Happy Eid


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
So, what's the difference? Once again you are making an exception for one group and not making it for another. Suddenly we're talking about "religious maniacs" if its Muslims yet its completely fine to happen on new years because we are warned about it. You are just picking certain bits and taking certain bits from the situation to suit your argument. I could, just as likely, say that if people knew about Eid (and, to use your condescending tone, you really should know about it because its one of the most important events in the Muslim calender) then they would not be offended, as is the case with celebrations on the 1st of January (this is using your logic).

But the fact of the matter is that the poster in question blindly, and with naivety, condeming others with the kind of ignorance that accompanies those who chastise drunkards on new year's eve.

So, I ask again, what is the difference? I will tell you the difference. You don't like an event, therefore it is despisable. You try to justify this under a blanket term; being disturbed at 7:30AM. Why not also make a thread about the binmen that wake you up on a Monday morning? Or the neighbour's dog barking at 7:30AM? Simply, Throd has been given the opportunity to vent his anger towards Muslims (in general) and he has taken it.

You may think I'm being over the top, but this sly, insolent ignorance is an incidious cancer that threatens to dismantle the multi-cultural society that we have created for ourselves.

Jesus, you must have a good vantage point of all the hateful bigots from up on your soapbox. I think you're conjuring malice where there is none, and that probably says a lot more about you than anyone else. I bet if you spent time searching the forums, you'd fine plenty of threads grumbling about bin men, noisy neighbours, barking dogs, and so on. Wij once wrote a thread about having a traumatic poo.

But we do agree on one thing though:

I do think you're being over the top.


Resident Freddy
Dec 22, 2003
So, what's the difference?

Since you seem to have not actually read my post I'll spell it out for you..

One event is organised with prior notice so the public are able to make allowances for that in their life - turn up, don't turn up; leave earlier for work so they're not made late by the crowds; keep the windows closed so the noise isn't so intrusive etc etc.

The other event was some guy turning up out of the blue with a megaphone followed by a couple of hundred people disrupting traffic.

What's there not to get?

And I see you've proved my point by bringing religion back into it again. Well done.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
Funnily enough, the Hindu people who celebrate thier festival with a big bonfire (ALSO right behind my bloody house :) ) go around for days before telling people about it. They want mostly in my opinion to integrate with the society they live in.

The multi-cultural society is a blatent failure in my, and most people I know's, opinion, and the sooner we are rid of it (which will be never) the better.

1984 is been and gone, we are living in the world of bullshit political correctness where the percieved underdog is always right, and anyone who has anything is always wrong, and actually being British is a disaster. It's created by hideous politicians looking for the correct soundbite, and backed up by organisations championed by the BBC feeding you with thier bullshit day and night. And people are brought up nowadays, and go through school being fed this, so that if anyone dares to voice thier dissident opinion they are shouted down and accused of racism immediately.

Fuck the multi-cultural society. I have nothing against anyone personally who wants to come to our country and contribute, and integrate. But the whole system has gone way too far. Rivers of Blood? It's already happened. It will happen more.

(I can just imagine the expressions on some of our younger readers, "omg hes quoted Enoch Powell!! My teacher said Enoch was the second coming of Satan!!) Of course your teacher told you that, he is part of that machine.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
Oh, and by the way, my initial complaint didnt really have anything to do with what particular religion had woken me up, it's your recent posts that made me let you know what I think about the society we live in.

Eid Mubarak ;)


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
I don't know. Multiculturalism is part of Briton and always has been, on the whole it is a good thing and something to be proud of. One of the biggest threats to it is the people that bleat on about racism and bigotry, without actually knowing what either word really means. You aren't allowed to criticise any group without some guardian reader crying about it.

Real racists and bigots, the EDL, BNP etc are no threat to it, they are basically laughed at by to many people to be taken seriously. However, people not being able to raise their concerns without some fanny moaning about it is a massive problem for all.


I am a massive cock who isn't firing atm!
Dec 22, 2003
I don't know. Multiculturalism is part of Briton and always has been, on the whole it is a good thing and something to be proud of. One of the biggest threats to it is the people that bleat on about racism and bigotry, without actually knowing what either word really means. You aren't allowed to criticise any group without some guardian reader crying about it.

Real racists and bigots, the EDL, BNP etc are no threat to it, they are basically laughed at by to many people to be taken seriously. However, people not being able to raise their concerns without some fanny moaning about it is a massive problem for all.

Agreed 100%


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003


I am a FH squatter
Apr 3, 2006
blame your local council or whoever runs your park, assuming that they didn't put up a notice (they probably did but you didn't realise, like you didn't realise it was in the paper)


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Who reads papers these days anyway?


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
No-one does. It's a rediculous idea, particularly as I say when the other people went to the trouble of letting people round here know about it.

Either way, the point is being deliberately missed that its bloody irritating having somebody shouting threw a loudhailer first thing in the bloody morning! However our pc mentalists ignore this and keep trying to make some racist point, just like they were taught in school.

I also notice everyone has ignored the schoolkid next door to me getting sworn at by the festival goers as they walked past, but in fairness maybe they were just one-offs. If it was a festival native to this country I suppose you could blame alcohol, I suspect that's unlikely in this particular occasion though :p

(That isnt to say some Muslim people dont drink - I worked with a couple of people last year who I've had a pint with in the local pub after work, and who's Ramadan lasted about two days :) Reckon the folks going to this particular do though would probably be more devout ...)


Resident Freddy
Dec 22, 2003
Hahaha. Rinsed.

The article says it will be one of two days (vague) and says festivities start at 10.15am. No mention of 7.30am or sunrise. Not exactly informative or 'rinsed' as you put it.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
(That isnt to say some Muslim people dont drink - I worked with a couple of people last year who I've had a pint with in the local pub after work, and who's Ramadan lasted about two days :) Reckon the folks going to this particular do though would probably be more devout ...)

And stoned the infidels!!


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
(I can just imagine the expressions on some of our younger readers, "omg hes quoted Enoch Powell!! My teacher said Enoch was the second coming of Satan!!) Of course your teacher told you that, he is part of that machine.

Careful, that sounds awfully like something Scouse might say... :D


Apr 20, 2011
How did this go from people celebrating the park from people roaming residential streets?

Also I just googled "crawley eid celebration" and found a local paper that says there will be a celebration in the local park that anyone can attend.


Point proven, good find megadave.

Of course there was warning, people are just using little things to spew their beliefs to everyone else. Says it all really.

Edit: I'd be happy to destroy some more people in even more humiliating ways with my arguments but I think I've posted enough for one day. Otherwise people will just report me to the moderators again for being too intelligent.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Point proven, good find megadave.

Of course there was warning, people are just using little things to spew their beliefs to everyone else. Says it all really.

Edit: I'd be happy to destroy some more people in even more humiliating ways with my arguments but I think I've posted enough for one day. Otherwise people will just report me to the moderators again for being too intelligent.

Don't let the facts get in the way of a bit of self-righteousness.

I suggest you read the rather vague article.


Apr 20, 2011
If you will recall, I am ignoring you because, despite attempts to reconcile, you continued to troll me.

Edit: But as I said, people were crying about the fact that there is no warning, and when it transpires that there was, it still isn't good enough. They are picking out little bits of it - once again, molding the facts to suit their own argument.

As I said, it's just pure hypocrisy. Pathetic, lack of education, call it what you want really.


Apr 20, 2011
haha :D

Pill bottle empty again?

Once again, making serious assumptions and not even trying to counter my argument. Do you know how ignorant and offensive it is to accuse someone you hardly know of being on anti-psychotic medication? How much of a lack of respect you are showing?

Atleast your posts are there for everyone to see. Troll.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
I am suggesting that you aren't taking any pills.


Trem's hunky sex love muffin
Dec 20, 2003
ahem. knock off that kind of talk Raven, plx.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
awww :(

but but, he neg repped me! I wont be able to sleep tonight with worry now :(


Apr 20, 2011
Can I just say that I'm not reporting you for trolling because I'm trying to be an idiot. I'm not doing it to try and annoy you or get on the good side of the moderators. A relative of mine was on anti-depressants for a long time and when you make comments like that (and you have been doing it for years, suggesting I have been on medication when I have not) it just shocks me about your total lack of decency. It really is shameful. And you have the cheek to post even more sarky comments afterwards, totally ignorant of the disrespect that you are showing to others. How old are you? Grow up you vile person.


Trem's hunky sex love muffin
Dec 20, 2003
no buts today buddy

edit: and on that note, let's get back to bashing noisy people who happen to be religious, shall we?


Apr 20, 2011
Quite funny how I have not received negative reputation from you as of yet.

Anyway, you can do or say as you wish, I don't even know who you are, this is an issue between me and Raven, and before that a stimulating conversation between me and some others in this thread.

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