Forum fun...


Trem's hunky sex love muffin
Dec 20, 2003
ah Ryn but that perhaps is a US culture issue in general: if you're *not* one thing, you *must* be another thing. Eg. "if you're not a doctor you must be a bricklayer", "if you're not for us, you're against us", "if you're not anti-gay you must be gay", etc, etc.

harsh? how so? you are the tenderest of all antagonists. it's amazing how soft and fluffy you all appear to be.

why even little cock cal seems gentle, all trying to be bad and such. come to miami little cock cal, I'll buy you a beer.

ooh err Cal look out better swallow the old fork hehe :D


Official Licensed Lump of Coal™ Distributor
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
Lets cut to the chase.

Storch, are you homosexual?
I must have been far too subtle the first time, so let's try again.

Storch, are you homosexual?


Loyal Freddie
May 4, 2010
Thats better - a reasonable answer.

I dont think we are so 'pro queer' as you put it but we just regard homophobia as another form of prejudice.

I think it comes down to whether you regard a persons sexuality as inborn or a choice - generally we regard it as inborn over here.

oh noes!!!

culturally you really believe in the elusive and (at least thus far) undiscovered gay gene? what evidence do you people base this on?

I have two queer cousins one became queer and has died from complications related to the HIV virus. he was amongst the first to be diagnosed with HIV in the US and he passed prior to there being effective treatment. we were close in age and in affinity. I knew there was something wrong with him from an early age, before I had any notion of the concept of queer but he was impossible not to love. I mourned his passing more than any other in my life. he was effeminate from birth but became queer by choice at about the same time I was discovering girls.

we never the less remained close and I watched how his life tragically spun out of control in the madness that was the hedonistic gay scene in miami during the late 1970s. when he needed to bailed out of jail it was I that went to the county women's jail where they placed the queers. his lifestyle devastated his once close nuclear family and pretty much shamed the rest of us. he was a selfish piece of shit and he did a great deal of emotional damage to those closest to him.

my other cousin is not at all effeminate but is still a raging fag. he became bisexual but at least he's had the decency to marry a woman who is ok with his bisexuality and on the surface he could be confused with a normal person. in both cases these men whom I know well made choices to act on impulse. nothing convinces me that there is anything genetically related to their decisions.


Loyal Freddie
May 4, 2010
ah Ryn but that perhaps is a US culture issue in general: if you're *not* one thing, you *must* be another thing. Eg. "if you're not a doctor you must be a bricklayer", "if you're not for us, you're against us", "if you're not anti-gay you must be gay", etc, etc.

ooh err Cal look out better swallow the old fork hehe :D
how do you come away with this impression?


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
oh noes!!!

culturally you really believe in the elusive and (at least thus far) undiscovered gay gene? what evidence do you people base this on?

I have two queer cousins one became queer and has died from complications related to the HIV virus. he was amongst the first to be diagnosed with HIV in the US and he passed prior to there being effective treatment. we were close in age and in affinity. I knew there was something wrong with him from an early age, before I had any notion of the concept of queer but he was impossible not to love. I mourned his passing more than any other in my life. he was effeminate from birth but became queer by choice at about the same time I was discovering girls.

we never the less remained close and I watched how his life tragically spun out of control in the madness that was the hedonistic gay scene in miami during the late 1970s. when he needed to bailed out of jail it was I that went to the county women's jail where they placed the queers. his lifestyle devastated his once close nuclear family and pretty much shamed the rest of us. he was a selfish piece of shit and he did a great deal of emotional damage to those closest to him.

my other cousin is not at all effeminate but is still a raging fag. he became bisexual but at least he's had the decency to marry a woman who is ok with his bisexuality and on the surface he could be confused with a normal person. in both cases these men whom I know well made choices to act on impulse. nothing convinces me that there is anything genetically related to their decisions.

I've no idea if there's a gay gene or not, however the "deciding to be gay" thing always amuses me. I couldn't *decide* to be gay so I don't see how anyone could expect a gay person to decide to be straight. At best you coerce them in to behaving straight but I don't really see the point in that at all.

Hedonistic lifestyle, HIV and AIDS are often associated with the homosexual lifestyle but they're by no means restricted to it. In fact, if you have a problem with people having lots of unprotected sex with a wide variety of partners, I can't really take issue with that. However all homosexuality is is your sexual orientation being that of the same gender as your own. Anything on top of that is adding your own prejudices and thus, makes you an idiot. Something you've more than confirmed here already though :).


Loyal Freddie
May 4, 2010
I've no idea if there's a gay gene or not, however the "deciding to be gay" thing always amuses me. I couldn't *decide* to be gay so I don't see how anyone could expect a gay person to decide to be straight. At best you coerce them in to behaving straight but I don't really see the point in that at all.

Hedonistic lifestyle, HIV and AIDS are often associated with the homosexual lifestyle but they're by no means restricted to it. In fact, if you have a problem with people having lots of unprotected sex with a wide variety of partners, I can't really take issue with that. However all homosexuality is is your sexual orientation being that of the same gender as your own. Anything on top of that is adding your own prejudices and thus, makes you an idiot. Something you've more than confirmed here already though :).
thank you. I consider a faggot like you considering me an idiot a badge of honor to be worn proudly.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Its almost childlike, brilliant. It's even better if you read it in a Cartman voice.


Loyal Freddie
May 4, 2010
Its almost childlike, brilliant.
maybe you people have a serious problem with accepting the reality of the correlation between action and consequence.

everything a person does in his or her life is an action, to every action there is a consequence or a result.

well at least everywhere except england it seems.



Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
thank you. I consider a faggot like you considering me an idiot a badge of honor to be worn proudly.
I don't think you understand, you literally cannot say *anything* that will offend me. I'll take the fact that your reply contained an insult and nothing more as admission that you have nothing more reasonable to contribute and thus are defeated in this little discussion. Better luck next time old bean.


Loyal Freddie
May 4, 2010
I don't think you understand, you literally cannot say *anything* that will offend me. I'll take the fact that your reply contained an insult and nothing more as admission that you have nothing more reasonable to contribute and thus are defeated in this little discussion. Better luck next time old bean.
I take that as a given. neither is there anything anyone can post on any BBS that offends me. take it a step further, you could be in my face berating me and your words would have no impact, unless I had some sort of respect or otherwise held feelings for you. I suspect in that regard I'm much like anyone else.

man are you guys a confused bunch!


Old Cow.
Dec 22, 2003
Oh yes, plenty of those, with dolphins in their bottoms.

Oh, forgot to add. As a spot of reconciliation between our two nations, I'd like to point out a common denominator between the sports we call "football".



Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
I take that as a given.

Then why post something that you assume will have no effect along with absolutely no other additional argument? You hinted at being interested in engaging on some form of rational discussion by explaining your reasoning behind disliking homosexuality but then just gave up at the first sign of a well reasoned argument against your position. If you want a flamewar, I'm out - bores the piss out of me.

edit: Keep up Kryt, I already posted that one :).


Trem's hunky sex love muffin
Dec 20, 2003
how do you come away with this impression?
well, you've unfailingly presented it for a couple days that's for sure.

Its almost childlike, brilliant. It's even better if you read it in a Cartman voice.

I take that as a given. neither is there anything anyone can post on any BBS that offends me. take it a step further, you could be in my face berating me and your words would have no impact, unless I had some sort of respect or otherwise held feelings for you. I suspect in that regard I'm much like anyone else.

man are you guys a confused bunch!

I somehow doubt that. Anyway, here's a thought then: you don't respect anyone or thing at face value? you have no middle ground, so to speak, where everyone gets parked until they either prove themselves worthy or unworthy in your eyes? everyone starts at the bottom?

I ask this, because myself, I tend to mentally place every new person I meet online or otherwise in the neutral grade. By their actions I may tend to respect them or not, or have no opinion, and I remember this for next time.


I aer teh win!!
Dec 22, 2003
I take that as a given. neither is there anything anyone can post on any BBS that offends me. take it a step further, you could be in my face berating me and your words would have no impact, unless I had some sort of respect or otherwise held feelings for you. I suspect in that regard I'm much like anyone else.

man are you guys a confused bunch!

So what you are saying is; you'd go fag for nath?


Old and short, no wonder I'm grumpy!
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 14, 2003
I ask this, because myself, I tend to mentally place every new person I meet online or otherwise in the neutral grade. By their actions I may tend to respect them or not, or have no opinion, and I remember this for next time.

You'd think the yankunts would be a bit better versed in online communication, given they supposedly invented the world....


Dec 26, 2003
oh noes!!!

culturally you really believe in the elusive and (at least thus far) undiscovered gay gene? what evidence do you people base this on?

Research found a link between the number of male children a woman has and the incidence of homosexuality so its likely that its the womb that programs them.

This makes a lot of evolutionary sense - you dont want too many hetero males if you dont have enough females etc.

In a wolfpack only the Alpha pairing ever mate - the rest of the pack assist the Alpha pair by tending the pups, teaching them etc. etc.

Having homosexual pack members makes good sense in such circumstances so as to avoid too many squabbles.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
in both cases these men whom I know well made choices to act on impulse

And their impulse was to stick their dicks in another man's mouth/arse.

Much like my impulse to stick my dick in women. Why is their impulse bad and mine OK?


I am a FH squatter
Dec 22, 2003
Because if you're not careful, you might stick it in his mouth or arse, and that's really what he's afraid of, because he might enjoy it.


Trem's hunky sex love muffin
Dec 20, 2003
sssssshhh you're disturbing their domino's game, or whatever older Americans play in the evenings. it evening there yet? maybe you're disturbing their lunch?


Loyal Freddie
May 4, 2010
LOL man oh man you sure get a nice fire from such little kindling over here. it must be something in the air...sort of like your little beep beep beep cars. it sure is nice to purchase fuel imported from other places and pay under US$3 for the whole gallon. why it makes a man want to drive this.

smile as I go over you in your beep beep beep.

Son of Sluggish

Fledgling Freddie
May 5, 2010
LOL man oh man you sure get a nice fire from such little kindling over here. it must be something in the air...sort of like your little beep beep beep cars. it sure is nice to purchase fuel imported from other places and pay under US$3 for the whole gallon. why it makes a man want to drive this.

smile as I go over you in your beep beep beep.

The funny part? They find that truck more disgusting than putting another man's penis in their mouth...

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