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- #151
omg Elajt is of Dragon Slayer ????? Nerf......if u need help Elajt just blow the dragon horn..............
Originally posted by tirinerfed
damn i hate albs but i hate mystic alot more .......
Originally posted by tirinerfed
Give back LA dmg or Nurf Infils Dmg
give Stun 9 sec to all Stealters and make it a scond line move
and max 2.2 spec pts, fore infils Not 2.5 thats bloddy lots of pts.
give IP back to stealthers again we are char who only use leather ffs
mincer sould only wear studded , i really dont understand why a chain user can stealth.............
Tiri Maddog rr7 and going strong
Originally posted by Arnor
dont give back la dmg on sb (or zerk for that matter)
maybe nerf inf dmg a tad
yes, 9sec second in chain
dont give fucking ip, tanks have enough trouble against assasins
Originally posted by witte-
heh I think it would rox if we get IP back now![]()
Originally posted by Arnor
if you get IP i wanna be un-nerfed :x
Originally posted by behatch
remove stealthers imo
Originally posted by Freppe^^
go play cs instead...
Originally posted by behatch
i can make my own decisions where and what i want to do thnx i dont need some self obbsessed prick to tell me what to do.
Originally posted by behatch
i can make my own decisions where and what i want to do thnx i dont need some self obbsessed prick to tell me what to do.
Originally posted by Haldar
As i have already mentioned, infiltrators got 3 advantages which makes them overpowered. SBs have nothing to counter it.
1. spec af buff on cleric BBs -- +15% hp when meleeing.
Solution: make this buff ranged.
Great, no more suffering for being slash vulnerable against SB's!2. strcon debuff affecting thrust weapons for halfrate - with it being str/dex based. This means then when infi meets SB, after both of them land debuff, infi's WS is greater by approx 20%, which directly translates into damage.
Solution: give SBs str/dex based weapons, probably thrust swords. All sword styles suck for SB, let it be the advantage of going sword.
Ah but if you get an AF charge AND the realm specific buffs you are ahead of the game already, numbers-wise, arent you?and dont tell me about af charges. i already use them. but this means that i am having less options in charge using than infiltrator -- due to shared reuse timers.
Originally posted by old.Sepiritz
Also make mids and hibs conc haste and dmg shield buff ranged in that case?
Great, no more suffering for being slash vulnerable against SB's!
Ah but if you get an AF charge AND the realm specific buffs you are ahead of the game already, numbers-wise, arent you?![]()
Originally posted by old.Lethul
arent infs vurneable to crush or am i still half asleep?
Originally posted by Freppe^^
vurnable to crush, neutral to slash, resistant to thrust if i remember right.
Originally posted by quinthar
I dunno about the rest of the infils out there but my ws is pretty good, 99% SC template so there is some holes, MP is in the making, I would guess in the last 60 kills I have landed 8-9 DF's that have determined the outcome of a fight, I kid you not.
atm I'm basically using 3 str relics to my advantage cuz I dont know how long we'll have them.
I'd love to know what sort of success rate other infils have with DF, tbh tho if I land DF its pretty much a forgone conclusion that I'll win, then again its getting harder and harder to find soloers to kill these days.
LA got nerfed because it was grossly overpowered with zerkers, SB's just happened to jump on the bandwagon and made damn good use of it, notice all them RR7's out there? they made good use of it while they had it, you cannot tell me otherwise cuz I got ripped apart on many occaisions.
Whine all ya like about DF its up to you, people will continue to whine about savages too because thats their perogative.
Originally posted by eNzi
I didn't play any LA chars when they were overpowered. I totally agree that savages is overpowered as hell too, and would like to see a nerf here(flame away, I don't care) I am not satisfyed that I have to use a 30 min. timed RA to stand a chance vs. an "off-evade" style, and so aren't the rest of the SB community. I think it's a little odd that Mythic have a whole community(and even some of the "enemies" of this community, have seen a few albs writing they want df nerfed too) against them, and obviously just overlooks it.
And for the relic status, you will have them a long time yet I thinkbut you're right, you have a nice advantage off your relics.
Originally posted by Haldar
dont see savages as overpowered.
Originally posted by Haldar
if i fight duel against savage -- i have ~40-50% chance of winning.
if i fight duel against zerker -- i have ~20% chance of winning.
dont see savages as overpowered.
Funny alb have to face this every day in group rvr no bof vs savages u dont even stand a chanceOriginally posted by eNzi
I I am not satisfyed that I have to use a 30 min. timed RA to stand a chance .
:wall: :wall: :scared: :help:Originally posted by Haldar
dont see savages as overpowered.
Originally posted by kirennia
Yes because savages life in emain revolves around soloing![]()
Originally posted by behatch
remove stealthers imo
Originally posted by Gold-i2
One question...you savage-whiners, you know not all savages are high rr, right?
Savage dmg is only "extreme" when quading, right? Well, first of all...low rr savages don't quad alot.
Originally posted by Gold-i2
Enchanters do a f*ckload more dmg than a sav for example. And sure, not same type of char...but they both do dmg, and their job is to kill the others. Enchanters get range, pets and if u get close to the pbaoe, u are dead. Hibs get group purge and can fill their groups with 3 uber-nukers (with relics, true, but even without they hit hard).
Originally posted by Gold-i2
So, you are talking about fg vs fg rvr (savages don't solo u said, and mids don't zerg)...and since no low rr savages exist (I guess, since the whiners wouldn't whine if they counted the low rr savs)...well, has anyone (cept me) ever thought that maybe albs have less of a problem with caster-groups than mids...and that's why they don't whine as much about the uber pbaoe-groups hibernia puts out?
Originally posted by Gold-i2
Add to that blademasters and heroes (both hit pretty hard) and I feel alot less sad for the poor people that whine because a savage can actually kill them at times.
Originally posted by Gold-i2
Now, savages can do good dmg, I am not saying anything about that. But reavers and blademasters do decent dmg too. And they have perks savages don't (atleast reavers do).
Originally posted by Gold-i2
The downfall of the savages is not that they are overpowered, it's that mids can't whine as much as the albs and hibs. Heck, I try at times, but I just don't have the neccesary skill. And just like begging, it's a skill I have no intention of aquireing.
Originally posted by Gold-i2
Me savage, me use 1 button to kill dragon. Me smart as an alb!
mmm..sarcasm...how I love it.
Originally posted by Haldar
Also make mids and hibs conc haste and dmg shield buff ranged in that case?
then cleric's hp regen must go this way too.
Great, no more suffering for being slash vulnerable against SB's!
no class in alb is slash vuln.
Ah but if you get an AF charge AND the realm specific buffs you are ahead of the game already, numbers-wise, arent you?
if i use charge -- i must chose between, say, AF and haste.
if infi use charges -- he will use haste with no problems, bcoz he already got AF from bb. Infis got a clear advantage here.