Free levels - once a week


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
I would say that it is the RVR that makes me play the game.

I am also concerned though I am beginning to like TOA.

What I would say for Blizzard, is that the software is in BETA and it may well stay there for a while. Where they resolve some of there many issues.

What I like about mythic, is that they willing to look at what other people have done and are prepared to tailor it for DAOC. The solution to leveling could have been inferred from what Blizzard did, in regard to there resting system. But lets be honest. Leveling is not the problem, its TOA and all the crafting/money/MLs & artifacts that have to come from moving servers.

I have to be honest "In Game Maps", finally. I hope that they allow us to mark them up. Lets hope they put the maps in a clear directory. So they can be saved if we have to do a re-install.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
It is very hard to be a casual gamer in DAOC. Almost all rewards in-game come from being able to spend large amounts of uninterrupted game time: XPing, PLing, crafting, raids, MLs, artifacts, cash, quest reward and RPs all come at a faster rate if you can spend 2x 5 hour sessions rather than 10x 1 hour sessions. You just become far more effective the longer your gaming sessions are.

I'm a casual gamer. I'm not a newbie. I know as much about the game and especially my class as anyone playing, but I am limited in the time I get to play (per week) and the length of my gaming sessions. It's mostly my own choice - I choose to do other things with my time, including putting my wife, family and friends ahead of my gaming. For this I experience the content of a game like DAOC at a much, much reduced rate than most of the players. I'd welcome any change like this - it wouldn't really effect the power gamer, who can PL a new char up to 50 in a matter of days, but it would make a big difference to those of us who don't have that kind of access to the game.


Dumpster Fire of The South
Jan 23, 2004
Well, I agree that this is a good idea for a few reasons:

1. You get a chance to play a character you've neved played at 50 after a few months, and you get the cash to kit it out.
2. As it has been already said; it will help the new players in the game reach 50. [And still in some cases, some old players who haven't reached 50].
3. And well... I want my friend to reach 50 so I can duo with them ^_^.

But, I can also see a few bad things regarding this new idea..

1. Abuse of it, as it has been said: a full account of /lev 20s being pharmed for cash.
2. Not knowing anything about any of the new realms. [if you haven't been there before]
3. Mass increase of FoTM-Opt groups in RvR.

How I see it, GoA/Mytic need to have it set clear how they're going to do this and need to set some base 'rules' with it. [Though, I don't suppose they could bitch at you for 'auto-leveling' a BB to 50].

Just my $300,000,000


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
Id like to see a level given for each part of the epic quests, same as you get for completing the battleground quests. Currently I think the epic quests need a revamp to encompass the Si and perhaps ToA zones. This stems from my "do up the old stuff before putting new stuff in" theory.

This would give a possible 9 levels (10,15,20,25,30,35,40,45 and 48) towards 50. Plus I think the term "epic" has lost the plot most ppl dont bother any more because the rewards suck even compared to ROGs these days.


Loyal Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Dorin said:
toa... dont think many will be arsed to artifact/ml, heck even i got like 3-4 lvl 50ths that i could play, but no point without wasting 3months+ pve on them, which i cbA. :(

Agree.. lvl 20-50 is done in 2-3 days, its the Toa stuff, Artifacts/MLs etc that takes time. And no point trying any RvR without it :(


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 9, 2004
its probably gonna hit the money for PLing and basic L50 account selling pritty hard, then again there will always be people that want a L50 account right away.

would be nice to gain levels while crafting etc

i don't think the cash u could gain from 8 L50s would come close to a few hours farming,


Great Unclean One
Jan 5, 2004
So now people just want free levels handed to them on a plate because they 'cba' to PvE (and apparently can't be arsed to even type whole words)? Well then, I'll have 30 free realm skill points, please. I mean that's OK, isn't it, since getting free levels is apparently OK?

If Mythic want to make the game more welcoming to new players, giving them so much free stuff that they end up not actually playing the game is the wrong way to go about it. DAOC is not a race to 50 and then spend all your time in bloody RvR, it's a MMORPG with PvE and RvR in it. And most people are PvEing most of the time. They were before TOA, too, before some strident RvR-evangelist comes in and starts whining about "TOA timesinks" or how "TOA killed RvR" or some other such nonsense.
PvE in this game is fine; it's RvR where almost all the significant problems are, it's RvR that generates 99.9% of all the whining, and it's RvR that is the most daunting and un-fun to new players. That's why most people don't RvR most of the time, they simply don't want to.

If Mythic want to make the game more welcoming to new players, how about making RvR less daunting for new players going into RvR? Introduce on all servers the feature from the co-op ruleset where you get a realm skill point every level from 20 onwards. That way you can go into RvR with more RAs from the start, and thus a bit more of a chance against high-RR groups who steamroll you in two seconds flat every time.

Giving free levels to players is entirely the wrong way to go about it - it only appeals to the zero-attention-span l337-kiddies who 'cba' to even play the game they're paying to play.

"At this rate, Mythic might just as well remove the PvE from the game, give us all AK47s and a bomb and make it 1st person...oh thats been done. Now I can see the future, "DAoC - Diamond edition!! Free 8 level 50s in this mutliexpansion pack!!"."

Absolutely, Whoodoo. Some people apparently want to play Counterstrike but haven't yet realised they're actually playing a MMORPG.


Great Unclean One
Jan 5, 2004
Neo said:
Agree.. lvl 20-50 is done in 2-3 days, its the Toa stuff, Artifacts/MLs etc that takes time. And no point trying any RvR without it :(

And what's wrong with things in a MMORPG taking time? You want instant gratification, play Quake. No levelling there.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 1, 2004
old.Whoodoo said:
Mythic are staying rich by still providing the best balanced PvE

That simply isn't true. There are many examples of changes that Mythic have made which have completely broken or trivialised great swathes of their PvE. The only reason you don't get people complaining about it is that it generally makes the PvE easier. I'm pretty sure all the dragons would be petitioning like mad if they could after getting farmed by pet classes day in, day out.

Also what Svart said about this being a silly idea.


It's my birthday today!
Dec 24, 2003
if realms having no relics for 6 months causes them to depopulate why on earth is alb/excal still around?

if you have no relics it's really not the end of the world.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 23, 2003
Please give us a Co-op server so we can get rid of svartmetal :(


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
Revz said:
That simply isn't true. There are many examples of changes that Mythic have made which have completely broken or trivialised great swathes of their PvE. The only reason you don't get people complaining about it is that it generally makes the PvE easier. I'm pretty sure all the dragons would be petitioning like mad if they could after getting farmed by pet classes day in, day out.

Also what Svart said about this being a silly idea.
Sorry, I keep forgetting about hib n alb have the easy win pet spam chars. However my sentance said "balance of PvE and RvR", which DAoC does 1000% better than any other game. Its the players that make it RvR intesive, not the game design.

Now instead of getting to 50 being part of the PvE, having a 50 will be, as you will have to do the arti and ML grind over and over. This will be more boring than leveling to 50, at least you can go other places to level, rather than wasting away on one spot spending days leveling 1 object. Soon well forget its called Dark age of Camelot, and call it ToA, as the old realm dies, we all move RvR to Typhons Reach and rename it New Emain.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 23, 2003
Svartmetall said:
What's your problem?
I'm sick of your incessant whining about RvR even though you've never actually tried it seriously. Just cos your talents only extent to bashing mobs with crap and predictable AI over and over doesn't mean others should be denied a little actual challenge and fun.

Teh FnoRd

Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Rulke said:
I'm sick of your incessant whining about RvR even though you've never actually tried it seriously. Just cos your talents only extent to bashing mobs with crap and predictable AI over and over doesn't mean others should be denied a little actual challenge and fun.
You are aware that that argument could be turned against you, or any other 1337 RvRer aka PvE hater if you just changed RvR in the above quote to ToA or PvE? :eek:


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 23, 2003
Teh FnoRd said:
You are aware that that argument could be turned against you, or any other 1337 RvRer aka PvE hater if you just changed RvR in the above quote to ToA or PvE? :eek:
No, because I do PvE.
A lot.

Teh FnoRd

Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Rulke said:
No, because I do PvE.
A lot.
So ignore Svart and others that want to whine on RvR. Everyone else is fecking whining on everything else and I don't see you sticking your finger up at them! :touch:


Great Unclean One
Jan 5, 2004
Rulke said:
I'm sick of your incessant whining about RvR even though you've never actually tried it seriously

Wrong. I've done a lot of RvR, just never got anything like enough return (i.e. RPs, the only real reward RvR offers) on the time investment to make me want to endure it any more. 99.9% of the time RvR does not give anything like a good return in RPs for the time spent. The people who say "RR5 is very easy" are totally divorced from the realities of current RvR for most players.

Just cos your talents only extent to bashing mobs with crap and predictable AI over and over

Wrong again, I've been ranked 60th. in the world at Quake know, a PvP game requiring a lot of skill. I don't do DAOC's PvP because I think nowadays it pretty much sucks, not because I lack 'skill'. If I want PvP action, I fire up Quake 3 - because it does it so much better.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 23, 2003
Svartmetall said:
And I won various fps tourneys when I was at uni, whats the relevance?

How can you say others are divorced from the realities of RvR when your highest toon is RR3?

Teh FnoRd said:
So ignore Svart and others that want to whine on RvR. Everyone else is fecking whining on everything else and I don't see you sticking your finger up at them!
I generally do ignore whiners, svart however, is the only one I see with "brilliant" ideas like free RSPs from PvE.


Great Unclean One
Jan 5, 2004
Flimgoblin said:
svart - do you think you'll go back to the frontier come NF?

Well, if you read between the whines on VN Boards it looks as though NF is all about ranged combat; archers and casters reign supreme apparently, and a lot of tanks are very unhappy. If you read the latest TL reports you can see a lot of the tank TLs raising this as a matter of serious concern...and all of my characters are'm frankly not very optimistic.

A lot of what I read about NF seems like an attempt to insert Planetside into DAOC, with the insta-porting (read: Alb superior numbers zerg everyone else 24/7) and warmap (read: no scouting, just zerging). Obviously we won't know until we get a chance to play it.

I suspect I, like a lot of others, will go out to look at the new zones (and I think it's a tragic mistake to throw away the existing frontier zones, they should have been kept as PvE zones) for the 'check out the new stuff' factor; but then afterwards? The gankers will find their new Emain or just reroll PL'd caster/archer gank squads, and it will be back to business as usual.


Great Unclean One
Jan 5, 2004
Rulke said:
And I won various fps tourneys when I was at uni, whats the relevance?

You tried to imply I had no 'skills', I proved you wrong. Pretty relevant, really.

How can you say others are divorced from the realities of RvR when your highest toon is RR3?

Yeah, 'cos everyone else is RR5 or higher, aren't they? Pfft. Most characters are RR2-3. Because most people aren't doing much RvR, or not getting many RPs from the RvR they do do. I'm sure eventually this fact will sink in.

..."brilliant" ideas like free RSPs from PvE.

Yeah and free levels is such a genius plan.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 9, 2004
Svartmetall said:
Giving free levels to players is entirely the wrong way to go about it - it only appeals to the zero-attention-span l337-kiddies who 'cba' to even play the game they're paying to play.

although i'm no fan of the 1337-kiddies i don't think thats true. They would find 13weeks to get a L50 way to long as they like to PL FOTM classes/groups in a matter of Weeks. There fickly nature means that they could leave a alt to level up slowly but would probably deleate them in favour of the latest FOTM set up they have found to abuse.

With PLing and fix 20-50 Exp groups etc, there is less opitunity for new players to find groups, let alone a chance to group with experianced player than can help them out with advice. Not being able to get a group to exp makes some classes and spec lines undesirable for new players infavour of good soloing classes, theres not much point roling a rej cleric if you can't always get a group.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 1, 2004
old.Whoodoo said:
Sorry, I keep forgetting about hib n alb have the easy win pet spam chars. However my sentance said "balance of PvE and RvR", which DAoC does 1000% better than any other game. Its the players that make it RvR intesive, not the game design.

Are you talking about the proportion of PvE to that of RvR? If so that is a completely subjective thing - you might like the way the balance lies and others might not. However, it is worth remembering that the vast majority of all updates and expansions that Mythic has produced to date have been adding to the PvE side of the game and not the RvR. Unless they are soft in the head this would presumably have been at the demand of the majority of their customers no matter how loudly the minority might shout sometimes :) Even NF seems to be moving deliberately away from the kind of PvP you see advocated so vocally on here and towards a more distinct and "different" version that can only be achieved in an MMOG.

Anyway there are lots of articles people can read about the reasons for and against progression in MMOGs. The fact remains though that without progression (or with highly trivial progression) DAoC would not be the same game and would not keep as many customers as it does. If people don't like this then they can always try:

  • Diablo II
  • Planetside
  • Counterstrike
  • Team Fortress
  • Quake 3

Which have, in varying ways, all of the elements of progressionless (or progression-lite) "player versus player" competition that a lot seem to want.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 23, 2003
Svartmetall said:
Yeah, 'cos everyone else is RR5 or higher, aren't they? Pfft. Most characters are RR2-3. Because most people aren't doing much RvR, or not getting many RPs from the RvR they do do. I'm sure eventually this fact will sink in.
Not sure I asked for the right data, should show stats for level 50 population of excal: clicky

Note the part where it says average RP is 473,807, thats just short of RR5.

Svartmetall said:
You tried to imply I had no 'skills', I proved you wrong. Pretty relevant, really.
I still don't see the relevance of playing Q3 to DAoC.

Svartmetall said:
Yeah and free levels is such a genius plan.
Are you honestly in favour of the "old" way of levelling every time you level? ie random groups from 1-50 over the course of several months? Levelling that way with your 1st toon is fine, teaches you a lot about game mechanics. What do you learn doing it a 2nd time?


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 1, 2004
Rulke said:
Are you honestly in favour of the "old" way of levelling every time you level? ie random groups from 1-50 over the course of several months? Levelling that way with your 1st toon is fine, teaches you a lot about game mechanics. What do you learn doing it a 2nd time?

The second time you level it is almost always faster because you have the experience and resources from levelling the first character to help you. I don't think anyone is advocating making it more difficult by artificial means but when you have all of these advantages on subsequent characters anyway is there a need to make it easier?

Also the "free gift" idea from Mythic applies to all characters does it not? Both brand new in addition to second / third / whatever.


Great Unclean One
Jan 5, 2004
Rulke said:
Note the part where it says average RP is 473,807, thats just short of RR5.

I strongly suspect that's a straight RP total divided by number of players figure, and therefore doesn't factor in what the gankers have as opposed to 99% of the players. Walk around, talk to most lvl 50s, most will be RR3 or less.

What do you learn doing it a 2nd time?

How to play your class.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 29, 2003
Svart you said that its the wrong way to go about it and its for the l33t kids with no attention span etc, im pretty sure after leveling one char to 50 the normal way (normal as in exping in groups etc or even with bot) lots of people dont really wanna do it again. Just because alot of people like to play the game differently why do you constantly try and insult them and make them sound worse than you?

(I think new idea is great mainly for new players as with all the plvl/bots etc leveling from 1-50 must be pretty hard these days)


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Rulke said:
Note the part where it says average RP is 473,807, thats just short of RR5.

Not a particually useful figure for a number of reasons.

Firstly the non linear nature of RP's for RR's skews the figure upwards. Would be more useful to see the break down of realm ranks and how many characters are each realm rank. I think by far and away the majority of lvl 50 toons are between rr2 and 4. RR5 is a dream for the majority of players. Personally i'm on 40+ days played and rr3.6 for my main toon and thats with a lot of RvR behind me. I don't get spots in optimal 8v8 groups though so i'm lucky if i can make 4k rpts in a really good night.

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