Hib Relic at Renaris (GoA Help plz!)


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 26, 2004
Hahahahaha rofl, class thread, cracks me up even the second time i read it xD

Nate said:
did we need another thread?
Oh and ye, the first one is starting to get full :(


It's my birthday today!
Jan 27, 2004
Poetic justice for albs AC raiding? good job Ted Ten serves albs right... all guilds should do it tbh :l


Can't get enough of FH
Mar 11, 2005
Terryammon said:
As some people have noticed that the guild <Tedious Ten> Have taken control of Renaris.
But what some people have not noticed yet, but Tedious Ten now own the keep and will not upgrade!!!
I have spoken to Rush-Excalibur, who i believe to be a GM of the guild, and this is what he had to say, after i asked if he could upgrade the keep to protect the relic " I will not upgrade the keep, or remove control of the keep until hibs have taken the relic back".

What do you think of this???

Can GoA remove control of the keep and let a different guild take control and if the keep is taken over night and hibs get the relic back, please give the relic back to alb.

One other thing GoA, Ban the account that Rush-Exc is on

very strange that a new person on a public forum would open up by requesting that GOA Ban someone. Odd to say the least!

As you can see Terryammon - GOA agree this is well within the CoC. Now think carefully about why they did it.


Fledgling Freddie
May 26, 2004
these threads are becoming tedious :(, its like the 10th one or something now? oO


Nov 28, 2004
Terryammon said:
As some people have noticed that the guild <Tedious Ten> Have taken control of Renaris.
But what some people have not noticed yet, but Tedious Ten now own the keep and will not upgrade!!!
I have spoken to Rush-Excalibur, who i believe to be a GM of the guild, and this is what he had to say, after i asked if he could upgrade the keep to protect the relic " I will not upgrade the keep, or remove control of the keep until hibs have taken the relic back".

What do you think of this???

Can GoA remove control of the keep and let a different guild take control and if the keep is taken over night and hibs get the relic back, please give the relic back to alb.

One other thing GoA, Ban the account that Rush-Exc is on
Give that dude a cigar:wanker: and GOA give him 200p for comon sence:) and for the thread starter FO


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 27, 2004
haha classy thread ;)

oh and well done TT - a seriously top bunch of people with commitment and balls although I doubt it will change much for the late night pve fans :(

Now we jsut gotta get brad to ninja the relic back and if he happened to drop it by accident *cough* in hib that would be a terrible shame as I heard his sense of direction is awful ;);)


Loyal Freddie
Jan 22, 2005
Sharkith said:
very strange that a new person on a public forum would open up by requesting that GOA Ban someone. Odd to say the least!

As you can see Terryammon - GOA agree this is well within the CoC. Now think carefully about why they did it.

he has been using the forum longer than u if u check his join date :)

i dont know who he is tho lol.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 21, 2005
Terryammon said:
As some people have noticed that the guild <Tedious Ten> Have taken control of Renaris.
But what some people have not noticed yet, but Tedious Ten now own the keep and will not upgrade!!!
I have spoken to Rush-Excalibur, who i believe to be a GM of the guild, and this is what he had to say, after i asked if he could upgrade the keep to protect the relic " I will not upgrade the keep, or remove control of the keep until hibs have taken the relic back".

What do you think of this???

Can GoA remove control of the keep and let a different guild take control and if the keep is taken over night and hibs get the relic back, please give the relic back to alb.

One other thing GoA, Ban the account that Rush-Exc is on

ROFL! this is the funniest thing ive read in a long time. please post more!

to Rush :worthy: :worthy:


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 20, 2005
brad said:
hehe i ran to renaris this evening to find albs actually camping inside the central keep lol. I just found that really funny :p, like how dull can it be standing around for hours hoping someone will eventually come.
I believe that isn't the first time. Albs in a nutshell! :D


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 24, 2003
[HB]Jpeg said:
very strange that a new person on a public forum would open up by requesting that GOA Ban someone. Odd to say the least!

As you can see Terryammon - GOA agree this is well within the CoC. Now think carefully about why they did it.

he has been using the forum longer than u if u check his join date :)

i dont know who he is tho lol.

So freakin funny :)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 24, 2003
Cant upload screenie atm, but my the reply from GOA on 26 june 2006, when i asked the same when Asylum did the same


Thank you for your query.

This is not considered cheating. If a guild claims a keep, they are free to do however they wish with it. We cannot release it.

Yours sinceryly,


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 29, 2003
this reminds me of people RNing groupleaders for kicking them from rvr grps in OF bcos they was utter shit

actually no, its even lower

should make him post picture of the employees in the goa hq rofling irl when they saw the RN report xd


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 9, 2006
Well sone "TEN" for giving the hibs a chance etc i like ur thinking in it all. trying to keep the game alive but some Albs dont relise that and will sit and cry about it Help! how about BOLT!!! LOL




Can't get enough of FH
Nov 29, 2004
Getting together a group of mates at shit'oclock in the morning and taking Hib power relic: -40 players
Whining at your realm mates for attempting to readdress the balance: -8 players
AC raiding the strength relic the following morning: -35 players

Right nowing your own realm mates and posting it on FH --- Priceless


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 9, 2004
Kagato said:
buy a clue. most people simply have their buff bots in there and move through the keep for buffing up. Makes it more convieniant for when defense is needed and means plenty of DI bots :england:

lol yeh as when i climed inside you came right to me, must of been inside 3 seconds before i saw you run accros the keep to me, and whats with all the npc guards, npc guards only stay there for a small amount of time meaning they had recently been put up so shh tbh, when i see albs outside renaris and albs inside ck on roof and albs near oil spot it's preety blatently obvious that albs were camping inside when i went there.

So you buy a clue lol.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 9, 2004
Javai said:
Wow how much shit can you post in one sentence. We were moving from Berk to Beno because we'd been repairing the doors your realm mates knocked down and Kate is not and never has been a DI bot - hell she's rr10 and without DI3.

hehe yeh so when i see you lot running accross the ridge outside villa area thats not roaming in that area, when i first saw you, i was to the side of you as i thought you hadn';t seen me, then you chased me all the way to oriens bridge where windraven just came up stiars and did the odd nuke while being spamm healed down stiars. I assumed di bot as even whe i had him slammed his hp never went down. When rr10 cleric spam healing there is little leeway in the hp marging, it's get him down to 70%- then his healed to 100% in less than a secnd basicly.

O well


FH is my second home
Nov 7, 2004
Cromcruaich said:
Getting together a group of mates at shit'oclock in the morning and taking Hib power relic: -40 players
Whining at your realm mates for attempting to readdress the balance: -8 players
AC raiding the strength relic the following morning: -35 players

Right nowing your own realm mates and posting it on FH --- Priceless
For some people there real life for everyone else it AC time


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 11, 2004
so a bunch of people who all made it clear they are leaving the server, try to save the 'realm'/'server' by doing a low treacherous act towards their own realm.

pls keep your word and leave the server.

people who only are intrerested in their own personal fg ego trip who obviously don't give a shit about anything except themselves, who see their own realm as competition for rp and the other realms as rp fodder try to pass for honourable persons. people who i have never seen lead a bg or anything for the realm now have the guts to refer to themselves as saviours of the server. what a joke.

I also notice a masive wave of aproval on FH, mostly from people who don't play anymore, have left the server, or about to leave the server.

I wish they would just leave sillently, not with a scandall that drops the server to a new all time low.

And the fact that apparantly fucking over your realm is not classed by GOA as against SoTG is just sad.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
brad said:
lol yeh as when i climed inside you came right to me, must of been inside 3 seconds before i saw you run accros the keep to me, and whats with all the npc guards, npc guards only stay there for a small amount of time meaning they had recently been put up so shh tbh, when i see albs outside renaris and albs inside ck on roof and albs near oil spot it's preety blatently obvious that albs were camping inside when i went there.

So you buy a clue lol.

No you buy a clue idiot, I was inside buffing up and saw the guard by the door aggro and point to your direction, so I went outside and looked over there and heard you fighting guards so I came up and killed you.

Just like everyone else is buffing inside that keep and holding BB's there incase of attack, its simple common sense, but you seem to lack that.


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
Muylaetrix said:
so a bunch of people who all made it clear they are leaving the server, try to save the 'realm'/'server' by doing a low treacherous act towards their own realm.

pls keep your word and leave the server.

people who only are intrerested in their own personal fg ego trip who obviously don't give a shit about anything except themselves, who see their own realm as competition for rp and the other realms as rp fodder try to pass for honourable persons. people who i have never seen lead a bg or anything for the realm now have the guts to refer to themselves as saviours of the server. what a joke.

I also notice a masive wave of aproval on FH, mostly from people who don't play anymore, have left the server, or about to leave the server.

I wish they would just leave sillently, not with a scandall that drops the server to a new all time low.

And the fact that apparantly fucking over your realm is not classed by GOA as against SoTG is just sad.

How you can even use a word "treason" and "treacherous" in a game is just shocking.

Do you really have such strong feelings for this game that you actually would be willing to shoot someone over it or call them a treacherous bastards?

To be honest with you, if you think it's the people who's fed up with the server that's making people leave, you're wrong.

What makes TT different from you? You're saying they don't give a rats ass for anyone in the game, judging by their actions, while you fuck up just as much for other people who's enjoying the game in a different manner. (You as in AC raiders).

This time the tables were turned, and god it's given me plenty of minutes enjoyable reading.

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