Forum fun...


Fledgling Freddie
May 6, 2010
England is a nation of suspects.
Police quotas pretty much guaranteed only the easy stuff would be done, if nothing easy is happening, they will provoke it.
Gun crime has not changed, despite the almost complete disarmament of the law abiding citizens and race crime against the white native population is on the rise, particularly that perpetrated by that most peaceful group of people, the Muslims.
Mark my words, England is headed for a big fall, or a big revolution. There is another war on the way, the catalyst will be the tensions between the socialist apologists and the free thinking people in western Europe and the U.S.A. If you don't start putting all this fucking touchy feely political correctness and equal opportunity bullshit in the bin where it belongs you'll be steam rolled from within by the opening salvoes.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 22, 2003
You're an ignorant racist fuckwit. Sorry, there are no more eloquent words to use.


Fledgling Freddie
May 6, 2010
Meh. You have no idea.
Racist I am not, I do however firmly believe that every person should stand on their merits. What is the point of emmigrating to a country only to do everything in your power to turn it into the shithole you escaped from?
Here in Australia we have immigrants who have embraced our culture and way of life, they have risen to great success while retaining their ethnicity and then we have others, who come in, and insist everything and everyone change to suit them. Unfortunately despite how much people bend over backwards to accommodate them, they still complain, still look for the easy way out and they never make any progress. These are the people forming gangs, turning to crime and violence and dragging the rest of their countrymen who are actually doing something with their lives down with them. Unfortunately those with the drive and desire to put in the hard yards are in the minority.
If you want to come to my country and make something of yourself, then by all means come. Put in the work, get an education if you desire (I have two trades and two degrees I paid for myself, what's your excuse?) and work for your respect.
I have many acquaintances from many races I respect, a couple are even Muslim. None of these people feel they are entitiled to anything. They have worked hard for what they have, and they have reaped the rewards for it.
I have worked for my education, I have chosen at one stage to walk a different path and although I was well rewarded in monetary terms, it cost me a relationship and I walked away with nothing, leaving everything with my ex. I have since begun to rebuild my life, with a new relationship (7 years married in June) and a new family (one daughter and a son coming an a few weeks) this time working on the more accepted side of the law. I have seen a lot of humanity, and I know all too well the lows to which it can stoop.
If you wish to think me racist for speaking the truth then by all means stick your fingers firmly into your ears so my harsh words cannot find their way into the vapid expanse between.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
An Australian saying England's going down the shitter.

Amusing, considering you are the spawn of the criminal scum we deported from our fine shores.


Fledgling Freddie
May 6, 2010
Indeed we are. We chose to make something of ourselves, while it appears you lot decided to become the next possible casualty in the great socialist experiment of the EU.

BTW Tom: Nice artwork.


Trem's hunky sex love muffin
Dec 20, 2003
StRaNgEdAyS where abouts in Oz are you from? I was over there in 07 for three months on the west and east coasts.


Trem's hunky sex love muffin
Dec 20, 2003
ah went past you in the train then. I was en route to Sawtell for a wedding. after two months on the west coast, it was good to see the colour green again :)


Fledgling Freddie
May 6, 2010
To be sure, the colour green isn't one you seen much away from the very periphery of our continent.
When Sarah and I first got married we lived a little further inland in the Burnett region of southern Queensland in a little place called Blackbutt, and later a little south of that in Kilcoy. Not a lot of green there, little rain and hot sunny days. It bears all the makings for a great tan though.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
Indeed we are. We chose to make something of ourselves, while it appears you lot decided to become the next possible casualty in the great socialist experiment of the EU.

BTW Tom: Nice artwork.

I didn't realise that making something of yourselves consisted of installing alcoholism, racism and an incredibly weak economy.


Fledgling Freddie
May 6, 2010
Last time I looked, our economy was catching up with yours pretty quickly. There's a reason it's now cheaper to buy things on eBay from the UK even with postage included you know. ;)
As for installing alcoholism, if anyone decides to pick that trait up as a lifestyle choice, then it's entirely up to them. Racism for the most part is just a pigment of your imagination.
Grow a thicker skin.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
England is a nation of suspects.
Police quotas pretty much guaranteed only the easy stuff would be done, if nothing easy is happening, they will provoke it.
Gun crime has not changed, despite the almost complete disarmament of the law abiding citizens and race crime against the white native population is on the rise, particularly that perpetrated by that most peaceful group of people, the Muslims.
Mark my words, England is headed for a big fall, or a big revolution. There is another war on the way, the catalyst will be the tensions between the socialist apologists and the free thinking people in western Europe and the U.S.A. If you don't start putting all this fucking touchy feely political correctness and equal opportunity bullshit in the bin where it belongs you'll be steam rolled from within by the opening salvoes.

Whilst I agree that Great Britain is in a dire state re personal freedoms and the like, I find it a bit amazing that you can spout this stuff yourself, when Australia has equally bad PC laws, and indeed if I recall correctly your gun laws are even tighter than ours :(

The only thing I'd say you had better was your immigration laws, which I thoroughly approve of and would install here in a second.


Quote:My user name is nuke and I have a forum in which Ron Partin, aka flaglerchat ( and half a dozen of his shades) began posting. He lasted about one day before we realized what kind of idiot he is. I banned him and he has since been trying to screw with me and my members.

Ron started digging up personal information on my members and began posting them on my forum and every other forum he could find that was frequented by these members. He spoofs email and tries to stir up stuff, as you well know.

In fact, Ron Partin actually created this account (nuke) and used my real email information as the email for the account activation. So, I clicked on the activation link and signed up anyway.

I am not a shade of Ron, I am the administrator of Please email or private me with any information you might have on this lunatic. Ron needs to have the proper authorities directed to him.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 22, 2003
Meh. You have no idea.
Racist I am not, I do however firmly believe that every person should stand on their merits. What is the point of emmigrating to a country only to do everything in your power to turn it into the shithole you escaped from?

So every country is inferior to Australia?

Here in Australia we have immigrants who have embraced our culture and way of life, they have risen to great success while retaining their ethnicity and then we have others, who come in, and insist everything and everyone change to suit them.

What about the Aboriginals? I don't see you embracing their culture, instead I see you stealing their children.

Unfortunately despite how much people bend over backwards to accommodate them, they still complain, still look for the easy way out and they never make any progress. These are the people forming gangs, turning to crime and violence and dragging the rest of their countrymen who are actually doing something with their lives down with them. Unfortunately those with the drive and desire to put in the hard yards are in the minority.

Maybe they're doing that because you live in one of the most conservative, and sadly racist countries in the world?

I have many acquaintances from many races I respect, a couple are even Muslim.

Muslims are a race? Good one, and there was me thinking that Islam was a religion.

Load of sanctimonious boring bullshit



Part of the furniture
Feb 16, 2004
I thought this invasion or anti invasion was supposed to be led by Americans? Is this some new secret American weapon unleashing the convicts on us?? :p


Cheeky Fucknugget
Sep 30, 2005
To be fair the Oz PM had it right when he said people can come immigrate to Oz ok but you will have to abide by our laws and customs first before your own. No Sharia law etc

I wish our government had balls like that, oh and plastic money


Fledgling Freddie
May 6, 2010
So every country is inferior to Australia?
Not at all. Every country has the ability to rise to great heights.

What about the Aboriginals? I don't see you embracing their culture, instead I see you stealing their children.
Stole. Yes, we did. At the time it was part of a great experiment. It failed, much to the detriment of the people involved. If we'd left them to their own devices, they certainly wouldn't be any worse off than they are now. Still, having said that, they make their own destinies. Many choose to waste that ability.

Maybe they're doing that because you live in one of the most conservative, and sadly racist countries in the world?
We're hardly the most conservative, not by a long shot. Racist, by perception, maybe. In reality we're more likely to call it as it is. We're not into sugar coating the reality in order to make it easier to swallow. By and large, we're not racist, we merely have little tolerance for the shit that refuses to help itself. Irrespective of the colour of their skin.

Muslims are a race? Good one, and there was me thinking that Islam was a religion.
I never said that. I said I had many acquaintances of many races, a couple of them Muslim. I thought you Pommies had good comprehension skills?

No doubt.


Cheeky Fucknugget
Sep 30, 2005
My parents live in Oz (perth) and my dad says yeah its bad what happened to the abbos but theres only so long you can sit and feel sorry for yourself, you have to pick yourself up which they dont want to do


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Tom i have to ask, by pointing out;

Gun crime has not changed, despite the almost complete disarmament of the law abiding citizens and race crime against the white native population is on the rise, particularly that perpetrated by that most peaceful group of people, the Muslims.

You're an ignorant racist fuckwit. Sorry, there are no more eloquent words to use.

Muslims are a race? Good one, and there was me thinking that Islam was a religion.

Seems a bit contradictionary, nuless you meant Strangedays was racist by some other way, which isn't evident in his post atleast.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 22, 2003
The native population of Australia is not white.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
Stole. Yes, we did. At the time it was part of a great experiment. It failed, much to the detriment of the people involved. If we'd left them to their own devices, they certainly wouldn't be any worse off than they are now. Still, having said that, they make their own destinies. Many choose to waste that ability.

The half that were annihilated would be better off certainly if they had been left alone...they couldnt make their own destiny


Down With That Sorta Thing
Dec 22, 2003
I can't really take criticism of the UK seriously when it comes from an Australian. All the things that I find oppressive about the UK are found in Australia but with added levels of sanctimonious bullshit. I found the small "c" conservatism really shocking, and the obsession with petty rules from petty officials really irritating.

I knew Ballina rang a bell; its where I got done for doing 3Kph over the speed limit, at Christmas (double points, double fine, double jeapordy, double fingered gesture from me when they tried to get me to pay up).



FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
The native population of Australia is not white.

Did i miss something before your comment towards racism?

I didn't see Strangedays saying anything against the aboriginals, or even towards any race.

Only "racial" reference was, i quote; "growing crimes by muslims towards whites"

Do point out where though.


Fledgling Freddie
May 6, 2010
Hehe so you have now encountered the spambot from hell. Good luck with this fucker.
It appears it is still lurking under a shade on our forum. Sorry about this, I truly feel sorry for you guys. Once you cop this particular virus he's pretty bloody hard to exorcise.
For the record his name is Pat Mannix. His sport is digging up all the information , personal and otherwise about your members and posting it publicly for all to see.
Persistent fucker to be sure.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 22, 2003
Not at all. Every country has the ability to rise to great heights.

Which presumably is why so many of these achievers emigrate to the UK.

Stole. Yes, we did. At the time it was part of a great experiment. It failed, much to the detriment of the people involved. If we'd left them to their own devices, they certainly wouldn't be any worse off than they are now. Still, having said that, they make their own destinies. Many choose to waste that ability.

Worse off by whose measure? Yours? You demonstrate shocking arrogance by claiming that families whose children were stolen by the state are no worse off than they otherwise would have been.

We're hardly the most conservative, not by a long shot. Racist, by perception, maybe. In reality we're more likely to call it as it is. We're not into sugar coating the reality in order to make it easier to swallow. By and large, we're not racist, we merely have little tolerance for the shit that refuses to help itself. Irrespective of the colour of their skin.

Quack quack.

I never said that. I said I had many acquaintances of many races, a couple of them Muslim. I thought you Pommies had good comprehension skills?

No doubt.

"I have many acquaintances from many races I respect, a couple are even Muslim", is what you wrote, and the inference is clear.


Cheeky Fucknugget
Sep 30, 2005
Hehe so you have now encountered the spambot from hell. Good luck with this fucker.
It appears it is still lurking under a shade on our forum. Sorry about this, I truly feel sorry for you guys. Once you cop this particular virus he's pretty bloody hard to exorcise.
For the record his name is Pat Mannix. His sport is digging up all the information , personal and otherwise about your members and posting it publicly for all to see.
Persistent fucker to be sure.

We've already got one of those guys that constantly makes new accounts and gets banned every week, saying that i havent seen him for awhile

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