Fins List Must B Disbanded



Re: at last

Originally posted by eneq
Qoute time !!!

"No, you've missed the point again. The list restricts access to this group for only those with too much time on their hands. The rest are refused access to xp at this spot, ever. This is not right. Do you understand me now? "

WAs waiting for someone to sum it up !!!!

Strangelly many that have replied to my post have been bugged about XP is bad at fins. Missed the whole point with the post from start.

To Novamir.
Well u abonded Hib for mids so u can annoy me whenever u want !!! ;p
Just kill me and then dance. I really get annoyed when males try to dance with me and dances badly....

BTW whats your middy char name ? So i can show u how real men dance.
That assuming u went to mid and joined the xp killing NP at fins crim ?

BTW i think NP is really good RvR group but hate that they must b lowlifes and XP kill. Especially being 3 fg attacking a group of 8 battling fins.
On the other hand we all in hib must say thanx to them for taking the old Envenom from hib and take him to mid. ;p

i dont remember joining midgard, please enlighten me :)


Wow I didn't know that either. What's you char called mate? ~;D


Baaah novamir

i read this and tought wrong i guess.

"We got a couple of Hibs in NP pvp, just some ppl we have gotten to know through IRC and meet our requirments

Baaah i guess either 2 things.
1, I read the post wrong and n00000bamiiiiir isnt a the "PvP" kids talk i tought it was.
I have read alot of so called PvP posts both in DAOC and back in UO days and alll calls eachother noobs. (or even worser thinbgs like FU etc etc but just in friendly manner)
I guessed Noobamir (baah cant bother to spell like the NP guildleader) was a short for Novamir.

2, U joined NP for the upcoming PvPserver. And thus not gone Midland quit yet. Or rather u maybe stays in hib but join the NP XP killing fins experts.

So know i have enlighten u m8 !!
So plz wich one if the above was correct ?


Hes joining NP in the upcomming PvP server i guess


truth finally reveiled

Well I heard from reliable source I can't disclose than Novamir joined Mid and is now playing Aucard.

Please stay discret about this, it's sensitive information.



Btw we need alb list at Emain too, far too much hibs tonight and groups were stealing each other pulls etc.. So let's make like fins and do a list?


u sure

Tought aucard was the new char of envenom ?
Well we all tought so becasue AUCARD attacked a lvl 36 mage that wanted to try some RvR with us. WEll of course the mage was all alone (lagged behind) so was in adept what a guy like envenom would do (grey kill peeps)
Lucky for the lvl 36 mage we had just noticed he was missing and reach him as Aucard was about to kill him.

But best if Novamir explains the real facts..

Well a albs list sounds good but rnt there other and better spots u can camp ?
The rp in emain is shite and we did that at lvl 36 killing lvl 50 albs soo. And beside the albs r lousy loot m8.

And basically if there is at least 2 fg in emain u should go EZ or other spots,
The alb TK spawn can just spawn enough for 1 FG m8, But sometime u can pull to many and get wiped ;/ but if u notice u getting massive lagg u should run and hide for 10 secs usually means that there coming 30-40 of them.
and the mid TK has the slowest respawn timer i never seen.


Re: truth finally reveiled

Originally posted by Cuthervaen
Well I heard from reliable source I can't disclose than Novamir joined Mid and is now playing Aucard.

Please stay discret about this, it's sensitive information.


i know hes not on nova but IS playing daoc



dont know if it helps but novamir was on mirc talking bout his new skald today?



stop confusing the poor bastard

and you k9 - u know i cant play any games bitch :(




novamir plays a runemaster called Karl now on mid excalibur


Originally posted by Cuthervaen
Btw we need alb list at Emain too, far too much hibs tonight and groups were stealing each other pulls etc.. So let's make like fins and do a list?

Agreed. Let's do a DF prince list with the albs and mids too.


Enechanter why dont you just shut the fuck up lol if i see any grey weather its albs/hib i will kill on site not just because there grey because they piss me off when they spamm there alliance telling them where ppl are thats why i kill greys.

i told u a long time enechanter when we 1st found the fins spot not to tell anyone but as your greed for exp went on u invited some outsiders didnt you well its ur own fucking fualt.stop whinning and get on with it you fool.

btw mids didnt take me i went of my own free will purly because i was FUCKING BORED WITH HIB THERE GET IT? ANYONE ELSE WANNA KNOW WHY I LEFT?????????????????????????



lol @ envenom, wtf?

but i didnt know eneq= enechanter

anyhow, fins list won't be disbanded because its the fairest way to get new ppl to the group without just telling them to fuck off. first come / first serve. oh and whoever can wait the longest :)


I went to Alton Towers (for non-uk, its a theme park ) a few months ago (again ) and they had what they called Virtual Queueing systems. You went up to a ticket machine for the ride you wanted to go on and it gave you a ticket that had a time slot, i.e. 1pm - 2pm. You come back between 1 and 2 pm and go into this special queue that bypasses all those who queued the usual way.

Wonderful analogy. Except the people that are already on the ride won't get off, and continue to ride all day. When they do leave they sneak a friend into their place, so unless your face fits you never actually get to go on the ride.

And if you do try to get a quick go they call YOU selfish, for jumping the queue.

This is not Everquest. Please do not try to impose Everquest ideals into the game.


Originally posted by Ch@meleon
All those I know who have done, or currently do add themselves to the list, spend A LOT of time waiting to get their go. Many people cant do this, and so they cant xp there. That's the point. I'm not sure how many different ways I can say it. Personally I dont want to xp there, but i do disagree with the idea of the list.

ok so you disagree with the list. lets pretend the list is removed now ok? *swosh* - byebye. how does that make it easier for people to xp at the fins spot?



Originally posted by old.Foldroll

Wonderful analogy. Except the people that are already on the ride won't get off, and continue to ride all day. When they do leave they sneak a friend into their place, so unless your face fits you never actually get to go on the ride.

And if you do try to get a quick go they call YOU selfish, for jumping the queue.

Try to stay real here please - what chameleon wants is to come to the ride at 1800 and then walk past the line of people who has been waiting for huurs and kick out someone who is allready seated (and may have been waiting for a long time aswell) so that HE can ride, because HE didnt have time to stand in line.



Originally posted by old.giriam
ok so you disagree with the list. lets pretend the list is removed now ok? *swosh* - byebye. how does that make it easier for people to xp at the fins spot?G

I don't think we are talking about the same thing here. I think your arguing something I'm not even talking about, but this has been a lengthy and confusing thread. I don't think we need to go down any new avenues, we're on 'last page' as it is, im sure u agree.


Originally posted by old.giriam
Try to stay real here please - what chameleon wants is to come to the ride at 1800 and then walk past the line of people who has been waiting for huurs and kick out someone who is allready seated (and may have been waiting for a long time aswell) so that HE can ride, because HE didnt have time to stand in line.G

No dude, you are confused. Maybe I'll explain this to you in-game to save me having to write it again, worded differently and continue this already too long thread.


now i heard it all
envenom found the fins spot




PUT ME DOWN FOR TEH FINS LIST !! <stamps feet and threatens to take ball home :eek: >



Originally posted by Envenom2
Enechanter why dont you just shut the fuck up lol if i see any grey weather its albs/hib i will kill on site not just because there grey because they piss me off when they spamm there alliance telling them where ppl are thats why i kill greys.

i told u a long time enechanter when we 1st found the fins spot not to tell anyone but as your greed for exp went on u invited some outsiders didnt you well its ur own fucking fualt.stop whinning and get on with it you fool.

btw mids didnt take me i went of my own free will purly because i was FUCKING BORED WITH HIB THERE GET IT? ANYONE ELSE WANNA KNOW WHY I LEFT?????????????????????????


Well i can c that envenow havent change since his move to midside. :p

Still the same lovely kid as usual.
Still have the strangest view since (wrong word ? ) some guys tought the world was flat.

I must clarify that envenom WASNT part of my PBAOE group !!
I cant stand him for more then 1 hours max in same group.
He was in same guild as some of the guys i did XP with and we powerlvl some guildmembers.

He WASNT with us first times at fins.
He begged and whined himself to a couple of sessions..

Envenom was the biggest obstacle for some DDi members (including me) to join OBSIDIAN ORDER.

Hope i have really showed i dont want to b known in same sentence as Envenom. Or Aucard nowdays ??

BTW it says last page, wont this thread go longer then 5 pages ?

And Novamir u havent answered my previous questions ??
R u playing DAOC or not ?
BTW u dont need to answer becasue its your life and your decions, I dont mind if u play midagard or whatever. Just cuoriuos. (sp is really bad last hour at work).


i feel the same about u enechanter because ur such a greedy git when it came to exp il say nothing more.

i think it was only you and banjax that didn join OO but what does that matter you have praticaly bought everyones account in DDI so look enechanter is DDI every char u see running around is enechanter thats how sad u are.

and im really glad didnt join because id have kicked you out within the 1st 5mins of me hearing ur name kthxbye


Originally posted by Envenom2
i feel the same about u enechanter because ur such a greedy git when it came to exp il say nothing more.

i think it was only you and banjax that didn join OO but what does that matter you have praticaly bought everyones account in DDI so look enechanter is DDI every char u see running around is enechanter thats how sad u are.

and im really glad didnt join because id have kicked you out within the 1st 5mins of me hearing ur name kthxbye

Baah u still think peeps give a damn what u say ?
U must surely know that Dulak (GM of OBS) and several members in OBS had a officer spot for me if i had chosen to go OBS ?

It must b strange that u could kick me out and all other members was begging to get me in ? But as usual your views and logic thinking isnt really the same as the rest of humankind.
Either u a genius or just a stupid kid..guess what i think.

BTW when u posted u where leaving hibernia on the hib forum u didnt wonder why the mosts posts was cheering and clapping hands ?

I havent bought a single acc from no-one !!
Strangely the most peeps that played with me on reg basis lends me there acc to use how often i want .. U think no-one will ever give u his acc info ?

I have 7 acc i can use. And not only in DDi there is other also. There been up to 9 acc but 2 is inactive.

Its nice to have 5 lvl 48+ chars u can play. Make the game not so boring.

Oooh btw who didnt join OBS was Banny,Banjax, Highlight, Gestalt, Darkdancer, Me etc etc.

So plz go to Mid and cont killing greys. Hope u get the respect u should get.


erm actaully gestalt,darkdancer did join mate but they left to join alliance of power which is fair enough.

yes i know they had an officer spot for you.I think the main the reason we didnt get on enechanter is because u didnt like it when i spoke the truth about things that were going on mate.

do i actually care on the bye hib post who actually was glad i went or not? I PLAY FOR MYSELF NO OTHER PERSON.

why u blamming me for killing greys? everyone does it so shut it enechanter this post is dead and buried stop whinning about fins and get on with u moaning twat


Nice to see envenom is still the same...
I think this sums it up nicely:

Originally posted by old.Tzeentch
envenom you are such a cunt.


how the fuck can u say u found the fins spot
you must be joking right?


Originally posted by eneq

Still have the strangest view since (wrong word ? ) some guys tought the world was flat.

Actually everyone thought the world was flat. The few with the strange view were the ones that thought it was round.

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