how thin do we need to go? From CRT> TFT was a massive difference. TFT>LED was a nice difference, LED>OLED ehhhhhh.
Saving 3ft in the living room from CRT was worth it, saving 1.5-2" ehhh people won't shell out en masse.
Also if Sony and MS have learned anything both should be developing sub £200 family related machines. PS3, PSP, PSP GO and the Vista have all been outsold by the cheaper Nintendo machines. Console gaming is not now only for the hardcore it is now a family activity so pricing and abilities should reflect that IMO.
Wii was a fucking gimmick POS but the pricetag meant it sold by the boatload to people who'd never bought a game before let alone a console.
Also if Sony and MS have learned anything both should be developing sub £200 family related machines. PS3, PSP, PSP GO and the Vista have all been outsold by the cheaper Nintendo machines. Console gaming is not now only for the hardcore it is now a family activity so pricing and abilities should reflect that IMO.
Not had a PS3 for about 3 yearsSo, after 5-6 years you are finally admitting that my 'little Timmy' arguement was right then?![]()
I don't think we need a new Wii. I think the Glowy Dildos and the Camera are better options anyway. But they are expensive add on's if you bring in the new version with these capabilities as standard for under £200 you make the Wii pointless.Your price range is probably accurate, but, that doesn't necessarily mean they need to launch another Wii...
You're all missing the point that the PS3 was a massive success because it achieved what it set out to do; win the HD format war.
Re 4K, I'm reading some fabulous bullshit (i.e. Job's post) that it's not going to be the next big thing. Guess what, it will be because they're need to sell us something down the line after blu-ray, and as ECA rightly pointed out, 3D has been a bit shit.
The advantage of 4K (for me..) is the ability to go to much bigger TV sets without losing pixel density. Sony were keen to push 1080p but to encourage you to sit closer to the TV; 4K will allow that to a greater extent. I have a 52" Sony Bravia in the living room (used to have a ~65" screen / projector) and would love to go to something in the 80" plus range in the future. Projectors are great and offer a good cinematic experience, but they're not that practical for day to day viewing, this could be the ticket that I'd be interested in.
Rather than saying Sony failed what's wrong with saying the Wii and the 360 were great competition? cHodAX you are a negative old soul![]()
Nonsense, they are a business, it is only a success if they turn a profit.
Their problem is that they think they are the best in the market and can charge more. They are not the best in the market in any sector any more, if they dropped their prices across the board they would shift more units and make some money.
As for winning the format war, yes they did. They still aren't turning a profit though so it's kind of pointless. Digital media on a physical product, days are numbered.
You are missing my fucking point. There were TWO MAIN REPLACEMENT FORMATS FOR DVD, it was either Blu-ray or not. The PS3 set out to put a BD player out into the mainstream at a time when a BD player was £1000 - not only did it conquer the format war but it put Blu-ray on the map and into people's homes. If it hadn't succeeded in doing so then Sony could quite easily be a lot more up the shitter than they are now.
Wait a minute, aren't you a 360 owner?
New levels of retardedness have been reached. I think I'm done with this thread.
Shame, you usually have something interesting to say but I cannot see where you were going with this point and you have failed to explain it.
I have explained it to this thread, but you're still telling my that my opinion based on a factual situation is wrong. You went off on a somewhat completely unrelated tangent about profits, revenue, strategy, long term etc when I was trying to put across the very, very simple point that it succeeded in winning a format war that at the time was very critical. That, was a great success.
Please, try to get this into your head: I do not give a fuck about the fucked-up peripheral situation that Sony now finds itself in; I am purely referring to the BD vs HD-DVD format war that the PS3 was instrumental in securing.