Free levels - once a week


It's my birthday today!
Dec 24, 2003
Saigean said:
This sucks, it takes like 4 weeks tops for me to get a 50 without any PL or bots... Yay, 4 lvls ;o


yeah because they said in the letter that it was specifically targetted to powerlevellers, to make their lives easier since they have it so hard.

Teh FnoRd

Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Saigean said:
This sucks, it takes like 4 weeks tops for me to get a 50 without any PL or bots... Yay, 4 lvls ;o

Your E-penis must be HUGE!!! Can I touch it?


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 23, 2003
Back at release there was a nice balance.
Get 50 -> go RvR, or PvE more if you are so inclined

Then SI & SC arrived
Get 50 -> can still go PvE for fun if you want but if you want RvR then you gotta do quests, farm enough cash for MP armour and items THEN go RvR.

Now ToA has arrived
Get 50
-> can PvE more for fun if you want
if you wanna RvR you gotta
  • do even more quests
  • farm even more cash, for scrolls and whatnot
  • camp artifacts
  • farm scrolls
  • level artifacts
  • do MLs

That's a lot of PvE for someone who just want's to RvR, took me 2-3months for mu skald and I played a lot.
Now, if you are of the ilk who likes to PvE and want some RAs to help you can get, say, RR4 in a couple of weeks easy. Even just joining randoms and winning 1 fight in 10. Or go on a FoM scathaig defence or fens retake, or solo/duo in HW/odins.
Or make a guild group, or get friendly with some ppl who RvR; most people who RvR ARE friendly enough to others who don't look down on them for RvRing.

Iceflower said:
Sic. You dont approve of places where people have the right to have different opinions? Move to North Korea then, you will love that place.
Are there less idiots there?

Iceflower said:
is there any difference between farming pve mobs and warder zergs?
Is that what you think RvR is?

Iceflower said:
The same can be said for gaining RSPs in rvr, applying consistency to your logic displayed here would create a situation where the question "why should I have to rvr with my 2nd char to get RSPs when I already have a RRn char?" can be raised. Same crap in both situations.
Its so incredibly easy to get the 1st few RRs, or at least it was for randoms before ToA. Ironically TOA, a PvE expansion, has made it harder for casual players to get started in RvR.
Also to answer the quote, in NF low RR players will get more RPs for killing high RRs than vice versa. Thats exactly the sort of bonus your talking about isnt it?

Svartmetall said:
If PvE got you 100K RPs (or whatever) per bub of XP after 50, you think people who hate PvE would suddenly prefer to stand like a swaying zombie in Moderna (or wherever) getting PL'd rather than doing what they enjoy, i.e. RvR? Of course not, if you dislike PvE you'll carry on getting your RAs via RvR. This would just give people who hate RvR a way to get the RAs they want via high-level PvE. I really cannot understand why anyone would have a problem with this - short of being so intolerant that they want to force people who dislike RvR to RvR just through spite.
Lol my skald would have another 1million RPs nearly.

See the idea about RSPs is they seperate out the ppl who RvR a lot from the ppl who don't. To reward ppl for their hard work. Thats what they are there for.
I don't want to have RvRed to RR6 and only have the same number of RSPs as someone who stayed at 4fins with a stack of coins on the shroom button.
Getting free RPs on the scale you suggest isnt comparable to /level 20, its comparible to getting a free level 10 GoV or simliar.

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