Forum fun...


Can't get enough of FH
Oct 12, 2004
not bad then. my car doesn't go that fast, though here in Holland that would not be a good idea if it did. I'd either hit another car, a person, a tree, a windmill, miss my destination entirely, get lasered or all of the above :)

Real men (I suppose Dutchmen count...) ride motorcycles.

Search your feelings... you know it to be true :p


Dec 26, 2003
however on any weekend you can find me and about 1m other fat fucks happily prancing about the beach or on boats displaying our distended bellies and moobs (man boobs to you) with no shame and little regard for the searing of the eyes of others. hell some of us wear speedos.

Sounds like Southend to me - apparently the UK only has 1 crematorium that can handle the obese so they get transferred from all over the country to it - sounds like a good business judging from where we are heading.

Son of Sluggish

Fledgling Freddie
May 5, 2010
actually it's the best truck I've ever owned. it's fast and it corners as if on rails. there is always one ton of tools in the bed and another 500lbs of electronic replacement parts in the back seat. it has a slow turning but very torquey and effective 5.6L V8 and the damn thing honks. why just the other day I was traveling light with all the tools off and the back seat empty just me and the missus cruising up I-75 (that's an interstate highway similar in concept to your motorways) to visit some friends over on the left coast of florida and some youngsters in an older 911 went blowing by me at an impressive speed. in short order I caught them and when they went pedal to the metal I did the same. eventually they walked at about 160mph according to my GPS but not at all shabby for what is basically a three year old work truck with 70k miles on the drive train.

Storch! I live seven miles from I75! about 1600 miles north of you!

Son of Sluggish

Fledgling Freddie
May 5, 2010
Very true - it is catching on over here. We have obese people going around in those electric cars for disabled people - do you see much of that over there or do they just stay in their cars?

Fat fucks will park their car inside the store if you allow it. Hobble their big asses right over to the electric cart. Fucking pathetic.


Trem's hunky sex love muffin
Dec 20, 2003
hell some of us wear speedos.

purple sparkly ones I hope! and have no fear, moobs are known in the UK! sometimes I even take mine there! :D

Real men (I suppose Dutchmen count...) ride motorcycles.

Search your feelings... you know it to be true :p
dude please, I do enough damage to myself on a mountain bike :(

I think you will find Dutchmen will ride anything.

that.......may be true :(

They teach them to use "Double Dutch" - condoms and the pill.

I saw it on some Davina McColl show :D

yes, well, I suppose so. after two years of single life I have no idea what people get up to these days :p


Trem's hunky sex love muffin
Dec 20, 2003
and Davina McColl? Davina McColl, Horus? for shame!

Son of Sluggish

Fledgling Freddie
May 5, 2010


Fledgling Freddie
May 6, 2010
well I'm admittedly mildly insensitive to the feelings of others. will they ever forgive me?


As I've stated before, I'm Libertarian so as far as I am concerned as long as they dont bother me or others fags should be able to do whatever they want. On the other hand, I am not one tiny bit concerned if pole smokers get offended at some blunt language about them. Fucking pussies.


Loyal Freddie
May 4, 2010
pat, you should have helped me with the you suck ding caper instead of getting yourself banned from the only no banning forum on the planet.

<edit> I just noticed I'm a changed freddie. I don't like being any sort of freddie, how did I become a regular freddie? shouldn't freddie be spelled freddy?


Fledgling Freddie
May 6, 2010
Oh yes, plenty of those, with dolphins in their bottoms.

Oh, forgot to add. As a spot of reconciliation between our two nations, I'd like to point out a common denominator between the sports we call "football".


LOL Handegg!

This thread is certainly an entertaining read. Too bad by the time I get to the end of it, it is waaay past my bedtime. 4am alarms suck.

Hoping for another 10 pages or so by tomorrow night. :cheers:


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
pat, you should have helped me with the you suck ding caper instead of getting yourself banned from the only no banning forum on the planet.

<edit> I just noticed I'm a changed freddie. I don't like being any sort of freddie, how did I become a regular freddie? shouldn't freddie be spelled freddy?

It's because you have been writing so much drivel you automatically become assimilated as one of us regulars.

We own you now!

You are now Trem's wife.


Fledgling Freddie
May 6, 2010
Come on now, I've been posting back and forth with this guy for years, and I really have to ask....
Do you hate Trem that much?


Official Licensed Lump of Coal™ Distributor
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
here try this, just once. storch, I was mistaken and it is indeed an american made vehicle.

it won't hurt one bit if you do.
The word you are looking for is "assembled", i.e. stupid fat fuckers in the USA stand in a line and each add on one bolt/part until a vehicle appears at the end of the construction line with none of them having any idea whatsoever how the process actually works.

You should have picked something like this for your argument tbfh: Caterpillar 797B - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (the key phrase being "developed and manufactured by Caterpillar Inc. in the United States" by the way).

But then, you are a complete fucktard.

PS: Storch, are you homosexual?


Can't get enough of FH
Oct 12, 2004
I noticed one of them put this as their sig:

"31.4 Billion, Britain's share of Lend-Lease in WWII"

Quite true, but you forgot to mention that we were the only country that actually paid our war debts in full - nobody else did.

It's funny that you think this is somehow a cheap dig :)


Chief Arsewipe
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 11, 1997
Yeh his site is down or gone. Stupid retard. I am sure they are somewhere else. Let me check the Wiki for you...


Loyal Freddie
May 4, 2010
The word you are looking for is "assembled" <the balance of the post is completely dismissable as typical brit drivel of the extraordinarly queer type>

mystick g? hmmm my stick, gee. what will I do with my stick, gee? well I'll ponder upon the options of what to do with you during the lull in my day. as for now the word you are looking for? ignorant. that word describes your first sentence of this remarkably weak post, you yourself and the line of ancestry going back to the primordial soup. tough break on your genetics my stick, gee

you might improve your lot in life by never uttering a single word, especially never type another single word and by all means do not under any circumstance sire children. be responsible, stop the stupid. I suppose voluntary castration would be your best bet.

no need to thank me, as you are all starting to understand, I enjoying cluing in the clueless.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
me and about 1m other fat fucks happily prancing about the beach or on boats displaying our distended bellies and moobs (man boobs to you) with no shame and little regard for the searing of the eyes of others. hell some of us wear speedos.

The fact that so many yanks (and increasing numbers of Brits) are getting so fat says one thing: they're lazy and thick and not even clever enough to look after themselves.

It's the fat kids that amaze me the most tho - it's tantamount to child abuse, given that they're going to die early. And it's totally the parents fault and responsibilty.

The fact that you're brazenly unapologetic for your obvious personal failings says much.

Just to make it clear: you should be ashamed. :)


Loyal Freddie
May 4, 2010
It's because you have been writing so much drivel you automatically become assimilated as one of us regulars.

We own you now!

You are now Trem's wife.
I won't be here much longer. you are a novelty to me. I really had no idea that you people were really this sheepish. you give hints when face to face but the depth of it, well it's simply staggering. the thought to join a forum such as this would not have occurred to me but for the impetus of talyn's infamous "raid"...... in any event it won't be long now before I'm banned or simply wander off in search of better game. this place is like watching the grass grow, really.


Part of the furniture
Dec 30, 2003
no need to thank me, as you are all starting to understand, I enjoying cluing in the clueless.

You've mentioned this before but the question still stands as to when you actually intend to start doing it. If it's something you think you've been doing already then i'm sorry to tell you it's all in your own head and what everyone else has been seeing is a drooling retard who's only been humoured because it's amusing to see what ridiculous statement you'll come out with next.

Son of Sluggish

Fledgling Freddie
May 5, 2010
The fact that so many yanks (and increasing numbers of Brits) are getting so fat says one thing: they're lazy and thick and not even clever enough to look after themselves.

It's the fat kids that amaze me the most tho - it's tantamount to child abuse, given that they're going to die early. And it's totally the parents fault and responsibilty.

The fact that you're brazenly unapologetic for your obvious personal failings says much.

Just to make it clear: you should be ashamed. :)

Fat fucks disgust me too... BUT... What makes you think he owes you an apology for his state of health?

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