Guild Villages



What's the maximum limit for houses? Is it one house per lot? What's the total number of houses, and is the lots going to be divided between guilds? If I, for example, want my private house somewhere, and my guild doesn't want a guild house, what's going to stop me from buying a house at a random lot?

Are you guys planning on having FC zones, GoL zones, etc? if so, please tell us where the rest of us can go :eek:)


Actually I've just had an idea...

ADVERTISEMENT: Woodman's Real Estate. For all your housing needs! We will find your perfect home (for a small commission that you'll barely notice) in the perfect spot at the perfect price*. Simply send your Dream Home (TM) details via pm and leave the rest to us! No more endlessly trawling the countryside randomly hoping to find your Dream Home (TM)! No more squabbling with unreasonable realm mates over who got there first! We do the work, you get your Dream Home (TM)!

Small Print 1: We're not cowboys, honest guv'

Small Print 2: We won't run off with your money, honest guv'

Small Print 3: No refunds given when your Dream Home (TM) is bought for our guildmates with your money

*Not forgetting our little profit of course


While it seems most have rubbished the idea of the list I'll be shortly adding the guilds that have honestly expressed an interest. If people still want to then that's great :) Not expecting any great things though.

Also as it stands I think a village size of 1 per guild is sensible - large guilds (giving GoL as an example) will probably require more than this but for now it's a reasonable half-way house (no pun intended) and people can haggle over exact placements once we have exact numbers to work with, in respect to plots, "scenic spots" and so-forth.


Well - I pretty much don't care about the placement - I'm going to buy a house for myself. So I guess I'll take the first lot that I find free.

The idea of guilds starting to "claim" spots like this is not appealing to me. I say it's first come, first served. If I see a free spot, and I want a house, I'll buy it.

If you don't agree with that, then please tell me who's going to decide who gets which spots. I'd also like to know who decides who can even get a spot somewhere - as I see it, there's fewer spots than guilds...

Edit: Where does individual people come into this? And who's deciding how big a village a guild can claim? Is it by member size or Realm Points? Or by spamposts on BW?


What's the maximum limit for houses? - One house per account per server
Is it one house per lot? - yes
What's the total number of houses - assuming 10 houses per village (as stated) 400
and is the lots going to be divided between guilds? - lots are divided into villages, as with other games that include housing though, guild villages (where lots of people from the same guild own adjacent buildings are highly desirable.
If I, for example, want my private house somewhere, and my guild doesn't want a guild house, what's going to stop me from buying a house at a random lot? - nothing, I just thought it'd be nice for this list to exist so that people can be considerate towards each other. Oh well.

There I was thinking people could discuss these things and come to agreements about who was going to live where. Y'know.. friends with friends and so-forth... sigh. I will say again for the last time - this is NOT an official list, nor is it concrete. I nor anyone else is attempting to dictate where people can and cannot have their houses. Experience from UO and sheer common sense dictates that guild villages are the way to go and provide a great sense of community. I personally have every intention of having my own house as well as contributing to the FC village - whether my house is part of it or not, I don't know. Maybe I'll build it on it's own somewhere remote and scenic.

edit: Dark Knights, Knights of Pendragon, Legion of Darkness, Guardians of Light, and Semper Fidelis added to the list at the top of the post. I put SF in the spot that best matched up to what they said so if they want somewhere else instead just say so :p

edit #2: I must say that with 40 villages I very-much doubt there will be issues with guilds taking over and leaving no room for anyone else. Just have a look at the nolby website these days - guilds really aren't that big in general, and I'd guess a number will choose to pool their resources to afford a smaller number of more expensive buildings (again, as happened in UO).


Yeh lets all burn Khalen's house down!!

It's not like he can't afford to rebuilt it a few times

:flame: :flame: :flame: :flame:


this just in;

points of interest;

Q: What is going to be done to prevent a massive "land grab" when housing become live?

A: We do in fact have a plan. It wouldn’t be fair to have a system where the people who can log in at 10 AM automatically have a house. However, I cannot talk about the plan – you will see the details when they go into testing.

Q: What if you run out of houses?

A: We expect that we will. There are currently 400 housing foundations per realm and we are launching with at least that on each server. I have been assured that we’ll open more zones if we (the powers that be at Mythic) decide we need to. Expect some serious crowding at the beginning, obviously.


Originally posted by loxleyhood
I want an arm chair, a fireplace and a shrubbery garden.

How much for a spot to pitch a tent in your garden?


Originally posted by old.Wildfire
this just in;

Q: What is going to be done to ... useful comments. It has to be worth a try :)


1 of the things you gotta remember (ok not Khalen, he rich :p) Is its not just buying a house, For the House and every item you put in the house Costs rent. payable on a RL week. Poeple can run in on day of release. Stake a claim to, Say, The best lot there is. Stock it with everything they ever dreamed of and end up with no money whats so ever at the end of a few weeks.

Looks fun tho. Think i'll have a few days off when that goes live. Give the server time to quiet down....... OR RR Anyone ? :)


Well - all the bickering aside... The reason I reacted like I did was that I felt like Wildfires attitude was "Ok - I make a thread about lot distribution, and I get to choose first..." That pissed me off.


no offence but... get over it. someone's got to.



Nice to see the names on the map with the different guilds :p (gonna wave SF & LoD accros the river hehe)

Would be really cool if mids/hibs could invade the zone when xx keeps are in their hands :p (is it relic...or they just gonna destroy some houses? ) :)

bah someone said...

the plan to sort this out before the patch is going live is good of course. but the general tone of the first thread was something like Fangrim said.. FC claims that keep...hands off etc...

Think better way to solve this would be to let everyone pick the house/zone they want...if there are more guilds for the same spot

GM's of those guilds discuss it among themselves...


Sadly, it is going to be a landrush. Personaly I think the houses should be very expensive meaning not all people can buy a cottage. Just my thoughts.

Now that Im thinking about it, when we get the housing expansion I will most likely be off school on summer holidays, so a land rush doesn't really bother me :D

Bleri McThrust

Its just to early.

The big advantage we have over the Americans is that with the patch delay we can watch and see what happens there, learning from what they do :). And Im not sure that we are going to see the 1 Guild per village system happen.

Personally Id like somewhere near water so looking at the maps Waterford North looks nice :)


Shit plan really, you have no sense what so ever how the housing will actually be when it goes live, knowing mythic everything changes the night before they actually patch it anyways, just wait untill it's up on US server, see how it goes there, and then make a fair plan to distribute the plots.


"Shit plan really, you have no sense what so ever how the housing will actually be when it goes live, knowing mythic everything changes the night before they actually patch it anyways, just wait untill it's up on US server, see how it goes there, and then make a fair plan to distribute the plots."

As landshark would say...

:great: twat.


I don't want to be forced to move in with whatever guild I am in.

Personally, I'd rather have a house next to my friends.


go go gadget ignorance.

You havent actually bothered to read any of the thread above have you.


Ahem, I'm not sure if I see what you mean. Cause it seems to me that you in each spot marked on the map can have lots of houses. Wouldn't that enable several guilds to have houses near each other? In the same 'village'? Why split it up, with this guild here and this guild there?


each village corresponds to 10 plots arranged in a group - last time i checked most guilds had more than 10 members


So, the point isn't to have a guild house?

Hm, if each village has 10 spots for houses, why seclude an entire village for 1 guild? Since a guild most often have more than 10 members?

I can't see the point in having more than 1 house for a guild, sure it might be fun the first days with the entire guild owning a whole village. But after a while.. what's the use? Unless you have alot of cash you probably won't afford the upkeep, and for it to have any personal use you would need the npc's. Which requires more expensive housetypes..

So.. The reason to have 10 teleport NPC's in houses next to each other would be...? Or are you simply planning to have an entire village just for the sake of it? All small cottages. With no guild banner.


OK <sighs> this is how villages work.

A guild has one guildhall. Around it are the other houses owned by members of that guild. Common sense and human nature will dictate that a guild will have a central hub (one village), and other members will just have to scatter the rest of their houses around the available space as they see fit.

Before anyone tries to point it out, there is no perfect answer. No-one will ever be able to have exactly what they want. This is just one pitfall of Mythic's system. In other games there is no automatic clumping of houses into villages - players were allowed to place houses wherever they liked. The result was that the entire landscape became covered with houses crammed into every nook and cranny, and it wasn't particularly "realistic" nor very nice to look at. All I'm trying to do is to organise and kick-start the formation of guild areas so that when people come to squabbling later on (it's going to happen), people have a point of reference.

This is a pretty good example of a UO town. There are many others - have a look through stratics if you want any more info.

edit: you're missing the point completely. With a guild village each house would have different facilities. Each person would therefore have to pay less to keep their house in working order, and everyone would get a better deal.

edit #2: I dont know the term for the political ideology of "we all give our money to the big boss man and we get one house to share between all of us" but it doesn't work. I'm certain I'm not the only one who wants a place of my own which I can do whatever the hell I like with. If HB only want one building for all its members, thats up to you guys I guess.


how about this top RP get top villages

works for me :D

seriously its a good idea to nominate before...but it won't work people will claim diff ones


People will try to claim the same places now and they will try to claim the same places on the day. For the last fricken time I'm just trying to settle the disputes now rather than later.


Just to point out that my posts in no way reflect the opinions/possible future actions of HB as some pointed it in that direction.

From the Camelot Herald

Guilds will be able to have their own guildhalls. Changing a house into a guildhouse is very easy. First, any player of that guild builds a house. Once the house is finished, a guild deed can be purchased from an NPC in the market area. Simply drop this deed on to the house and the house will be transferred to the guild leader. Once you do this, you give up all ownership to the house and it becomes the property of the guild and more specifically the guild leader, so make sure you clean out your vault before transferring ownership to the guild.

I really doubt one village will consist of 1 guild hall and guildmember houses.

There are hundreds of guilds in Albion alone. I doubt Mythic will make it so it's normal that 1 guild occupies one of the 40ish villages in the 2 zones combined.


I promise you that is what it will be composed of, as mythic have said in this week's grab bag that each guild can only "own" one house. One guild, one guild hall.


I think that Tranquil was trying to say that there may be more than one guildhall per village rather than more than one guildhall per guild...

could be wrong tho, tranquil please feel free to correct :)


Sure there will, if;

a) guilds choose not to have a guild village
b) guilds choose to share the same village
c) guilds choose not to respect each other's desires to have a guild village, and build on top of each other anyway.

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