This goes right to the heart of Europe, it's goals and the forces that shape it.
Grexit is absolute apocolypse, seriously, Greek migrants turning up in boats because their country has been ruined by the EU.
Doesn't matter who's to blame, but to recklessly lend money to a basket case economy, pile debt on debt to regain profits, then throw a country that is the cornerstone of civilisation to the wolves is beyond all measure of disasterous.
The Germans talk of humanitarian aid, wtf are they thinking.
There is no way out, the fundamental fault with the Euro has started a crack in Greece.
Well yes.Cornerstone of civilization?
They both seem quite happy about it.Junker takes Oxi banner off Farage..
Just read a good article on the Grexit consequences, the simple basic problem is if Greece exits and therefore defaults every debt, it has no way of paying in Drachmas, then the creditors will take a huge hit and start pulling money out of every country in the EU with similar problems,( most of them) and with hours the Eurozone could be in meltdown, a house of cards built on debt, it just takes one defaulter to bring the lot down and that is cold economic fact and no one can do anything about it.
This is the front page of the Bild , encouraging Merkel to take a stand against the Greeks, that quite simply says it all about German's inherent desire to push it's culture over Europe.
That's an apt description.Cornerstone of civilization?
To be fair tho - the Sun is probably the biggest vote swinger in the UK. Lots of retards read it and vote accordingly.meh. Bild is the German "Sun". If it's not in Spiegel or Frankfurter Algemeine it it's about as valid as your opinion on wind power![]()
They believed that democracy, an idea developed in Greece, would save them.
Just because you invent something doesn't mean you are any good at it. ref: England & Football.
Actually - the greeks were VERY good at it.
I'd write my own opinion but it's late and this raises a number of pertinent points / questionsWhat part of holding a referendum, voting to not follow an austerity policy, and then in the end just ignoring the result is part of the democratic process?
power to the masses, eh Scouse?To be fair tho - the Sun is probably the biggest vote swinger in the UK. Lots of retards read it and vote accordingly.
I know I'm biased, but Farage's speech about Greece walking away with it's head held high seemed a bit idealistic at the time, but now it looks like the only way forward...and it might well happen...I predict a riot.It does look increasingly like the Greeks are being actively punished rather than this being an actual attempt to fix the problem. They couldn't pay back the last two bailouts so there's jack all chance they'll be able to pay back this one given their economy is still shrinking. And literally taking €50bn of assets as "collateral", manages to simultaneously remind everyone of the last time Germany went around Europe carrying off cartloads of stuff, and that loansharking works for entire countries as well as chavs on council estates.