vote restartI suggest we re-start
Any takers
some people can't do role play. Some of the wolf games of the past toht and I would really go at it, we'd still have a good laugh about the game once it was finished though.... well most of the time![]()
After three days and two nights, you finally come across the little settlement of Gnaw bone Creek.
He's got to be here, might be hiding, maybe in disguise ? but he's got to be here, no man could survive longer than this, not in that heat, not without food or water....
But you've got to be carefull, the stories they told about him, some wierd old things they said he was capable of. Aye, best keep that a secret from them, best they dont know. And anyway, you work alone! always have always will.
They'll be sceptical off you, you know that, dosent seem like a place thats seen many a' strangers come stay on the low key, pretend your mearly passing through.
If he's here you'll find him soon enough, now where was that little charm bag ? right, in your pocket, best not loose that! they siad it would do some mumbo jumbo if you got it close enough too him, nonesence!! as if you need help from a herbal mumbo-gadget! pfft!..but then again, whats the harm ? yeah! might as well have it close and handy, you know, just in case.......
- You are the Bounty Hunter.
- Your Goal: Catch and return the escaped slave to his owner in Louisianna. (dead or allive)
- Each night you can "screye" one person, if blocked your action wont take place
- Only the Slave will bring back a positive result, all other roles and alignments will come up as a negative screy,
- IF you get a positive result: - You can NEVER! share your findings with the town. "never as much as hint you have inside knowlage" " or I will smite you - Clear ?
* Exception, you may apply for mayor, but you cannot vote on day#1
Other than that, you can vote as a townie, apply for mayor, and all that. be killed, hung, eaten and mauled..just like everyone else.
**Role: Be a little evasive, loner-like, hard've seen the films, you know the bounty hunter type.
Questions ?
think of it as a game within the game. like a bonus mission within a game. that might or might not have influence on the main storyline.
someone within the town is an escaped slave, your job find him, get him lynched to "win"
He might be a baddie, he might be a townie....he could be anyone
Seconded!Yes I want to know the stories please.
Apon makin' your escape at de dark of night from de slave colonies of Louisiana, the di journey west, after three freezin' nights, and two days through di scortching desert sun, tired out thursty and likky-likky the i stumble apon di beenie settlement of Gnaw Bone Creek. You find a Place fe rest in an old abandoned shed, and take a well deserved ram nights rest.
Come morning you find some old warnout raggs laying inna corner next fe pick axe and an old gasoline lantern. You put on the cloths, and sidung for a prayer.
The Spirits of your ancestors DEMAND! that you exact revenge on these bakra folk, and bring onto you a spell, that will allow you walk monks them as thier equal. You waste no time in performing the ritual, and set apon testing it out. Carefully you push open the rusty door, you step out into the sun, and slowly make your way towards the townsquare...
Suddenly a i-dren walks steps out of his cottage! he startels you, he stops up, gives you an thoughrow stare up, then down...damnit it you think, didnt work! what now ? I'll haffi gut wait! his stare lets up, he lifts his hat, Howdy stranger, welcome fe Gnaw Bone Creek..Phew! and you proceed into the town, and have a coo 'pon around, you quickly come fe the decision that you'll need some help.
come evening you make your way to Mayors Olga's ground "what's would be more perfect dan having the mayor on your side, and after all, back in Jamaica, your old maas taught you how to acquire Zombie slaves, and might the shapeshift spell no also work on them ? it'll haffi be put to the test!
You make your way to mayors house, you brought the pickaxe "just in case" you climb inna back window, you enter the bedroom, and begin the spell, suddenly he wakes up! damnit! he lunges at you, by instinct, you swing the axe, he crumbles, and with his dying words..he utters..what in carn...and dies.
Unforntunate, but a dead corpes is no use, sure you could turn him into a goul, but to shapeshift it, you need a live one. you make your way out, and walk towards the creek, you spot a fire, you ya voices, two young men, sitting, drinking, chatting...Perfect!
The deed is done, you have your slaves, the slaughter kyan begin!
In English
Apon making your escape at the dark of night from the slave colonies of Louisiana, you journey west, after three freezing nights, and two days through the scortching desert sun, tired out thursty and hungry you stumble apon the little settlement of Gnaw Bone Creek.
You find a Place to rest in an old abandoned shed, and take a well deserved full nights rest.
Come morning you find some old warnout raggs laying in the corner next to pick axe and an old gasoline lantern. You put on the cloths, and sit down for a prayer.
The Spirits of your ancestors DEMAND! that you exact revenge on these white folk, and bring onto you a spell, that will allow you walk amongst them as thier equal. You waste no time in performing the ritual, and set apon testing it out. Carefully you push open the rusty door, you step out into the sun, and slowly make your way towards the townsquare...
Suddenly a man walks steps out of his cottage! he startels you, he stops up, gives you an thoughrow stare up, then down...damnit it you think, didnt work! what now ? I'll have to gut wait! his stare lets up, he lifts his hat, Howdy stranger, welcome to Gnaw Bone Creek..Pweh! and you proceed into the town, and have a look around, you quickly come to the decision that you'll need some help.
come evening you make your way to Mayors Olga's house "what's would be more perfect than having the mayor on your side, and after all, back in Jamaica, your old master taught you how to acquire Zombie slaves, and might the shapeshift spell not also work on them ? it'll have to be put to the test!
You make your way to mayors house, you brought the pickaxe "just in case" you climb in the back window, you enter the bedroom, and begin the spell, suddenly he wakes up! damnit! he lunges at you, by instinct, you swing the axe,he crumbles, and with his dying words..he utters..what in carn...and dies.
Unforntunate, but a dead corpes is no use, sure you could turn him into a goul, but to shapeshift it, you need a live make your way out, and walk towards the creek, you spot a fire, you hear voices, two young men, sitting, drinking, chatting...Perfect!
The deed is done, you have your slaves, the slaughter can begin!
You can, block anyone during the night, and talk to your goul slaves during the night,
once you've reached a decision, as to who to kill, one of you is to let me know in a PM
If any! of you is blocked by the sherif, the kill wont go through.
After a long hard days work drivin the cattle from Jabba Canyon to The Whistletree Plains, you and your brother taB take a couple of botles of strait bourbon down to the creek, which you earlier ever so kindly had "liberated" off a merchant traveling to San Cameria. You light up a fire, let the binge begin!
Afterall, who cares that your supposed to get up early come morning to take Ch3tans place at the forrest watch, the Indians have never come close to this Settlement! and anyway, it wont be long before you and taB run this place anyway! who does mayor olga think he is bossing you around ? soon you'll be the one to dip him in feathers, and send him off his merry fat assed way! If only he knew that you've been snatching and stacking supplies off the warehouse for months, and nikin' a fair share off the cattle sales..The fat idot! what a tool!
Suddely you black out!
As you come too, you have a splittin headache, you look at your brother, he's different somehow, but you cant make out how,why is the moonlight so bright ? your head really hearts! did you dooze off ? how can you be hungover ? you hardly had a drop! no it cant be, you shake it off, suddenly in the corner of your eye, who's that...
A Negro! what in..! why is is face all smothered in white?
you go for your gun! but you cant!, what in....he dont understand, and why should you care, but you cant resist!slowly, his words begin to make sence...
My Children, it's time for the i fe be brave, i have much fe do,
and dese people must suffer for what dier kind have done fe us...
come now, make no waste..time is of an essence..
I know your hungry, but be patient..soon! i childen Soon!
You are a Zombie, and so is your brother taB, your objective is to help your master Uara kill everyone in the town...
You can: Speak to eachother during the night phase and once you've alll agreed on a kill one of you pm's it to me, if anyone of you is blocked by the Sherif, the kill ownt happen
Sleeping sweetly in your bed, your suddely awoken by a load of comotion going on out side your shead,they seem torn up and upset, especially the sherif, he seems to be accusing left and right! it seems seriouse, you put on some cloths and make your way out to see what all the trouble is about.
You dont make it five feet outside of your door before having a gun pointed at your face,
Well well, look what the cat draggen in, slept well ? Answer me! from the look on his face
you quickly realise this is no time for ridles or games. Sleeping in my bed Sherif, you carefully reply!
can anyone vouch for you old man ? vouch for what sherif ? you know me, whats going on here ?
As the the sherif is about to open his mouth, you see it! the mayor, with a pickaxe droven though his heart from behind, cold hearted murder no dout! no wonder the Sherif is upset, they built this town together, one as the law one as the legislate. They were a team, and what a team, hardly any crime, and everyone pulled thier way, and those that would seek to challenge them were quickly put in place. now, for the first time he's alone, who could have done this, and why....
Now more than ever it'll be important for you to keep your ancestral history a secret, at least until the time is right, they have no knowlage of that fact that your a child of a white mother and an Indian father, that your mother was abandoned and found by indians and raised as one of thier own, as where you...and your father tought you all about the way of the spirits, and how see that which is hidden from others, in the vilalge you were seen as different, but here amongst the white men your skin disguises you, lets you walk among free men without ridicule.
The Mayor was your friend, and by the spirits you'll do what you can to find the guilty.
You are the Towns Seer!
during the night phase you can screye any person, to see if they are of a guilty nature. if not all you'll get is cosmic static = No info recived!
If your blocked, the result will come back as no info recived!
What a good nights sleep, Charline realy know how to please you, puts you right to rest she does. Time to go have breakfast at the old fatmans house, it's a thing! he feeds you porage and bacon in the morning, you feed him Whiskyin the saloon in the evening, it's always been that way, and makes your life easier, after all, as long as your close to him, you can look after the bugger, he might be bright in the ways of planning and stratergy, but he's also to kind hearted to spot any potential threats, he refuses to belive that anyone could hold a grudge on him, after all, he holds no grudge on anyone! so why should they ?
You walk up the house, as your about to knock on the door, some shattered glass on the ground catches your eye, you stop, pull your gun, you make your way to the side window, it's smashed from the outside, you carefully take a peek, you cant see anything, OLGA! .... ... no reply! OLGA YOU OLD FART! ANSWER ME! no walk back to the from door, it's locked, you bash it in with a solid kick, you make your way to the bed room...OH NO!!!! You see Olga crumbled forward a huge Pickaxe droven though his chest from the behind! who'd do this?
They'll pay! By god they'll Pay!
You built this town together, one as the law, one as the legislate. You were a team, and what a team, hardly any crime, and everyone pulled thier way, and those that would seek to challenge you were
quickly put in place. now, for the first time you find your self alone, it scares you,
who could have done this, and why....
You are the Towns Sherif,
Each night you can Throw some one of your choosing in prison, thereby blocking any action they could or would have taken that night. if your blocked in attempting your action, it will fail.
Please Confirm!
So they'r Saying some one gone and keel'ed him Mayor Olga,
He been my Friend he did, always took time to talk to me and, always showed interest in my
stories from the shootout with den Ind'jans at Dire Canyon he did, I'm a gonna keep an eye on
these folk and as soon as I who gone done it, I'll put a bullit in his back i will, I still got my old
trusty riffel from the days at Dire Canyon I does, and I'm sure ol' betty's got a little more juice in her.
Still i also has dat Hatch that leads down to the old supply cavern, no one uses that anymore,
the sherif gon and blasted the entrence when we built the new warehouse, littel did his know,
I used to snatch a bottle and corn now and then, rats they called it.. hehe..rats indeed.
now where did i stach dem buillets ? dang only one left! and they don' make dem no more!
guess I'm gonna have to get this juuust right I am......
You are the Towns Old Timer,
During the night phase you can:
- Protect one person pr night, they wont be harmed, if you are blocked your action wont take place,
- You have one, and only! one shot in your gun, you can use this shot at any point during the night.
Use it wisely"if your blocked while attempting to shoot, it will count as a miss....
- you can take both actions during a night, but remember, you can only shoot once in the game!
Please Confirm!
I'm Changing your role "abit"
You are the "Medium", you to the dead ?
After each lynching you can ask the dead player one and only one question in a PM (If you so wish)
(which they may answer as they see fit.) I'll let them know about your ability when they die.
This is a secret role,
thus no one alive can ever know of your ability, if they do, they'll judge it to be black magic and hang you in a heartbeat! (so Dont!)
If the seer targets you, you'll come up as a simple honest pioneer.
Questions ?
You are a Traveling sales man, I use the term lightly, as con artist would honeslty be more apropriate...
you travel from town to town, avoiding to stay in any one place for too long at a time, politics and all you understand.
You've come to learn it's the best policy when taking self preservation into account and all...
Yet here you are, no horse, no wagon, your cargo of tonic wateris ruined,
and your stuck! the towns folk seem preoccupied, something about a murder, bah who cares, afterall you'll be out of here
in a few days max, what concern is it of yours...right...might as well make the best of it, who knows maybe there's deal to be made somewhere.
murder protection amulets ? no wait..ghosts! holy water ...or Indians..arrow breaking magnets! stick around, surely there's a buck to
be made off these lowbrowed Farmers
Powers: None!
Think of yourself as a Townie with a story twist.
come day#2 you can vote just like everyone els.
Questions ?
Only if someone explains what the fuck meta-gaming is to me. And Ch3t and I have a cuddle. And we find out what the fuck was going on in this game and what all that was about.
In the meantime..
By gum fellas, some mighty odd things afoot in this town. Some folk have gone right strange.. How's about we all adjourn to the saloon for a time ? We've got a lot to think about..
In the meantime Ch3t and I will play us a song duel - give it about 2 and a half minutes for us to kick in.
I think I need to have a think about who's been so quiet.. Some have spoken a lot less than others and I wonder if wise baddies would be the ones piping up quite so much..
..Then again, not everyone in this town is wise
But I don't think your logic is the most diplomatic, helpful nor logical Mr Ch3-tan, sir.
You can lynch me if you like, but after that Ch3t, you should be next.. I think it'd be a pretty darn quiet town after that.Either way, I'll buy you a whisky on the other side.
Grumpy fecker![]()
I haven't played these games before afaik, had fun with it though. I liked writing bollocks about Gehuck but if it's old so be it not sure I'll play again.
Can you tell?..............have you missed the last couple hours mate?![]()
I write a post and give carrying things on a shot and fifty more appear whilst I'm doing it.
I'm pretty sure Ch3t wasn't bad after all, I suspect Rubric and some of the quieter ones talking complete bullshit.
No more fucking Gehuck. Poor goat. It's illegal. <- Gehuck can be in the next game, but only as bi-role, not staring!
And what's a fucking meta-game. <- bringing previouse games into new ones "he did so and so last time" or talking to much about role mechanics. -what the player knows yet the charactor doesnt.
And can I have a cuddle. <- yes
And I'm not a fecking virgin. <- ofcause not
I am innocent and stupid thoughI'll take it as a compliment that you thought I was pretending.