.62.

Let the snots play with them self. If they know how to.


Originally posted by mannschaft
I have already left this game of 'Love the albs, hate the rest'.
This due to 1.62.

Let the snots play with them self. If they know how to.

Hehe now that guy is pissed :D


whys everyone whine about the other realm being better than them?

I agree with mids/hibs

Albion > All :p


Originally posted by old.cHodAX
Jesus mate, your fingers must be bleeding after those last few posts :) My advice is hire a nice looking female personal assistant to type all this up while you sit there looking at her breas..... ;)

I'm sure Aarween's not a lesbians tbh ;)


Omg, probably the most silly discussion ever, the realms are different, all have advantages all have disadvantages live with it, and there is no such thing as a melee realm or a caster realm, even though Mythic would like to make that out (at least at the start of daoc)

Every realm have a long list of advantages/good things, that's the way it is, the enemy realms should then try to find the best ways to counter this, if you can't deal with it, maybe it's time to move on.


Uncle sick for president imo, then we would all be entertained.

And it is so pathetic (sp) to leave the game just because zerkers got brought down to equal level.

Midget Mafia
Public Enemies
Nolby Pride

Balanced groups that noone is sure of winning if facing 1fgvs1fg
Best sign of balance imo.

Except NP beats PE since they do can't shit after fadeh is nuked to death I have heard ;)


Originally posted by pudzy
I'm sure Aarween's not a lesbians tbh ;)

We could always watch and find out, I know I am willing to give my time for such a noble cause :D


Originally posted by old.Iunliten
Uncle sick for president imo, then we would all be entertained.

And it is so pathetic (sp) to leave the game just because zerkers got brought down to equal level.

Midget Mafia
Public Enemies
Nolby Pride

Balanced groups that noone is sure of winning if facing 1fgvs1fg
Best sign of balance imo.

Except NP beats PE since they do can't shit after fadeh is nuked to death I have heard ;)

You mean pbaoe4tehwin!!!!!!!!!:p

Well melee vs pbaoe= tough.

But albs best groups mainly are tank groups because our casters aren't "good" with no decent debuffs we have to get another class to do it for them or nuke for hardly anything.Sorc is good and theurg is ok.... wiz hopefully will get better debuffs because most of them are very upset with their damage in rvr.


well... mercs out dmg zerks... and zerks are being nerfed wtf... MM doesnt always win fights v ALBS/HIBS if lots of ra's are used they may lose they may not..

Also BAOD is like a GP makes mez last for about a few seconds (cba to calculate)

anyway mid needs somit thats all say

toke me like 1 hour to read this thread and my eyes hurt ;/

and to people say alb needed a big boost before... thats not really true SOTL groups/ Pbuck groups use to own many mid/hib groups w/o the boost.. so ;/


Cheif Whiner!


Want some cheese?

and btw, if half the people in game gave as much thought to playing as they did to their 5k word posts here the game would rock tbh

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