Jimmi said:Grats Hibgard! :worthy:
says the alb lolZagg said:Grats to all 150 Hibs one the RR - well zerged![]()
Soulja_IA_ said:WELL let me see YOU were on a ML OH FCK ME How Silly of us let us return Relic to Albs as you were on a ML.
Look Assole At least you can defend IF you want to BUT as Mids/Hibs all know YOU Assoles can't do it PRIMETIME it is AC'd away Oh but Wait We are in Bed OH NO.
Whine More Assole
Soulja_IA_ said:WELL let me see YOU were on a ML OH FCK ME How Silly of us let us return Relic to Albs as you were on a ML.
Look Assole At least you can defend IF you want to BUT as Mids/Hibs all know YOU Assoles can't do it PRIMETIME it is AC'd away Oh but Wait We are in Bed OH NO.
Whine More Assole
Ging said:dickhead, the hib str relic was taken in primtime by the infernalchaos raid, soooooo what you got to say about that?
Vladamir said:One realm does a primetime raid;
Realm 1: Well done guys, we did a great job now we've got our reward!.
Realm 2: Was nicely done guys, you did well there, well deserved.
Realm 3: Omg you noobzors you fucking outnumbered us you zerging cnut realm.
Realm 3 ninja's back the relics in the early hours;
Realm 1: z0mg wtf you fucking lamer cnutheads eat shit.
Realm 2: Probably more pve'd than anything, but grats anyway.
Realm 3: Fu you tossers doesn't matter how you get them its a 24h game.
Realm 1 retakes the relics during primetime;
Realm 1: In your face you rimsplitting cock knockers, we r0x you sux
Realm 2: Nice job, well done.
Realm 3: Wtf you noobs we had a million people on a ML you fucking xrealmed you're not allowed to read our part of FH you turd eating poostick.
Sound familiar?![]()
Dwali said:if hibs get relic back its a well done to them...to bad they always have to time it when alb is having a mayor ml raid tho
Deadnala said:says the alb lol![]()
trycorn said:its so nice that ppl know the fact's when they post
but gratz hib's, plz dont whine next week when alb's invade u again xD
Kaun_IA said:sad thing is now... that those solo albs who where around will now dissapear... zerg ftw again me thinks.
enjoyed lots of 1vs1 even tho i got my ass handed to me 80% of the times
haha, u rly need to talk to a shrink cos u got some issues...Soulja_IA_ said:Did you Write all that Without you Siamese twin beside you (Whingeymincer)
Nah you Couldn't of only Alb I know who Got mincer stuck up you Ass.
Soulja_IA_ said:Did you Write all that Without you Siamese twin beside you (Whingeymincer)
Nah you Couldn't of only Alb I know who Got mincer stuck up you Ass.
Hrymf said:Anyone posting anything about a relic raid withing or even on same moment as the relic raid is happened, surely deserve a weeks ban if not perm, its blabber, its taking ingame actions outside the game and gaining an advantage by letting your fellow realm m8s know so they can log in.
On another note though, hibs did well, and my grp ran into 8fg of albs several of times, so i really cant see numbers being that much a problem. Having a ML raid simple means you guys should choose between relics or staying on the ML raid, its really much more different from albs normal 4 in the morning raids, where people cant choose to be there, because they are sleeping.
Aran did great, alot of hibs did also, and we could easily have done better if we all learned to stick alot more together, but its simple not in hibs nature to zerg, unless your named porkbelly or that kil-something mejt
Anyway, shame on poster of this thread, and grats to hibs![]()
trycorn said:haha, u rly need to talk to a shrink cos u got some issues...
acei said:Grats to hibs, i wasn't on at the time but sounds like it was a nice raid. ML3 raid or not, albion still outnumbers hibernia so must have been a very good raidGrats.
we got 234 on @ this very moment 1:2 ratiokirennia said:1200 people online, 430 albs![]()
think everything between (3?)6pm-12pm is pretty primetimeNotirt said:Gratz hibs, now let mid take their relics back and let those got damn things stay where they belong
btw what time is primetime ?? isnt it like the 2-3 hours when population is at its peak ? (no whine)
Devilseye said:we got 234 on @ this very moment 1:2 ratio![]()
haha that just prove's my point rly ^^Soulja_IA_ said:ROFL And you need Surgery to get him removed from u ass MR I Can't SOLO oh I Forgot you an Alb.
Rofl and you say I got issues![]()