We are implementing a system where all characters will now be granted a free level every seven days, assuming the character has attained a level by standard methods in that time. In other words, if you play regularly and attain at least one level in a seven day period, you'll be given a free one, as well as some coin.
Rulke said:Except the vast majority of 50's are never played for whatever reasons...pve farmer, playing an alt, bbot, crafter etc.
Fana said:And consider this: PvE is at present necessary to do RvR - RvR is *not* necessary to do PvE
And consider this: PvE is at present necessary to do RvR if you want to compete at a decent level - RvR is necessary to do PvE if you want to compete level
Give 100k rps per bub of xp past 50 imo, and extra if the realm is underpopulated.
Oro said:Of course. Still made me chuckle. Main difference is that WoW will have it integrated seamlessly from the start and Mythic have to shoehorn it into an existing structure, which is never as neat.
Highlight by me.NetNifty said:The idea was to balance the rps for PvErs and RvRs slightly but still a good point.
I like Svart's idea of giving free rsps while levelling, like the PvE server - will definatly narrow the gap when beginning rvr - however i think they should implement it so you gain the rps u need to get to the RR which the rsps are given, otherwise we'll just end up with the same just higher up.
Edit: And ofcourse adjust BG caps accordingly.
Aoln said:Can you make a char you dont play and get the free lvl every week? lvl50 in 30 weeks \o/![]()
^ So true.:worthy:old.Whoodoo said:Thats pure daft, read up what players doing beta on wow are saying atm, poor RvR, too easy PvE, crap quest engines, predictable combat....
When SWG came out there was a mad rush for it, they all came back. Same goes for Horizons, Eve, City of Heros etc etc etc. If we got a pound for everyone who said "WoW will wtfpwnd DAoC" id be rich, and Mythic are staying rich by still providing the best balanced PvE and PvP system game on the market and for the foreseeable future. Theres nothing out yet that gives just enough of all the right ingredients to keep 300,000 ppl happy. Its a fact, get used to it and stop kidding yourself differently.
Rulke said:I'm sick of your incessant whining about RvR even though you've never actually tried it seriously. Just cos your talents only extent to bashing mobs with crap and predictable AI over and over doesn't mean others should be denied a little actual challenge and fun.
old.Whoodoo said:Thats pure daft, read up what players doing beta on wow are saying atm, poor RvR, too easy PvE, crap quest engines, predictable combat....
When SWG came out there was a mad rush for it, they all came back. Same goes for Horizons, Eve, City of Heros etc etc etc. If we got a pound for everyone who said "WoW will wtfpwnd DAoC" id be rich, and Mythic are staying rich by still providing the best balanced PvE and PvP system game on the market and for the foreseeable future. Theres nothing out yet that gives just enough of all the right ingredients to keep 300,000 ppl happy. Its a fact, get used to it and stop kidding yourself differently.
While I do agree do a certain extent on this "auto level" thing, I do miss the good ole days slaying monsters and getting to know my realm. I do wonder how many players out there know where to find Jotuns, where the nearest forge to Galplen is, where Princess Araxia hangs out, or if they have ever taken a ride into Myrkwood. I got to know more players and had more "fun" while exping at spots like Vendo, Snow Crabs, the stone circle in Skona, Varulvhamn etc etc. OK, it took me ages to get a toon to 50, but it was part of the fun. Oh, and RvRing at level 20ish just for giggles, but kicking arse with it.
At this rate, Mythic might just as well remove the PvE from the game, give us all AK47s and a bomb and make it 1st person...oh thats been done. Now I can see the future, "DAoC - Diamond edition!! Free 8 level 50s in this mutliexpansion pack!!".
Easy or lazy...which ways this game going?
Haha twice I've laughed irl in one thread. Great stuff, keep em coming.Ctuchik said:and u dont think that running into the same fking fixed rvr groups that have their set playstyle every bloody day isnt predictable?? if u fight a number of set groups enuff times u KNOW how they play and what their prioritys are. thats the same as comparing with "crap and predictable AI"
NetNifty said:Give 100k rps per bub of xp past 50 imo, and extra if the realm is underpopulated. With increased xp in rvr in NF it would mean that RvRers would gain too, and they're getting rps while they usually would anyway, and would mean that you get some while xping artis too. Would also mean that people who don't like RvR can still advance thier chars past mls and artis etc.
Show me where I say PvEers are superior to RvRers...?Gamah said:I think Svart is seriously misguided..and needs to get off his high horse! You seem to think that everyone over RR5 is a "1337 kiddie" and PvEer's are superior.
Show me where I say no-one likes RvR...?Accept the fact that some people like PvE, others like RvR...
Show me where I try to impose my style of playing on everyone else...?...and stop trying to impose your way of playing on everyone else.
Wrong, I just say that IMO Quake and its ilk do PvP much better.You make out as if everyone that likes RvR should play quake or another FPS.
So don't read it then.Well they dont want to play Quake they want to play Daoc RvR so stop your insesent bitching, it quite frankly pains me to read.
Show me where I say my way is superior to everyone else's...?Stop thinking your way is superior to everyone elses
Wrong.You seem to be adopting the same "1337" mentality as you claim to dispise in the "RvR 1337 kiddiez"
Darksword said:that would b crap, people would end up moderning (if moderns still around at this time) there 50 + lvl 50 leeches <sigh> and then this just brings MORE PvE where as i always thought the idea was for more PvP, which is kinda y ive given up on toa'ing unless 2 help sum 1 coz i hate toa (i like pve raids though)
Svartmetall said:Think it through.
If PvE got you 100K RPs (or whatever) per bub of XP after 50, you think people who hate PvE would suddenly prefer to stand like a swaying zombie in Moderna (or wherever) getting PL'd rather than doing what they enjoy, i.e. RvR? Of course not, if you dislike PvE you'll carry on getting your RAs via RvR. This would just give people who hate RvR a way to get the RAs they want via high-level PvE. I really cannot understand why anyone would have a problem with this - short of being so intolerant that they want to force people who dislike RvR to RvR just through spite.
Since in NF you can - if you dislike PvE that much - now level through XP gained in RvR in the BGs, it seems only logical and fair to reciprocate by allowing people who dislike RvR that much to get RAs via PvE. Everyone gets to play the game their own way, everyone wins, everyone's happy, what's the problem?