Gym Equipment



Originally posted by frankie
ya all wrong with the water thing....

When you take E, it stops the kidneys processing stuff into urine, so, you dont piss anymore. you can drink, drink and dirnk more, but you wont do a piss because the MDMA has this effect. Therefore,t he water in the blood and tissue increases, until it reaches critical point in the brain where the swelling is too bad...

Normally, you can drink loads of water and itll just pass out again, but like i said, E stops the process...

Also, E (MDMA) doesnt kill, the overdose limit is very very high, so ODing on it is very rare. What kills is the stuff the MDMA is mixed with in the pill. There is the fact that some people are allergic to MDMA though, so they could die because of the allergy.

Misinformation is the worst thing in the world...

Ever tried it then?


Originally posted by ItchyTrigaFinga
Too much water (which did kill Leah Betts, true she took E, but it was drinking a huge amount of water since she thought that would stop the E from affecting her) causes the brain stem to swell....

Virtually everything in the world has a toxic limit, the only substance I know that doesn't is... cannabis.

Thank fuck someone round here knows the score! Like anything too much of something is bad. Vitamins, minerals, food, drink, water, nicotine etc.

FYI MDMA and derivatives (MDA, MDEA etc) cause the bodies level of ADH (Anti Diruretic Hormone) to increase, therefore you piss less. SO if you drink too much... your body can not eliminate the excess water and so it is forced into tissues and organs such as the brain.

Isn't it odd that one of the only substances known to man that does not have a lethal dose is weed!

^S0LIDUS^ you need to be very careful when you come out with the stuff you have been saying. It is very dangerous to spread misinformation! Be careful the next time you post, and maybe do some research before making statements like you did before!


Originally posted by Cornholio
^S0LIDUS^ you need to be very careful when you come out with the stuff you have been saying. It is very dangerous to spread misinformation! Be careful the next time you post, and maybe do some research before making statements like you did before!

Oit!!!! hehe well despite all the above im sticking to the facts!! My facts!! That water can't kill you! If i drunk 10 pints of water a day for the next 30 years, would that have killed me? No. However, with the Leah Betts thingy she only must of drunk about 4 pints of water in 1 NIGHT, and that killed her!!

It is too inconsistent. 4 in one night on E, and you die, then 10 a day for 30 years and you live? It has totally different concepts!!

Cornholio, think about what you say!! You might like it!!


So if we force fed you 6000 pints of water in a'd be alive? no..water can kill :p

on a serious note, I remember reading an article on how in Vietnam the US soldiers were told to not drink too much water too quickly when fatigued because it can cause renal failure. There was a case of one chap in training that died due to it

When I get some time I'll search for the article


some examples of death by excesive water intake

Originally posted by ^S0LIDUS^
water can't make you die

first off.... ever heard of drowning???

OK back onto the topic of death by excessive ingestion of water...

Right we are... wrong you is Solidus... As you don't want to listen to me and others... maybe you'd like to look at some of these sites with examples of death by excess water intake...,3858,4216950,00.html

(a very short one.... look to see the section about the inquest into the woman's death due to water)...

and some more medical type examples... (diet for renal failure... note the top paragraph which explains what happens when you drink too much) (note the 4th question... but the others are good indicators for general well being with regards to water intake)

This is an extract which talks about when blood sodium levels fall due to excessive water being present in the body...

"....As the plasma Na falls below 115 mEq/L, stupor, neuromuscular hyperexcitability, convulsions, prolonged coma, and death can result...."

FYI here is a site which has the coroners report into the death of a young girl who had taken mdma... as you will see death was not associated to the ingestion of e, but more likely to water intoxication or low blood sodium levels due to excess water intake..

and another example of this...

i could go on, but I think you get the point now, don't you?


Originally posted by testin_da_cable

no, but you can feel so utterly shat on that you might as well be buried.
Shouldn't smoke so much then:D


but he in holland so he somking the good stuff:clap:


repost incase u missed the last one

Originally posted by ^S0LIDUS^
water can't make you die

first off.... ever heard of drowning???

OK back onto the topic of death by excessive ingestion of water...

Right we are... wrong you is Solidus... As you don't want to listen to me and others... maybe you'd like to look at some of these sites with examples of death by excess water intake...,3858,4216950,00.html

(a very short one.... look to see the section about the inquest into the woman's death due to water)...

and some more medical type examples... (diet for renal failure... note the top paragraph which explains what happens when you drink too much) (note the 4th question... but the others are good indicators for general well being with regards to water intake)

This is an extract which talks about when blood sodium levels fall due to excessive water being present in the body...

"....As the plasma Na falls below 115 mEq/L, stupor, neuromuscular hyperexcitability, convulsions, prolonged coma, and death can result...."

FYI here is a site which has the coroners report into the death of a young girl who had taken mdma... as you will see death was not associated to the ingestion of e, but more likely to water intoxication or low blood sodium levels due to excess water intake..

and another example of this...

i could go on, but I think you get the point now, don't you?


nice Cornholio. Unfortunately you've only proven what we already knew - that glynners is a moron - still, you did it thoroughly and convincingly :)


Originally posted by Stu-
nice Cornholio. ... :)

Thanks... although it seems like Solidus is too ashamed to come out and speak again on this thread!


Water is the healthiest substance of the planet. I leave it at that. Maybe there are some *bizarre* cases of people dying as a result of too much water but there you go this topic doesnt interest me much more.

Anyway stu come cant we just get on as fellow irc/forum users?


Solidus == Glynners, Cornholio. SAS banned his original username because he's a little turd, so he signed up another one. We all spotted the new one instantly, and laughed our asses off at his rather pathetic denials :) ("who is this glynners person???")

Water is the healthiest substance of the planet. I leave it at that. Maybe there are some *bizarre* cases of people dying as a result of too much water but there you go this topic doesnt interest me much more.

In your own words, son...



owned he's 1 bloke and your all teaming up from this pathetic irc channel I'm hereing about just to compete with him, sooner you get it into your little heads your not the only irc channel online and just because you don't have a forum of your own you seem to think you own this one .

Your disraspectfull to any one who happens to disagree with any of you and you obviously put little constructive contribution into any threads I've been reading .

Hmm I can see how it was constructed to have Glyn banned now, you wind people and when they react they sudddenly become retards that shouldnt be here, I'd say 90% of your posts are flaming someone or somehting someone has an interest in so in my opinion its not Glyn that should have been banned its disraspectfull and ill mannered people like you .


he wont listen m8... he just does it for a laff i think, he likes to phycho analyse people...


Originally posted by 1Moon
owned he's 1 bloke and your all teaming up from this pathetic irc channel I'm hereing about just to compete with him, sooner you get it into your little heads your not the only irc channel online and just because you don't have a forum of your own you seem to think you own this one .

Your disraspectfull to any one who happens to disagree with any of you and you obviously put little constructive contribution into any threads I've been reading .

Hmm I can see how it was constructed to have Glyn banned now, you wind people and when they react they sudddenly become retards that shouldnt be here, I'd say 90% of your posts are flaming someone or somehting someone has an interest in so in my opinion its not Glyn that should have been banned its disraspectfull and ill mannered people like you .

You haven't got the first idea what this is all about. You've been here less than a month, and you think you know all about it? You know fuck all of the history. Run along sonny


Another day, another dollar. Another hysterically shite post from Moon. You can time yer watch off em these days.


Originally posted by GLyn^^
Water is the healthiest substance of the planet. I leave it at that. Maybe there are some *bizarre* cases of people dying as a result of too much water but there you go this topic doesnt interest me much more.

Anyway stu come cant we just get on as fellow irc/forum users?


what a great command of the english language you have mr Gylnners, solidus, what ever the fuck your name is... well done. I love it when morons like you do all the hard work of making yourselves look stupid.

And no, the cases I mentioned are not bizarre, they are an everyday occurance.:p

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