Forum fun...

Son of Sluggish

Fledgling Freddie
May 5, 2010
I didn't really want to get involved in this thread but I can contain myself no longer.

We're all fucking human, the same species. Therefore all of these items were invented by the same people. Whinging about nationality is a bit bloody daft - where is it you Americans come from? You're certainly not native to that country. So, as a whole, people need to start acting like we're all from the same species, whether we have a collative IQ of less than 80, have teeth that look like stone henge after a bad wind or like to build entire civilisations and their homes, out of wood on ground that likes to move a bit too much for comfort and winds that blow a tad hard.

Plus, Germans invented weird fetish porn therefore they > *

Probably the best position to take from a country in your position.


Old Cow.
Dec 22, 2003
Take whatever you want from that. I'm half yank and half limey.


Old Cow.
Dec 22, 2003
Aye :| I can just be thankful my IQ is very un-American.


Part of the furniture
Dec 27, 2003
The rocket that took man to the moon is based/copied from a German V2.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Don't sell yourself short; the world will always need ditch diggers and vegetable pickers.

Yeah, true Us patriot shining through when you can so easily assign people to dig stuff or pick stuff, simply cause you think they're lesser.

Though doubt you get the innuendo there.

Son of Sluggish

Fledgling Freddie
May 5, 2010
Yeah, true Us patriot shining through when you can so easily assign people to dig stuff or pick stuff, simply cause you think they're lesser.

Though doubt you get the innuendo there.

No innuendo involved. Just the very simple fact that even persons of lesser intelligence can lead meaningful, productive lives.


Uneducated Northern Cretin
Jul 15, 2006
Could someone palm my face?

Only if I can do it with my penis, for don't forget, I am a "Brit" and therefore I am automatically gay, Oh what a great world we live in!

Toodle pips!

*skips away holding hands with Elton John*


Son of Sluggish

Fledgling Freddie
May 5, 2010
Only if I can do it with my penis, for don't forget, I am a "Brit" and therefore I am automatically gay, Oh what a great world we live in!

Toodle pips!

*skips away holding hands with Elton John*


Do you go by the handle Beet1e in another life?


Fledgling Freddie
May 4, 2010
The rocket that took man to the moon is based/copied from a German V2.

And the Germans copied and used information on the American liquid rockets and gyro guidance systems invented in the 20's and 30's by Goddard. They even admitted it.

America does still make a lot of pretty amazing things that no one else can or is willing to try to make, regardless of who was the original inventor. American technology is still probably the best in the word overall.


Trem's hunky sex love muffin
Dec 20, 2003
And the Germans copied and used information on the American liquid rockets and gyro guidance systems invented in the 20's and 30's by Goddard. They even admitted it.

not entirely correct imo, but I'll allow a rocket looking alot like another rocket :)


Fledgling Freddie
May 4, 2010
1. Linux - not designed by Amercians
2. I'll give you Intel/AMD but not ARM
3. Some of the best games are written by UK/European/Japanese
4. Movies - you mean the Hollywood Blockbusters? Hah! Music ? Not a chance.
5. The EU is building it's own GPS system... (could already be built).
6. Ok
7. What happened to 7? Or can't you count properly due to webbed fingers?
8. Not sure where FF was coded.
9. This forum software was written by British programmers before Internet Brands purchased the Company and fucked it royally up with V4.

1. I knew that someone was going to say Linux, but I doubt you really only run Linux, if at all. Even if you do run Linux, Linux is just nearly an exact copy of UNIX.
3. Maybe, but the most popular online games are American and I bet you have played some of them and probably still do.
5. They have been "building" it for more than 10 years. And even then, it's a EU collaboration, not a British system. You guys like to separate yourselves from the EU, except for when you want to take credit for a collaborative product, like Airbus. The US had the GPS system up and running since the early eighties and we let everyone use it for free.
7. 6 is afraid of 7 because 7 8 9
9. This version is a long way from where it started. And it is an American product.

I honestly can't think of one British product I own or use. Other than Marshall and VOX amps, I can't even think of a British product that is sold here. Maybe a few cars?


Fledgling Freddie
May 4, 2010
not entirely correct imo, but I'll allow a rocket looking alot like another rocket :)

German engineers obtained Goddard's published works on liquid rockets and gyros and directly applied them to their rocket program.


Loyal Freddie
May 4, 2010
No-one's arguing for the validity of the Soviet economic system, but the Cubans weren't in the Soviet sphere until the Americans put them there.

really? explain how you come across with this information causing you write this gross mis-statement.

And this is different to the Batista regime how exactly? Its really easy to blame the Castros for everything from the comfort of Florida, while convieniently forgetting that pre-revolution Cuba was the fiefdom of a bunch of nasty bastards only too happy to prostitute their own people to everyone from US business to the mafia.

LOL while corrupt the batista regime did not interfere with commerce and cuba while suffering SOME poverty had a very healthy middle class. where on earth do you get this information? please explain.

You can't be serious. Have you actually been to Cuba? Or are you like those Irish-American fuckwits banging on about the "cause" when they couldn't find Ireland on a map? There are a multitude of ways the Helms-Burton Act restricts the trade of other countries with Cuba, not least in the banking sector (both merchant and retail) by placing ridiculous extra-territorial restrictions on third countries (against international law by the way) who "traffic" in Cuban goods. Countries like Mexico have had to enact laws to stop companies complying with Helms-Burton to the detriment of their own economy, so don't talk shit about the economy having no effect on anywhere but Cuba's direct trade with the US. If it didn't have an effect it wouldn't have been enacted.

bwahahahahahaha I was born in cuba into a family of immigrants themselves who by their own grit and determination established a comfortable position in the society of the cuban upper middle class during the pre castro days and under the dictatorship of fulgencio batista. while the helms-burton act of 1996 might have slowed down some of the trade between countries previously trading with cuba however by 1997 the limitations imposed by helms-burton were effectively circumvented. the complete and utter failure of helms-burton is the leading argument used in showing precisely why embargoes and sanctions are pointless and why the US should simply bomb the crap out of all that annoy us in any way. are these your real arguments? are you a school boy attending a gay liberal university? I'm almost certain you are having one on here.

They've extended more than hospitality; they've let you control an issue you shouldn't be allowed near. Never let bitter ex-pats control your foreign policy. It never ends well.

here is where the superiority of the american political system becomes even more evident to all but clods like you over there. our then american hosts (we are now also americans) didn't allow us "control" over anything beyond that which the constitution grants all americans. the right of self determination is the lynch pin of our constitution, (see if you can mouth the words S E L F D E T E R M I N A T I O N) we became successful, we organized we voted and we elected members of our communities to represent us in the national legislature. furthermore we financially support candidates who are willing to help promote the cause of freedom anywhere in the world, be it central america, asia or the middle east. who knows maybe one day americans of cuban descent will be instrumental in liberating you guys over there. I don't mean simply saving you from another infamous yurofag squabble like we were forced to twice in the twentieth century, I mean something more along the lines of enlightening you to garsp the idea that socialism is a failed experiment. we might even have to do it with you kicking and screaming, clawing and grasping every inch of the drag to freedom but I would be up to task of supporting such an effort. I feel bad for grown men to have to be the nanny softened pussies that you are.

Son of Sluggish

Fledgling Freddie
May 5, 2010
AND... I'd take a DB9 if one was given to me. But there's no way in hell I'd pay nearly $200k for a ZR1 wannabe.

*and... What Storch said.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
here is where the superiority of the american political system becomes even more evident to all but clods like you over there. our then american hosts (we are now also americans) didn't allow us "control" over anything beyond that which the constitution grants all americans. the right of self determination is the lynch pin of our constitution, (see if you can mouth the words S E L F D E T E R M I N A T I O N) we became successful, we organized we voted and we elected members of our communities to represent us in the national legislature. furthermore we financially support candidates who are willing to help promote the cause of freedom anywhere in the world, be it central america, asia or the middle east. who knows maybe one day americans of cuban descent will be instrumental in liberating you guys over there. I don't mean simply saving you from another infamous yurofag squabble like we were forced to twice in the twentieth century, I mean something more along the lines of enlightening you to garsp the idea that socialism is a failed experiment. we might even have to do it with you kicking and screaming, clawing and grasping every inch of the drag to freedom but I would be up to task of supporting such an effort. I feel bad for grown men to have to be the nanny softened pussies that you are.

Jesus, you sound so fucking indoctrinated.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
I went away for the weekend, just come back and the first thing I see when I click on screen is:

the US should simply bomb the crap out of all that annoy us in any way

These US fucktards still with us I guess :(


Part of the furniture
Dec 30, 2003
furthermore we financially support candidates who are willing to help promote the cause of freedom anywhere in the world, be it central america, asia or the middle east.

I take it that the cause of freedom only includes those outcomes that are compatible with American foreign policy?


I am a FH squatter
Dec 22, 2003
Its hilarious to read the misguided opinions of such people. Its as though they believe that "freedom" is something their country alone invented.

Fuck sake, their country is modelled on the Roman Empire.


Part of the furniture
Dec 27, 2003
AND... I'd take a DB9 if one was given to me. But there's no way in hell I'd pay nearly $200k for a ZR1 wannabe.

*and... What Storch said.

I actually had to look up what a ZR1 is and i consider myself a car buff, and an Aston is hardly a wannabe to that american thing.

I would not bring up american cars either, from what i seen from you yanks is that you like to shit on your own cars for various reasons and go out and buy a Toyota, so if you bring up cars, another american is likely to shoot you down.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
ZR1 ahahaha, looks like it came out of a kindar egg.

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