Happy Eid


I am a FH squatter
Apr 3, 2006
Do we even have any Muslims on here any more?

Why has the edit timer been shortened? :mad:


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
Is it Ramadan again yet?
I've got some bombs I need to drop just before and straight after so as not to upset religious sensibilities.


Down With That Sorta Thing
Dec 22, 2003
All religious festivals involving doing stuff at stupid hours are a pain in the arse; that includes Eid, Ramadan and drunk fuckwits staggering home from Midnight Mass at Christmas. A plague on all your houses as far as I'm concerned.


FH is my second home
Jan 21, 2004
Lol, just lol

Thanks for reminding me why I stopped frequently visiting here


Resident Freddy
Dec 22, 2003
I'm not normally one to wade into threads like this but I can't help but support throd on this one.

If someone woke me up at 7:30am shouting about goodness knows what and then the sheep that were listening to the guy with the mega phone stopped me from leaving my house, I'd certainly be pissed of.

Regardless of context (religion, riots etc) that's annoying in anyone's book.

Eksdee, there's really only one way I can think of describing you and your angry, knee jerk filled anti-anti-religious rantings....You're a bit of a plonker.

Get some perspective in your life and realise that while this is a "free" country that only extends to the point of infringing on other people's liberties.

Does Throd not also have the right to peace and quiet in his own home? To not have to struggle for quarter of an hour just to leave his own road?

You decided his anger at being woken up was simply an anti-religion rant instead of reading it for what it was...a grumpy, tired bloke having a good old english moan about being woken up early.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
Thanks Kenny but no, I'm white male hetrosexual and I have a job, therefore I have no rights whatsoever.

Eksdee wants to think before he speaks, or types, then perhaps he a) wouldnt get slagged off online by me or b) get punched in the mouth by whoever he gobs off at in real life :)


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
From 10pm to 7am it's regarded as "silent time" in Finland, or maybe 8am, anyway, during that time if someone is making a lot of noise it's annoying and rightly so, if they do it at other times, it's also annoying, but it's within their rights. Lovely wordplay.

So if someone started making noise; building, screaming at wife, practising the damn piano, or wanking furiously(yes that means you *points*), i'd be lightly irked(depending on mood), but if it was at times that are universally regarded as ok, i'd get over it.

Content means f*ck all and if you focus on the content, hell, it's your problem.


Has a sexy sister. I am also a Bodhi wannabee.
Dec 22, 2003
I had my neighbour shouting and banging on my door at 2am last night - can you fucking believe it?? 2am!!! What a cheek. Luckily I was still up playing my drums.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
I'm surprised he hasn't made an appearance since the Arsenal game tbh. :)


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 27, 2003
Horrific thread. "Religious maniacs" are you fucking kidding me throd? You might as well call them "bomb wearing terrorists" as I presume that's what all Muslims are in your eyes?

Eid is the biggest celebration in the Muslim calendar, boo hoo at being woken up at 07:30 on a weekday. It's the equivalent of someone complaining about noise from fireworks on New Year's Eve or drunken carol singers on Christmas day. It happens once a year, get over it.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
Happy religious guff all :)

I am very amused about how quickly this turned to vitriol. Throddy was quick to jump down your throad but you were quick to ignore his point eksdee.

someone who thinks it is reasonable to say people are "screaming Muhammad blah blah"

What's wrong with people saying that?

I lived in Bradford for ten years and had to listen to mosques blaring out music at stupid times in the morning whilst across the way the fucking church bells were competing.

It's making a fucking racket (in the name of religion ffs) that is the problem. "muhammed blah blah blah" - is a reasonably accurate description of what's said.

Having said that. It was a long long way down on my list of things to complain the about. Especially on Eid - which only happens once a year.

So maybe you can lighten up too Throddy :)

Horrific thread. "Religious maniacs" are you fucking kidding me throd?

To be fair to Throd, anyone who follows a religion is definitely a maniac. Look at Tony Blair. :eek:

Edit edit:
Why has the edit timer been shortened? :mad:

The edit timer is the same as it always has been!


It bloody isn't!


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Yes it has. Its the fucking establishment, they are out to get us!!!


Resident Freddy
Dec 22, 2003
From 10pm to 7am it's regarded as "silent time" in Finland, or maybe 8am, anyway, during that time if someone is making a lot of noise it's annoying and rightly so, if they do it at other times, it's also annoying, but it's within their rights. Lovely wordplay.

So if someone started making noise; building, screaming at wife, practising the damn piano, or wanking furiously(yes that means you *points*), i'd be lightly irked(depending on mood), but if it was at times that are universally regarded as ok, i'd get over it.

Content means f*ck all and if you focus on the content, hell, it's your problem.
Pretty much same in Sweden, most apartment blocks got it in their rules, cept for fridays and saturday when they should calm down around midnight.


Resident Freddy
Jan 19, 2004
i dont get why people cant once a year just set aside their own needs (getting woken up at a wooping 7.30 am by people celebrating the equal of christmas) for somebody else. I call those people small minded egoists


Resident Freddy
Dec 22, 2003
I think the difference here is that Christmas has been established tradition in this country for around 200 years?

I can't honestly say I've ever heard of Eid and I doubt you could really call it widely celebrated around the whole of England. More likely localised to little pockets around major cities since I barely see any muslims round Canterbury.

If I decided to get a megaphone and get a couple of hundred people to follow me around blocking roads etc you can damn well bet the police would be on it and breaking it up in a flash. But somehow it's ok if you do it in the name of religion? Why should they be given special allowances?

Most Christmas/new year/easter events are organised with the permission of the council and usually are well advertised too.

I doubt Throd got any flyers through his door giving fair warning nor inviting him along to participate and learn more about their religion. If he had then he could have made allowances.

Instead he gets rudely awoken by a guy with a megaphone, shouting in a language he doesn't understand leading a ton of people town his road, blocking it.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
And those events are not at 7:30 in the morning!

If some Christmas Carollers were outside my house singing at that time of the morning they would get a bucket of cold water thrown at them! (Which is the only thing to do to Carol singer generally)


Resident Freddy
Jan 19, 2004
maybe not, but hes acting like a cunt about it, he got woken up early 1 day because people are celebrating something they consider the most important holiday they got. Its an old tradition been around for longer than christmas.
Its the party at the end of their Ramadan, i think you should respect it, even if they havnt gotten any permits. Petty people who cant let a group celebrate their most precious day


Down With That Sorta Thing
Dec 22, 2003
i dont get why people cant once a year just set aside their own needs (getting woken up at a wooping 7.30 am by people celebrating the equal of christmas) for somebody else. I call those people small minded egoists

Follow that to its logical conclusion and do you know how many days have recognised religious festivals in 2011? 136. Sure they might not all get up at sparrow fart to celebrate, but the point is, "tolerance" has limits; I don't particularly see why the largely secular population of the UK should be inconvienienced by any religious group. We (e.g. Christians. Nominally.) binned our own stupid inconvieniences (sunday closing, no meat on Friday, etc.), why put up with new ones?


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Forgot to mention on previous post, which was said earlier; it's one day a year.

If my neighbour had sex with a goat once a year, on the dot, 6am every year, i'd let him enjoy it and mark it down on my calendar as a "don't get a stick up your arse" day ;)


Resident Freddy
Dec 22, 2003
maybe not, but hes acting like a cunt about it, he got woken up early 1 day because people are celebrating something they consider the most important holiday they got. Its an old tradition been around for longer than christmas.
Its the party at the end of their Ramadan, i think you should respect it, even if they havnt gotten any permits. Petty people who cant let a group celebrate their most precious day

It might be a muslim tradition that's older than Christmas but in England it's not.

As DaGaffer pointed out, there's over 130 religious milestones each year. Should we memorise the the dates and times of each one so we can be "more tolerant"?
"Only once a year" has suddenly turned into "every other day" if everyone decided to take to the streets and shout about their religious occasions.

If someone went to a largely muslim country and walked down the street carrying a cross and shouting about how great they thought God and Jesus are and all that stuff I'd expect people to start chucking rocks at them at the very least. Yet somehow it's ok for someone to come to a largely Christian country and start shouting their beliefs?

I'm not a fan of religion at the best of times but when it's shoved in your face like this it gets on my wick.

Build your temple/church/whatever, soundproof it and go worship there as loud as you like, just keep it to yourself.

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