For all you Watermans-stylesheet LA-wankers:



our second light tank has shit weaponskill too, but hey we're the melee realm


Poor savages. I'll fetch my violin.

You attack Hammertroll251!
Hammertroll251 evades your attack!
You attack Hammertroll251!
Hammertroll251 evades your attack!
You attack Hammertroll251!
Hammertroll251 parries your attack!
Hammertroll251's attacks gain a feroscious edge!
Hammertroll251's attacks greatly increase in speed!
Hammertroll251 becomes more resistant to sarcastic attacks!
You have died.

Savage has perfectly respectable weaponskill even unbuffed, and lets face it, they have better melee defence than any single class in the game. I don't actually give a flying fuck in a high wind if my friar's selfbuffs put his weapskill over that of an unbuffed HtH savage.


Originally posted by old.LandShark

Savage has perfectly respectable weaponskill even unbuffed, and lets face it, they have better melee defence than any single class in the game. I don't actually give a flying fuck in a high wind if my friar's selfbuffs put his weapskill over that of an unbuffed HtH savage.

Post screenies please . My lvl 50 h2h specced RR1 Valkyn savage with semi finished SC suit has roughly 1100 weaponskill (150-sh STR / 190 dex) and 1512 Hitpoints atm .... ok valkyn's are tad gimped but that's not very high weaponskill anyway considering a REAL tank like warrior has 1600+ weapskill unbuffed and mercs/bm-s/zerks have way hgiher than mine aswell.

I personally don't consider 1100 weapskill very good :/

And LOL at savage having higher defence than any other class, get real , we can have it for 30 seconds and then loose plenty of hitpoints and ur talking about unbuffed here so i say no i don't have healer /stuck to me when i am unbuffed to heal me after my buffs drop kthx.

Oh btw my account atm closed, so can't take any pictures

And i Personally think zerkers needed to be toned a bit down but not THAT much .. they're like erm yeah melee realm my ass :(


Originally posted by Arnor2
...and you missed the target by a mile :(

Im saying, its POSSIBLE that a zerker does 1000ish dmg without crit.

all advanced wpnstyles from other realms doesnt hit @3.5speed.

This is the last fucking off-target-explanation ill ever do, you guys make me :puke:

that screenshot is BS ;p

that target was sitting or nekkid ;p

look at the style bonus. if that was the actual stylebonus on a standing target with full lvl 50 armour on he would have had no were near that kind of style bonus ;p

that my friend is style cap exactly the same as you would get if you went a twatted a lvl 1 mob.


Originally posted by old.Emma
that screenshot is BS ;p

that target was sitting or nekkid ;p

look at the style bonus. if that was the actual stylebonus on a standing target with full lvl 50 armour on he would have had no were near that kind of style bonus ;p

that my friend is style cap exactly the same as you would get if you went a twatted a lvl 1 mob.

seeing as arnor has a rr6 or smth zerker i think he knows about that.


you might wanna notice the 10 qui remark which prolly means he got qui debuffed as well



this is done with 265quickness within 2.5sec :)

i have 1605wpn skill atm, with 50 +14axe (not r5 fyi, consider that) and 272str w/o any aug str. Give 1,61 and str will be 300+ and weaponskill 1700+. Kobold, of course!

Savages gimped? Klavrynd, you arent even allowed to judge other people's gimpedness ;)


you might want to reread there tildson, i said gimped weaponskill, and i was pointing at h2h savages, who have definatly a lower weaponskill, and there's no way around that.

and that guy did have shite resistances


I see klav, havent slept today. Not very strong reading then :) Yes he had shitty resists, but 500-600 is not unusual vs druids i must add.

Hehe, didnt noticed that Aussie :) Damn Skalds always run out of power


Originally posted by scarffs
So what a zerker hits for 1000 dam ?
I ( 50 shaman, fully buffed ) was hit today by a pally for 800+ with a one handed sword.

Nerf pallys !

He jiggs, are you braindead or are those the only words you know ?

sorry but this is like.. impossible.


unbuffed zerker hit my 29(-10scale) ass for 1k dmg with doublefrost, anytime style. this is WRONG. I dont give a fuck about offhand dmg, he still did hit me for 903dmg with main. OK?

stop crying now please, 20zerkers were camping amg yesterday, sprinting and doublefrosting every thing in sight.. zerklings? fuck off alrdy.


And btw, am happy with DF style been striped tho.

f8 + /stick + spamdoublefrostfortehwin!1 + go brag on forums = fotYEAR


Originally posted by lofff
sorry but this is like.. impossible.


unbuffed zerker hit my 29(-10scale) ass for 1k dmg with doublefrost, anytime style. this is WRONG. I dont give a fuck about offhand dmg, he still did hit me for 903dmg with main. OK?

stop crying now please, 20zerkers were camping amg yesterday, sprinting and doublefrosting every thing in sight.. zerklings? fuck off alrdy.

gaaaahhh, read, comprehend, then post.

goes for the shaman too.

When will you morons understand that this post has nothing to do with zerkers being overpowered or not?

Dont understand why I even bother anymore :rolleyes:


You might want to notice that he went teddy and therefor has the possibility of doing 200% damage

ps : f8+stick+annihilation4tehwin = zzzzzzzzzz


Originally posted by TaF
Post screenies please . My lvl 50 h2h specced RR1 Valkyn savage with semi finished SC suit has roughly 1100 weaponskill (150-sh STR / 190 dex) and 1512 Hitpoints atm .... ok valkyn's are tad gimped but that's not very high weaponskill anyway considering a REAL tank like warrior has 1600+ weapskill unbuffed and mercs/bm-s/zerks have way hgiher than mine aswell.

I personally don't consider 1100 weapskill very good :/

And LOL at savage having higher defence than any other class, get real , we can have it for 30 seconds and then loose plenty of hitpoints and ur talking about unbuffed here so i say no i don't have healer /stuck to me when i am unbuffed to heal me after my buffs drop kthx.

Oh btw my account atm closed, so can't take any pictures

And i Personally think zerkers needed to be toned a bit down but not THAT much .. they're like erm yeah melee realm my ass :(

OK. Do you know what gimped weaponskill is? Gimped weaponskill is where you actually - concentrate here - have problems because of it.
Which is far from the case with HtH savages. You want a retort, try this: I played 200k RP's of a lvl50 RR5 savage which I borrowed, and not once did I ever think "awww shit, I am so gimped with this weaponskill."
I was far too busy thinking "Haha! Christ, 9sec stun styles that are easy as piss to land on mezzed targets = tehwin!" or occaisionally typing "/g Rofl, quad for 800+ on that hero ^^"...
Furthermore - HtH is the worst specline, weapskill wise... saying HtH valkyn savage has poor weaponskill is like saying highlander 1H thrust armsman has poor weaponskill. Curiously enough, 2H savages are not whinging about their weaponskill, just as highlander slash polearmsmen aren't. You want equal-best-in-the-game weapskill, you know exactly where to put those specpoints, buddy. :m00:

Oh, and PLEASE - the melee realm comments? Take them firmly in both hands, turn them sideways, and shove them where klavrynd's self-pity is inaudible. You have the highest-DPS caster, the most insta-CC and the only AE stun in the game. You have the savage, the post-nerf zerker which still = any other light tank (except that vendo < TW or DT imho...), you have good stylesoverall and you're still going "wtf aren't I putting out 1k dmg with anytimes in two fast-ish swings anymore? I'm in the melee realm!"

Now, I'm not saying midgard needs further nerfs or even that the nerfs to date have been justified in their extent, but for crying out loud, lose the self-pity.

edit: oh lookee there!


Originally posted by old.LandShark

Hi there !

First of all , i meant valkyns are gimped cause of their super low con, not cause they got sucjy h2h skill or anything, in fact as the link in ur reply shows, all races have actually very similar skill at 50 .. one has lower dex, other lower str, so it comes to around 1100 unbuffed, buffed i think it's like 1400 tho my case.

Ok i knew what type of weaponskill to expect when i went for h2h spec, and the only reason why one would spec h2h is the stun styles, not the looks of weapons or styles or just cause it is new.. i want the styles. I am not crying for the oh so bad miss rate.. i am ok i hit and miss but i get my damage done, sometimes i have had bad miss rates but doesn't this happen to all of us once a while :) ?

That said i have to mention i am in guild Nemesis,which happens to be very PvE active guild, lot's of TG raids etc ... now this is where h2h weaponskill falls in trouble compared to warriors and zerkers but i get my hits there aswell .. so not really reason to whine .

Only way where weaponskill really has got me in trouble were duels with zerkers ... i have duelled about 4 of them, and they just parry me like there's no tommorrow, i am afraid to try duel with any warrior, the outcome might be nto so pretty :)

K what was this topic bout anyway ?


Originally posted by Arnor2
"To quote Waterman from another thread on the Rogue boards.

This means that *potentially* someone with 50Axe/20LA will have the same damage output as someone with 50Thrust/20DW, in reality the damage output will be slightly lower because the offhand will hit for less overall

"in reality the damage output will be slightly lower" I repeat again. The numbers for the style damage were spot on still and thats what mythic changed. This maybe reduces the zerker damage by what? 3%?


Re: Re: For all you Watermans-stylesheet LA-wankers:

Originally posted by Meatballs
"in reality the damage output will be slightly lower" I repeat again. The numbers for the style damage were spot on still and thats what mythic changed. This maybe reduces the zerker damage by what? 3%?

No, it probably won't reduce a zerkers damage at all. At 50 LA the LA weaponskill is the same as the main hand, therefore those figures for overall unstyled DPS were correct.

It's LA pre level 50 where the problem lies... and therefore overall non-styled DPS of a CD/DW user will be higher. But as I said before the haste effect that LA gets more than makes up for this. In the case of the 4.4 main hand / 2.2 off hand example, the overall non-styled DPS of a zerker will be lower than that of the CD/DW user pre level 30, but from level 31 LA onwards, the zerker has a higher DPS.

In short... LA base damage is lower than CD/DW in low levels and higher than CD/DW in higher levels. Zerkers can complain about this all they want, but then I don't think I'll see many zerkers dual wielding with only 20 points in LA just to prove a point.

I'd be interested to hear the specs of all the dual wielding zerkers that have posted here. I'd love to find out how many of them have less than 30 LA.

edit: correction... it's not LA pre level 50 where the problem is... it's where LA is below the level of the person's main weapon. Someone with eg. 44 slash, 50 DW will have an even greater disadvantage with the offhand weapon, against a zerker with 44 axe, 50 LA, than a dual wielder with 50 slash, 50 DW would. This is therefore another advantage LA has over CD/DW.


Originally posted by lofff
sorry but this is like.. impossible.


unbuffed zerker hit my 29(-10scale) ass for 1k dmg with doublefrost, anytime style. this is WRONG. I dont give a fuck about offhand dmg, he still did hit me for 903dmg with main. OK?

stop crying now please, 20zerkers were camping amg yesterday, sprinting and doublefrosting every thing in sight.. zerklings? fuck off alrdy.

This isn't what this thread is about, but in that screeny the troll is qui debuffed ;)


Re: Re: Re: For all you Watermans-stylesheet LA-wankers:

Originally posted by iziz
In short... LA base damage is lower than CD/DW in low levels and higher than CD/DW in higher levels. Zerkers can complain about this all they want, but then I don't think I'll see many zerkers dual wielding with only 20 points in LA just to prove a point.

Arnors original post mentions the impact this has on berserkers is less, it's shadowblades who will feel this effect most.


Re: Re: Re: Re: For all you Watermans-stylesheet LA-wankers:

Originally posted by Gekul
Arnors original post mentions the impact this has on berserkers is less, it's shadowblades who will feel this effect most.

If you're talking about 2H critblades, left axe doesn't become an issue. If you're talking about shadowzerkers, it's also not an issue... I can't see many of them speccing under 30 left axe. 5 specs might be an issue, although it depends on how they've decided to spec. In the case of the 5 spec though, it can't be that much of a burden. The DPS difference between 25-35 LA is negligable (compared to 25-35 CD/DW), and they get the advantage of the higher style damage and being guaranteed (well almost - depending on misses etc) of getting the 2 poisons off.


It will make a diff to any SB with LA spec, because we never hit like freight trains. Currently with 44 LA spec I only expect to hit for maybe 200 so a 30-40% reduction is signifigant.

But at least it might mean a growth in Scouts and Rangers as the number of SB's let alone SB's with SH. So we can all look forward to more nerf scouts as we notice more arrows hitting us for 1000 too.


Sorry if this offends anybody, but

Who really, honestly cares??

So what, one class does a bit more damage than another one, but if you really care this much maybe you shouldn't play the game. I know it's been used before and it will be used again, but

it is a GAME

From (only one i could be bothered to find at this time :) )
An activity providing entertainment or amusement

If you don't think the game is fair don't play it, I know this is a very simplistic view, but it's the truth.

There will always be a class somebody complains is Uberer than another, and to some extent maybe they're right, but Mythic will never get the game so everyone is happy and I'd be very surprised if that was their ultimate goal at this time (aside from the money issue).

Stupid message lengths.......


Anyway, thats my beliefs, I may add that I currently don't have a level 50 (and have been playing since release) so I don't have much experience in the RvR sector (this is probably highly flamable but......) In my opinion If you don't like it, eat some cabbage or lettuce (something crunchy) and if after that you still don't like it, then you haven't eaten enough.


Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: For all you Watermans-stylesheet LA-wankers:

Originally posted by iziz
If you're talking about 2H critblades, left axe doesn't become an issue. If you're talking about shadowzerkers, it's also not an issue... I can't see many of them speccing under 30 left axe. 5 specs might be an issue, although it depends on how they've decided to spec. In the case of the 5 spec though, it can't be that much of a burden. The DPS difference between 25-35 LA is negligable (compared to 25-35 CD/DW), and they get the advantage of the higher style damage and being guaranteed (well almost - depending on misses etc) of getting the 2 poisons off.

Shadowblades didn't spec left axe so they could duel wield without a penalty, they specced it for the styles. CS styles will do more, so why spec LA, a style line your never going to use? It's been relegated to CD/DW level.
Except with CD/DW you have the choice. Leave it, with no penalty. Or spec it, increasing your damage.
With LA, it's a choice of leave it, with reduced damage, and an offhand that will hit rarely (low specced weapon?), and if it does hit, it will be for small damage. Or spec it for a reduced penalty (which takes points away from your other lines).
Doesn't seem fair to me.

Watermans flawed page was used on almost every board and nerf LA thread. This is the proof!!11 was posted often, by bitter albs mostly. The trouble is, the conclusions it made were biased, and the way people interpreted it was also wrong. It was quoted by whiners who didn't view things from other perspectives; I never do that type of damage!!!1. Forgetting to mention the 9 second stun and other advantages their class lived with.
So, this flawed page was used as proof by ignorant whiners who didn't like losing every now and then.
The worst thing about this being used as a bible by poor losers, despite the fact that it's wrong, was that it was comparing the LA style line to CD/DW, a line that mercs and BMs won't use and assassins won't spec.
Nice comparison :great:


Originally posted by thorungla
It will make a diff to any SB with LA spec, because we never hit like freight trains. Currently with 44 LA spec I only expect to hit for maybe 200 so a 30-40% reduction is signifigant.

But at least it might mean a growth in Scouts and Rangers as the number of SB's let alone SB's with SH. So we can all look forward to more nerf scouts as we notice more arrows hitting us for 1000 too.

hehe well i hit dmg cap earlier on unbuffed against a luri chanter. 522 dmg with snowsqual.. although i asked the champ there on irc to qui debuff/haste debuff me first ;p

i kinda agree that yeah LA did do some sick dmg when in the hads of someone that specs in order to really kick ass.. but for your everyday average mr joe bloggs.. this nurf is really gonna hurt them the most.

what makes me laught is going by the logs ive seen so far from pendragon of both zerk and sb dmg. slash spec infils/shades are gonna explode in popularity because main reason is they totally annihilate SB`s on pendragon. Even the SB TL himself has said he hasnt won a single 1 vs 1 against another rogue class since the nurf went live. Hell he even lost a fight with a scout who was unbuffed. he was buffed. He`s 5-spec btw the most common of templates.


Engelskt uppslagsord

vagn (substantiv)
vagn på vilken ett musikkapell befinner sig i synnerhet under parader.


I've been looking at these screenies and logs that people have been posting on these LA whine threads, I really don't understand how they get so high dmg :/

I'm capped in all stats, I have 60qui,(base for a norse)

I'm 50axe 50la

I use 99%qua weapons,
Main hand: DB Axe
Off hand: Hand Axe

and I hit for 300 at most.

I'm curious to how people get this dmg so high :/

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