Forum fun...


Fledgling Freddie
May 5, 2010
He revealed no information that wasn't already available via the Intardnet. He violated no laws concerning Intardnet privacy. He has acted within his rights.

He's kinda like Robert DeNero in "Cape Fear" to Nuke's Nick Nolte. The rules were violated, it should be made right.


Fledgling Freddie
May 4, 2010
I call bullshit........... txmom was and is full o'shit............ she cried to mr.partinCHEEKS, about a fucking flamewar extraordinaire & after they got throttled they had a bitchfest, & flaglerchat got banned from a "no rules" forum. Ron is a fucking c u n t & always will be.You assholes kiss his asshole & thank him for the experience. flaglerchat fucks with you because you deserve it.

Maybe you should sue somebody, you fucking gadfly. Do you serve a purpose in life?

Poor Pat can't play on his "home of the banned" anymore because they fucking disappeared, lol.

Pat, you were banned after your illegal actions and attempts to disrupt my website.

You do know that it is a federal crime to harass somebody over the internet and that I very well could have gone to the FBI as well as your local police. I chose not to just because you went away and stopped.

Airhead, you don't even know what the fuck you are talking about. You have no idea what Pat was doing. I suggest you fuck off if you think this idiot is someone to admire. I hope you are just kidding.


Fledgling Freddie
May 4, 2010
Also, even after flaglerchat was banned, he came back as English Bob and I left him alone. He was even funny as English Bob.

"English Bob" actually requested that his account be deleted, I never banned him.

Airhead, you are just so wrong.

Pat, don't you feel like an idiot for requesting your English Bob account be deleted?


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Can we move onto debating religion now?


Fledgling Freddie
May 6, 2010
Religion: A collection of stories designed to keep a growing populace in check.


Chief Arsewipe
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 11, 1997
Okay, new direction. I have read that a few of you have said things like there is nothing made in America that anyone wants, or something along those lines.

I'm guessing that all of you have American products that you use probably every day that are either not made anywhere else, or that are just better than anything made anywhere else.

Things like:

1. you computer operating system
2. your computer's CPU
3. online games
4. movies and television shows, music
5. GPS
6. internet search engine
8. web browser
9. this Forum software.

These are just guesses, but it's highly likely that most of you have or use these products. What say you?

1. Linux - not designed by Amercians
2. I'll give you Intel/AMD but not ARM
3. Some of the best games are written by UK/European/Japanese
4. Movies - you mean the Hollywood Blockbusters? Hah! Music ? Not a chance.
5. The EU is building it's own GPS system... (could already be built).
6. Ok
7. What happened to 7? Or can't you count properly due to webbed fingers?
8. Not sure where FF was coded.
9. This forum software was written by British programmers before Internet Brands purchased the Company and fucked it royally up with V4.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Not to mention that the modern internet was invented by Sir Tim Berners-Lee.
Oh and other things invented by the British were mass production, standardisation, steam power, the internal combustion engine, railways, Pretty much all American "sports" Penicillin, the tank, the lightbulb (look up Humphrey Davy) little things like that, I could go on but its pointless. If you move onto Europe you have Radar, Xray, modern explosives, petrol powered internal combustion engines, the car, electric batteries. most of Americas space program is on the back of German world war 2 advances.

I am struggling to think of anything useful that an American has actually invented? Oh actually the Aeroplane is one.

This isn't America's fault, they were to busy butchering an indigenous population while sleeping with their siblings to do anything productive.


Balls of steel
Dec 22, 2003
Not to mention that the modern internet was invented by Sir Tim Berners-Lee.
Oh and other things invented by the British were mass production, standardisation, steam power, the internal combustion engine, railways, Pretty much all American "sports" Penicillin, the tank, the lightbulb (look up Humphrey Davy) little things like that, I could go on but its pointless. If you move onto Europe you have Radar, Xray, modern explosives, petrol powered internal combustion engines, the car, electric batteries. most of Americas space program is on the back of German world war 2 advances.

I am struggling to think of anything useful that an American has actually invented? Oh actually the Aeroplane is one.

This isn't America's fault, they were to busy butchering an indigenous population while sleeping with their siblings to do anything productive.

americans are extremely creative and productive. ifyou honestly believe that americans havnt invented anything useful, you're a fucking retard.

as time goes on, it becomes impossible to attribute a given invention to a specific country. imagine the chinese phd student workin in the us lab using bits bought from germany designed in the uk and all based on work by some japanese guy 10 years ago - nothing is "english" or "american" any more. it's all just stuff that gets invented.


Trem's hunky sex love muffin
Dec 20, 2003
You would like living in Jail them
way to miss his point completely :)

You are fine with your Mum telling you not to run with scissors, and Americans LIKE running with scissors.
you're free to come whine on the forums when you trip and stab yourself in the eye :)

That must be why you feel safer with the careful eye of Big Brother watching your every step throughout your day.
the fucker doesn't stop me getting on the wrong train though :/

I want the forum code changed so Throd automatically gets rep for every post he makes plx.

1. you computer operating system
2. your computer's CPU
3. online games
4. movies and television shows, music
5. GPS
6. internet search engine
8. web browser
9. this Forum software.

These are just guesses, but it's highly likely that most of you have or use these products. What say you?
1. my fave OS is made in Canada by a South African. he does this because the US believe in freedom so much they carefully restrict the export of good crypto.
2. I own an Intel CPU so I'll give you that. The actual chip I own was fabricated in Malaysia. (I knows this cos I'm a nerd see)
3. my current fave game is made by EA, so yeah. My fave game of all time was made by David Braben and Ian Bell, brits.
4. Don't watch much of them, but my fave movie of all time is made by Ridley Scott, a brit
5. yes, I use it. if you believe in freedom like you say I would also advise you to not trust it :)
6. I use google, and it may interest you to know that certain good things do indeed come out of Russia :)
7. where's lucky number 7?
8. I like firefox. Mozilla has it's HC in Mountain View, but due to it's nature I would argue that the software is made by the World, because contributions have come from everywhere. Go World!
9. what Jelsoft? that's two brits if I recall correctly. their company was bought but a US moneymaker corp. I don't know what that makes the code.

so, in close I don't really see your point. as it is important to you to see everything as a competition, I award you the win by not playing.

if I delete that post as being useless, will you think I am limiting your freedom again? just curious.

If you close the thread it means the Yanks win.
if I have to close a thread it means everyone loses really.

as time goes on, it becomes impossible to attribute a given invention to a specific country. imagine the chinese phd student workin in the us lab using bits bought from germany designed in the uk and all based on work by some japanese guy 10 years ago - nothing is "english" or "american" any more. it's all just stuff that gets invented.


Down With That Sorta Thing
Dec 22, 2003
the economic problems cuba is living with currently is the result of a failed economic model. all communistic and socialistic models depend heavily on the use of other people's money. in cuba's case it was soviet money to the tune of 1,3 billion 1988 US dollars a day. once the soviets bankrupted their stupid selves cuba was damn well slagged. furthermore that system of government turned an otherwise industrious capable motivated and innovative people into a country of thieves. cuba today is a cleptocracy and cubans are the most adroit thieves and pilferers I have ever seen.

No-one's arguing for the validity of the Soviet economic system, but the Cubans weren't in the Soviet sphere until the Americans put them there.

you are correct in the sense that cuba hasn't a communist regime per se but a feudal system cleverly disguised by the broad shade cast by a communist banner. basically cuba is the personal business enterprise of the very capable castro brothers.

And this is different to the Batista regime how exactly? Its really easy to blame the Castros for everything from the comfort of Florida, while convieniently forgetting that pre-revolution Cuba was the fiefdom of a bunch of nasty bastards only too happy to prostitute their own people to everyone from US business to the mafia.

your claim that the US embargo of cuba has had any effect on the cuban economy is either your complete ignorance of the level of trade cuba enjoys with every country save one or you are lying, or both.

You can't be serious. Have you actually been to Cuba? Or are you like those Irish-American fuckwits banging on about the "cause" when they couldn't find Ireland on a map? There are a multitude of ways the Helms-Burton Act restricts the trade of other countries with Cuba, not least in the banking sector (both merchant and retail) by placing ridiculous extra-territorial restrictions on third countries (against international law by the way) who "traffic" in Cuban goods. Countries like Mexico have had to enact laws to stop companies complying with Helms-Burton to the detriment of their own economy, so don't talk shit about the economy having no effect on anywhere but Cuba's direct trade with the US. If it didn't have an effect it wouldn't have been enacted.

the cuba of the 1950s evolved in the united states. my city miami, florida is the result of what a skilled and motivated immigrant community can accomplish in one generation if allowed to express themselves economically in an unfettered republic. miami is a testament to the success of the free enterprise system that is the cornerstone of the american economy.

See above. No-one's arguing Cuba chose the right economic model, but neither did China or Vietnam, but they've not been pickled in cold war aspic by American foreign policy.

I am personally grateful to the generous and kind american people for the grace they extended to myself, my family and my countrymen. I may take issue with certain americans ( the cretins that agree with ..well... people like yourselves here on this amazingly rose colored glass wearing congregation of imbeciles) but I absolutely love the county as a whole. in short I am a naturalized american but you will not find a more patriotic citizen in my adoptive country.

They've extended more than hospitality; they've let you control an issue you shouldn't be allowed near. Never let bitter ex-pats control your foreign policy. It never ends well.

as always free clues are available in the lobby at Flame Warriors Home this is a complimentary service we cheerfully provide to you and the other misanthropic yurotard socialists on this board.

excuse now I feel like I need shower after posting on here.

Don't let your arse hit the door on the way out.

Son of Sluggish

Fledgling Freddie
May 5, 2010
We've given your lot over half a century to come with something even remotely close to this.... Where are you?


Do this-




FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Our stealthplanes aren't documented to the public cause they are stealth planes.

Not to mention, you wouldn't eb anywhere close to that without ze germans :p


Uneducated Northern Cretin
Jul 15, 2006
You know what would be fun if the Europeans defended the Americans and the Americans defended the Europeans

Just a thought ;)


Balls of steel
Dec 22, 2003
i'm officially retiring from this stupid fucking thread.

Son of Sluggish

Fledgling Freddie
May 5, 2010
Our stealthplanes aren't documented to the public cause they are stealth planes.

Not to mention, you wouldn't eb anywhere close to that without ze germans :p

Stealth aside, as I never even really considered the Blackbird's incidental stealthiness, how fast is your fastest plane? Is it half as fast as the SR71?


Has a sexy sister. I am also a Bodhi wannabee.
Dec 22, 2003
Reading this thread makes me wish Hitler had won.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
Stealth aside, as I never even really considered the Blackbird's incidental stealthiness, how fast is your fastest plane? Is it half as fast as the SR71?

The SR71 wouldn't go nearly as fast if we hadn't invented the jet engine.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
It would also look a bit daft with propellers.

Son of Sluggish

Fledgling Freddie
May 5, 2010
The SR71 wouldn't go nearly as fast if we hadn't invented the jet engine.

The engines the Blackbird uses are nothing like the turbo jets developed by the Brits. To give your lot even partial credit for the SR71 would require giving the cave man who invented the wheel credit for the DB9.


Old Cow.
Dec 22, 2003
I didn't really want to get involved in this thread but I can contain myself no longer.

We're all fucking human, the same species. Therefore all of these items were invented by the same people. Whinging about nationality is a bit bloody daft - where is it you Americans come from? You're certainly not native to that country. So, as a whole, people need to start acting like we're all from the same species, whether we have a collative IQ of less than 80, have teeth that look like stone henge after a bad wind or like to build entire civilisations and their homes, out of wood on ground that likes to move a bit too much for comfort and winds that blow a tad hard.

Plus, Germans invented weird fetish porn therefore they > *

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