Happy Eid


Part of the furniture
May 15, 2004
Not 7:30 in the morning?! Good gosh, how awful. I'd say that calls for lots of anti-religious postings and moaning.


I am a massive cock who isn't firing atm!
Dec 22, 2003
Not 7:30 in the morning?! Good gosh, how awful. I'd say that calls for lots of anti-religious postings and moaning.

I think you should quote the bible, we might convert!

7:30 is a shit time regardless of what day it is :p


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
TBFH. 1 day a year, who gives a fuck.

The argument about 136 religious holidays is disingenuous. Unless you've got people of 136 different denominations living right in your street who like to have religion parties at 7:30am every third day?

Thread started at "Happy Eid everyone", throd came back with "fuck off".

I sympathise with the arguments throd makes. But he's definitely being a grumpy git :)


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
TBFH. 1 day a year, who gives a fuck.

The argument about 136 religious holidays is disingenuous. Unless you've got people of 136 different denominations living right in your street who like to have religion parties at 7:30am every third day?

Thread started at "Happy Eid everyone", throd came back with "fuck off".

I sympathise with the arguments throd makes. But he's definitely being a grumpy git :)

It was a clear trolling thread, designed to get a reaction.


Resident Freddy
Jan 5, 2004
I'll just leave this here....


Congratulations on a massive over-reaction to Throd's reply.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 22, 2003
maybe not, but hes acting like a cunt about it, he got woken up early 1 day because people are celebrating something they consider the most important holiday they got. Its an old tradition been around for longer than christmas.
Its the party at the end of their Ramadan, i think you should respect it, even if they havnt gotten any permits. Petty people who cant let a group celebrate their most precious day

Those people should recognise that most people in this country don't give two shits about some person's invisible mystical sky fairy, so long as it isn't being shouted to on a megaphone early in the morning. They value their sleep and are quite right to want them to SHUT THE FUCK UP.

You talk about respect? This thread shows just how little some people understand that respect works both ways.


Part of the furniture
May 15, 2004
You talk about respect? This thread shows just how little some people understand that respect works both ways.

As I understand it ... in Islamic countries the show kicks off at sunrise. So yes, starting it at 7:30am is very respectful. Most of us are up and gone to work then, no biggie.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
Yeah. I was gonna point out that they did start at 7:30 and not dawn - which is actually a big sign of respect from them.

To be fair tho - it is all in the name of sky-fairy worship and it would piss me right off knowing that I'm being woken in the name of a nonexistent deity by a bunch of people who've been starving in his name for the last month. :eek:

The only thing that made it OK in Bradford was that mosques broadcast singing. Sounds quite musical. Much better than the bible bashers and the "wake up you fuckers, it's a fucking Sunday, no lie-ins for you, t3b babeh jebus died for j00" cunting cunting church bell racket. :eek: :eek: :eek:



I am a FH squatter
Apr 3, 2006
Every time some cunt gets married at the church down my road they ring the bells for hours, keeping me awake. I know your pain :(


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
So if the people were out ranting and raving at 3pm instead of 7am, it'd be more ok?

Think of your answer, in your mind, before reading the following;

There are people who work nightshifts, people who work freelance etc, who need that time to sleep. What makes you so f*cking special? ;)

In essense; time doesn't matter, any more then context, you're simply annoyed, but if it's during a time that is not silent time you have no leg to stand on.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
When I was in Devon last week a pheasant woke me up at about 6am making some incredibly load sound that was like someone hammering wood. This annoyed me.

Does this make me a bird bigot?!


Apr 20, 2011
To defend Eksdee a bit, it does sound as if you are slightly bias against these particular Muslims. It just reminds me of a lot of people I know; a lot of the time one would brush off noise at 7:30AM and just get on with it but others may use it as a platform to condemn others, making more of a deal of things (or scaling up its importance) merely because of the subgroup that is causing the problem rather than the problem itself. And the fact that you have already shown bitterness about being an underappreciated 'white heterosexual male' suggests you feel some sort of unrequited resentment towards others that do not fit into your social and cultural background.

Not calling you a bigot, just maybe a bit of underlying bias.

Edit: Just to illustrate this point in a clearer way, the poster on page 4 said it all. Would you complain about drunken people disturbing you at 7:30AM on new years day? Probably not, because they are participating in a social and cultural activity that you, on a subjective level, find acceptable - but because that is your opinion it does not make the vociferous celebrations of Eid any worse than those at Christmas or New Years. That is, unless, you feel that your opinion, or definition of social activity, is worth more than others.

If that is the case, then that is what I call a bigot my friend ^^.


I am a massive cock who isn't firing atm!
Dec 22, 2003
To defend Eksdee a bit, it does sound as if you are slightly bias against these particular Muslims. It just reminds me of a lot of people I know; a lot of the time one would brush off noise at 7:30AM and just get on with it but others may use it as a platform to condemn others, making more of a deal of things (or scaling up its importance) merely because of the subgroup that is causing the problem rather than the problem itself. And the fact that you have already shown bitterness about being an underappreciated 'white heterosexual male' suggests you feel some sort of unrequited resentment towards others that do not fit into your social and cultural background.

Not calling you a bigot, just maybe a bit of underlying bias.

Edit: Just to illustrate this point in a clearer way, the poster on page 4 said it all. Would you complain about drunken people disturbing you at 7:30AM on new years day? Probably not, because they are participating in a social and cultural activity that you, on a subjective level, find acceptable - but because that is your opinion it does not make the vociferous celebrations of Eid any worse than those at Christmas or New Years. That is, unless, you feel that your opinion, or definition of social activity, is worth more than others.

If that is the case, then that is what I call a bigot my friend ^^.

Anyone at 7:30am with a megaphone is a twat, comparing it to New years eve or whatever else you want to is bollocks.

In my 32 years of life, I've never heard any catholics/christians/pissheads/drunks walking around over the christmas/easter/whenever the fuck you want at 7:30AM with a megaphone talking bollocks. (and I'll tell you why) because they would have been sorted out by the police.


Has a sexy sister. I am also a Bodhi wannabee.
Dec 22, 2003
I see Braineater has been out with his negative rep wand.


Resident Freddy
Dec 22, 2003
Any individual or small group shouting in the streets is anti-social whether it's christmas, easter, new year, eid, whatever, regardless of the time of day and regardless of what they're shouting.

My point about Christmas, Easter etc being established traditions in the UK was aimed at the size of the gathering and notice being given of possible disruptions.

When hundreds of people block the high street in Canterbury for the turning on of the Christmas lights, it's advertised in the newspapers and online for weeks, if not months in advance. This is media that everyone has common access to since free, local papers are delivered to nearly every house around the area. The same when there's street markets, music days in the local park, gay pride marches etc etc.

When hundreds of people gathered outside Throds house the other day I doubt there was any mention in the usual local papers nor any flyer through his door giving fair warning of potential disruption to his usual routine. I'm guessing word of the event was spread through word of mouth or local bulletins only distributed at their specific places of worship.

It's you lot that keep bringing religion back into it when all Throd was doing was having a moan about some noisy buggers waking him up earlier than he wanted, then making it difficult for him to leave his house. Maybe he shouldn't have opened with "fuck off" but at least he came back to explain his actions.


Apr 20, 2011
Any individual or small group shouting in the streets is anti-social whether it's christmas, easter, new year, eid, whatever, regardless of the time of day and regardless of what they're shouting.

My point about Christmas, Easter etc being established traditions in the UK was aimed at the size of the gathering and notice being given of possible disruptions.

When hundreds of people block the high street in Canterbury for the turning on of the Christmas lights, it's advertised in the newspapers and online for weeks, if not months in advance. This is media that everyone has common access to since free, local papers are delivered to nearly every house around the area. The same when there's street markets, music days in the local park, gay pride marches etc etc.

When hundreds of people gathered outside Throds house the other day I doubt there was any mention in the usual local papers nor any flyer through his door giving fair warning of potential disruption to his usual routine. I'm guessing word of the event was spread through word of mouth or local bulletins only distributed at their specific places of worship.

It's you lot that keep bringing religion back into it when all Throd was doing was having a moan about some noisy buggers waking him up earlier than he wanted, then making it difficult for him to leave his house. Maybe he shouldn't have opened with "fuck off" but at least he came back to explain his actions.

So, what's the difference? Once again you are making an exception for one group and not making it for another. Suddenly we're talking about "religious maniacs" if its Muslims yet its completely fine to happen on new years because we are warned about it. You are just picking certain bits and taking certain bits from the situation to suit your argument. I could, just as likely, say that if people knew about Eid (and, to use your condescending tone, you really should know about it because its one of the most important events in the Muslim calender) then they would not be offended, as is the case with celebrations on the 1st of January (this is using your logic).

But the fact of the matter is that the poster in question blindly, and with naivety, condeming others with the kind of ignorance that accompanies those who chastise drunkards on new year's eve.

So, I ask again, what is the difference? I will tell you the difference. You don't like an event, therefore it is despisable. You try to justify this under a blanket term; being disturbed at 7:30AM. Why not also make a thread about the binmen that wake you up on a Monday morning? Or the neighbour's dog barking at 7:30AM? Simply, Throd has been given the opportunity to vent his anger towards Muslims (in general) and he has taken it.

You may think I'm being over the top, but this sly, insolent ignorance is an incidious cancer that threatens to dismantle the multi-cultural society that we have created for ourselves.

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