lol'FlameWarriors - no crying'
.... unless you get banned or modded
Have you met American women
If you learn to read before you post, then you will notice I've only asked for Talyn, swoop and dave to be banned, none of you Yanks. You are simply a symptom, not the cause.
Please don't presume to lecture me on the finer points of liberalism, unless that is you want your metaphorical backside slapped.
They have no guns so they need Mods
Liberalism????? What the fuck does a liberalism have to do with free speech??? I don't know what its like in your country but in America liberalism is the enemy of free speech. If they don't agree with your view of America they do everything in thier power to squelch it.
Liberalism????? What the fuck does a liberalism have to do with free speech??? I don't know what its like in your country but in America liberalism is the enemy of free speech. If they don't agree with your view of America they do everything in thier power to squelch it.
Right which was my point. You don't like what we have to say, so you need someone to blame. So ban swoop and Talyn its there fault. We could be saying the same thing over at our board if any of you geldings would show up. But we won't.
Not likely Talyn, worry not.Fine, ban me from here
Or am I wrong?
I'm amused that people think that posters here saying "I can't be arsed to raid" constitutes plans for a raid.
Plus, this is the single worst attempt at a raid I've ever seen.
For starters you've kept it all in one thread, and not created thousands of "hilarious" new threads. Really poor work, a toddler knows how to cause more annoyance than you Americans.
But then you wouldn't know that, since you let Maury Povitch bring your children up, rather than doing it yourselves. Real childcare would mean you have to stop shoving three times your calorie intake into your mouth and then complaining about how fat you are, how hard it is to lose weight while you're in the process of eating ANOTHER pizza (which, by the way, should be a thin stonebaked base, and not a mass of carb stodge - but then if you didn't pretend you invented it, you'd realise that also as the Italians are rather good at making REAL food taste nice - don't get me started on what you call "cheese" and "chocolate"....)
Can I just say.....Talyn was whinging to me earlier that you can't have a reasoned debate with a Yank cos if you post something intelligent the response is something along the lines of "yeah but you're gay". However, over here I'm not seeing much difference, appart from the insults are all veiled.
You're getting your arses handed to you by a bunch of double figure IQ'd septics and the reponses are just lame. Sheesh. I'm drafting a huge post about how Yanks are all money grabbing, ungrateful, two faced tossers who should be ashamed of themselves to stir things up on FW and I guarentee you I wont get banned for it.
What exactly have you lot done appart from call me a tool and say "burn the witch!"? Come on, try proving to these numbnuts yanks that we do indeed possess superior intellects on this side of the pond. Or am I wrong?
No Swoop, you're an idiot.
Dave, talyn and swoop on the other hand are clearly infected with aids of the brain.
Talyn, I was just having a joke about banning you and dave
well maybe not dave
well maybe not dave