hmm? alpha the mature? or the kiddo?



**when a decent 1vs1 does arise, its nice to be able to take it for what it is...a good bit of fun. 99 percent of albs respect this.**

yeah riiight

I choose Meduza over Alpha anyday... :great:


Other day in odins at amg, i see a BM and druid in gatehouse. Now i know i can't take em down so i PM 2 albs who recently past amg (Kagato and some1 else) and they come back and gank em while i watch.

A few seconds later i catch a NS, the otehr 2 albs stand and watch as i kill it.

No leeching, no need for extra help, just mutual respect. Why feel the need to hit each and every enemy you see even when help isn't needed, simple answer is some people are just too greedy :(


this thread is dumb

sure, its REALM VERSUS REALM as you keep pointing out, but does that mean REALM VERSUS REALM EVEN AT THE EXPENSE OF THE FUN FOR OTHERS ?

alpha solo's all the time, it's what he does.. sometimes other stealthers solo too, and when they are actively solo-ing, they're enjoying what they do, the 1v1 fight, (or 2v2, if you count bots ~~)

if alpha is enjoying himself putting himself to the test against one other guy.. and you can see CLEARLY that there is no unfair situation, why intervene?

do you think people LIKE to actively outnumber their opponent when they go to solo? or even fg fg? if they feel its balanced, then they wont call for help, or whatever, they'll stay quiet and keep on..

sure it's realm versus realm, but comon, you, yourself, you didnt port to emain to fight for your realm, did you?

were you part of some relic raid, or keep take force?

did you have some orders from albion high command? were you on a mission?

i seriously doubt it..

in that case, it's a standard emain night, and there was no 'I WAS HLEPING TEH RELAM!!11' crap..
that other guy was solo, he obviously didnt intend to get zerged, and alpha was solo, he obviously wasnt intended on outnumbering or zerging his opponent, so they were a perfect match and they met... what in the name of fuck makes you think you were 'needed' in the 'realm versus realm' combat?

and his RR has nothing to do with this.. stop flaunting it as if it is your trump card, cus it's really proving your ignorance.


Originally posted by orlan
hmm.. i dont remember it like that.. coz im pretty sure i used my charge ability on him :) go gorge and do duel please :)

another sucky zerger !!!


Judging from your map it looks to me as though you saw Alpha's fight from way outside clipping range, either that or my clip range is totally fooked ;)

Adding in the heat of battle is one thing, running from the bowl to add on a 1 v1 miles away is another.


Close this thread its pointless :eek:. Tbh if I was Alpha and winning the 1vs1 id be angry aswell.


Getting angry about getting your so fancy 1on1 spoiled is sooo childish.

i never whined/pm'ed people that would jump enemies i engaged, and not very often i get whines in return when i "help" kill enemies others had opened on, imo...

if you cant take that your 1on1 will be interferred from time to time, and take a little garbage in return if you do jump into a 1on1, then you shouldnt be playing this game, so all you moaning bastards, fo.


the only reason this thread is here is because it involves Alpha, sometimes it seems people expect him to act with extreme politeness, which noone else would think off, some of the people have this prejudice which in denmark is called the Jante law, just because you are something dosnt mean your better than me. And to me half of these threads is based on that view, pure jealousy! Alpha is allways a decent bloke if you approach him with a minimum of respect, just like you would do to any other player, so why come flame here for something as small an incident as this, and for all the people who jumped the bandwagon all I can say is you must be sad people to have nothing better to do than trying to put a decent bloke like Alpha down....Now my support obviously goes with Alpha he is the "lone ranger" in our realm and i kinda fancy that way.


Originally posted by Khalen
I will never interrupt Alpha's battles if I saw it coming. Sometimes Alpha can pop from nowhere and happened to have same target... it happens sometimes nothing big. But when I see him obviously fighting 1 on 1 I leave em be even if he looses. Stealthers have entirely own world to play in. Maybe some people think Alpha is very selfish but I've seen him help certain groups by attacking a specific member from time to time. And have many others I believe. That's why a lot of albs have respect for a person who wants to play his own game :)

And come on guys we live in same realm. Rather make up and be friends then enemies.

imho youre damned if you do and damned if you dont, I have been at the end of abuse from people saying I interupted their AMG fight, I have been at the end of abuse from people asking why I didnt heal or buff or save somebody or summat or another.

Soon as people realise that nothing is guaranteed in RVR the better, you cant please everybody all the time.

The game is becoming more and more isolated for some groups, last night for example I see a cleric and Armsman doing the Tower Guardian, it started to go bad, both instas gone, IP used etc, my Necro had debuffed guardian (-AF250 has got to help) I had melee buffed the arms and i then power TX'd to the cleric, after the fight was won not a word, not one. I must admit I was a bit suprised. A guildy I was with said it was nothing out of the norm.

You come away from things like that with the feeling "WTF should I give a toss about anybody, I'll do my own thing and there is nothing they can do about it" and that as they say is how I feel about people screwing up events and how I'll play RVR in future.


Originally posted by Tilda
I respec alpha a hell of a lot more for practically soloing to RR10 and being a decent bloke, with a family and friendly to boot that I do some Prodigy noob who thinks it mature to post flame bait on a forums in a feeble attempt to tarnish someones reputation.


But then again nobody respects you so its kinda a moot point.


Originally posted by quinthar
The game is becoming more and more isolated for some groups, last night for example I see a cleric and Armsman doing the Tower Guardian, it started to go bad, both instas gone, IP used etc, my Necro had debuffed guardian (-AF250 has got to help) I had melee buffed the arms and i then power TX'd to the cleric, after the fight was won not a word, not one. I must admit I was a bit suprised. A guildy I was with said it was nothing out of the norm.

You come away from things like that with the feeling "WTF should I give a toss about anybody, I'll do my own thing and there is nothing they can do about it" and that as they say is how I feel about people screwing up events and how I'll play RVR in future.

Come away from it at least hoping they'll do the same to someonelse one day or will learn but not very lucky. When you do nice stuff like that, you often do get the nice people, the assholes are at a minumum in Alb and probably in hib/mid too. The whole 'stealthers code' though dont really exist atm : /


Originally posted by Tilda
Having read the whole thread now...

So, looking at your map, you saw the fight from half way across the bowl and ran alllll the way across just to add so you can get the DM?



So what your saying is if your nice and close you can leech all ya like??

The issue here is that half the people that have said stuff about leeching and/or adding have done it or their guilds do it on a regular basis.

I can vouch for that as I have had quite a few 1 vs 1's and some random FC or HB or <insert guild name here> has gone past and blatted the other player and continued on their merry way totally oblivious to what they just did.

I'm now of the opinion that its all fair in love and RVR.

I'm not saying its good or bad but all realms do it, and the quicker people realise that it happens and will probably always happen the better it will be.


Just a general visulisation from reading this thread - it seems 'Shit happens until it happens to you'.

My Point ?

Realm vs realm - personally i would welcome someone helping me out even if i was 1v1 in emain or wherever it happened. The faster the enemy goes down, the faster we can move on to another enemy :)

I can also understand the anger from someone who didn't ask for help. It's a heat of the moment thing.

But for someone to bring it up on BW to publically flame someone else takes the piss. Its like school when you get told off in front of the whole class. Its wrong. Take to one side - ie. PM - fine, but dont whine on here just because ' the shit happened'.


Originally posted by Hestetun
another sucky zerger !!!

So, when you kill a single infil with yer FG at the amg are you being fair? are you taking the fun away from some solo NS that was gonna take him/her out? When a group steamrollers low RR groups or solos isnt that taking somebodies fun away I dont recall one of the many stealthers jumping in to save single or duos from FG's at AMG..

My My when you look at things another way it looks so differant, but then again it doesn't look good when you see that the key element for 99.9% of the people that RVR on a regular basis is *RP's*....

If you all say Alpha is right then make damn sure that your consistent and your guild is consistent, if you think the original poster is right then dont whine when you get leeched/added to its that simple.

Since I cant see either happening its kinda a wasted thread cept for the postcount pharmin.


Originally posted by brommix
the only reason this thread is here is because it involves Alpha, sometimes it seems people expect him to act with extreme politeness, which noone else would think off, some of the people have this prejudice which in denmark is called the Jante law, just because you are something dosnt mean your better than me. And to me half of these threads is based on that view, pure jealousy! Alpha is allways a decent bloke if you approach him with a minimum of respect, just like you would do to any other player, so why come flame here for something as small an incident as this, and for all the people who jumped the bandwagon all I can say is you must be sad people to have nothing better to do than trying to put a decent bloke like Alpha down....Now my support obviously goes with Alpha he is the "lone ranger" in our realm and i kinda fancy that way.

hahahha, Jante loven... ;)

well, nm that. I donno alpha, never played with him, etc etc, so i had only respect for him being a very high rr when i was very low etc etc. then the fool (yes: FOOL) dies at hmg and accuse me not to help etc etc, telling me to fuck off and wajn about never helping me atc etc. well, if THAT isnt childish, i sure as hell donno what is! i would never tell him how to play HIS class so this FOOL shouldnt tell me how to play mine ! and i would never tell him how to play this game, so he shouldnt expect me to obey his every command (ok ok, harch, but he asked for help and i couldnt).

ohh, this just stroke me. How would u know how much health i got when ur in combat with another dude ? just curious, cuz i sure as hell dont check other albs stats while IM in combat!

Alpha Male


Meduza...i whatched the whole fight with you against the NS, i saw you stealth with 25% + hps..thats how i know..once again, its not rocket science. And before you say "why didnt you help then blah blah", was no need to ruin the 1vs1 when you were winning...but i did attack the tank that was heading for you BEFORE you stealthed (he came from the corner of the gate), someting tells me i wont bother doing that again.

(ok ok, harch, but he asked for help and i couldnt).

Couldnt or wouldnt? (and posting in game /send logs isnt childish?.alll riiighty.)


Originally posted by orlan
hmm? maturity from the rr10 mincer?

rvr = realm vs realm..

realm contains more than 1 member

pvp = camlann

how ever u can still gang up there

ohh ye.. and stop making 1 on 1 fights at amg :p not likely ppl will just pass by with out getting rp

(srry alpha.. was abit long to post this screenshot however ive been busy)

your the retard, now piss off to the zerg again and leech more QQ


Originally posted by quinthar
imho youre damned if you do and damned if you dont, I have been at the end of abuse from people saying I interupted their AMG fight, I have been at the end of abuse from people asking why I didnt heal or buff or save somebody or summat or another.

Soon as people realise that nothing is guaranteed in RVR the better, you cant please everybody all the time.

The game is becoming more and more isolated for some groups, last night for example I see a cleric and Armsman doing the Tower Guardian, it started to go bad, both instas gone, IP used etc, my Necro had debuffed guardian (-AF250 has got to help) I had melee buffed the arms and i then power TX'd to the cleric, after the fight was won not a word, not one. I must admit I was a bit suprised. A guildy I was with said it was nothing out of the norm.

You come away from things like that with the feeling "WTF should I give a toss about anybody, I'll do my own thing and there is nothing they can do about it" and that as they say is how I feel about people screwing up events and how I'll play RVR in future.

Dude it's just a game... players die in every realm from mobs and some die just in front of other players who wanna help. It happens. If I heal 1 sec to late I say sorry too and say heal landed to late. It happens. Don't make a big fuss about something that small. And I've been in a lot of those situations you just named. A thank you from the people you helped might have felt better then when they didn't. Don't expect people always to say thanks. I didn't get a thank you from Alpha either when he was fighting Finster. But do I mind? No because I know what I did was right... People just make such a big fuss about nothing lately... Losen up a bit and enjoy a game a lot of players play. You all act like there is a law or something or say how people need to react... Everyone has it's reasons and actions some maybe good some maybe not. Life goes on yah know....

PS. If you think I ever screwed up some raid then tell me and tell me what I did wrong... You just think people are alike but they are so versatile that actually no one is alike.... Ow and if I meet someone who said even some bad things about me or anything doesn't mean I don't ress him or whatever. For instance I had arguement with Treniel and Wildfire. At some point I just talked with Wildfire and we made up. Since then I can't recall any problems between us any longer. But as I said losen up a bit guys/girls.


omg, how retarded can the topic writer be. Read tzees post pls, best post in this thread. kthx.


Re: rofl

Originally posted by Alpha Male
Meduza...i whatched the whole fight with you against the NS, i saw you stealth with 25% + hps..thats how i know..once again, its not rocket science. And before you say "why didnt you help then blah blah", was no need to ruin the 1vs1 when you were winning...but i did attack the tank that was heading for you BEFORE you stealthed (he came from the corner of the gate), someting tells me i wont bother doing that again.


Couldnt or wouldnt? (and posting in game /send logs isnt childish?.alll riiighty.)

ohh, so u DID see the fight.. then u must also have seen me sitting down RIGHT AFTER the ns fell... and IF i had 25% health left, maybe, JUST MAYBE, i would have walked up on stairs, jumped and stealthed ? didnt see the tank was inc for me, but i sure as hell dont stay on a spot after ive killed some1 - and especially dont sit down at the spot! maybe, just maybe, the hits on me wasnt updated when u clicked me ? ever thought of that be4 telling me to fuck off etc ?

ohh, and yea, posting logs IS childish.. this whole thread is childish... playing games IS childish... but as long as we r having fun, i see no harm in it ^^


nono, playign games itself isnt childish, BW makes it childish

Alpha Male


I know what i saw Meduza...and you can blame game mechanics all you like, but i saw 25% hits left on you after the fight - so going on that yeah, would do same next time too if i saw you or anyone else do similar thing when on that many hits.


First thing I think its lame to add on a 1 vs 1, I hate it when 2 sb's fight together to kill me, I hate it when another alb helps me to kill a solo enemy.

But even worse is to moan to someone about leeching, its not pve, this is rvr, so many fg vs fg fights I see solo people add, including Alpha, I don't moan, moaning is the worst thing you can do, tbh I don't mind its part of the game and happens far too much to get upset about it.

If someone choose to fight in rvr its entirely their decision, the circumstances dont matter. Maybe we all would like a game where fights are always fair, where its always equal numbers vs equal numbers but daoc is not designed like that and we gotta make the best of what we got.

Funny though Alpha complaining of someone helping him to kill an enemy when his bot at apk is doing it all the time :) (you knew I couldnt resist a buffbot whine :clap: )

As for that screenie, I wasn't there but im curious how do you expect a infil on 25%? health (and probably ooe) to kill that ranger?



sorry for caps, but blaming realmmates for leeching is yach ! those ppl belong in counterstrike, accusing eachother for fragstealing.

sure, 1vs1 fights is nice - but there is NO REASON to complain for adding, just accept it. just like zerging when u want fg-fights


Originally posted by hotrat
As for that screenie, I wasn't there but im curious how do you expect a infil on 25%? health (and probably ooe) to kill that ranger?

Yea, good point! If I were on those famous 25% health, Alpha, how would u expect me to kill that ranger ?


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