Guild Villages



Point is, my guild is very very small.

Does this then mean that the forty top guilds on Alb will get a village each (or forty largest, or forty richest) and I won't be able to even get a house?

And what about those people who are unguilded?

(going to bed now, have fun people, night night!)


Why would it mean any of those things?

There are 400 plots... do you really think there are going to be 40 guilds with the resources to have 10 houses each?


Originally posted by old.Wildfire
People will try to claim the same places now and they will try to claim the same places on the day. For the last fricken time I'm just trying to settle the disputes now rather than later.

Yeah, definately not a bad idea.. Theres tons and tons of space, almost certainly more plots than are needed. Be as well to get yer claim flags out :) Getting sorted early aint a bad idea..

Hopefully it'll end up like a big ole' game of monopoly ;)

(which, if played properly, can be as good as DAOC: FACT!!)


Wildfire's major mistake here, which will make a peaceful settlement impossible until he does something about it is that he automaticaly claimed one of the more desirable spots for his own guild before asking anyone else. Until he takes this back I will not believe that his intentions are truly to settle potential disputes.


Originally posted by old.Wildfire
Why would it mean any of those things?

There are 400 plots... do you really think there are going to be 40 guilds with the resources to have 10 houses each?

Depends how much housing costs...

Someone quoted some prices on a thread once that looked more than reasonable, and if they are at that level, then I'm sure more people will be able to afford houses than there are plots of land..

But we can only speculate at the moment, we'll have to wait and see.

This is why I think it's a bad idea to try to settle who's going to be where at the moment. But it's not a bad idea to discuss it, just let's not leave our ideas set in stone.


Originally posted by loxleyhood
Wildfire's major mistake here, which will make a peaceful settlement impossible until he does something about it is that he automaticaly claimed one of the more desirable spots for his own guild before asking anyone else. Until he takes this back I will not believe that his intentions are truly to settle potential disputes.
I second that.
Furthermore, the arrogant and patronizing tone isnt helping one bit.


Loxleyhood's Plan-

The list of all villages shall been drawn up and all guilds may put a stake in the village they want.
If two guilds want the same village I say there should be a two week funds raising period, the guild which earns the most cash gets the spot.

Also, it should be done closer to the time.


I say open the gates when we get it, let us run riot and buy whatever the fuck we want. And eventually through the chaos an underlying sense of order will prevail.

I can't remember if it's mentioned on the press release but can people swap plots once they've claimed?


Originally posted by -Warhawk-
I can't remember if it's mentioned on the press release but can people swap plots once they've claimed?

thats a damn good question. i think anyway what albs will try to figure out now, i nthe end it will be everyone for himself and the towns will be divided by many ppl from different guilds each, just because most of albs are just frightened they dont get anything at all. so they grab whats possible to grab.

if the places would be "changeable" in anyway i see a chance of bringing some structure in it after some time.


"Furthermore, the arrogant and patronizing tone isnt helping one bit."

I thought you left (again)? Go on, piss off.

You all whine and whine and whine and whine and whine and whine and whine and whine and... etc, that I've put FC's name next to Kilnsey straight away, but has anyone else said they want it? Has anyone said they want Hawkswick or Silverdale(both of which look just as good) either?


So until someone does (go on, now's your chance, go go go go!!!!!!), and decides to talk about it in a sensible manner rather than just whining like a little girl that someone took your lolly, the map is going to stay as it is. At the moment there are some people just posting on this thread for the value of trying to take the piss. Furthermore they're doing a really lousy job of it.


Originally posted by old.Wildfire
bla bla bla
At the moment there are some people just posting on this thread for the value of trying to take the piss. Furthermore they're doing a really lousy job of it.
Seeing the amount of whine u just put forth yourself i take it im doing a pretty good job.


Originally posted by old.Wildfire
but has anyone else said they want it? Has anyone said they want Hawkswick or Silverdale(both of which look just as good) either?


Well not strictly true, If this idea does actually go ahead and people pay attention, I'd like to claim ONE house for a guild in Silverdale, as I said in a thread that seemed to get somewhat less attention.


Wildfire, you are an arrogant twat. The fact you think you can organise something as big as this, so long before time without knowing any of the details is beyond me.

When the time comes, a guild / person will choose whatever house they want, they will not have to follow your plan and i dont see any reason they should have to.

A plan may be devised saying which person / guild gets what house closer to time, but it sure as hell wont be the way you have done.

Oh, and learn to take criticism. Insulting every person that disagrees with you wont help your plan one little bit.


lol @ Wildfire and this thread :D

pre-claiming is gay at the best of times, but on a raid at least the organiser pre-claiming has some point as they are making the raid possible. you aren't doing anything special here, ur just saying "we want this plot". you don't have any more right to take that plot than another alb guild.

and why do you flip out and have kittens when someone criticises you/your idea(s)? learn to take it better imo..


still waiting for someone else to say they want the spot... go on...

edit: If id just posted a blank list you'd all be whinging at the person who jumped in and posted first, give it a rest, there must be more interesting things to do with your lives than endless complaining.


Rather interested to see Mythic's claimed plans to prevent a huge land-rush at the start.


who died and put you in charge.

as usual a-la-wanker style

Bleri McThrust


Dont you just love it :)

Hosusings not even in US and

oh fek it I cant be arsed :p


rofl who wants a house T_T

as if ur gonna spend loadsa time there yeah of c.................


hmm guilds can only have one house each so unless your guild has a LOT of very rich individuals who want a house each, claiming a whole village seems kinda greedy...


Personally I want a house for the crafting options.

But not sure me (or my guild, which is basically me) will be able to afford it...

Donations gratefully accepted :p


Ingleton would be nice to have for SS.. but thats just me :p


lets see...

Oh, lovely thread. So... lets say that i go and buy a nice sunny plot the patch day, i buy it, build my home sweet home... and when i go out to have a sunbath in my fantastic porche i see about 20 member of, lets say, Keepers of Shine guild, making /rude to me just because they claimed ALL the village for them 4 months before in an unofficial forum i didnt read because i dont like the way ppl think there.

Great. Now i know what to expect from housing patch.


Originally posted by bracken_woodman
Can I be banker ? :D

If and only if I get to be the racecar :D

Reading this thread again I'd say this plan aint going to work...
Best to see what Mythic comes up with first at least.

And anyway, I claim Mayfair and Park Lane for TMM,.. It'll cost you over a grand if you want to come visit ;)

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