WOW holy shit lol

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Queen of OT
Jan 4, 2004
cannot believe this!!

OK so I am doing my information studies degree and working like a bitch to do well, my last module result came in the other week and for 1 assignment I got 70% for the other I got 68% so for the module I got 69% ...dude, *cough* anyway, I emailed the tutor to ask for some additional feedback as to where I fell short on the second assignment so I can do better in next module and thank her for the good marks...

I got an email this afternoon saying she'd revisited my essay and decided to bump it up to 70 because the overall quality of my work showed that the module should get first!!

How flaming cool is that? I swear to flip I am so pleased right now, it's been a bit of an armpit this last week or so and this was so unexpected and so amazing, well I am one happy lil ez I can tell you hehe :clap:

p.s. does the WOW prefix mean wow as in, like wow! or WoW the game? If so I apologise for the incorrect use hehe.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
Nice one Ez, it's always nice to get good exam results.

Grats you! :clap:


I am a FH squatter
Jan 7, 2004
Did you flash her the boobs? I had to do that to get extra marks in my exams! Luckily my sister owed me and had no choice but to show the old scrote her norks!


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
Appropriate thread title.

Utterly pointless bragging thread. *sidles up to ST^* But yeah, well done or whatever it is you want. ;)


I am a FH squatter
Jan 7, 2004
Appropriate thread title.

Utterly pointless bragging thread. *sidles up to ST^* But yeah, well done or whatever it is you want. ;)

Give it a rest, Deebs merged OT into here and it is now a free for all with regards to topics posted so Ez can post what she wants. If you don't like it don't read it, definately don't reply to it but more importantly don't troll for a reaction. It is beneath you.


Part of the furniture
Dec 26, 2003
Did you flash her the boobs? I had to do that to get extra marks in my exams! Luckily my sister owed me and had no choice but to show the old scrote her norks!

Oh boyo! I love hairy nipples!! :sex:


Chief Arsewipe
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 11, 1997
Appropriate thread title.

Utterly pointless bragging thread. *sidles up to ST^* But yeah, well done or whatever it is you want. ;)

Give it a rest, Deebs merged OT into here and it is now a free for all with regards to topics posted so Ez can post what she wants. If you don't like it don't read it, definately don't reply to it but more importantly don't troll for a reaction. It is beneath you.

I agree with cHodAX's post. Stop the trolling, if you don't like the thread, ignore it.


Gold Star Holder!!
Jan 16, 2005
Perhaps we can have a separate WOW (World of Warcraft) prefix and "( . Y . )" for WOW!


FH is my second home
Nov 7, 2004
Give it a rest, Deebs merged OT into here and it is now a free for all with regards to topics posted so Ez can post what she wants. If you don't like it don't read it, definately don't reply to it but more importantly don't troll for a reaction. It is beneath you.

How dead this place would be without OT. hah.


Queen of OT
Jan 4, 2004
I agree with cHodAX's post. Stop the trolling, if you don't like the thread, ignore it.

I agree with them, IF I want to hear from an arsehole I'll up yours misery guts :p

Anyway, wasn't bragging was just genuinely amazed and happy and wanted to share it with my OT if you'll excuse me I shall continue to revel in chinese food and cowboys (anyone else watching 'Justified', how great is this show??)


Is now wearing thermals.....Brrrrr
Apr 21, 2008
You go on and brag, you deserve to, and to be able to shout it from the roof tops too

Well done. Its nice when you see the fruits of your labour :clap:

Oh, and Wazz.....:kissit:


I am a FH squatter
Jan 7, 2004
now if you'll excuse me I shall continue to revel in chinese food and cowboys (anyone else watching 'Justified', how great is this show??)

Love it, a few weeks behind on the latests episiodes from season 2 though.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
So no-one's allowed to voice an opinion on something now if it differs? I also said well done. Bit of an overreaction here, especially the hilarious negative feedback stating how the only reason I'd post here is because I must have got a 2:2. If you're really want to know how I did at uni, ask, don't speculate. I'm just not the sort to go round telling everyone about my successes, Ez clearly is - why can't I state my position as she can state hers?

When I post I get jumped on by people too you know, only this is a forum and I understand that people are different. If this place turns into a sycophantic love-in where you're only allowed to agree with posts or threads then that would be a real shame.

Roo Stercogburn

Resident Freddy
Dec 22, 2003
So no-one's allowed to voice an opinion on something now if it differs? I also said well done. Bit of an overreaction here, especially the hilarious negative feedback stating how the only reason I'd post here is because I must have got a 2:2. If you're really want to know how I did at uni, ask, don't speculate. I'm just not the sort to go round telling everyone about my successes, Ez clearly is - why can't I state my position as she can state hers?

When I post I get jumped on by people too you know, only this is a forum and I understand that people are different. If this place turns into a sycophantic love-in where you're only allowed to agree with posts or threads then that would be a real shame.

Trolling justification fail.


Is now wearing thermals.....Brrrrr
Apr 21, 2008
The thread wasn't for a discussion of anyone opinion, there were no sides to take, there wasn't a poll to click on

It was just someone sharing their good news with the people she deems her friends, and thought they might like to hear of that news

If you don't care about it, then dont post, rather than the whole 'Yeah, whatever....' attitude

Its not rocket science Wazz


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
No-one's allowed to present an opinion on something if it hasn't been specifically asked for? What utter nonsense.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
The thread wasn't for a discussion of anyone opinion, there were no sides to take, there wasn't a poll to click on

It was just someone sharing their good news with the people she deems her friends, and thought they might like to hear of that news

If you don't care about it, then dont post, rather than the whole 'Yeah, whatever....' attitude

Its not rocket science Wazz

It's also much easier to ignore any comments of mine you don't like than starting a debate about it. You're failing at doing the thing you're telling me to do, so your high road is a lot lower than you think it is.


Is now wearing thermals.....Brrrrr
Apr 21, 2008
So no-one's allowed to voice an opinion on something now if it differs? I also said well done. Bit of an overreaction here, especially the hilarious negative feedback stating how the only reason I'd post here is because I must have got a 2:2. If you're really want to know how I did at uni, ask, don't speculate. I'm just not the sort to go round telling everyone about my successes, Ez clearly is - why can't I state my position as she can state hers?

When I post I get jumped on by people too you know, only this is a forum and I understand that people are different. If this place turns into a sycophantic love-in where you're only allowed to agree with posts or threads then that would be a real shame.

Erm......i think you started the debate right here ^^


Queen of OT
Jan 4, 2004
the difference is wazz these guys from OT I've known for years, they are like my family and I enjoy sharing stuff with them, in turn I love hearing their news and congratulating's called being friends.

Now I don't know you from adam and don't expect you to give a hoot about what I post and I in turn don't give a hoot about your opinions, I am just mildly annoyed that you, someone who means nothing to me and for which my posts are not intended, seem to find the need to post comment in them when the only things you have to say are snarky bitchy comments that I guess are intended to flame me and make me look stupid but seeing as you are the only one doing it it doesn;t really work does it?

Anyway then you get all cross when people tell you to bugger off, start yelling stuff about it being a love in and arse kissing association and what not, which makes you look even more silly.

So, in order to retain your ultra cool, kick arse, much respected reputation that I am assuming you must have obtained during your life in FH General (never having gone on there I am just guessing) anyway to maintain this image of smart mouthed too cool for school bad boy you work so hard for I suggest you just stay out of my threads because you just come off looking like a bit of a tit.

...oh yeah, true story ^^


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
Give it a rest, Deebs merged OT into here and it is now a free for all with regards to topics posted so Ez can post what she wants. If you don't like it don't read it, definately don't reply to it but more importantly don't troll for a reaction. It is beneath you.

I agree with cHodAX's post. Stop the trolling, if you don't like the thread, ignore it.

I agree with them, IF I want to hear from an arsehole I'll up yours misery guts :p

Anyway, wasn't bragging was just genuinely amazed and happy and wanted to share it with my OT if you'll excuse me I shall continue to revel in chinese food and cowboys (anyone else watching 'Justified', how great is this show??)

You go on and brag, you deserve to, and to be able to shout it from the roof tops too

Well done. Its nice when you see the fruits of your labour :clap:

Oh, and Wazz.....:kissit:

You could always fuck off.

Great news EZ :)

Erm......i think you started the debate right here ^^

Look at the above, I didn't start it, many people jumped in on me, including you. The only person who responded but in an appropriate "brushing off" manner was Ez herself. Everyone else jumping to her defence when she doesn't need it, as she's shown herself to be mature enough to take the comment without flailing about.

Edit: Spoke too soon it seems, was written before Ez's seconary post on the matter. Shame :(


Queen of OT
Jan 4, 2004
original comment yes, brush that off as a joke no harm no foul...additional 4 comments which just get on everyone elses nerves and is just attention seeking thread jacking wears a bit thin.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
It's not attention seeking as people have addressed me specifically, I'm allowed to make an account of myself.

If I was attention seeking I'd be creating stupid spammy troll threads or being ludicrous. Or making more trolling comments, which I'm not.
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