docwolfe where is that gobbler, chodax these days?
someone who thinks it is reasonable to say people are "screaming Muhammad blah blah"
Horrific thread. "Religious maniacs" are you fucking kidding me throd?
Why has the edit timer been shortened?![]()
The edit timer is the same as it always has been!
Pretty much same in Sweden, most apartment blocks got it in their rules, cept for fridays and saturday when they should calm down around midnight.From 10pm to 7am it's regarded as "silent time" in Finland, or maybe 8am, anyway, during that time if someone is making a lot of noise it's annoying and rightly so, if they do it at other times, it's also annoying, but it's within their rights. Lovely wordplay.
So if someone started making noise; building, screaming at wife, practising the damn piano, or wanking furiously(yes that means you *points*), i'd be lightly irked(depending on mood), but if it was at times that are universally regarded as ok, i'd get over it.
Content means f*ck all and if you focus on the content, hell, it's your problem.
i dont get why people cant once a year just set aside their own needs (getting woken up at a wooping 7.30 am by people celebrating the equal of christmas) for somebody else. I call those people small minded egoists
maybe not, but hes acting like a cunt about it, he got woken up early 1 day because people are celebrating something they consider the most important holiday they got. Its an old tradition been around for longer than christmas.
Its the party at the end of their Ramadan, i think you should respect it, even if they havnt gotten any permits. Petty people who cant let a group celebrate their most precious day