hmm? alpha the mature? or the kiddo?



i like the end bit when he says he would expect something mor emature form an rr10 what the bloody hell does rr have to do with maturity a 6 year old given the time could get rr10 does that mean he has to become suddenly all mature?
and yes what u did was lame leave 1 on 1 fights alone


Originally posted by orlan

nice place to duel.. agree with me alpha


Bit off topic here, but where do u get your maps from, my maps suck lol.


if i see 2people dueling at near max hp and the alb isnt shouting for help, then i'll give it to them.

if he's calling for help from the start or outnumbered then i'll help

The only person being greedy here was you, not alpha


Tbh i think that Alpha has a right to be annoying - its like PvE when some leeches Xp.

Alpha is respected in the realm and, to me, has always been nice.

Lastly, yes he is rr10 theres no need to say it every 2 seconds



sometimes happen that the same target get jumped by more than one ppl at the same time... in that situation thers no duel no leech story...

some other time u run for somoene but ppl from ur same realm get ther before.... here bit harder cuz is ur target maybe u were hunting him for long... but if u far n he is falling just keep stealthed of the fight...

other situation like emain amg wher bout 10 ppl jump on whatever moves, none can call it a duel or someone else leecher..

but in all the situation... someone who stand bk from the fight n join just for the final blow on a safe/dead prey is so damn sad...


Silencio or wahtever you call yourself.. that has nothing to do with xp leeching.. its still RvR, and that is short for REALM vs. REALM if you want duels use the fancy /duel works pretty good.. also on EU =)

Lets take an example.. You have 2 teams in countersrtike... Team* vs. Team*.. if you see one guy shoot on an opposite teammember you shoot natually help your teammate.. Its the same as in Dark Age of Camelot.. only there is 3 teams... if you never heard of conterstrike you maybe wanna try it out.. ask one of your mates (that require one ofc.) they know what you are talking about when you say the word counterstrike :)

Enjoy your stay!

* = is the same as Realm :)

If you all are serious about this, its sad.. dont know if it has been like this all the time its really sad..


hmm couldnt edit previous post.. ment glorien_ instead of silenzio sorry if that made anyone angry =)


Originally posted by pheus
Silencio or wahtever you call yourself.. that has nothing to do with xp leeching.. its still RvR, and that is short for REALM vs. REALM if you want duels use the fancy /duel works pretty good.. also on EU =)

Lets take an example.. You have 2 teams in countersrtike... Team* vs. Team*.. if you see one guy shoot on an opposite teammember you shoot natually help your teammate.. Its the same as in Dark Age of Camelot.. only there is 3 teams... if you never heard of conterstrike you maybe wanna try it out.. ask one of your mates (that require one ofc.) they know what you are talking about when you say the word counterstrike :)

Enjoy your stay!

* = is the same as Realm :)

If you all are serious about this, its sad.. dont know if it has been like this all the time its really sad..

There are frag stealers in Counter-Strike! :<


Originally posted by orlan
hmm? maturity from the rr10 mincer?

rvr = realm vs realm..

realm contains more than 1 member

pvp = camlann

how ever u can still gang up there

ohh ye.. and stop making 1 on 1 fights at amg :p not likely ppl will just pass by with out getting rp


(srry alpha.. was abit long to post this screenshot however ive been busy)

Mommy mommy one of the big boys at school said the F word, can i plz tell everyone plz plz plz...

djeesus... :rolleyes:


Originally posted by pheus
Silencio or wahtever you call yourself.. that has nothing to do with xp leeching.. its still RvR, and that is short for REALM vs. REALM if you want duels use the fancy /duel works pretty good.. also on EU =)

Lets take an example.. You have 2 teams in countersrtike... Team* vs. Team*.. if you see one guy shoot on an opposite teammember you shoot natually help your teammate.. Its the same as in Dark Age of Camelot.. only there is 3 teams... if you never heard of conterstrike you maybe wanna try it out.. ask one of your mates (that require one ofc.) they know what you are talking about when you say the word counterstrike :)

Enjoy your stay!

* = is the same as Realm :)

If you all are serious about this, its sad.. dont know if it has been like this all the time its really sad..

Type "yes" in the: are u sure to quit game? question and go play CS instead.


If you saw him in a 1v1, which he was winning... then why bother add'ing? As for watching till you finally hit the finishing blow, you deserve to be strung up by your balls, and shot... repeatedly. That goes for anyone, and do you honestly believe that if you did this to someone else of a lower rr, who was winning their 1v1, and you add when your obviously not needed, that they wouldn’t be as pissed off as Alpha was... Nice editing btw :(


orlan, would you have posted a thread like this if alpha was an rr2 minstrel nobody knew about?


Originally posted by Alpha Male
If you wanna gain respect and be spoken nicely too, dont leech when help obviously isnt needed....shame i cant remember the enemys name, because im sure he might have a few words to say to you also.

Hrmpf... It's only a duel if it's arranged to be one. If both parts (the hib/mid) and the alb agrees on it. And that is hard to see if you come from range. I would not have waited until the end tho, I've would just gank right away ^^.


i find nothing more annoying than having people add in fight, from whatever realms.
it fucks me off when i slam and some lame inf pa's him.
tbh if ur realm mate is winning just dont intefere and dont be so rpt horny.


Originally posted by Alpha Male
If you wanna gain respect and be spoken nicely too, dont leech when help obviously isnt needed....shame i cant remember the enemys name, because im sure he might have a few words to say to you also.

I respec alpha a hell of a lot more for practically soloing to RR10 and being a decent bloke, with a family and friendly to boot that I do some Prodigy noob who thinks it mature to post flame bait on a forums in a feeble attempt to tarnish someones reputation.



Having read the whole thread now...

So, looking at your map, you saw the fight from half way across the bowl and ran alllll the way across just to add so you can get the DM?




Originally posted by pheus
Silencio or wahtever you call yourself.. that has nothing to do with xp leeching.. its still RvR, and that is short for REALM vs. REALM if you want duels use the fancy /duel works pretty good.. also on EU =)

Lets take an example.. You have 2 teams in countersrtike... Team* vs. Team*.. if you see one guy shoot on an opposite teammember you shoot natually help your teammate.. Its the same as in Dark Age of Camelot.. only there is 3 teams... if you never heard of conterstrike you maybe wanna try it out.. ask one of your mates (that require one ofc.) they know what you are talking about when you say the word counterstrike :)

Enjoy your stay!

* = is the same as Realm :)

If you all are serious about this, its sad.. dont know if it has been like this all the time its really sad..

So it has nothing to do with xp'ing but has something to do with CS?? and it can be related to xp'ing in the fact u kill something and get something as a reward.


ohh, and dont u just liek the fact to can talk bs to whoever u like in here without fearing u get kicked etc irl ?? :)


but he IS a fool tho, even how much one postfarm in here...

guess the little one is taking too much of his energy, and then he also need to get to rr10l10 be4 every single fotm gets there... kinda put a pressure on u wanting to be l33t and raise a kid at the same time...

but fool, yes sir :)


Once i came out of the doors on a mile gate.. i saw some d00d killing a middy i think.. so i droped a PBAE 2 times killing it (was dead after one you know wizzys over kill is a must) it was alpha.. in a 1 v 1 fight... i took this action

/send Alpha sorry mate didnt realise you was winning wall fight, heat moment etc
alpha sends NP mate :)
/send alpha GL mate :)

forgeten and as for his childish attitude you talk off.. hes always had time to chat to me when i use incetes to try help me solo and group play, realm abilitys to use, list goes on.. hes a good bloke and has nothing to prove as hes done that.

like some one said if it was a low RR mincer or mine even you would have just pm STFU or something but yet you try and tarnisha "known player"

more fool you



I had just killed a luwi dude at hmg stairs. The luwi took me to near death (even tho a brehon - i just sook ;) ). Then fight begin behind me. As I was still poisoned and with no hit left, I didnt dare standing up, so I panned view. I saw Alpha 1 vs 1 against some tank hib. I didnt interfere (would have tho, if I had more health, believe me - there is no such thing as leeching in RvR!) Well, suddenly I see arrows popping into Alpha, and me still badly injured so I cannot help even if I wanted to (and believe me, nothing suits me better than killing a ranger).


Alhpa dies and I hump off to safety not engaging in the fight. Then Alpha (the ohh so great etc etc) PMs me:

and yea, Im the fool... Riiiiight!

Alpha Male


Not the first time you have let other solers die, including myself, though is it? Good way to keep those rps to yourself i guess, even thought i and others have helped you out in the past.

Maybe you just like odins all to yourself, or maybe you just get a kick out of seeing others die, who knows. But one thing we both know, is that you were not on 1% hps at all ^^

Oh and btw, your as sad as this thread starter.


Originally posted by zlair

I had just killed a luwi dude at hmg stairs. The luwi took me to near death (even tho a brehon - i just sook ;) ). Then fight begin behind me. As I was still poisoned and with no hit left, I didnt dare standing up, so I panned view. I saw Alpha 1 vs 1 against some tank hib. I didnt interfere (would have tho, if I had more health, believe me - there is no such thing as leeching in RvR!) Well, suddenly I see arrows popping into Alpha, and me still badly injured so I cannot help even if I wanted to (and believe me, nothing suits me better than killing a ranger).


Alhpa dies and I hump off to safety not engaging in the fight. Then Alpha (the ohh so great etc etc) PMs me:

and yea, Im the fool... Riiiiight!

So you would not help if you saw a chance of losing but would have no doubts on leeching, even tho your help is not wanted and the person your gonna leech on has the winning hand, just as long as you come out alive.....

Even tho you might think this cowerdly form of behavior is acceptable don't expect others to feel that way too!


Re: umm

Originally posted by Alpha Male
Oh and btw, your as sad as this thread starter.

almost as sad as u ? or am i getting closer with each lame action i do... ? :)


Re: umm

Originally posted by Alpha Male
Not the first time you have let other solers die, including myself, though is it? Good way to keep those rps to yourself i guess, even thought i and others have helped you out in the past.

ohh, i didnt even see this at first. u helped me out in the past ? well, since im never in emain killing greycons (not that is a bad thing, just to far to walk) i cant recall u helping me out...

enlighten me, and i withdraw my 'foolish' accusation :)

Alpha Male



Are you really that stupid as to come back at me with childish comments? such as
almost as sad as u ? or am i getting closer with each lame action i do... ?
....was i the thread starter?..sigh

I used to frequent odins on many a night, amg, hmg , hpk etc etc....not hard to figure out really is it?

At the end of the day you just decided to "jump on the bandwagon" but didnt really think it through.

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