Hello. Need some help...



Hello. I am an old merc called Alpha. I stopped some years ago due to school problems. After that I played WoW since the beginning of it but I got pretty bored lately since there aren't many things left to do for me there and I decided to come back to my favourite game.
Alpha is rr3 or rr4 I don't remember atm since I haven't renewed my account yet and has the standard SI equipment.
Considering that I play a lot I'd like to know if there is still any chance for an old SI char to reach a good rep in Prydwen or it will be impossible to do anything important there or if i should reroll in Glastonbury.
That's all I'd like to know atm. Thank u a lot :)


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
I think it's quite possible to be "new" to the game now a days.

I don't know what you mean about reputation, but if you mean getting into a good guild etc. I think it depends on how good of a player you have.

Start out with PuG's and play well, perhaps you have some friends who are still playing etc.

And it's fairly easy getting higher realm rank now a days it seems.

Good luck and welcome back if you decide to renew.


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 19, 2004
With TOA in easy mode and with champ levels it will take no time to catch up to being Toa'd and champ level'd Tis up to you tho as Glaston si Classic.

Depends on how you want to play tbh matey :)

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