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Originally posted by Jenkz
Is it really needed to bring up old guild issues in such a manner Aravis? Kris has been out of GoP for months now, and he, or i, never wished for GoP to fold, we left because we knew our opinions and outlook on the game were far different from GoP, so we left a guild we put a lot of work into (we were both founders of GoA - one of the parent guilds). We left on good terms to move on, and to let GoP move on, which it has done, very well....

Goes both ways, take the accusations of ex-guild hatred with a pinch of salt, and take the accusations of cross realming with a little bit more salt...

And personally, I was sorry to see either of you go, which is why it is even more upsetting that someone who knows the main players in the Guild would resort to such outlandish and unfair accusations.

We, as a guild, have worked bloody hard to get a good reputation and vague mutterings from someone like Krissy are going to undo all that work without us being able to prove them wrong.

I have never slagged SotL off, I had never, before this, slagged Krissy off, yet because of his baseless, and quite frankly ludicrous post, am made to look like I belong to a guild of cheats.

If he can prove it, he should do so (because if there are any cheats in my Guild, I want them rid of).
If he can't he should withdraw it and apologise.


Originally posted by Krissy
it was happening when I was in the guild and im dam sure u never missed GoP's never missed it.

Foundless ? hardly.

BTW afak GOA dont block ppl for playing other realms on the same server afaik?

Please translate that for me as if it's not a prime piece of illiteracy I don't know what is. I have resorted to questioning Krissy's statements and to do so I have to bring myself down to his level.

I am more than happy to publicly apologise to Krissy as soon as he retracts his false statements and makes a full and frank apology to my guild. Until that happens he is open for flaming.

I don't normally post on threads, I am not a spammer, infact I tend to just sit quietly and read. I even PM'ed Krissy before posting on this thread to give him a chance to apologise, such is the extent of my tolerance. Krissy has forced me to do something I hate, namely flame.

As for SotL hate, I personally have nothing against them, it's up to them how they play the game and I have a great deal of respect for most members. If you read my first post on this thread I tried to make a jovial post to calm things down.


Originally posted by Aravis

If he can prove it, he should do so (because if there are any cheats in my Guild, I want them rid of).
If he can't he should withdraw it and apologise.

Spot on.

Like Jenkz says I'm sure SotL ignoring Lance had nothing to do with this issue anyway ... but now it's been raised it needs to be resolved.


you're not going to get any form of an appology when you call someone an illiterate, uneducated idiot are you?

i think the fact that his point was originally not very well constructed, and its blatently not understandable has lead to some misinterpretation.

read it again, try and understand it. i cant understand the 2nd part of it at all.

1.) I know from personal experiance that serveral of GoP play on Hib and Mid prydwen, its not a wanted thing for a guild that almost all hate SotL (yes i do know u well enough and this thread proves it) to be mentioned in good faith in the GoP /GC and then someone logs on there other realm characters just to inform ppl etc.

firstly, the issue was why lance was ignored. the general reason was, sotl usually dont inform anyone who asks in /say of what we're doing... why? potential spying...

1. he said that GoP have some people who play/played mid-pryd or/and hib-pryd. that is true to some degree.

2. some people in GoP do not like sotl at all. that is also true to some degree.

3. last part is not comprehendible in the slightest, but states (afaik - from what he's told me) that it's perfectly tangible for GoP to login one of their hib-pryd or mid-pryd alts and inform other realm friends of plans.

by no means does that accuse GoP outright of spying, not even in the slightest. it's a passing statement of the potential spy situation in all realms atm, and why some people like to keep their plans to themselves. (and possibly why lance may have been ignored)

you can replace GoP with almost ANY other guild on albion-prydwen, and it means the same thing. it was more of a global statement of how he thinks of people outside of the guild than an accusation of GoP spying....

coming on here demanding an appolgy after you have insulted him, said you hate him, said he's jealous and is making up lies to make your guild fold after you've (so called friends of his) jumped to the conclusion about his somewhat odd and really badly phrased statement is just not gonna happen.

i personally still think that kris should have kept this to himself, it's somewhat irrelevant and obviously would have lead to ppl jumping the gun like they have.

please dont quote individual parts of my above post (they wont make sense). read the whole lot and try to understand: kris never meant to accuse GoP of spying, he was stating that in general informing anyone outside your guild/alliance (in /say) of your current plans is stupid, due to potential spying.


tbh I hardly seen any sotl anymore, except when they try a sidi raid on their own and get owned (tee hee)


Originally posted by Rumble
You also have appalling grammar Krissy, did you ever attend an educational facility?

Ever thought about the fact that most people who post here speak other languages than English at home. That in mind, they are doing just fine imo....gimme a complete reply in Flawless Dutch to this now, then you've earned the right to critisize others. :clap:


We've probably been 'owned' at first by a lot of mobs in various patches. It's how we learn /shrug.


Servants of the Lake


Originally posted by old.Docwolfe
tbh I hardly seen any sotl anymore, except when they try a sidi raid on their own and get owned (tee hee)

Then again, we did with 50 people what you failed to do with 100.

(tee hee)


Originally posted by eynar

Ever thought about the fact that most people who post here speak other languages than English at home. That in mind, they are doing just fine imo....gimme a complete reply in Flawless Dutch to this now, then you've earned the right to critisize others. :clap:

I think he was using that because, if I remember correctly, Krissy is currently getting an education in bonny scotland.

Generic Poster

Originally posted by Jenkz
3. last part is not comprehendible in the slightest, but states (afaik - from what he's told me) that it's perfectly tangible for GoP to login one of their hib-pryd or mid-pryd alts and inform other realm friends of plans.

by no means does that accuse GoP outright of spying, not even in the slightest.


Sarum TheBlack

Originally posted by Krissy
Just ask ppl in GoP who has played on other realms on the same server, it was happening when I was in the guild and im dam sure u never missed GoP's never missed it.


Of course we have people who previously played other realms on Prydwen, and no doubt keep in contact with their old friends. We have people who have moved on from GoP to other realms too, and to an extent they keep in contact with their friends in GoP. We have people from other realms that idle in our IRC channel too. On all 3 of the above points SotL does the same, and to a larger extent, but I'm not about to go accusing you of spying.

Nobody in GoP had two accounts while you were in the guild Kris, and saying that potential spying was going on while you were in the guild is an outright lie. As is accusing us of being a guild of SotL haters.. if I remember rightly, YOU were one of the biggest flamers of SotL in guild chat, and therefore I think it quite laughable that you're trying to dishonour the guild on that. Sure there are people who have a low opinion of some SotL members.. but that's the nature of the entire realm, not just GoP.

You don’t have to give us names here Kris, it would only perpetuate the flames.. but if you do know someone is spying (and I VERY much doubt you do), GoP needs to know, because we’re pretty sure all our members are above that sort of thing, but if you can show us otherwise, they’ll be out the door fast enough to cause a minor sonic boom.

And I’d like to think you could still consider most of us friends Jenkz. I’m not sure Krissy can say the same thing anymore, nobody is very impressed at him bringing a guild we’re all proud of into disrepute like this.


Whats more likely:

kris, whos been out of a guild he formed for 5 months, suddenly decides he wants to kill his old guild off by making up lies about spying to slander his friends....


kris was replying with general reasons as to why lance, or any one else, MAY have been ignored in /say by 2fg of sotl...

please read my post above this carefully before you start assuming accuastions of spying.

and Sma: i CLEARLY said dont quote my post out of context as it wont make sence, and supprise supprise, you do it. gg \o/ READ the line underneath, it states: you can replace GoP with ANY OTHER GUILD, including SotL, and it applies to all. if i asked 2fg of GoP, The-30, or any other guild in /say, what they were doing at odins PK, i would probably be ignored for the EXACT same reasons... does that mean im a spy? does that imply they are accusing me of being a spy? not at all. just that perhaps, they dont want to inform NON GUILDMEMBERS of their plans, for many many reasons, possibly one of those reasons is risk of information leaks...

people should not be responsible for others misinterpreting what they say, if you didnt fully understand you should have had the DECENCY, as friends, to ask him in private. none of you did that, instead you took what you percieved as bait and started flaming. kind of disgraceful considering i thought those doing it were way above that.

(and btw, if you think kris is uneducated, idiotic, or anything else, maybe you should realise that what he types is not what he means, or maybe you should have just ignored it in the first place)

Edit: i've kind of gone through this twice now, its getting boring, the above post will be the last i make to this thread. Think what you like, but flaming and being childish is not going to make you look any better.

Sarum TheBlack

Originally posted by Jenkz
Whats more likely:

kris, whos been out of a guild he formed for 5 months, suddenly decides he wants to kill his old guild off by making up lies about spying to slander his friends....


kris was replying with general reasons as to why lance, or any one else, MAY have been ignored in /say by 2fg of sotl...

I'd really like to think it was the second... but there are MUCH better ways he could have gone about doing it. Whether he intended to slader the guild and accuse us of spying or not.. that's what he ended up doing. Kris's post contains statments that can be read as very serious accusations of fowl play on behalf of GoP. He didn't say "SotL don't answer /s because you could be talking to spies" he said "We don't answer because I know GoP contains people who log off and tell people from other realms our plans". If that isn't accusing us of being spies I don't know what is. Kris isn't illiterate or stupid, but he should make more effort not to appear that way on public forums by saying things he doesn't mean, and then getting you to try patch it up.

people should not be responsible for others misinterpreting what they say, if you didnt fully understand you should have had the DECENCY, as friends, to ask him in private. none of you did that, instead you took what you percieved as bait and started flaming. kind of disgraceful considering i thought those doing it were way above that.

Perhaps you missed this.. but Rumble did ask him in private first.. but the thread continued on it's own course, and he felt he had to answer here. Silence from the guild could be taken as an admittance of guilt.


ive heard that sotl like to zerg + use radar + are rude to newbie paladins + only use overpowered no skill classes.:help:


i heard that people judge others based on their own actions.


Originally posted by eynar

Ever thought about the fact that most people who post here speak other languages than English at home. That in mind, they are doing just fine imo....gimme a complete reply in Flawless Dutch to this now, then you've earned the right to critisize others. :clap:

I live in Edinburgh, Krissy lives a little north of me. So I am not knocking foreigners grasp of the English written language. Perhaps you shouldn't jump to conclusions. That said you weren't aware of all the facts so I have nothing to flame you with.

Dear Jenkz,

I am just presenting the facts as they appear, Krissy appears to be illiterate and I only questioned his education. A retraction and apology would be the 'smart' thing to do no matter what my personal opinion is. I appreciate what you are trying to do and I also understand the situation you are in but it doesn't make the slightest bit of difference when you look at the facts.

Analysing Krissy's posts won't delve any pertinent information for his defence (most of them don't make any sense). He fucked up by using my guilds name and suggesting we cross realm spy, probably due to said illiteracy. To anyone reading that post it's slanderous towards the good name my guild has forged over time.

All I ask for is a retraction of his claims and an apology for the hassle/stress my guild is going through. Until Krissy himself posts something to this effect I stand by my previous posts and nothing you can say will change my view.

I don't hate Krissy but I do pity him.



he hasnt actually accused you, or anyone in GoP of cheating - so what does he have to retract? the fact that GoP was used as an example? why the hell should he when a GoP member is mouthing off people for being ignored.

he said he knows some people in GoP have played/played hib-pryd or mid-pryd, that is true.

he said, how do we know they arnt logging into their cross realm alts to tell people. that is theoretical speculation based on why people do not disclose PRIVATE GUILD RAIDS to people in /say.

he implied, that the above goes for ANY other guild - that includes sotl, any most other guilds, sotl have ex hib/mid people etc..

sarum, kris never recieved any /send from any member of GoP regarding this, or any PM in IRC.

Kris isn't illiterate or stupid, but he should make more effort not to appear that way on public forums by saying things he doesn't mean, and then getting you to try patch it up.

i've always said that he shouldnt have posted what he did, at first i thought he was accusing GoP of spying, like you too think he is - but after talking to him in depth about what he was saying it is nothing more than what i have said in my first two posts. an example of why ANYONE asking in /say about what SotL are doing on their private raid would be ignored.

so yet again, why should kris appologise for stating 4 possible reasons why A GUILD will not disclose what they are doing on their PRIVATE GUILD RAID to someone who spams /say....

sure he cant word what he means anywhere near well enough, he shouldnt have posted it because of that, but the underlying point is solid, and he has not accused GoP of anything - only you think so, which you've followed up with insults & flames. far as im concerned any appology is not due from his side.

the FACTS rumble, are that you misinterpreted what he said, HE knows what he meant, you read (his poorly worded attempt at conveying it) it wronly. just because you read it wronly does NOT change the meaning of what he said.

i can perfectly understand GoP jumping on here to defend themselves, i cannot though at all understand why 3/4 (one of them under a fake name) supposed "friends" of kris would come on here calling him an illiterate idiot without having the decency to talk to him thourougly in private.

if you cant see what im talking about now after 3 quite lengthy posts then sorry, you need to put your differences, jealously, grudges, or whatever, aside and get your head out of your arse and move on...


Originally posted by cougar-
dont trust russian news.
Never heard anything about paladins and cheaters on russian news.

Sarum TheBlack

Perhaps Rumble dreamed PM'ing Kris then. I don't know what medium he used, or what time exactly he did it, but he reported that he had to the guild well before he started posting here. If he says he PM'd him, I believe him, he's got no reason to lie.

I'm not expecting an appology (I know you both better than that :flame: ) and I've got no interest in flaming anyone, it never achieves anything. However as a member of the "example" guild, I feel kind of responsible to refute any percieved claims of spying. If I can read Kris's post as an accusation, other people can too.

Since Kris posted you've come and tried to explain Kris's logic a little better, which I appriciate. We just have to hope everyone else understands your posts too (reading != understanding, as these boards all to often make very clear).

(my last minor flame... perhaps Kris could get you to proof read his posts? Like I get my mum to proof read my uni report :p)
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