Funniest [Advice] you've been asked?



My first char had more qui for faster running... then I discovered it didn't work. I was gutted. :p


Str - Obvious, 5 points, thank you very much
Con - again obvious, 5 points, thank you very much
Dex - thought it was like D2, would make me hit more, 5 in that
Qui - wee I will run faster, 5 in that methinks
Emp - ooh good faction, mobs will be my friends, 5 please
Cha - ooh NPC will like me, 5 in that as well methinks
Pie - Young Solid says "erm, whats a thane need to pray for? Pie is surely for paladins only, dont think I will bother with that"
int - hmm as much as i tried to guess, couldnt figure this one out, left it

funny :clap:


Originally posted by Dannyn
My first char had more qui for faster running... then I discovered it didn't work. I was gutted. :p

cough L46 cough



Was trying out some stealther bait clothes at prydwen bridge....
Yes i was wearing a robe :p so what so many casters do it!!!

Well to continue with the story: i bought a nice 4s staff as well to go with the robe :D so there i was at pryd bridge...

Suddenly 4 grey cons run up to me and start asking me for buffs:

A:Can u buffs us please!
I:Ehm sure ill try never done it before though :)
A: C'mon just buff us!
I:I'm trying its not working :(
A:I asked nice please buff us...
I:Have u even clicked on me?
B: Ow lol hes an infiltrator hahahaha...
A: Whats that, still no reason not to buff us!
I: ...
B: ...


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