How many people are leaving after 1.62?



Originally posted by Fafnir
Is that not a bit lame hoping a nerf or comming nerf will mean alot of players will leave so you can do more damage?

Isn't it also a bit lame to whine 24/7 about your realms deficiencies(sp) when you have guilds in emain killing everything because they use a bit of thought?


Originally posted by Lochlyessa
Isn't it also a bit lame to whine 24/7 about your realms deficiencies(sp) when you have guilds in emain killing everything because they use a bit of thought?
Nope i'm just here whining 12 everyday when i work, thats 15 days a months. So no 24/7 whine here. And whining about whine is even more sad. OMG i just whined about whine. /cry.


Woo, you know, I love discussing things with mids on this server. First comes 'teh whine™', then you get either 'zerg whine™' or pedantic replies and insults. Then! eventually they either call you a random newb, or log, or tell you to stfu because you've never played a mid class like they have!

Anyway.. as I've said on irc, and feel free to flame me for this opinion, but. If half of the mids on these boards/irc stopped whining and started thinking before saying mid is gimped etc, then you *shock* might do better in rvr, daoc's ultimate end game. Take blej's for example.. I've seen him complaining about a lack of mend/aug healers in rvr.. this is after leveling a healer to 50, but going pac cos it's omfg oober. Or playing his sm because he can get the 'uber™ deathspam'. I suppose it's the same with all your shadowblade alts really. Starting to lose my point here I think though, so me's will shush now

Aule Valar

Originally posted by pudzy
Docwolfz, having no point once again, if im speaking shit, PROVE it. we have AOE stun, we dont have a specline af buff?or a regeneration buff?

you don't get a regen buff.... the horror
as for af yes that is a bonus, but you get conc power regen, and by far the best end regen, even after nerf - every realm has something better than the others

if you want mids to have an ra to counter cc then you ought to ask for alb and hib to get cc as good as yours

wining because your realm lacks something is pointless, all realms lack various things but have others to make up for them

and sure grp purge/sos may make insta stun and mez a little less effective, but these are expensive ras on a 30 min timer...


Originally posted by old.willowywicca
well I'm not leaving before 1.62 so I'll have to leave sometime after I guess :p

Nicely put. :)

I can't see myself leaving anytime soon ,at least not for another mmorpg.


I never whined, did anyone read my thread start? I dont think anyone did because not one person has actualy bothered to come up with a reply to 50% of the thread.

I know my realm's good enough, I know 1.62 is bolox, I know most random mids/hibs/albs suck in rvr - I'm coming from a pretty decent, imo, rvr guild yet I still have right to express what 'I' think we're lacking 'compared' to other realms, and no alb here can come up with something to beat Aarween's fact's.. its all 'changing the subject' 'the people in this thread bleh bleh'... as for the end regen, its a conc buff... means we dont get as many spec buffs in our groups, your's is a group end chant, pretty much working same as bard's, doesnt cost you anything. Someone try and come up with some hard fact's as to why midgard is not underpowered, and I promise to be openminded and give a non-biased opinion on your fact's.


Mkay, here goes:

a) your main cc class wears chain, has healer hp, and can heal if it gets attack (MoC and instants)

b) You get pbt in a line with nearsight and snare nukes

c) ae stun > pbaoe has to be the -most- damaging tactic for suprise attacks

d) Highest delve pbaoe in the game, on a class which has a pet that chain stuns and can interupt people.

e)Zerkers/savages - nuff said

f) Perfect recovery - Heh, altho it's not as oober as SoS/Gp etc, but with 2 healers in your group, you've got an effective 10 man group.

g) Your end regen is conc based as you said.. that means if your shammie is mezzed etc, it stays up.. unlike palas.

h) BD's - again, enough said

i) Warriors - nothing special, but the highest base damage in the game, useful for long fights when your ooe and stuff

j) Thanes - teehee, if I tried to make out thanes were uber, I'd prolly get laughed down, but a class with wep spec/shield spec and instant dd's etc can't quite be counted as 'gimped' anymore :)

k) Shammies with ae disease/instant disease etc.. perfect interupting tool on one of your key classes, as opposed to it being on a cabalist/mana eld on alb/hib.. also makes life hell for enemy healers, and reduces dmg from tank groups(str debuff)

l) running out of things now, so I'll mention zerkers/savages/bd's again

I await your reply pudz :p

Qte Eth

like part about chain stunning pets loch ,sounds uber


I got stunned 3 times in a row once :p

Anyway, as you implied, doesn't happen much, but it can :eek:


>>a) your main cc class wears chain, has healer hp, and can heal
>>if it gets attack (MoC and instants)

your main cc class has a lifetap dd, a pet, can mezz when being hit (qc, moc) and can mezz at boltrange AND has a mezz reduction spell reducing the effect to allmost zero

>> b) You get pbt in a line with nearsight and snare nukes
True, you're a bit fucked here in alb if you want 6s pbt but if not you get a specc dd and aemezz in wind + an array of short-term pets which cant be cc'ed

>>c) ae stun > pbaoe has to be the -most- damaging tactic for
>>suprise attacks

The famous aestun which lasts as long as an aemezz if you have decent resists ...

>>d) Highest delve pbaoe in the game, on a class which has a
>>pet that chain stuns and can interupt people.

using catacombs values
331.5 <> 325 so technically right

however you get a snare dd, (ae) dd + with resist debuff in return, the snare dd which you like seeing you mentioned it for the runemaster

>> e)Zerkers/savages - nuff said
1.62 , zerkers dead, 1.63-1.64 prolly kills savages ...

>>f) Perfect recovery - Heh, altho it's not as oober as SoS/Gp etc,
>>but with 2 healers in your group, you've got an effective 10
>>man group.

You lose all buffs so it's not exactly 2 effective players .
The only half decent ra mid has is ichor which you didnt mention, which on its turn isnt half as uber as the alb/hib ones

>>g) Your end regen is conc based as you said.. that means if
>>your shammie is mezzed etc, it stays up.. unlike palas.

True, but getting nerfed in 1.62 as well

>>h) BD's - again, enough said
Seriously, do you fear a bd in fg vs fg fights? They rule in 1vs1 but there's other classes that are more important in a "balanced group"

>>i) Warriors - nothing special, but the highest base damage in
>>the game, useful for long fights when your ooe and stuff

The happens ALOT , i can count the times a fight took over 1 minute on one hand.

>>j) Thanes - teehee, if I tried to make out thanes were uber, I'd
>>prolly get laughed down, but a class with wep spec/shield
>>spec and instant dd's etc can't quite be counted as 'gimped'
>>anymore :)

Reaver anyone?

>>k) Shammies with ae disease/instant disease etc.. perfect
>>interupting tool on one of your key classes, as opposed to it
>>being on a cabalist/mana eld on alb/hib.. also makes life hell
>>for enemy healers, and reduces dmg from tank groups(str

You have the tools but you don't use them...
mana eld has an equal pbae to the enchanter, and a spec snare dd (see above). Cabbie get a spec lifetab and a pet . Both the alb and hib counterparts can qc them (which offcourse is of lesser importance)


Sad that most seem to forget that spiritmasters, runemasters and bonedancers got little enchantments :(


To Jenkz:

SoS might not be imunity to CC but it is a usefull tool to avoid pbaoe dmg when you have beeing messed since it allows your grp to move during the mess time

you say that clerics rerolled or played the cleric as it "should" be played... then I wonder what spec a Zerker "should" have? well... LA I'd say... have any better Idea... and it's the LA that becomes nerfed...

To razorboy:

there is allways the possibility for the minstrel to purge then sos... if you say that this cost so and so much pts, then keep in mind Mid isn't even able to buy it...

To spudi:

so mythic should nerf annother realm so ppl there should start to leave the game/realm so you get easier to win?

To Loch:

Originally posted by Lochlyessa

Take blej's for example.. I've seen him complaining about a lack of mend/aug healers in rvr.. this is after leveling a healer to 50, but going pac cos it's omfg oober. Or playing his sm because he can get the uber deathspam.

or he maybe did it because he didn't want to play aug/mend and he thought SM was an intressting class to play? you know this game is still about playing for fun... if you don't enjoy healing then don't roll a mend/aug healer

To Loch:


your main CC class has a cloth with a 10% abs buff, an 250 af self buff and a self blade trun to balance up the 27% abs... your CC can MoC and do lifedrain if it gets hit... it have charm ability to replace the hp... and the mess reduction chant to replace the buffs... anything more you want to know?


have to admit the earth theurg line really should need a look over... about the nearsight you have the cabbie that have a pet that can stun to defend him... I'll come back to snare nukes later...


might be... but there we have something mid is good at... suprice attacks... but if you suprice attack mid we're quite weak since if all the members doesn't have purge up we might be jumping at the spot waiting for albs/hibs to kill us


might remind you of the ice wizzys ability to do snare nukes and damage debuffs aswell as pbae... and the damage debuff comes in both AE aswell as single target


can you specify what nuff said?


Perfect Recovery... to make the grp a 10 ppl grp by useing 2 PRs, then 2 ppl of the grp needs to die during the battle... let us hope this two isn't the healers with the PRs... then I think BoF and Baod are better since they will make prevent anyone from dieing... at least give a lot better odds of survive...


it's conc based yes... it's also range based just as the pallys... but it doesn't effect the spec line buffing...


have to agree with you on this...


you can also get a Pally so that won't run ooe in long battles... and if he does he allways have the heal chant to hold his hp up abit


Reaver got instant lifedrain to replace the DD thanes got...
Reaver got pulsing pbaoe chant to replace thanes pbaoe thingie
Reaver got the freedom to choise all 3 diffrent melee types, thane got 2 to choise between
Reaver can spec shield just as well as Thane


Mana Eldriches gets str/con debuff(instant) on same line as disease
Mana Eldriches gets Damage and Snare in both AE and single target on same line as disease
Mana Eldriches gets pbaoe on same line

Cabalist maybe have a not so good disease line... but got some goodies like lifedrain on it



To Addlcove:

Sorcerer have mezz reduction chant

oki... this reply took sometime to write ;p and I'm not the fastest writer ;p so I guess some of you have answered the things I've mentioned allready ;)


im staying \o/

but.. i dont feel uber being a supp rm as loch made me out to be (maybe she didnt, maybe im a gimp at my character)
mainly coz i get slammed/mezzd quickly and nerfs the pbt
and i love doing 150 (-200odd) with my uber dd ;/
ns is fun tho, but gets fixed

still doing darkcarver with the respec, but still playing
will have a go with a 2h savage too

just whack a FOTM stamp on me if u wish ;p


i'm staying, mainly cause my BD will be 50 then and i want to piss em off a bit

oh, thanes rule!

so do reavers! :)


<ponders at scouts>

I suspect we will remain gimped (yes, I know alot of people will come and say "omg scouts are uber, dioz hit me for 1000 dmg" etc, but plz, stfu) even tho we get rapid fire and penetrating arrow..

I'll wait and see how the patch is.. most likely will I be piss bored after a few weeks again. We'll see.


I think aarween owned u all with that long post, evenb tho i cant eread half of it i just got in from the pub


Ok, here's my point....

Got a lvl 50 Zerker and Shadowzerker on Logres...

My Zerker is 50 Sword Specced, cause Raganrök is really great...even now it does more Dam than DF does.

The Problem with LA being nerfed is, that it would be more usefull to use a very slow 2 handed sword instead of going 2 weapons, but why should i then choose a zerker and not a warrior? Warrior wears chain, does more basedam, has more base hitpoints(don't really know if this is right, but i think so) and also can spec shield to 50!!

Only advantages of the zerker are going in zerker-mode and a better evade.....

I would prefer playing warrior after 1.62.....shield-stun--> go for 2 handed and then Ragnarök from behind

Too bad both my chars are getting nerfed and i chose them because i like using 2 weapons.... :) so don't know what the future will bring^^

And to endu-buff....

Why don't give the skald some endu-chant? who needs that damn dam add......

Making it conz-based will at least give mythic more new accounts, because even groups will then think about using a buffbot for base buff and an actively played shaman for endu etc.


Originally posted by Aarweenie

To Addlcove:

Sorcerer have mezz reduction chant


Sorc: Hi guys, do you want me to run speed or my anti mezz chant which I specced to 49 in mind for?

Group: wow, bet that’s good. How much does it reduce insta mezz by.

Sorc: Well asuming you have 50% body resist. It’ll take just over 2 seconds off it.

Group: Run speed


Originally posted by civy

Sorc: Well asuming you have 50% body resist. It’ll take just over 2 seconds off it.

2 seconds? what mess are you asuming you're beeing messed by then? the instant mess? cast mess?

and do you have calculations that it's 2 sec or is it something you just estimate when playing?

if you got calculations I would like to see them...

also keep in mind that the other realms doen't have this at all... so even if it's bad it's far better then any mess reduction hib or mid got...

and I don't see the humour in this... you might want to explain it for me ;)


Originally posted by Qte Eth
sorc and run speed rofl.

And that just shows how bad the anti mezz chant is ;)

Edit: Somewhere between final test patch and going live it got changed to apply after risists rather than stacking.

Generic Poster

Originally posted by pudzy
I've hear about 5,000 people cancelled their account in the first 2weeks, mostly Midgard because Mythic screwed us over. Anyone know if this is true?

2500 Shadowblade accounts
2500 Shaman accounts

Good riddance.


I am going early September along with half my friends and expect many others to follow shortly after. It doesn't have so much to do with 1.62 as the RvR expansion delay and Mythics blatent attempt to force us into buying TOA by making us wait 9 months for the RvR expansion during which there will be 'ZERO' new contect except more fluff like the poxy fucking housing give away that is 'ONE YEAR OVERDUE'. Mythic can goto hell as far as I am concerned, 18 months ago they had the potential of pure gold game and through sheer stupidity they managed to slowly turn it into a 24 carat turd. Nuff said.


Can I just point people back to pre 1.60... 1.58, maybe as far back as 1.52.

Albion morale was at an all time low. We had fk all defense against mezz, our minstrels were becoming an upopular class to play because of little utility, our mercs and pallies were fed up with minimal damage.

Then lo! After lots of Albion whining, and being told to 'cry more', 'use tactics', 'raise our morale'... Albion got a big boost.

I wouldn't be highly surprised if Midgard was in for the same somewhere along the line.


Oh and before I forget, the spiralling usage of lag/speed/radar hacks that we know people are using but you never hear about them getting banned when caught :(


Originally posted by civy
And that just shows how bad the anti mezz chant is ;)

Edit: Somewhere between final test patch and going live it got changed to apply after risists rather than stacking.

You replied to Qte's reply, but you clearly avoided Aarweenie's...

Chodax, you read my mind ;).

Generic Poster, it wasn't just sb's and shamans, it zerker's too (shows how much you thought before you posted), cant see why ure being an arse about it, if everyone went, you'd have noone to kill... meaning no game.

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