House of Smek and Bad Omen have no respect for other guilds what so ever

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Fledgling Freddie
Jan 5, 2004
BloodOmen: as I see it this thread has become some thread for you to flame these people and make a name of yourself. Though in my eyes you're just making a fool of yourself keeping up the flame, although they made and nice explanation to why they were doing what they did just to defend your pointless post instead of sorting it ingame.

bring on the flames "msn" boy


I am a FH squatter
Jan 27, 2004
Zorin said:
BloodOmen: as I see it this thread has become some thread for you to flame these people and make a name of yourself. Though in my eyes you're just making a fool of yourself keeping up the flame, although they made and nice explanation to why they were doing what they did just to defend your pointless post instead of sorting it ingame.

bring on the flames "msn" boy

actually zorin i started this thread with quite serious thought :D when they started to make out i was some kind of bad guy which i wasnt??? thats correct wasnt......i got pissed off even dont give me that crap about "making a name" for myself when all im doing is countering/answer/saying sorry :D get your facts right next time mate k?


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 5, 2004
BloodOmen said:
actually zorin i started this thread with quite serious thought :D when they started to make out i was some kind of bad guy which i wasnt??? thats correct wasnt......i got pissed off even dont give me that crap about "making a name" for myself when all im doing is countering/answer/saying sorry :D get your facts right next time mate k?

what facts?

EDIT: oh and is "countering/answer/saying sorry :D" say someone is a twat which was what I was referring to?


I am a FH squatter
Jan 27, 2004
Zorin said:
what facts?

EDIT: oh and is "countering/answer/saying sorry :D" say someone is a twat which was what I was referring to?

oh that i stand by he is an arrogant twat......thats 1 thing i will always stand by


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 26, 2003
Marcus75 said:
I still think its selfish not to make an effort to check the forums used by the majority of the community tho but since that happens ALOT you should usally try and solve it in a polite way once you get in contact with the farmers - if they choose to respond.

problem here is not selfish ppl not checking it cause they are lazy.
reason they are not checking it is they had no clue such a thing even existed, not even on BW if it was there before, since at that time BO was Hib Excal, so no reason to check board there. so the majority of BO members had no clue such a system was in order, hence no reason to check it

this is Bloody/Baduska GM of BO speaking again.... see i dont even have an account here


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 5, 2004
1 thing I just gotta say.

People who say TG can be booked (I agree with booking TG etc) are the people who read these forums and are the same people that "descided" that you can book TG. The thing is that the people not reading these forums had no saying what so ever about this since "you people" (that I guess includes me) agreed over this. They have no idea that you can book TG.

Just think about it next time before you post.

(this may have fitted better in the raid annoucement post)


I am a FH squatter
Jan 27, 2004
gotta love the mid pop tho these days :| you post a thread regarding a guild tg raid and some one who had killed key mobs on a day we had "Posted" we were raiding........and people twist it and turn it and twist it some more and what do you get.........the guy who starts the thread gets made out to be the bad guy when in actual fact he was just pointed out some people who dont care about other players:eek2: n1 mids :p no wonder mid going down the drain :| we get left with players like this heh


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 26, 2003
BloodOmen said:
gotta love the mid pop tho these days :| you post a thread regarding a guild tg raid and some one who had killed key mobs on a day we had "Posted" we were raiding........and people twist it and turn it and twist it some more and what do you get.........the guy who starts the thread gets made out to be the bad guy when in actual fact he was just pointed out some people who dont care about other players:eek2: n1 mids :p no wonder mid going down the drain :| we get left with players like this heh

maybe cause you try to flame the people even though they had no clue of this booking system of yours. Topic says it all doesn't it?

House of Smek and Bad Omen have no respect for other guilds what so ever Reply to Thread

2 BO ppl and 1 guy from HoS and suddenly their guilds are all twats. please try to be more mature and realise that maybe what they said about not knowing about this booking system is true.

and remember these so called rules (even though i agree with them) are some that are made in a secluded community that doesn't represent the entire server, and therefore you cant expect it to be some rules that you can use like another Gestapo on ppl that dont have a clue about them at all

again Bloody/Baduska


I am a FH squatter
Jan 27, 2004
Animus said:
maybe cause you try to flame the people even though they had no clue of this booking system of yours. Topic says it all doesn't it?

House of Smek and Bad Omen have no respect for other guilds what so ever Reply to Thread

2 BO ppl and 1 guy from HoS and suddenly their "guilds are all twats". please try to be more mature and realise that maybe what they said about not knowing about this booking system is true.

again Bloody/Baduska

Actually on that it was glyph i called a twat not the before you flame back and on a second note they did know about it once again read before you flame back k thx...


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 26, 2003
BloodOmen said:
Actually on that it was glyph i called a twat not the before you flame back and on a second note they did know about it once again read before you flame back k thx...

seriusly read what i wrote, i didn't say you called our guilds twats literally
but i derrived it from the degrading wording of your topic

and therefore kinda saying that ppl that have no respect for other guilds = twats. read your topic and see what i mean it's degrading innit?



I am a FH squatter
Jan 27, 2004
BloodOmen said:
Not all of them just the 3 Listed below


It was posted that Venom were having a TG raid on the 27th so what do these 3 do? they go and decide to focus pull all the mobs :( in all ruining our raid.

If possible id like these 3 banned from FFA raid lotto's.

quote myself here............."Not all of them just the 3 Listed below" Once again i did not at any point say those 2 guilds were bad guilds or twats for that matter........please read before you go flaming ok


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 26, 2003
again, i'm saying topic is degrading and thats what ppl look at

now if you only wanted the attention of those 3 plz dont mention guild k?

and they didn't do anything wrong either, exept they were jews in germany and suddenly they had to be executed by the nazi you deciding what rules are valid



Fledgling Freddie
Jan 27, 2004
I nominate this thread "Laugh of the day"...

Taking the Game a tad too serious are we?

If peoples egos were a bit smaller, and didnt get hurt so easily this thread would have been ended before it was started...
Was enjoyable reading tho ;)



I am a FH squatter
Jan 27, 2004
BimboBane said:
Well there is no secrecy that BaF have done sum serious farmin for the guild vaults in TG. But we have always tried to make sure that we DONT kill isso/forn/hurika so that they aint popped when the posted raids come down to kill them. As i can rember we have done two misstakes both times we have solved it with the guild / allaince raiding.

This game is all about team play and when you get confronted by someone whom nicely remids you that there are a post on FH that asks for the mobs to remain un farmed since they dont want to get a raid of 20+ peeps whiped in a repop, Not to mention that there are not so many guilds that even can try to kill the councils since they dont have the numbers and killpower to do so.
So even doh im one of the ones that have made our guild gained quite a few itams im glad the greedy selfish ones that only look to themself and their own purse soon will have to find new ways to be a party trasher.

GM <Bulle af Fetstryk>

this is exactly why rules are made animus.....people dying to repops.......people reschedule things in real life to come onto a raid.......and what happens when they do ? either no mobs left or waste of time because all the mobs you planned to go for were killed by some1 who claims they dont read forums.........greed nothing but greed is all i can say


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 26, 2003
BloodOmen said:
this is exactly why rules are made animus.....people dying to repops.......people reschedule things in real life to come onto a raid.......and what happens when they do ? either no mobs left or waste of time because all the mobs you planned to go for were killed by some1
agree 100%
rules helps a lot getting stuff organized etc and it looks to be good rules. you just needa be sure to not shoot ppl that dont know the rules, cause they aren't informed.

BloodOmen said:
who claims they dont read forums.........greed nothing but greed is all i can say

CLAIMS WTF is WRONG WITH YOU dont you get that they actually dont read this PvE section they are from an RvR guild, they ARE NOT PPL THAT FARM THIS FREAKING DUNGEON 24/7 for all i know this is the second time ogdeter does focus there, and the first time remeem does.

these people ACTUALLY didn't know about these rules, cant you accept that in your thin little head, it's not like it hasn't been said 100s of times.

just cause they actually went down with some focus SM does that mean this is something they have done for ages NO its the first time, so were is all that greed you are talking about? they died a couple of times on a mob and ran back spend 5 hours on it FGS let them finish that one mob and you could do the councelor + icelord sections + high council etc. and try to explain them those rules that you in your ignorant bliss believe everyone actually know. YES all the people around you that PVE's a lot, but here's NEWS you dont socialize with the entire server MR. MSN BOY you only know those in your guild your alliance and a few more, you dont know us, there's a lot of RvR guilds you probally dont know and there's a huge majority in that group of people that DONT read this forum, so STOP FREAKING GENERALIZING i'm tired of it ok. AND PLEASE give and apology at some point, cause these ppl aint lying to you to abuse your system, they are honest, and shame on you for flamming them

Bloody/Baduska out. AND YES i'm NOT ANIMUS i'm just GM of BO and i dont care to sign up here, cause i dont use this board. exept for talking sence into you, which is pointless it seems


Loyal Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
in this cause, summ sm can focus tg also?
even if they only 5ppl, since they dont want anyone to steal their mobs and they want all tg for their own! And in that case they can book it up for everyday to? Who decides this?

I know i respeccted FFA raids when i focused pulled.
But guild raids i didnt really care that much about, since in the end what matters is who kills the mob first tbh.

ppl can just go anon and u will get more fucked if they do that.
Sure ask if they can respect and dont do some mobs, and if they wont nothing you can do about it. DEAL WITH IT.
Do councils or so, and they possible to do with summ sm also, even agmundur witch is easy as hell infact. Its even faster kinda to kill the named with focus then it is with a guild raid if u dont zerg a mob maybe.

And if u just do tg for some guild thing, just do trollheim or some other stuff if u want to pve, if it isnt for the drops you do tg.

And guess who gets most drops 3ppl killing 3named, or 16ppl killing 3named?
And now ask your self if u wanted drops in what group would you be in.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 16, 2004
Great realm spirit there blej?

As long as u have uber cash & uber weapons/items screw the rest of the realm hey. Some people dont have summ SM and have lives so they need to orgnize days in advance. Have some respect.

You havnt been missed with an attitude like that tbh go back to Hib.

No offence intended.

And BloodOmen I think its about time you stopped talking! your digging your hole deeper :D



Fledgling Freddie
Jan 5, 2004
btw, why was the raid ruined when they killed like 3 of all the nameds in TG? must be around 20 names in that cave that guarantee drop.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 25, 2003
You can feel a lotta love in this room :wub:

Is this kindergarden ? First of all, BloodOmen you don't just start a thread about 3 people, but write topic as if it was a matter about 2 big guilds. STOOPID AS HELL.. simple as that. Especially when your skull is as thick as an oak. Point the thread at the 3 people you're angry with and do it in a decent way, because this is just childish.

It seems very obvious that the people farming TG that day hadn't done it a lot before, they had been there for a long time and put in a lot of effort to it. They were sorry for interrupting your raid because they didn't know about booking (until you started being rude/childish ofc.. I'd feel the same way) but once you're started and you've been there for so long time how would you feel ? Also it's pretty obvious that they will try to read the forum in the future to respect bookings.
You had organised a raid, you all went there and found out they were focuspulling. Did you even bother to do a /who glacier before going there? Maybe people schedule their irl life according to raids etc, but maybe they should think that over.. a game controlling their IRL life??? If the nameds you are after are being pulled, reschedule to another day and tell the people in a polite manner that you want to go there, and which mobs you are after. Hell, we had a TG raid the other day and there were some people focuspulling Isso+area when we were gathering in Hagall, but we went for council instead. Simple.

This post is just stupid as hell imo. You flame 2 entire guilds for 3 people being in a zone you want for yourself, even though in this game there is no such thing as claiming afaik. Whoever hits mob first, is entitled to mob (if it's even that civilized). I think it's great if people can arrange deals about leaving certain mobs alone if guilds want to raid, but the problem is, that if you don't get all people in the entire realm on the idea your idea goes *pooof*. If some people don't agree they can disregard the deal and get flamed for it. But it's RL people playing this game, and don't piss on them if you don't like being pissed on yourself.

My own personal statement/opinion as a living person.

Over & out (not coming back to this thread so don't bother quoting or replying to me)



BloodOmen said:
Not all of them just the 3 Listed below


It was posted that Venom were having a TG raid on the 27th so what do these 3 do? they go and decide to focus pull all the mobs :( in all ruining our raid.

If possible id like these 3 banned from FFA raid lotto's.

You should edit ur topic. :puke:

PS. cay did u get me my items :D

Ah btw IMO right now before patch no FFA/AS raids. let people use the summ spec before its gone. The smaller guilds cant raid TG u would still be able to do it

For the good of midgard


BloodOmen said:
pm'd cayuna can i ask nicely if they just ignore me? and no i didnt pm them screaming get the fk out etc.......i asked had they seen FH we had a raid planned and they ignored me............summon sm cant really seeing cayuna missing it

Cay doesent even answer guldies at all time. Hes alittle slow in the head


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 21, 2004
Funkdocta said:
Great realm spirit there blej?

As long as u have uber cash & uber weapons/items screw the rest of the realm hey. Some people dont have summ SM and have lives so they need to orgnize days in advance. Have some respect.

You havnt been missed with an attitude like that tbh go back to Hib.

No offence intended.

And BloodOmen I think its about time you stopped talking! your digging your hole deeper :D


Hey some ppls can also level summon sms if they like i wont stop em..
You gotta sacrifice some to earn some in other ways its all abut dedication.
For example and unemployeed or smt (i am not) so he gotta think when he logs on at daytime. Hmm some ppls have lives and earn cash while workin at days so i cant farm cus they will want to kill those mobs 10 hours later when they home from work? Stop workin then and u can farm too at daytime, but u wont get any irl cash so your choice.


I am a FH squatter
Jan 27, 2004
Animus said:
agree 100%
rules helps a lot getting stuff organized etc and it looks to be good rules. you just needa be sure to not shoot ppl that dont know the rules, cause they aren't informed.

CLAIMS WTF is WRONG WITH YOU dont you get that they actually dont read this PvE section they are from an RvR guild, they ARE NOT PPL THAT FARM THIS FREAKING DUNGEON 24/7 for all i know this is the second time ogdeter does focus there, and the first time remeem does.

these people ACTUALLY didn't know about these rules, cant you accept that in your thin little head, it's not like it hasn't been said 100s of times.

just cause they actually went down with some focus SM does that mean this is something they have done for ages NO its the first time, so were is all that greed you are talking about? they died a couple of times on a mob and ran back spend 5 hours on it FGS let them finish that one mob and you could do the councelor + icelord sections + high council etc. and try to explain them those rules that you in your ignorant bliss believe everyone actually know. YES all the people around you that PVE's a lot, but here's NEWS you dont socialize with the entire server MR. MSN BOY you only know those in your guild your alliance and a few more, you dont know us, there's a lot of RvR guilds you probally dont know and there's a huge majority in that group of people that DONT read this forum, so STOP FREAKING GENERALIZING i'm tired of it ok. AND PLEASE give and apology at some point, cause these ppl aint lying to you to abuse your system, they are honest, and shame on you for flamming them

Bloody/Baduska out. AND YES i'm NOT ANIMUS i'm just GM of BO and i dont care to sign up here, cause i dont use this board. exept for talking sence into you, which is pointless it seems

its like some one said before tbh :mad: they were quick enough to find it to defend i dont believe they dont check it animus sorry........and im sure alot of other people dont believe it either


I am a FH squatter
Jan 27, 2004
anyway enough flaming now :D i think the 3 have learned to check boards before they go farming in future......


Funkdocta said:
Great realm spirit there blej?

As long as u have uber cash & uber weapons/items screw the rest of the realm hey. Some people dont have summ SM and have lives so they need to orgnize days in advance. Have some respect.

You havnt been missed with an attitude like that tbh go back to Hib.

No offence intended.

And BloodOmen I think its about time you stopped talking! your digging your hole deeper :D


me and Cayuna Payed 5p for that stone. Im pretty sure ur little guilds could get 5p togheter :)


BloodOmen said:
anyway enough flaming now :D i think the 3 have learned to check boards before they go farming in future......

Why would they? This board doesent set any rules at all.

I will go there when ever I feel like it. But thats just me. Dont jump on HoS just cuz I lack the respect for u


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
Remem such a bad bad boi! lets remove 10cm from his i-net dick!


I am a FH squatter
Jan 27, 2004
Gabbe said:
Why would they? This board doesent set any rules at all.

I will go there when ever I feel like it. But thats just me. Dont jump on HoS just cuz I lack the respect for u

now this the kinda talk im on about :D dont like the rules other people set but when they set rules you either obey them or get shouted at :D ok gabbe look at it this way, what if you were in emain running along with your grp.........and you started fighting...........winning aswell vs loads of albs...........and we came along and killed them all? but hang on? your rules coming on here DONT ADD ON US!!!!!! dont nick tg raids that were planned......rules for rules tbh :D


Old and short, no wonder I'm grumpy!
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 14, 2003
6 pages and you haven't managed to sort this out?

It was a daft subject ... should have named people or said 'some members' rather than naming guilds as that was bound to stir the shit. Too many of you are also just flaming instead of talking it through sensibly.

How about each of the alliances nominates a couple of people who ARE registered on FH to check the threads here for planned raids and let's their alliance know? I'll usually stick threads up which I can spot easily as the date is included in the subject so they ought to be easy to find.

Come on guys... cut the flames please and sort this out.
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